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Created March 16, 2012 15:33
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# ================================================================================
# Project: Kivy.Statechart - A Statechart Framework for Kivy
# Copyright: ©2010, 2011 Michael Cohen, and contributors.
# Python Port: Jeff Pittman, ported from SproutCore, SC.Statechart
# ================================================================================
from kivy.statechart.system.state import State
from kivy.statechart.mixins.statechart_delegate import StatechartDelegate
from import AliasProperty
from kivy.logger import Logger
from collections import deque
The startchart manager mixin allows an object to be a statechart. By becoming a statechart, the
object can then be manage a set of its own states.
This implementation of the statechart manager closely follows the concepts stated in D. Harel's
original paper "Statecharts: A Visual Formalism For Complex Systems"
The statechart allows for complex state heircharies by nesting states within states, and
allows for state orthogonality based on the use of concurrent states.
At minimum, a statechart must have one state: The root state. All other states in the statechart
are a decendents (substates) of the root state.
The following example shows how states are nested within a statechart:
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
initialSubstate: 'stateA',
# ... can continue to nest further states
# ... can continue to nest further states
Note how in the example above, the root state as an explicit initial substate to enter into. If no
initial substate is provided, then the statechart will default to the the state's first substate.
You can also defined states without explicitly defining the root state. To do so, simply create properties
on your object that represents states. Upon initialization, a root state will be constructed automatically
by the mixin and make the states on the object substates of the root state. As an example:
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
initialState: 'stateA',
# ... can continue to nest further states
# ... can continue to nest further states
If you liked to specify a class that should be used as the root state but using the above method to defined
states, you can set the rootStateExample property with a class that extends from State. If the
rootStateExample property is not explicitly assigned the then default class used will be State.
To provide your statechart with orthogonality, you use concurrent states. If you use concurrent states,
then your statechart will have multiple current states. That is because each concurrent state represents an
independent state structure from other concurrent states. The following example shows how to provide your
statechart with concurrent states:
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
substatesAreConcurrent: True,
# ... can continue to nest further states
# ... can continue to nest further states
Above, to indicate that a state's substates are concurrent, you just have to set the substatesAreConcurrent to
True. Once done, then stateA and stateB will be independent of each other and each will manage their
own current substates. The root state will then have more then one current substate.
To define concurrent states directly on the object without explicitly defining a root, you can do the
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
statesAreConcurrent: True,
# ... can continue to nest further states
# ... can continue to nest further states
Remember that a startchart can have a mixture of nested and concurrent states in order for you to
create as complex of statecharts that suite your needs. Here is an example of a mixed state structure:
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
initialSubstate: 'stateA',
substatesAreConcurrent: True,
stateM:{ ... })
stateN:{ ... })
stateO:{ ... })
initialSubstate: 'stateX',
stateX:{ ... })
stateY: State.desgin({ ... })
Depending on your needs, a statechart can have lots of states, which can become hard to manage all within
one file. To modularize your states and make them easier to manage and maintain, you can plug-in states
into other states. Let's say we are using the statechart in the last example above, and all the code is
within one file. We could update the code and split the logic across two or more files like so:
# state_a.js
MyApp.StateA = State.extend({
substatesAreConcurrent: True,
stateM:{ ... })
stateN:{ ... })
stateO:{ ... })
# state_b.js
MyApp.StateB = State.extend({
substatesAreConcurrent: True,
stateM:{ ... })
stateN:{ ... })
stateO:{ ... })
# statechart.js
MyApp.Statechart = Object.extend(StatechartManager, {
initialSubstate: 'stateA',
stateA: State.plugin('MyApp.StateA'),
stateB: State.plugin('MyApp.StateB')
Using state plug-in functionality is optional. If you use the plug-in feature you can break up your statechart
into as many files as you see fit.
@author Michael Cohen
class StatechartManager:
def __init__(self):
# Walk like a duck
self.isResponderContext = True
# Walk like a duck
self.isStatechart = True
Indicates if this statechart has been initialized
@property {Boolean}
self.statechartIsInitialized = False
Optional name you can provide the statechart with. If set this will be included
in tracing and error output as well as detail output. Useful for
debugging/diagnostic purposes
""" = None
The root state of this statechart. All statecharts must have a root state.
If this property is left unassigned then when the statechart is initialized
it will used the rootStateExample, initialState, and statesAreConcurrent
properties to construct a root state.
@see #rootStateExample
@see #initialState
@see #statesAreConcurrent
@property {State}
self.rootState = None
Represents the class used to construct a class that will be the root state for
this statechart. The class assigned must derive from State.
