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Last active September 7, 2023 09:53
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example_autodiff_stts, accompanied by this readout:
// include for size_t
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <tuple>
//#include <unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor>
//#define ODIN_CONST
#include <autodiff/forward/dual.hpp>
#include <autodiff/forward/dual/eigen.hpp>
#include <autodiff/forward/real.hpp>
#include <autodiff/forward/real/eigen.hpp>
using namespace autodiff;
////#define ODIN_CONST const
#include <Eigen/LU>
#include <Eigen/QR>
#include <iomanip>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor>
template<typename Scalar, int Dimensions>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Dimensions> &tensor) {
if (Dimensions < 1) return os;// Invalid for tensors with less than one dimension
Eigen::array<Eigen::Index, Dimensions> dims;
for (int i = 0; i < Dimensions; ++i) { dims[i] = tensor.dimension(i); }
std::vector<Eigen::Index> index(Dimensions, 0);// Initialize index vector to zeros
if (Dimensions == 1) {
// Specific case for 1D tensor (vector)
for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < dims[0]; ++index[0]) {
Eigen::array<Eigen::Index, Dimensions> index_array = {index[0]};
os << std::setw(10) << tensor.coeff(index_array);
os << "\n";
return os;
auto print_recursive
= [&](auto &self, int dim, std::vector<Eigen::Index> index_so_far) -> void {
if (dim == Dimensions - 1) {
for (index[dim] = 0; index[dim] < dims[dim]; ++index[dim]) {
Eigen::array<Eigen::Index, Dimensions> index_array;
std::copy(index.begin(), index.end(), index_array.begin());
os << std::setw(10) << tensor.coeff(index_array);
os << "\n";
} else {
for (index[dim] = 0; index[dim] < dims[dim]; ++index[dim]) {
if (Dimensions > 2
&& dim == Dimensions - 3) {// Only print "Slice" for 3D and higher
std::string einstein_notation = "Slice (";
for (size_t i = 0; i < index_so_far.size(); ++i) {
einstein_notation += std::to_string(index_so_far[i]);
if (i < index_so_far.size() - 1) { einstein_notation += ", "; }
einstein_notation += ", :, ..., :)";
os << einstein_notation << ":\n";
self(self, dim + 1, index_so_far);
index_so_far.pop_back();// Remove the last element to revert the state
print_recursive(print_recursive, 0, {});
return os;
// Function to fill 1st-order tensor
template<typename Fun, typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename U, typename T2>
void sst1(const Fun &eom, const Wrt<Vars...> &wrt, const At<Args...> &at, U &u, T2 &t2) {
long n = wrt_total_length(wrt);
size_t m = 0;
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&j, auto &&xj) constexpr {
u = eval(eom, at, detail::wrt(xj));// Seed xi, xj, xk and evaluate u
if (m == 0) {
m = u.size();
t2.resize(m, n);
auto du = derivative<1>(u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) t2(i, j) = du[i];
// Function to fill 2nd-order state transition tensor
template<typename Fun, typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename U, typename T3, typename T2>
void sst2(const Fun &eom, const Wrt<Vars...> &wrt, const At<Args...> &at, U &u, T3 &t3, T2 &t2) {
using namespace autodiff::detail;
long n = wrt_total_length(wrt);
size_t m = 0;
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&j, auto &&xj) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&k, auto &&xk) constexpr {
static_assert(!isConst<decltype(xj)> && !isConst<decltype(xk)>,
"Expecting non-const autodiff numbers in wrt list because these need to be "
"seeded, and thus altered!");
if (j < j) return;// this take advantage of the fact the Hessian matrix is symmetric
// evaluate u with xi and xj seeded to produce u0, du/dxi, d2u/dxidxj
u = eval(eom, at, detail::wrt(xj, xk));
if (m == 0) {
m = u.size();
t3.resize(m, n, n);
t2.resize(m, n);
if (j == k) {
auto du = derivative<1>(u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) t2(i, j) = du[i];
auto d2u = derivative<2>(u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) t3(i, j, k) = t3(i, k, j) = d2u[i];
// Function to fill 3rd-order state transition tensor
template<typename Fun, typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename U, typename T4>
void sst3(const Fun &eom, const Wrt<Vars...> &wrt, const At<Args...> &at, U &u, T4 &t4) {
