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Last active September 20, 2019 14:23
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spark custom File Stream Source
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CaseInsensitiveMap
class StatefulFileStreamOptions(parameters: CaseInsensitiveMap[String])
extends FileStreamOptions(parameters) {
def this(parameters: Map[String, String]) =
val partitionState: String = parameters
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Invalid value for option 'partitionState', must be a well defined non null String / file path"))
// #########################################################################################
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, SparkSession}
* A very simple source that reads files from the given directory as they appear.
class StatefulFileStreamSource(sparkSession: SparkSession,
path: String,
fileFormatClassName: String,
override val schema: StructType,
partitionColumns: Seq[String],
metadataPath: String,
options: Map[String, String])
extends Source
with Logging {
import StatefulFileStreamSource._
// import FileStreamSource._
// def this () = this(null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
private val sourceOptions = new StatefulFileStreamOptions(options)
private val hadoopConf = sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf()
@transient private val fs = new Path(path).getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
private val qualifiedBasePath: Path = {
fs.makeQualified(new Path(path)) // can contains glob patterns
private val optionsWithPartitionBasePath = sourceOptions.optionMapWithoutPath ++ {
if (!SparkHadoopUtil.get.isGlobPath(new Path(path)) && options.contains(
"path")) {
Map("basePath" -> path)
} else {
private val metadataLog =
new StatefulFileStreamSourceLog(StatefulFileStreamSourceLog.VERSION,
private var metadataLogCurrentOffset =
/** Maximum number of new files to be considered in each batch */
private val maxFilesPerBatch = sourceOptions.maxFilesPerTrigger
/** Initial partition assumed to be already be processed / checkpointed.
* Only partitions greater (lexicographically) will be accepted as new valid files */
private val partitionState = sourceOptions.partitionState
private val fileSortOrder = if (sourceOptions.latestFirst) {
"""'latestFirst' is true. New files will be processed first, which may affect the watermark
|value. In addition, 'maxFileAge' will be ignored.""".stripMargin)
} else {
private val maxFileAgeMs: Long =
if (sourceOptions.latestFirst && maxFilesPerBatch.isDefined) {
} else {
private val fileNameOnly = sourceOptions.fileNameOnly
if (fileNameOnly) {
"'fileNameOnly' is enabled. Make sure your file names are unique (e.g. using " +
"UUID), otherwise, files with the same name but under different paths will be considered " +
"the same and causes data lost.")
/** A mapping from a file that we have processed to some timestamp it was last modified. */
// Visible for testing and debugging in production.
val seenFiles = new SeenFilesMap(maxFileAgeMs, fileNameOnly)
metadataLog.allFiles().foreach { entry =>
seenFiles.add(entry.path, entry.timestamp)
logInfo(s"maxFilesPerBatch = $maxFilesPerBatch, maxFileAgeMs = $maxFileAgeMs")
* Returns the maximum offset that can be retrieved from the source.
* `synchronized` on this method is for solving race conditions in tests. In the normal usage,
* there is no race here, so the cost of `synchronized` should be rare.
private def fetchMaxOffset(): FileStreamSourceOffset = synchronized {
// All the new files found - ignore aged files and files that we have seen.
val newFiles = fetchAllFiles().filter {
case (path, timestamp) => seenFiles.isNewFile(path, timestamp)
// Obey user's setting to limit the number of files in this batch trigger.
val batchFiles =
if (maxFilesPerBatch.nonEmpty) newFiles.take(maxFilesPerBatch.get)
else newFiles
batchFiles.foreach { file =>
seenFiles.add(file._1, file._2)
logDebug(s"New file: $file")
val numPurged = seenFiles.purge()
|Number of new files = ${newFiles.size}
|Number of files selected for batch = ${batchFiles.size}
|Number of seen files = ${seenFiles.size}
|Number of files purged from tracking map = $numPurged
if (batchFiles.nonEmpty) {
metadataLogCurrentOffset += 1
metadataLog.add(metadataLogCurrentOffset, {
case (p, timestamp) =>
StatefulFileEntry(path = p,
timestamp = timestamp,
batchId = metadataLogCurrentOffset)
s"Log offset set to $metadataLogCurrentOffset with ${batchFiles.size} new files")
* For test only. Run `func` with the internal lock to make sure when `func` is running,
* the current offset won't be changed and no new batch will be emitted.
def withBatchingLocked[T](func: => T): T = synchronized {
/** Return the latest offset in the [[FileStreamSourceLog]] */
def currentLogOffset: Long = synchronized { metadataLogCurrentOffset }
* Returns the data that is between the offsets (`start`, `end`].
override def getBatch(start: Option[Offset], end: Offset): DataFrame = {
val startOffset =