This property will only be used if the rootState property is not assigned.
@see #rootState
@property {State}
self.rootStateExample = State
Indicates what state should be the initial state of this statechart. The value
assigned must be the name of a property on this object that represents a state.
As well, the statesAreConcurrent must be set to False.
This property will only be used if the rootState property is not assigned.
@see #rootState
@property {String}
self.initialState = None
Indicates if properties on this object representing states are concurrent to each other.
If True then they are concurrent, otherwise they are not. If the True, then the
initialState property must not be assigned.
This property will only be used if the rootState property is not assigned.
@see #rootState
@property {Boolean}
self.statesAreConcurrent = False
Indicates whether to use a monitor to monitor that statechart's activities. If true then
the monitor will be active, otherwise the monitor will not be used. Useful for debugging
@property {Boolean}
self.monitorIsActive = False
A statechart monitor that can be used to monitor this statechart. Useful for debugging purposes.
A monitor will only be used if monitorIsActive is true.
@property {StatechartMonitor}
self.monitor = None
Used to specify what property (key) on the statechart should be used as the trace property. By
default the property is 'trace'.
@property {String}
self.statechartTraceKey = 'trace'
Indicates whether to trace the statecharts activities. If true then the statechart will output
its activites to the browser's JS console. Useful for debugging purposes.
@see #statechartTraceKey
@property {Boolean}
self.trace = False
Used to specify what property (key) on the statechart should be used as the owner property. By
default the property is 'owner'.
@property {String}
self.statechartOwnerKey = 'owner'
Sets who the owner is of this statechart. If None then the owner is this object otherwise
the owner is the assigned object.
@see #statechartOwnerKey
@property {Object}
self.owner = None
Indicates if the statechart should be automatically initialized by this
object after it has been created. If True then initStatechart will be
called automatically, otherwise it will not.
@property {Boolean}
self.autoInitStatechart = True
If yes, any warning messages produced by the statechart or any of its states will
not be logged, otherwise all warning messages will be logged.
While designing and debugging your statechart, it's best to keep this value false.
In production you can then suppress the warning messages.
@property {Boolean}
self.suppressStatechartWarnings = False
A statechart delegate used by the statechart and the states that the statechart
manages. The value assigned must adhere to the {@link StatechartDelegate} mixin.
@property {Object}
@see StatechartDelegate
self.delegate = None
Computed property that returns an objects that adheres to the
{@link StatechartDelegate} mixin. If the {@link #delegate} is not
assigned then this object is the default value returned.
@see StatechartDelegate
@see #delegate
self.statechartDelegate = AliasProperty(self._statechartDelegate, None, bind=('delegate'))
self.currentStates = AliasProperty(self._currentStates, None)
self.firstCurrentState = AliasProperty(self._firstCurrentState, None, bind=('currentStates'))
self.currentStateCount = AliasProperty(self._currentStateCount, None, bind=('currentStates'))
self.enteredStates = AliasProperty(self._enteredStates, None)
self.gotoStateActive = AliasProperty(self._gotoStateActive, None)
self.gotoStateSuspended = AliasProperty(self._gotoStateSuspended, None)
self.statechartLogPrefix = AliasProperty(self._statechartLogPrefix, None)
self.allowStatechartTracing = AliasProperty(self._allowStatechartTracing, None)
self.details = AliasProperty(self._details, None)
self.monitorIsActiveDidChange = AliasProperty(self._monitorIsActiveDidChange, None, bind=('monitorIsActive'))
def _statechartDelegate(self):
return self.delegateFor('isStatechartDelegate', self.delegate);
def initMixin(self):
if self.autoInitStatechart:
def destroyMixin(self):
# self.removeObserver(self.statechartTraceKey, self, '_statechartTraceDidChange');
del self.statechartTraceDidChange # [PORT] is this the equivalent of unbind?
self.rootState = None
Initializes the statechart. By initializing the statechart, it will create all the states and register
them with the statechart. Once complete, the statechart can be used to go to states and send events to.
def initStatechart(self):
if self.statechartIsInitialized:
self._gotoStateLocked = False
self._sendEventLocked = False
self._pendingStateTransitions = deque()
self._pendingSentEvents = deque()
self.sendAction = self.sendEvent
if self.monitorIsActive:
self.monitor = StatechartMonitor(this)
self.statechartTraceDidChange = AliasProperty(self._statechartTraceDidChange, None, bind=('statechartTraceKey'))
self._statechartTraceDidChange() # [PORT] this call needed for kivy?
