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Ortools RoutingModel not finding best solution to a VRP in a 14-node example
#include "or_tools_route.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
using operations_research::RoutingModel;
#define DEPOT_COUNT 4#include "or_tools_route.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_flags.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
using operations_research::RoutingModel;
#define DEPOT_COUNT 4
#define STOP_COUNT 14
#define SWAP_ROW_0 0
#define SWAP_ROW_1 1
// The first four rows and columns of the distance matrix are the depots.
// In the test, we run with the DM as it is, and obtain an objective of
// 12409m, then swap the places of the depot 0 and depot 1 in the matrix
// and solve again, obtaining an objective of 11567.
// We think the optimal objective should not change with the ordering of the
// depots, and wonder if we are specifying the depots incorrectly.
// We've tested the same code with:
// - a variety of search parameters
// - a symmetric distance matrix (what's below is not)
// - different depot orderings in the depots vector when calling the
// the RoutingModel constructor.
// None of this seems to make a difference.
long long distance_matrix[STOP_COUNT][STOP_COUNT] = {
{ 0, 1962, 3203, 1222, 714, 3798, 1879, 2729, 354, 2371, 3238, 2712, 2522, 1334 },
{ 1962, 0, 1811, 2350, 1541, 2406, 2436, 1640, 2080, 1282, 1921, 1065, 1082, 861 },
{ 3203, 1811, 0, 3591, 2816, 924, 3569, 2139, 3321, 2088, 1683, 1472, 1489, 2102 },
{ 1234, 2350, 3591, 0, 1640, 4133, 834, 3655, 1038, 3297, 3861, 3231, 3248, 2128 },
{ 714, 1541, 2816, 1640, 0, 3411, 2295, 2015, 1016, 1657, 2524, 1998, 1808, 800 },
{ 3798, 2406, 924, 4126, 3411, 0, 3982, 2409, 3916, 2576, 1843, 1893, 2023, 2697 },
{ 1889, 2436, 3575, 834, 2295, 3988, 0, 3892, 1693, 3534, 3931, 3301, 3318, 2441 },
{ 2729, 1633, 2139, 3655, 2015, 2409, 3885, 0, 3031, 360, 1114, 937, 974, 1944 },
{ 354, 2080, 3321, 1038, 1016, 3916, 1693, 3031, 0, 2673, 3540, 2961, 2824, 1504 },
{ 2371, 1275, 2088, 3297, 1657, 2576, 3527, 360, 2673, 0, 1404, 881, 721, 1586 },
{ 3238, 1921, 1683, 3861, 2524, 1843, 3931, 1114, 3540, 1404, 0, 1000, 1325, 2372 },
{ 2712, 1065, 1472, 3193, 1998, 1893, 3263, 937, 2923, 881, 1000, 0, 469, 1704 },
{ 2522, 1082, 1489, 3210, 1808, 2023, 3280, 974, 2824, 721, 1325, 469, 0, 1721 },
{ 1334, 861, 2102, 2128, 800, 2697, 2441, 1944, 1504, 1586, 2372, 1742, 1737, 0 }
class trip_cost_object
public: long long trip_cost(RoutingModel::NodeIndex a, RoutingModel::NodeIndex b)
return distance_matrix[a.value()][b.value()];
void solve(int run_number)
trip_cost_object tco;
std::vector<std::pair<RoutingModel::NodeIndex, RoutingModel::NodeIndex> > depots;
for (int depoti = 0; depoti < DEPOT_COUNT; ++depoti)
depots.push_back(std::make_pair(RoutingModel::NodeIndex(depoti), RoutingModel::NodeIndex(depoti)));
RoutingModel R(STOP_COUNT, DEPOT_COUNT, depots);
R.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(NewPermanentCallback(&tco, &trip_cost_object::trip_cost));
auto P =
auto plan = R.SolveWithParameters(P);
printf("Run %d, Objective: %lld m\n", run_number, plan->ObjectiveValue());
std::vector<std::vector<RoutingModel::NodeIndex>> routes;
R.AssignmentToRoutes(*plan, &routes);
int obj = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); ++i)
int prev = i;
printf(" Depot %d: ", i);
for (int j = 0; j < routes[i].size(); ++j)
int next = routes[i][j].value();
printf("(%4lld m) %2d ", distance_matrix[prev][next], next);
obj += distance_matrix[prev][next];
prev = next;
obj += distance_matrix[prev][i];
printf("(%4lld m)\n", distance_matrix[prev][i]);
printf(" Measured objective: %d m\n\n", obj);
void swap_depots()
long long temp;
for (int i = 0; i < STOP_COUNT; ++i)
temp = distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_0];
distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_0] = distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_1];
distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_1] = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < STOP_COUNT; ++i)
temp = distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_0][i];
distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_0][i] = distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_1][i];
distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_1][i] = temp;
int main()
return 0;
#define STOP_COUNT 14
#define SWAP_ROW_0 0
#define SWAP_ROW_1 1
// The first four rows and columns of the distance matrix are the depots.