val endOffset = FileStreamSourceOffset(end).logOffset
assert(startOffset <= endOffset)
val files =
metadataLog.get(Some(startOffset + 1), Some(endOffset)).flatMap(_._2)
s"Processing ${files.length} files from ${startOffset + 1}:$endOffset")
logTrace(s"Files are:\n\t" + files.mkString("\n\t"))
val newDataSource =
paths =,
userSpecifiedSchema = Some(schema),
partitionColumns = partitionColumns,
className = fileFormatClassName,
options = optionsWithPartitionBasePath
LogicalRelation(newDataSource.resolveRelation(checkFilesExist = false)))
* If the source has a metadata log indicating which files should be read, then we should use it.
* Only when user gives a non-glob path that will we figure out whether the source has some
* metadata log
* None means we don't know at the moment
* Some(true) means we know for sure the source DOES have metadata
* Some(false) means we know for sure the source DOSE NOT have metadata
@volatile private[sql] var sourceHasMetadata: Option[Boolean] =
if (SparkHadoopUtil.get.isGlobPath(new Path(path))) Some(false) else None
private def allFilesUsingInMemoryFileIndex() = {
val globbedPaths =
SparkHadoopUtil.get.globPathIfNecessary(fs, qualifiedBasePath)
val fileIndex = new InMemoryFileIndex(sparkSession,
Some(new StructType))
private def allFilesUsingMetadataLogFileIndex() = {
// Note if `sourceHasMetadata` holds, then `qualifiedBasePath` is guaranteed to be a
// non-glob path
new MetadataLogFileIndex(sparkSession, qualifiedBasePath).allFiles()
* Returns a list of files found, sorted by their timestamp.
private def fetchAllFiles(): Seq[(String, Long)] = {
val startTime = System.nanoTime
var allFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = null
sourceHasMetadata match {
case None =>
if (FileStreamSink.hasMetadata(Seq(path), hadoopConf)) {
sourceHasMetadata = Some(true)
allFiles = allFilesUsingMetadataLogFileIndex()
} else {
allFiles = allFilesUsingInMemoryFileIndex()
if (allFiles.isEmpty) {
// we still cannot decide
} else {
// decide what to use for future rounds
// double check whether source has metadata, preventing the extreme corner case that
// metadata log and data files are only generated after the previous
// `FileStreamSink.hasMetadata` check
if (FileStreamSink.hasMetadata(Seq(path), hadoopConf)) {
sourceHasMetadata = Some(true)
allFiles = allFilesUsingMetadataLogFileIndex()
} else {
sourceHasMetadata = Some(false)
// `allFiles` have already been fetched using InMemoryFileIndex in this round
case Some(true) => allFiles = allFilesUsingMetadataLogFileIndex()
case Some(false) => allFiles = allFilesUsingInMemoryFileIndex()
val files = allFiles
.filter(_.getPath.getName >= partitionState)
.map { status =>
(status.getPath.toUri.toString, status.getModificationTime)
val endTime = System.nanoTime
val listingTimeMs = (endTime.toDouble - startTime) / 1000000
if (listingTimeMs > 2000) {
// Output a warning when listing files uses more than 2 seconds.
logWarning(s"Listed ${files.size} file(s) in $listingTimeMs ms")
} else {
logTrace(s"Listed ${files.size} file(s) in $listingTimeMs ms")
logTrace(s"Files are:\n\t" + files.mkString("\n\t"))
override def getOffset: Option[Offset] =
Some(fetchMaxOffset()).filterNot(_.logOffset == -1)
override def toString: String =
* Informs the source that Spark has completed processing all data for offsets less than or
* equal to `end` and will only request offsets greater than `end` in the future.
override def commit(end: Offset): Unit = {
// No-op for now; StatefulFileStreamSource currently garbage-collects files based on timestamp
// and the value of the maxFileAge parameter.
override def stop() {}
object StatefulFileStreamSource {
/** Timestamp for file modification time, in ms since January 1, 1970 UTC. */
type Timestamp = Long
case class StatefulFileEntry(path: String,
timestamp: Timestamp,
batchId: Long)
extends Serializable
* A custom hash map used to track the list of files seen. This map is not thread-safe.
* To prevent the hash map from growing indefinitely, a purge function is available to
* remove files "maxAgeMs" older than the latest file.
class SeenFilesMap(maxAgeMs: Long, fileNameOnly: Boolean) {
require(maxAgeMs >= 0)
/** Mapping from file to its timestamp. */
private val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, Timestamp]
/** Timestamp of the latest file. */
private var latestTimestamp: Timestamp = 0L
/** Timestamp for the last purge operation. */
private var lastPurgeTimestamp: Timestamp = 0L
@inline private def stripPathIfNecessary(path: String) = {
if (fileNameOnly) new Path(new URI(path)).getName else path
/** Add a new file to the map. */
def add(path: String, timestamp: Timestamp): Unit = {
map.put(stripPathIfNecessary(path), timestamp)
if (timestamp > latestTimestamp) {
latestTimestamp = timestamp
* Returns true if we should consider this file a new file. The file is only considered "new"
* if it is new enough that we are still tracking, and we have not seen it before.
def isNewFile(path: String, timestamp: Timestamp): Boolean = {
// Note that we are testing against lastPurgeTimestamp here so we'd never miss a file that