trace = self.allowStatechartTracing
rootState = self.rootState
msg = ''
if trace:
self.statechartLogTrace("BEGIN initialize statechart")
# If no root state was explicitly defined then try to construct
# a root state class
if not rootState:
rootState = self._constructRootStateClass()
elif hasattr(rootState, '__call__') and rootState.statePlugin is not None:
rootState = rootState(self)
if not issubclass(rootState, KivyState) and rootState.isClass:
msg = "Unable to initialize statechart. Root state must be a state class"
raise Exception(msg)
rootState = self.createRootState(rootState, { statechart: self, name: ROOT_STATE_NAME })
self.rootState = rootState
if issubclass(rootState.initialSubstate, EmptyState):
msg = "Unable to initialize statechart. Root state must have an initial substate explicilty defined"
raise msg
if not empty(self.initialState):
key = 'initialState'
self.key = rootState[self.key]
self.statechartIsInitialized = True
if trace:
self.statechartLogTrace("END initialize statechart")
Will create a root state for the statechart
def createRootState(self, state, attrs):
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}
state = state(attrs)
return state
Returns an array of all the current states for this statechart
@returns {Array} the current states
def _currentStates(self):
return self.rootState.currentSubstates
Returns the first current state for this statechart.
@return {State}
def _firstCurrentState(self):
return self.currentStates[0] if self.currentStates else None # [PORT] was objectAt 0
Returns the count of the current states for this statechart
@returns {Number} the count
def _currentStateCount(self):
return self.currentStates.length
Checks if a given state is a current state of this statechart.
@param state {State|String} the state to check
@returns {Boolean} true if the state is a current state, otherwise fals is returned
def stateIsCurrentState(self):
return self.rootState.stateIsCurrentSubstate(state)
Returns an array of all the states that are currently entered for
this statechart.
@returns {Array} the currently entered states
def _enteredStates(self):
return self.rootState.enteredSubstates
Checks if a given state is a currently entered state of this statechart.
@param state {State|String} the state to check
@returns {Boolean} true if the state is a currently entered state, otherwise false is returned
def stateIsEntered(self, state):
return self.rootState.stateIsEnteredSubstate(state)
Checks if the given value represents a state is this statechart
@param value {State|String} either a state object or the name of a state
@returns {Boolean} true if the state does belong ot the statechart, otherwise false is returned
def doesContainState(self, value):
return self.getState(value) is not None
Gets a state from the statechart that matches the given value
@param value {State|String} either a state object of the name of a state
@returns {State} if a match then the matching state is returned, otherwise None is returned
def getState(self, state):
return self.rootState if self.rootState is state else self.rootState.getSubstate(state)
When called, the statechart will proceed with making state transitions in the statechart starting from
a current state that meet the statechart conditions. When complete, some or all of the statechart's
current states will be changed, and all states that were part of the transition process will either
be exited or entered in a specific order.
The state that is given to go to will not necessarily be a current state when the state transition process
is complete. The final state or states are dependent on factors such an initial substates, concurrent
states, and history states.
Because the statechart can have one or more current states, it may be necessary to indicate what current state
to start from. If no current state to start from is provided, then the statechart will default to using
the first current state that it has; depending of the make up of the statechart (no concurrent state vs.
with concurrent states), the outcome may be unexpected. For a statechart with concurrent states, it is best
to provide a current state in which to start from.
When using history states, the statechart will first make transitions to the given state and then use that
state's history state and recursively follow each history state's history state until there are no
more history states to follow. If the given state does not have a history state, then the statechart
will continue following state transition procedures.
Method can be called in the following ways:
# With one argument.
# With two argument.
gotoState(<state>, <state | boolean | hash>)
# With three argument.
gotoState(<state>, <state>, <boolean | hash>)
gotoState(<state>, <boolean>, <hash>)
# With four argument.
gotoState(<state>, <state>, <boolean>, <hash>)
where <state> is either a State object or a string and <hash> is a regular JS hash object.
@param state {State|String} the state to go to (may not be the final state in the transition process)
@param fromCurrentState {State|String} Optional. The current state to start the transition process from.
