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Last active November 13, 2022 22:42
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  • Save geoffeg/b0a75c30fec60de51e775a9c03072ef2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geoffeg/b0a75c30fec60de51e775a9c03072ef2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cp templates/feed-header.tmpl $BLOG_ROOT/feed.xml
cp templates/list-header.tmpl $BLOG_ROOT/index.html
find posts -not -path '*/\.*' -type f -iname '*.md' -print0 | sort |
while IFS= read -r -d '' POST; do
echo $POST
POST_TITLE=$(head -n1 "$POST" | cut -c3-)
DESCRIPTION=$(grep -m 1 '## ' "$POST" | cut -c4-)
POST_DATE=$(sed '3q;d' "$POST" | cut -c3-)
# Generate the blog post
pandoc "$POST" -o $BLOG_ROOT/"$POST_TITLE.html" \
--template templates/post.tmpl \
-B <( echo '<a href="/blog">Parent Directory</a>' ) \
-M author="Geoff Gallaway" \ \
-f markdown -t html5 -T "geoffeg's blog"
# Generate the index file
pandoc "$POST" \
--template templates/list-item.tmpl \
-M subtitle="$DESCRIPTION" \
-f markdown -t html5 >> $BLOG_ROOT/index.html
# Generate the RSS feed
POST_URL+=$(urlencode "$POST_TITLE.html")
POST_DATE_RSS=$(date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" --date "$POST_DATE")
pandoc "$POST" \
--template templates/feed-item.tmpl \
-M subtitle="$DESCRIPTION" \
-M url="$POST_URL" \
-M date="$POST_DATE_RSS" \
-f markdown -t html5 >> $BLOG_ROOT/feed.xml
cat templates/list-footer.tmpl >> $BLOG_ROOT/index.html
cat templates/feed-footer.tmpl >> $BLOG_ROOT/feed.xml
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