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Last active April 4, 2018 09:12
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spark term frequency
// Copyright (C) 2017 Georg Heiler
package ir
import com.databricks.spark.corenlp.functions._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import net.ruippeixotog.scalascraper.browser.JsoupBrowser
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SaveMode, SparkSession }
import org.apache.spark.{ CustomTextFile, SparkConf }
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
case class RawRecords(path: String, content: String)
case class TokenOccurence(documentID: String, count: Int)
case class InvertedIndex(word: String, documents: Seq[TokenOccurence])
case class DocumentTokenized(topic: String, lemma: String)
object IndexCreation extends App {
val confIndex = ConfigFactory.load()
val stopWords = confIndex.getStringList("indexCreation.stopwords").asScala
val browser = JsoupBrowser()
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
.set("spark.executor.memory", "11G")
.set("spark.default.parallelism", "12")
.set("spark.speculation", "true")
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
import spark.implicits._
val broadcastStopWords = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(stopWords)
val dataPath = ".." + File.separator + "data" + File.separator
// val path = dataPath + "small" // only minimal sample with 3 files
val path = dataPath + "TREC8all" + File.separator + "Adhoc" + File.separator + "*"
val minimalPartitions = spark.conf.getOption("spark.default.parallelism").map(_.toInt).getOrElse(12)
val df = CustomTextFile.wholeTextFiles(spark, path, minimalPartitions).toDF
.withColumnRenamed("_1", "path")
.withColumnRenamed("_2", "content")
println(s"number of files ${"path").distinct.count}")
val distinctWords = udf((xs: Seq[String]) => xs.distinct)
val topics = df
.filter('content isNotNull)
.filter(length('content) > 5) // remove documents with *empty* content
val wordcountPerTopic = topics
split('content, " ").alias("words")
.withColumn("uniqueWordCount", size(distinctWords('words)))
.withColumn("allWordCount", size(distinctWords('words)))
println(s"count number of ALL topics: ${topics.count}")
println(s"count ALL words ofALL documents: ${'allWordCount).cast("int")).as[Int].first}")
println(s"average word count forALL documents: ${'uniqueWordCount).cast("int")).as[Int].first}")
println("counting all words per topic")
// as a single word
// perform proper stopwords removal
// todo find a better/nicer way to write it
val tokens = topics
// .withColumn("lemma", explode(lemma('content))) // TODO some token are [] which crash lemmatizer
.withColumn("lemma", explode(tokenize('content)))
.filter(length($"lemma") > 1)
.withColumn("isStopword", when('lemma isin (broadcastStopWords.value: _*), 1).otherwise(0))
.filter($"isStopword" =!= 1)
.drop("content", "isStopword", "filepath")
val indexedTokens =[DocumentTokenized].flatMap {
case d: DocumentTokenized => d.lemma.trim.split("""[^\p{IsAlphabetic}]+""").map(word => (word, d.topic))
}.map {
case (lemma, topic) => ((lemma, topic), 1)
.reduceByKey {
(count1, count2) => count1 + count2
}.map {
case ((word, path), n) => (word, (path, n))
val groupedStuff = indexedTokens.groupBy($"_1".alias("word"))
groupedStuff.repartition(1).write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).json(".." + File.separator + "mapReduceIndex.json")
wordcountPerTopic.repartition(1).write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).json(".." + File.separator + "wordCountPerTopic.json")
println(s"elements in index: ${groupedStuff.count}")
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