// In the test, we run with the DM as it is, and obtain an objective of
// 12409m, then swap the places of the depot 0 and depot 1 in the matrix
// and solve again, obtaining an objective of 11567.
// We think the optimal objective should not change with the ordering of the
// depots, and wonder if we are specifying the depots incorrectly.
// We've tested the same code with:
// - a variety of search parameters
// - a symmetric distance matrix (what's below is not)
// - different depot orderings in the depots vector when calling the
// the RoutingModel constructor.
// None of this seems to make a difference.
long long distance_matrix[STOP_COUNT][STOP_COUNT] = {
{ 0, 1962, 3203, 1222, 714, 3798, 1879, 2729, 354, 2371, 3238, 2712, 2522, 1334 },
{ 1962, 0, 1811, 2350, 1541, 2406, 2436, 1640, 2080, 1282, 1921, 1065, 1082, 861 },
{ 3203, 1811, 0, 3591, 2816, 924, 3569, 2139, 3321, 2088, 1683, 1472, 1489, 2102 },
{ 1234, 2350, 3591, 0, 1640, 4133, 834, 3655, 1038, 3297, 3861, 3231, 3248, 2128 },
{ 714, 1541, 2816, 1640, 0, 3411, 2295, 2015, 1016, 1657, 2524, 1998, 1808, 800 },
{ 3798, 2406, 924, 4126, 3411, 0, 3982, 2409, 3916, 2576, 1843, 1893, 2023, 2697 },
{ 1889, 2436, 3575, 834, 2295, 3988, 0, 3892, 1693, 3534, 3931, 3301, 3318, 2441 },
{ 2729, 1633, 2139, 3655, 2015, 2409, 3885, 0, 3031, 360, 1114, 937, 974, 1944 },
{ 354, 2080, 3321, 1038, 1016, 3916, 1693, 3031, 0, 2673, 3540, 2961, 2824, 1504 },
{ 2371, 1275, 2088, 3297, 1657, 2576, 3527, 360, 2673, 0, 1404, 881, 721, 1586 },
{ 3238, 1921, 1683, 3861, 2524, 1843, 3931, 1114, 3540, 1404, 0, 1000, 1325, 2372 },
{ 2712, 1065, 1472, 3193, 1998, 1893, 3263, 937, 2923, 881, 1000, 0, 469, 1704 },
{ 2522, 1082, 1489, 3210, 1808, 2023, 3280, 974, 2824, 721, 1325, 469, 0, 1721 },
{ 1334, 861, 2102, 2128, 800, 2697, 2441, 1944, 1504, 1586, 2372, 1742, 1737, 0 }
class trip_cost_object
public: long long trip_cost(RoutingModel::NodeIndex a, RoutingModel::NodeIndex b)
return distance_matrix[a.value()][b.value()];
void solve(int run_number)
trip_cost_object tco;
std::vector<std::pair<RoutingModel::NodeIndex, RoutingModel::NodeIndex> > depots;
for (int depoti = 0; depoti < DEPOT_COUNT; ++depoti)
depots.push_back(std::make_pair(RoutingModel::NodeIndex(depoti), RoutingModel::NodeIndex(depoti)));
RoutingModel R(STOP_COUNT, DEPOT_COUNT, depots);
R.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(NewPermanentCallback(&tco, &trip_cost_object::trip_cost));
auto plan = R.Solve();
printf("Run %d, Objective: %lld m\n", run_number, plan->ObjectiveValue());
std::vector<std::vector<RoutingModel::NodeIndex>> routes;
R.AssignmentToRoutes(*plan, &routes);
int obj = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); ++i)
int prev = i;
printf(" Depot %d: ", i);
for (int j = 0; j < routes[i].size(); ++j)
int next = routes[i][j].value();
printf("(%4lld m) %2d ", distance_matrix[prev][next], next);
obj += distance_matrix[prev][next];
prev = next;
obj += distance_matrix[prev][i];
printf("(%4lld m)\n", distance_matrix[prev][i]);
printf(" Measured objective: %d m\n\n", obj);
void swap_depots()
long long temp;
for (int i = 0; i < STOP_COUNT; ++i)
temp = distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_0];
distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_0] = distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_1];
distance_matrix[i][SWAP_ROW_1] = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < STOP_COUNT; ++i)
temp = distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_0][i];
distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_0][i] = distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_1][i];
distance_matrix[SWAP_ROW_1][i] = temp;
int main()
return 0;
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