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Created February 5, 2024 04:55
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rm(list = ls())
library(MODIS) #facilitates MODIS use
library(bfast) #change detection
library(raster) #facilitates raster use
library(rasterVis) #facilitates raster visualization
library(zoo) # time series handling
library(strucchange) # break detection
library(colorspace) #color pallette libraries
mdir = "D:/Learn/rs4ecologist/MODIS/NDVIMOD13Q1/"
#modis.raw are MODIS NDVI rasters taken every 16 days from 01/01/2002 to 01/17/2014.
modis.raw = brick(paste(mdir,"ndvi_MOD13Q1_ndvi_brick.grd",sep=""))
modis = brick(paste(mdir,"cvi_MOD13Q1_ndvi_brick.grd",sep=""))
names(modis) = names(modis.raw) #assigns same layer names to derived data
#summarizing MODIS layers
#exploratory analysis
indices.2002 = grep("MOD13Q1A2002", names(modis.raw)) # Find images from 2002
modis.2002 = subset(modis, indices.2002) # Create new Raster-Stack with these layers
names(modis.2002) = names(modis.raw)[indices.2002] # Update layer names
#calculates the median and variance over all the images in 2002 on a pixel (x,y) basis
modis.2002.median = calc(modis.2002,fun = function(x) median(x, na.rm = T))
modis.2002.var = calc(modis.2002,fun = function(x) var(x, na.rm = T))
#plots the mean and median for 2002
#subset for 2005 and 2010
indices.2005 = grep("MOD13Q1A2005", names(modis.raw)) # Find images from 2002
modis.2005 = subset(modis, indices.2005) # Create new Raster-Stack with these layers
names(modis.2005) = names(modis.raw)[indices.2005] # Update layer names
indices.2010 = grep("MOD13Q1A2010", names(modis.raw)) # Find images from 2002
modis.2010 = subset(modis, indices.2010) # Create new Raster-Stack with these layers
names(modis.2010) = names(modis.raw)[indices.2010] # Update layer names
#calculates the median over all the images in 2005 and 2010 on a pixel (x,y) basis
modis.2005.median = calc(modis.2005,fun = function(x) median(x, na.rm = T))
modis.2010.median = calc(modis.2010,fun = function(x) median(x, na.rm = T))
#plot the medians as R-G-B (2002, 2005, 2010) composite
modis.rgb.median = stack(modis.2002.median/10000,modis.2005.median/10000,modis.2010.median/10000)
plotRGB(modis.rgb.median,stretch="hist") #can also use linear stretch
#the following function is useful for extracting dates from the layer names
doy2date = function(year, doy) {
as.Date(doy - 1, origin = paste0(year, "-01-01")) # Convert year + day of year to Date
data.dates = as.character(doy2date(year = 2002,doy = as.numeric(substr(names(modis.2002), 18, 20)))) #applied to the MODIS 2002 time series
modis.stack = stack() #empty stack for monthly compositing
#this loop computes the monthly composites
for (i in 1:12) {
bands_i = which(sapply(strsplit(data.dates, "-"),function(x) as.numeric(x[2])) == i) #finds all dates whose month == i
modis.stack = stack(modis.stack, calc(subset(modis.2002,bands_i),fun = mean)) #calculates the mean of the corresponding layers and add it to the stack
names(modis.stack) = #assigns three-letter month abberviation to layer names
#plots monthly composites and corresponding boxplots
levelplot(modis.stack / 10000, par.settings = RdBuTheme)#red to blue color palette selected. White = No data, light-blue = non-forest, dark blue = forest, red = water
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