@param useHistory {Boolean} Optional. Indicates whether to include using history states in the transition process
@param context {Hash} Optional. A context object that will be passed to all exited and entered states
def gotoState(self, state, fromCurrentState, useHistory, context):
if not self.statechartIsInitialized:
self.statechartLogError("can not go to state {0}. statechart has not yet been initialized".format(state))
if self.isDestroyed:
self.statechartLogError("can not go to state {0}. statechart is destroyed".format(this))
args = self._processGotoStateArgs(arguments)
state = args.state
fromCurrentState = args.fromCurrentState
useHistory = args.useHistory
context = args.context
pivotState = None
exitStates = deque()
enterStates = deque()
trace = self.allowStatechartTracing
rootState = self.rootState
paramState = state
paramFromCurrentState = fromCurrentState
msg = ''
state = self.getState(state)
if state is None:
self.statechartLogError("Can not to goto state {0}. Not a recognized state in statechart".format(paramState))
if self._gotoStateLocked:
# There is a state transition currently happening. Add this requested state
# transition to the queue of pending state transitions. The request will
# be invoked after the current state transition is finished.
state: state,
fromCurrentState: fromCurrentState,
useHistory: useHistory,
context: context
# Lock the current state transition so that no other requested state transition
# interferes.
self._gotoStateLocked = True
if fromCurrentState is not None:
# Check to make sure the current state given is actually a current state of this statechart
fromCurrentState = self.getState(fromCurrentState)
if fromCurrentState is None or not fromCurrentState.isCurrentState:
msg = "Can not to goto state {0}. {1} is not a recognized current state in statechart"
self.statechartLogError(msg.format(paramState, paramFromCurrentState))
self._gotoStateLocked = False
# No explicit current state to start from; therefore, need to find a current state
# to transition from.
fromCurrentState = state.findFirstRelativeCurrentState()
if fromCurrentState is None:
fromCurrentState = self.firstCurrentState
if trace:
self.statechartLogTrace("BEGIN gotoState: {0}".format(state))
msg = "starting from current state: {0}"
msg = msg.format(fromCurrentState if fromCurrentState else '---')
msg = "current states before: {0}"
msg = msg.format(self.currentStates if len(self.currentStates) > 0 else '---')
# If there is a current state to start the transition process from, then determine what
# states are to be exited
if fromCurrentState is not None:
exitStates = self._createStateChain(fromCurrentState)
# Now determine the initial states to be entered
enterStates = self._createStateChain(state)
# Get the pivot state to indicate when to go from exiting states to entering states
pivotState = self._findPivotState(exitStates, enterStates)
if pivotState is not None:
if trace:
self.statechartLogTrace("pivot state = {0}".format(pivotState))
if pivotState.substatesAreConcurrent and pivotState is not state:
self.statechartLogError("Can not go to state {0} from {1}. Pivot state {2} has concurrent substates.".format(state, fromCurrentState, pivotState))
self._gotoStateLocked = False
# Collect what actions to perform for the state transition process
gotoStateActions = []
# Go ahead and find states that are to be exited
self._traverseStatesToExit(exitStates.rotate(), exitStates, pivotState, gotoStateActions) # [PORT] rotate was shift
# Now go find states that are to entered
if pivotState is not state:
self._traverseStatesToEnter(enterStates.pop(), enterStates, pivotState, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
self._traverseStatesToExit(pivotState, deque(), None, gotoStateActions)
self._traverseStatesToEnter(pivotState, None, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
# Collected all the state transition actions to be performed. Now execute them.
self._gotoStateActions = gotoStateActions
self._executeGotoStateActions(state, gotoStateActions, None, context)
Indicates if the statechart is in an active goto state process
def _gotoStateActive(self):
return self._gotoStateLocked
Indicates if the statechart is in an active goto state process
that has been suspended
def _gotoStateSuspended(self):
return self._gotoStateLocked and self._gotoStateSuspendedPoint is not None # [PORT] this was !!self._gotoStateSuspendedPoint -- boolean force?
Resumes an active goto state transition process that has been suspended.
def resumeGotoState(self):
if not self.gotoStateSuspended:
self.statechartLogError("Can not resume goto state since it has not been suspended")
point = self._gotoStateSuspendedPoint
self._executeGotoStateActions(point.gotoState, point.actions, point.marker, point.context)
""" @private """
def _executeGotoStateActions(self, gotoState, actions, marker, context):
action = None
len = actions.length
actionResult = None
marker = 0 if marker is None else marker
while marker < len:
self._currentGotoStateAction = action = actions[marker]
if action.action is EXIT_STATE:
actionResult = self._exitState(action.state, context)
elif action.action is ENTER_STATE:
actionResult = self._enterState(action.state, action.currentState, context)
# Check if the state wants to perform an asynchronous action during
# the state transition process. If so, then we need to first
# suspend the state transition process and then invoke the
# asynchronous action. Once called, it is then up to the state or something
# else to resume this statechart's state transition process by calling the
# statechart's resumeGotoState method.
if issubclass(actionResult, Async):
self._gotoStateSuspendedPoint = {
gotoState: gotoState,
actions: actions,
marker: marker + 1,
context: context
marker += 1
#self.notifyPropertyChange('currentStates') # [PORT] notify needed here in kivy?