// is older than (latestTimestamp - maxAgeMs) but has not been purged yet.
timestamp >= lastPurgeTimestamp && !map.containsKey(
/** Removes aged entries and returns the number of files removed. */
def purge(): Int = {
lastPurgeTimestamp = latestTimestamp - maxAgeMs
val iter = map.entrySet().iterator()
var count = 0
while (iter.hasNext) {
val entry =
if (entry.getValue < lastPurgeTimestamp) {
count += 1
def size: Int = map.size()
// #########################################################################################
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import java.util.{LinkedHashMap => JLinkedHashMap}
import java.util.Map.Entry
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StatefulFileStreamSource.StatefulFileEntry
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
class StatefulFileStreamSourceLog(metadataLogVersion: Int,
sparkSession: SparkSession,
path: String)
extends CompactibleFileStreamLog[StatefulFileEntry](metadataLogVersion,
path) {
import CompactibleFileStreamLog._
// Configurations about metadata compaction
protected override val defaultCompactInterval: Int =
require(defaultCompactInterval > 0,
s"(was $defaultCompactInterval) to a positive value.")
protected override val fileCleanupDelayMs =
protected override val isDeletingExpiredLog =
private implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
// A fixed size log entry cache to cache the file entries belong to the compaction batch. It is
// used to avoid scanning the compacted log file to retrieve it's own batch data.
private val cacheSize = compactInterval
private val fileEntryCache =
new JLinkedHashMap[Long, Array[StatefulFileEntry]] {
override def removeEldestEntry(
eldest: Entry[Long, Array[StatefulFileEntry]]): Boolean = {
size() > cacheSize
def compactLogs(logs: Seq[StatefulFileEntry]): Seq[StatefulFileEntry] = {
override def add(batchId: Long, logs: Array[StatefulFileEntry]): Boolean = {
if (super.add(batchId, logs)) {
if (isCompactionBatch(batchId, compactInterval)) {
fileEntryCache.put(batchId, logs)
} else {
override def get(
startId: Option[Long],
endId: Option[Long]): Array[(Long, Array[StatefulFileEntry])] = {
val startBatchId = startId.getOrElse(0L)
val endBatchId = endId.orElse(getLatest().map(_._1)).getOrElse(0L)
val (existedBatches, removedBatches) = (startBatchId to endBatchId)
.map { id =>
if (isCompactionBatch(id, compactInterval) && fileEntryCache
.containsKey(id)) {
(id, Some(fileEntryCache.get(id)))
} else {
val logs = super.get(id).map(_.filter(_.batchId == id))
(id, logs)
// The below code may only be happened when original metadata log file has been removed, so we
// have to get the batch from latest compacted log file. This is quite time-consuming and may
// not be happened in the current FileStreamSource code path, since we only fetch the
// latest metadata log file.
val searchKeys =
val retrievedBatches = if (searchKeys.nonEmpty) {
s"Get batches from removed files, this is unexpected in the current code path!!!")
val latestBatchId = getLatest().map(_._1).getOrElse(-1L)
if (latestBatchId < 0) {
Map.empty[Long, Option[Array[StatefulFileEntry]]]
} else {
val latestCompactedBatchId =
getAllValidBatches(latestBatchId, compactInterval)(0)
val allLogs =
new mutable.HashMap[Long, mutable.ArrayBuffer[StatefulFileEntry]]
super.get(latestCompactedBatchId).foreach { entries =>
entries.foreach { e =>
allLogs.getOrElse(e.batchId, mutable.ArrayBuffer()) += e)
.map(id => id -> allLogs.get(id).map(_.toArray))
} else {
Map.empty[Long, Option[Array[StatefulFileEntry]]]
val batches =
(existedBatches ++ retrievedBatches)
.map(i => i._1 -> i._2.get)
HDFSMetadataLog.verifyBatchIds(, startId, endId)
object StatefulFileStreamSourceLog {
val VERSION = 1
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geoHeil commented Sep 19, 2019


val df = spark.readStream
    .option("partitionState", "/path/to/data/dt=20190101")

fails with:

InstantiationException: org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StatefulFileStreamSource
  at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
  at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceSchema(DataSource.scala:196)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceInfo$lzycompute(DataSource.scala:88)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceInfo(DataSource.scala:88)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamingRelation$.apply(StreamingRelation.scala:30)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.load(DataStreamReader.scala:150)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.load(DataStreamReader.scala:159)
  ... 53 elided
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StatefulFileStreamSource.<init>()
  at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
  at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
  ... 59 more

even though it is basically an exact copy of the original FileStreamSource. Why is the constructor not found?

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