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Created January 25, 2016 22:57
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Read an SDS011 Laser PM2.5 Sensor (Nova PM Sensor) with Python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import serial, time, struct
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = "/dev/cu.wchusbserial1410" # Set this to your serial port
ser.baudrate = 9600
byte, lastbyte = "\x00", "\x00"
while True:
lastbyte = byte
byte =
# We got a valid packet header
if lastbyte == "\xAA" and byte == "\xC0":
sentence = # Read 8 more bytes
readings = struct.unpack('>hhxxcc',sentence) # Decode the packet - big endian, 2 shorts for pm2.5 and pm10, 2 reserved bytes, checksum, message tail
pm_25 = readings[0]/10.0
pm_10 = readings[1]/10.0
# ignoring the checksum and message tail
print "PM 2.5:",pm_25,"μg/m^3 PM 10:",pm_10,"μg/m^3"
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irukard commented Feb 10, 2017

It is definitely big endian.
'<hhxxcc' works fine.

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dhaeb commented Oct 16, 2017

it is little endian!!!

Look at page 7! It starts with the low byte and finishes with the high byte !

So please correct line 22 from ">hhxxcc" to "<hhxxcc"

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senqtus commented Jul 15, 2018

the sensor doesn't start (the fan doesn't start),can anyone help me?

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smartynov commented Jun 4, 2019

It is little endian indeed! Thanks for everyone who pointed this out. @geoffwatts could you please fix this in your code? This page is top result in Google so it may confuse a lot of people.

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