#self.notifyPropertyChange('enteredStates') # [PORT] notify needed here in kivy?
if self.allowStatechartTracing:
self.statechartLogTrace("current states after: {0}".format(self.currentStates))
self.statechartLogTrace("END gotoState: {0}".format(gotoState))
""" @private """
def _cleanupStateTransition(self):
self._currentGotoStateAction = None
self._gotoStateSuspendedPoint = None
self._gotoStateActions = None
self._gotoStateLocked = False
""" @private """
def _exitState(self, state, context):
parentState = None
if (state.currentSubstates.find(state) >= 0):
parentState = state.parentState
while parentState is not None:
parentState = parentState.parentState
parentState = state;
while parentState is not None:
parentState = parentState.parentState
if self.allowStatechartTracing:
self.statechartLogTrace("<-- exiting state: {0}".format(state))
state.currentSubstates = []
result = self.exitState(state, context)
if self.monitorIsActive:
state._traverseStatesToExit_skipState = False
return result
What will actually invoke a state's exitState method.
Called during the state transition process whenever the gotoState method is
@param state {State} the state whose enterState method is to be invoked
@param context {Hash} a context hash object to provide the enterState method
def exitState(self, state, context):
return state.exitState(context)
""" @private """
def _enterState(self, state, current, context):
parentState = state.parentState
if parentState and not state.isConcurrentState:
parentState.historyState = state
if current:
parentState = state
while parentState is not None:
parentState = parentState.parentState
parentState = state;
while parentState is not None:
parentState = parentState.parentState
if self.allowStatechartTracing:
self.statechartLogTrace("--> entering state: {0}".format(state))
result = self.enterState(state, context)
if self.monitorIsActive:
return result
What will actually invoke a state's enterState method.
Called during the state transition process whenever the gotoState method is
If the context provided is a state route context object
({@link StateRouteContext}), then if the given state has a enterStateByRoute
method, that method will be invoked, otherwise the state's enterState method
will be invoked by default. The state route context object will be supplied to
both enter methods in either case.
@param state {State} the state whose enterState method is to be invoked
@param context {Hash} a context hash object to provide the enterState method
def enterState(self, state, context):
if state.enterStateByRoute and issubclass(context, StateRouteHandlerContext):
return state.enterStateByRoute(context)
return state.enterState(context)
When called, the statechart will proceed to make transitions to the given state then follow that
state's history state.
You can either go to a given state's history recursively or non-recursively. To go to a state's history
recursively means to following each history state's history state until no more history states can be
followed. Non-recursively means to just to the given state's history state but do not recusively follow
history states. If the given state does not have a history state, then the statechart will just follow
normal procedures when making state transitions.
Because a statechart can have one or more current states, depending on if the statechart has any concurrent
states, it is optional to provided current state in which to start the state transition process from. If no
current state is provided, then the statechart will default to the first current state that it has; which,
depending on the make up of that statechart, can lead to unexpected outcomes. For a statechart with concurrent
states, it is best to explicitly supply a current state.
Method can be called in the following ways:
# With one arguments.
# With two arguments.
gotoHistorytate(<state>, <state | boolean | hash>)
# With three arguments.
gotoHistorytate(<state>, <state>, <boolean | hash>)
gotoHistorytate(<state>, <boolean>, <hash>)
# With four argumetns
gotoHistorytate(<state>, <state>, <boolean>, <hash>)
where <state> is either a State object or a string and <hash> is a regular JS hash object.
@param state {State|String} the state to go to and follow it's history state
@param fromCurrentState {State|String} Optional. the current state to start the state transition process from
@param recursive {Boolean} Optional. whether to follow history states recursively.
def gotoHistoryState(self, state, fromCurrentState, recursive, context):
if not self.statechartIsInitialized:
self.statechartLogError("can not go to state {0}'s history state. Statechart has not yet been initialized".format(state))
args = self._processGotoStateArgs(arguments)
state = args.state
fromCurrentState = args.fromCurrentState
recursive = args.useHistory
context = args.context
state = self.getState(state)
if state is None:
self.statechartLogError("Can not to goto state {0}'s history state. Not a recognized state in statechart".format(state))
historyState = state.historyState
if not recursive:
if historyState is not None:
self.gotoState(historyState, fromCurrentState, context)
self.gotoState(state, fromCurrentState, context)
self.gotoState(state, fromCurrentState, True, context)
Sends a given event to all the statechart's current states.