using namespace autodiff::detail;
long n = wrt_total_length(wrt);
size_t m = 0;
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&j, auto &&xj) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&k, auto &&xk) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&l, auto &&xl) constexpr {
// TODO: Improve efficiency with symmetry
!isConst<decltype(xj)> && !isConst<decltype(xk)> && !isConst<decltype(xl)>,
"Expecting non-const autodiff numbers in wrt list because these need to be "
"seeded, and thus altered!");
if (j < k || k < l)
return;// this take advantage of the fact the Hessian matrix is symmetric
u = eval(eom, at, detail::wrt(xj, xk, xl));
if (m == 0) {
m = u.size();
t4.resize(m, n, n, n);
auto d3u = derivative<3>(u);
// Fill symmetric entries
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
t4(i, j, k, l) = t4(i, k, j, l) = t4(i, j, l, k) = t4(i, l, j, k)
= t4(i, k, l, j) = t4(i, l, k, j) = d3u[i];
// Function to fill 4th-order state transition tensor
template<typename Fun, typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename U, typename T5>
void sst4(const Fun &eom, const Wrt<Vars...> &wrt, const At<Args...> &at, U &u, T5 &t5) {
long dim_n = wrt_total_length(wrt);
size_t dim_m = 0;
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&j, auto &&xj) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&k, auto &&xk) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&l, auto &&xl) constexpr {
ForEachWrtVar(wrt, [&](auto &&m, auto &&xm) constexpr {
// TODO: Improve efficiency with symmetry
if (j < k || k < l || l < m)
return;// this take advantage of the fact the Hessian matrix is symmetric
u = eval(eom, at, detail::wrt(xj, xk, xl, xm));
if (dim_m == 0) {
dim_m = u.size();
t5.resize(dim_m, dim_n, dim_n, dim_n, dim_n);
auto d4u = derivative<4>(u);
for (int i = 0; i < dim_m; ++i)
t5(i, j, k, l, m) = t5(i, j, k, m, l) = t5(i, j, l, k, m)
= t5(i, j, l, m, k) = t5(i, j, m, k, l) = t5(i, j, m, l, k)
= t5(i, k, j, l, m) = t5(i, k, j, m, l) = t5(i, k, l, j, m)
= t5(i, k, l, m, j) = t5(i, k, m, j, l) = t5(i, k, m, l, j)
= t5(i, l, j, k, m) = t5(i, l, j, m, k) = t5(i, l, k, j, m)
= t5(i, l, k, m, j) = t5(i, l, m, j, k) = t5(i, l, m, k, j)
= t5(i, m, j, k, l) = t5(i, m, j, l, k) = t5(i, m, k, j, l)
= t5(i, m, k, l, j) = t5(i, m, l, j, k) = t5(i, m, l, k, j)
= d4u[i];
// Function to retrieve the Nth-order state transition tensor series
template<int N, typename Fun, typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename... Tensors, typename U>
auto stts(const Fun &eom,
const Wrt<Vars...> &wrt,
const At<Args...> &at,
U &u,
std::tuple<Tensors &...> tensors_tuple) {
using namespace autodiff::detail;
static_assert(sizeof...(Vars) >= 1, "Expecting at least one wrt variable");
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) >= 1, "Expecting at least one at variable");
static_assert(sizeof...(Tensors) >= 1, "Expecting at least one tensor");
static_assert(N >= 1 && N <= 4, "Expecting N to be between 1 and 3");
size_t n = wrt_total_length(wrt);
// For STM (1st order)
// sst1(eom, wrt, at, u, std::get<0>(tensors_tuple));
// For 2nd order
if constexpr (N >= 2) {
sst2(eom, wrt, at, u, std::get<1>(tensors_tuple), std::get<0>(tensors_tuple));
// For 3rd order
if constexpr (N >= 3) { sst3(eom, wrt, at, u, std::get<2>(tensors_tuple)); }
// For 4th order
if constexpr (N >= 4) { sst4(eom, wrt, at, u, std::get<3>(tensors_tuple)); }
template<typename Scalar>
struct ScalarDivision {
Scalar divisor;
explicit ScalarDivision(const Scalar &divisor)
: divisor(divisor) {}
const Scalar operator()(const Scalar &x) const {
return x / divisor;
int main() {
// Define types
using scalar_type = HigherOrderDual<4, double>;// dual1st
using vector_type = Eigen::Matrix<scalar_type, 3, 1>;
using state_type = Eigen::Matrix<scalar_type, 6, 1>;
using tensor1_type = Eigen::Tensor<scalar_type, 1>;
using tensor2_type = Eigen::Tensor<scalar_type, 2>;
using tensor3_type = Eigen::Tensor<scalar_type, 3>;
using tensor4_type = Eigen::Tensor<scalar_type, 4>;
using tensor5_type = Eigen::Tensor<scalar_type, 5>;
// Initial conditions & parameters
scalar_type gravity_parameter = 1.0;
vector_type central_position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// scalar_type dt = 1.0;
state_type state;
state << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0;
