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Forked from hakimabdi/MKtrend.R
Created May 14, 2022 15:44
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This function performs a Mann-Kendall trend test with associated p-values on a time seris of gridded satellite data
# title : Perform a Mann-Kendall trend test of satellite image time series
# purpose : Mann-Kendall test of monotonic trend and associated statistical significance
# author : Abdulhakim Abdi (@HakimAbdi)
# input : Raster stack/brick comprising a time series of observations
# output : Raster object of monotoic trend (Kendall's tau), significance or both (i.e. brick)
# data : Test data:
# notes : Depending on the time series, it is might be useful prewhiten the data to remove serial correlation
# : prior to extracting the trend. See blog post on for more information.
# CITATION: Abdi, A. M., et. al. (2019). First assessment of the plant phenology index (PPI) for estimating
# gross primary productivity in African semi-arid ecosystems. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation
# and Geoinformation, 78, 249-260.
MKraster <- function(rasterstack, type=c("trend","pval","both")){
# Values for (layers, ncell, ncol, nrow, method, crs, extent) come straight from the input raster stack
# e.g. nlayers(rasterstack), ncell(rasterstack)... etc.
print(paste("Start MKraster:",Sys.time()))
print("Loading parameters")
extent=extent(rasterstack);pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncell, initial = 0)
print("Done loading parameters")
mtrx <- as.matrix(rasterstack,ncol=layers)
empt <- matrix(nrow=ncell, ncol=2)
print("Initiating loop operation")
if (type == "trend"){
for (i in 1:length(mtrx[,1])){
if (all([i,]))){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,])) < 4){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(MannKendall(as.numeric(mtrx[i,]))$tau)
print("Creating empty raster")
trend <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(trend) <- extent
print("Populating trend raster")
values(trend) <- empt[,1]
print(paste("Ending MKraster on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "pval"){
for (i in 1:length(mtrx[,1])){
if (all([i,]))){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,])) < 4){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(MannKendall(as.numeric(mtrx[i,]))$sl)
pval <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(pval) <- extent
print("Populating significance raster")
values(pval) <- empt[,1]
print(paste("Ending MKraster on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "both"){
for (i in 1:length(mtrx[,1])){
if (all([i,]))){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,])) < 4){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(MannKendall(as.numeric(mtrx[i,]))$tau)
empt[i,2] <- as.numeric(MannKendall(as.numeric(mtrx[i,]))$sl)
tr <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
pv <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
print("Populating raster brick")
values(tr) <- empt[,1]
values(pv) <- empt[,2]
brk <- brick(tr,pv)
extent(brk) <- extent
names(brk) <- c("trend","p.value")
print(paste("Ending MKraster on",Sys.time()))
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