If a current state does can not respond to the sent event, then the current state's parent state
will be tried. This process is recursively done until no more parent state can be tried.
Note that a state will only be checked once if it can respond to an event. Therefore, if
there is a state S that handles event foo and S has concurrent substates, then foo will
only be invoked once; not as many times as there are substates.
@param event {String} name of the event
@param arg1 {Object} optional argument
@param arg2 {Object} optional argument
@returns {Responder} the responder that handled it or None
@see #stateWillTryToHandleEvent
@see #stateDidTryToHandleEvent
def sendEvent(self, event, arg1, arg2):
if self.isDestroyed:
self.statechartLogError("can send event {0}. statechart is destroyed".format(event))
statechartHandledEvent = False
eventHandled = False
currentStates = self.currentStates[:]
checkedStates = {}
state = None
trace = self.allowStatechartTracing
if self._sendEventLocked or self._goStateLocked:
# Want to prevent any actions from being processed by the states until
# they have had a chance to handle the most immediate action or completed
# a state transition
event: event,
arg1: arg1,
arg2: arg2
self._sendEventLocked = True
if trace:
self.statechartLogTrace("BEGIN sendEvent: '{0}'".format(event))
for i in range(len(currentStates)):
eventHandled = False
state = currentStates[i]
if not state.isCurrentState:
while not eventHandled and state is not None:
if not checkedStates[state.fullPath]:
eventHandled = state.tryToHandleEvent(event, arg1, arg2)
checkedStates[state.fullPath] = True
if not eventHandled:
state = state.parentState
statechartHandledEvent = True
# Now that all the states have had a chance to process the
# first event, we can go ahead and flush any pending sent events.
self._sendEventLocked = False
if trace:
if not statechartHandledEvent:
self.statechartLogTrace("No state was able handle event {0}".format(event))
self.statechartLogTrace("END sendEvent: '{0}'".format(event))
result = self._flushPendingSentEvents()
return self if statechartHandledEvent else (self if result else None)
Used to notify the statechart that a state will try to handle event that has been passed
to it.
@param {State} state the state that will try to handle the event
@param {String} event the event the state will try to handle
@param {String} handler the name of the method on the state that will try to handle the event
def stateWillTryToHandleEvent(self, state, event, handler):
self._stateHandleEventInfo = {
state: state,
event: event,
handler: handler
Used to notify the statechart that a state did try to handle event that has been passed
to it.
@param {State} state the state that did try to handle the event
@param {String} event the event the state did try to handle
@param {String} handler the name of the method on the state that did try to handle the event
@param {Boolean} handled indicates if the handler was able to handle the event
def stateDidTryToHandleEvent(self, state, event, handler, handled):
self._stateHandleEventInfo = None
""" @private
Creates a chain of states from the given state to the greatest ancestor state (the root state). Used
when perform state transitions.
def _createStateChain(self, state):
chain = deque()
while state is not None:
state = state.parentState
return chain
""" @private
Finds a pivot state from two given state chains. The pivot state is the state indicating when states
go from being exited to states being entered during the state transition process. The value
returned is the fist matching state between the two given state chains.
def _findPivotState(self, stateChain1, stateChain2):
if len(stateChain1) is 0 or len(stateChain2) is 0:
return None
for state in stateChain1:
if stateChain2.find(state) >= 0:
return state
""" @private
Recursively follow states that are to be exited during a state transition process. The exit
process is to start from the given state and work its way up to when either all exit
states have been reached based on a given exit path or when a stop state has been reached.
@param state {State} the state to be exited
@param exitStatePath {collections.deque} a deque representing a path of states that are to be exited
@param stopState {State} an explicit state in which to stop the exiting process
def _traverseStatesToExit(self, state, exitStatePath, stopState, gotoStateActions):
if state is None or state is stopState:
trace = self.allowStatechartTracing
# This state has concurrent substates. Therefore we have to make sure we
# exit them up to this state before we can go any further up the exit chain.
if state.substatesAreConcurrent:
currentSubstates = state.currentSubstates
currentState = None
for i in range(len(currentSubstates)):
currentState = currentSubstates[i]
if currentState._traverseStatesToExit_skipState is True:
chain = self._createStateChain(currentState)
self._traverseStatesToExit(chain.rotate(), chain, state, gotoStateActions) # [PORT] rotate was shift
gotoStateActions.append({ action: EXIT_STATE, state: state })
if state.isCurrentState:
state._traverseStatesToExit_skipState = True
self._traverseStatesToExit(exitStatePath.rotate(), exitStatePath, stopState, gotoStateActions) # [PORT] rotate was shift
""" @private
Recursively follow states that are to be entered during the state transition process. The
enter process is to start from the given state and work its way down a given enter path. When
the end of enter path has been reached, then continue entering states based on whether
an initial substate is defined, there are concurrent substates or history states are to be
followed; when none of those condition are met then the enter process is done.