Eigen::Vector<scalar_type, 4> params;
params << central_position(0), central_position(1), central_position(2), gravity_parameter;
// Counter for eom evaluations
int fevals = 0;
// Arbitrary point mass acceleration
auto point_mass_acceleration = [](auto &state, auto &params) -> vector_type {
auto r = state.template segment<3>(0) - params.template segment<3>(0);
return -params(3) * r / r.norm() / r.norm() / r.norm();
// Arbitrary drag acceleration
scalar_type drag_coefficient = 1.0;
scalar_type air_density = 1.0;
scalar_type sc_area = 1.0;
scalar_type sc_mass = 1.0;
auto drag_acceleration = [&drag_coefficient, &sc_mass, &sc_area, &air_density](
auto &state, auto &params) -> vector_type {
auto v = state.template segment<3>(3);
auto partial_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * v.norm();
return -drag_coefficient * partial_dynamic_pressure * sc_area / sc_mass * v;
// EOM (point mass + drag)
auto eom = [&](auto &state, auto &params) -> state_type {
state_type result;
result.template segment<3>(0) = state.template segment<3>(3);
result.template segment<3>(3)
= (point_mass_acceleration(state, params) + drag_acceleration(state, params));
return result;
// State transition tensors
tensor2_type stt1;
tensor3_type stt2;
tensor4_type stt3;
tensor5_type stt4;
// State derivative
state_type state_derivative;
// Perform differentiation for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order
stts<4>(eom, wrt(state), at(state, params), state_derivative, std::tie(stt1, stt2, stt3, stt4));
// State derivative
std::cout << "State derivative: \n" << state_derivative << std::endl;
// Perturb state
tensor1_type perturbation;
perturbation(0) = 0.1;
perturbation(1) = 0.1;
perturbation(2) = 0.1;
perturbation(3) = 0.1;
perturbation(4) = 0.1;
perturbation(5) = 0.1;
// Define contraction dimensions for each tensor
std::cout << "\nSS1: dx/dx0 " << stt1.dimensions() << "\n" << stt1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nSS2: d2x/dx0dx0 " << stt2.dimensions() << "\n" << stt2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nSS3: d3x/dx0dx0dx0 " << stt3.dimensions() << "\n" << stt3 << std::endl;
// Perform the contractions for terms 2, 3, and 4 (Contraction is general multiplication between tensors)
// I'm not convinced the indexing is 100% correct yet.
constexpr auto contraction_1_0
= Eigen::array<Eigen::IndexPair<int>, 1>{Eigen::IndexPair<int>(1, 0)};
constexpr auto contraction_2_0
= Eigen::array<Eigen::IndexPair<int>, 1>{Eigen::IndexPair<int>(2, 0)};
constexpr auto contraction_3_0
= Eigen::array<Eigen::IndexPair<int>, 1>{Eigen::IndexPair<int>(3, 0)};
constexpr auto contraction_4_0
= Eigen::array<Eigen::IndexPair<int>, 1>{Eigen::IndexPair<int>(4, 0)};
// [6, 6] -> [m, n] -> [i, j]
tensor1_type term1 = stt1.contract(perturbation, contraction_1_0);
// [6, 6, 6] -> [m, n, n] -> [i, j, k]
tensor1_type term2 = stt2.contract(perturbation, contraction_2_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_1_0)
// [6, 6, 6, 6] -> [m, n, n, n] -> [i, j, j, k]
tensor1_type term3 = stt3.contract(perturbation, contraction_3_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_2_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_1_0)
// [6, 6, 6, 6, 6] -> [m, n, n, n, n] -> [i, j, k, l, m]
tensor1_type term4 = stt4.contract(perturbation, contraction_4_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_3_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_2_0)
.contract(perturbation, contraction_1_0)
// Print the terms
std::cout << "term1: \n" << term1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "term2: \n" << term2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "term3: \n" << term3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "term4: \n" << term4 << std::endl;
// Dx = dx/dx0 * Dx0 + d2x/dx0dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 / 2! + d3x/dx0dx0dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 / 3! + d4x/dx0dx0dx0dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 * Dx0 / 4!
tensor1_type delta = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4;
std::cout << "delta (sum of terms): \n" << delta << std::endl;
// TODO: can be reduced with symmetry checks in the ss1,ss2 derivative functions
std::cout << "\nfevals: " << fevals << std::endl;
return 0;
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