@param state {State} the sate to be entered
@param enterStatePath {collection.deque} a deque representing an initial path of states that are to be entered
@param pivotState {State} The state pivoting when to go from exiting states to entering states
@param useHistory {Boolean} indicates whether to recursively follow history states
def _traverseStatesToEnter(self, state, enterStatePath, pivotState, useHistory, gotoStateActions):
if state is None:
trace = self.allowStatechartTracing
# We do not want to enter states in the enter path until the pivot state has been reached. After
# the pivot state has been reached, then we can go ahead and actually enter states.
if pivotState:
if state is not pivotState:
self._traverseStatesToEnter(enterStatePath.pop(), enterStatePath, pivotState, useHistory, gotoStateActions) # [PORT] pop, now on deque
self._traverseStatesToEnter(enterStatePath.pop(), enterStatePath, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions) # [PORT] pop, now on deque
# If no more explicit enter path instructions, then default to enter states based on
# other criteria
elif not enterStatePath or len(enterStatePath) is 0:
gotoStateAction = { action: ENTER_STATE, state: state, currentState: False }
initialSubstate = state.initialSubstate
historyState = state.historyState
# State has concurrent substates. Need to enter all of the substates
if state.substatesAreConcurrent:
self._traverseConcurrentStatesToEnter(state.substates, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
# State has substates and we are instructed to recursively follow the state's
# history state if it has one.
elif state.hasSubstates and historyState and useHistory:
self._traverseStatesToEnter(historyState, None, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
# State has an initial substate to enter
elif initialSubstate:
if issubclass(initialSubstate, HistoryState):
if not useHistory:
useHistory = initialSubstate.isRecursive
initialSubstate = initialSubstate.state
self._traverseStatesToEnter(initialSubstate, None, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
# Looks like we hit the end of the road. Therefore the state has now become
# a current state of the statechart.
gotoStateAction.currentState = True
# Still have an explicit enter path to follow, so keep moving through the path.
elif len(enterStatePath) > 0:
gotoStateActions.append({ action: ENTER_STATE, state: state })
nextState = enterStatePath.pop() # [PORT] pop, now on deque
self._traverseStatesToEnter(nextState, enterStatePath, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
# We hit a state that has concurrent substates. Must go through each of the substates
# and enter them
if state.substatesAreConcurrent:
self._traverseConcurrentStatesToEnter(state.substates, nextState, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
""" @override
Returns True if the named value translates into an executable function on
any of the statechart's current states or the statechart itself.
@param event {String} the property name to check
@returns {Boolean}
def respondsTo(self, event):
for i in range(len(self.currentStates)):
state = currentStates[i] # [PORT] was objectAt i
while state is not None:
if (state.respondsToEvent(event)):
return true
state = state.parentState
# None of the current states can respond. Now check the statechart itself
return hasattr(self[event], '__call__')
""" @override
Attempts to handle a given event against any of the statechart's current states and the
statechart itself. If any current state can handle the event or the statechart itself can
handle the event then True is returned, otherwise False is returned.
@param event {String} what to perform
@param arg1 {Object} Optional
@param arg2 {Object} Optional
@returns {Boolean} True if handled, False if not handled
def tryToPerform(self, event, arg1, arg2):
if not self.respondsTo(event):
return False
if hasattr(self[event], '__call__'):
result = self[event](arg1, arg2)
if result is not False:
return True
return self.sendEvent(event, arg1, arg2) is True # [PORT] was !!
Used to invoke a method on current states. If the method can not be executed
on a current state, then the state's parent states will be tried in order
of closest ancestry.
A few notes:
1. Calling this is not the same as calling sendEvent or sendAction.
Rather, this should be seen as calling normal methods on a state that
will *not* call gotoState or gotoHistoryState.
2. A state will only ever be invoked once per call. So if there are two
or more current states that have the same parent state, then that parent
state will only be invoked once if none of the current states are able
to invoke the given method.
When calling this method, you are able to supply zero ore more arguments
that can be pass onto the method called on the states. As an example
invokeStateMethod('render', context, firstTime);
The above call will invoke the render method on the current states
and supply the context and firstTime arguments to the method.
Because a statechart can have more than one current state and the method
invoked may return a value, the addition of a callback function may be provided
in order to handle the returned value for each state. As an example, let's say
we want to call a calculate method on the current states where the method
will return a value when invoked. We can handle the returned values like so:
invokeStateMethod('calculate', value, function(state, result) {
# .. handle the result returned from calculate that was invoked
# on the given state
If the method invoked does not return a value and a callback function is
supplied, then result value will simply be undefined. In all cases, if
a callback function is given, it must be the last value supplied to this
invokeStateMethod will return a value if only one state was able to have
the given method invoked on it, otherwise no value is returned.
@param methodName {String} methodName a method name
@param args {Object...} Optional. any additional arguments
@param func {Function} Optional. a callback function. Must be the last
value supplied if provided.
@returns a value if the number of current states is one, otherwise undefined
is returned. The value is the result of the method that got invoked
on a state.
def invokeStateMethod(self, methodName, args, func):
if methodName is 'unknownEvent':
self.statechartLogError("can not invoke method unkownEvent")
args = collection.deque(arguments) # [PORT] was .A and shift, now is collection.deque and rotate
arg = args[len(args)-1] if len(args) > 0 else None
callback = args.pop() if hasattr(arg, '__call__') else None # [PORT] pop, now on deque
i = 0
state = None
checkedStates = {}
method = None
result = None
calledStates = 0
len = currentStates.get('length');
for i in range(len(self.currentStates)):
state = self.currentStates[i] # [PORT] was objectAt i
while state is not None:
if (checkedStates[state.fullPath]):
checkedStates[state.fullPath] = True
method = state[methodName]
if hasattr(method, '__call__') and not method.isEventHandler:
result = method(state, args)
if callback is not None:
callback(self, state, result)
calledStates += 1
state = state.parentState
return result if calledStates is 1 else None
""" @private
Iterate over all the given concurrent states and enter them
def _traverseConcurrentStatesToEnter(self, states, exclude, useHistory, gotoStateActions):
for i in range(len(states)):
state = states[i]
if state is not exclude:
self._traverseStatesToEnter(state, None, None, useHistory, gotoStateActions)
""" @private
Called by gotoState to flush a pending state transition at the front of the
pending queue.
def _flushPendingStateTransition(self):
if not self._pendingStateTransitions:
self.statechartLogError("Unable to flush pending state transition. _pendingStateTransitions is invalid")
pending = self._pendingStateTransitions.rotate() # [PORT] shift was rotate
if not pending:
self.gotoState(pending.state, pending.fromCurrentState, pending.useHistory, pending.context)
""" @private
Called by sendEvent to flush a pending actions at the front of the pending
def _flushPendingSentEvents(self):
pending = self._pendingSentEvents.rotate() # [PORT] shift was rotate
if not pending:
return None
return self.sendEvent(pending.event, pending.arg1, pending.arg2)
""" @private """
def _monitorIsActiveDidChange(self):
if self.monitorIsActive and self.monitor is None:
self.monitor = StatechartMonitor()
""" @private
Will process the arguments supplied to the gotoState method.
TODO: Come back to this and refactor the code. It works, but it
could certainly be improved
def _processGotoStateArgs(self, arguments):
processedArgs = {
state: None,
fromCurrentState: None,
useHistory: false,
context: None
args = collection.deque(arguments) # [PORT] was .A and shift, now is collection.deque
args = (item for item in args if item is not None)
if len(args) < 1:
return processedArgs
processedArgs.state = args[0]
if len(args) is 2:
value = args[1]
if isinstance(value, bool):
processedArgs.useHistory = value
elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, dict):
if not isinstance(value, State):
processedArgs.context = value
processedArgs.fromCurrentState = value
elif len(args) is 3:
value = args[1]
if isinstance(value, bool):
processedArgs.useHistory = value
processedArgs.context = args[2]
processedArgs.fromCurrentState = value
value = args[2]
if isinstance(value, bool):
processedArgs.useHistory = value
processedArgs.context = value
processedArgs.fromCurrentState = args[1]
processedArgs.useHistory = args[2]
processedArgs.context = args[3]
return processedArgs
""" @private
Will return a newly constructed root state class. The root state will have substates added to
it based on properties found on this state that derive from a State class. For the
root state to be successfully built, the following much be met:
- The rootStateExample property must be defined with a class that derives from State
- Either the initialState or statesAreConcurrent property must be set, but not both
- There must be one or more states that can be added to the root state
def _constructRootStateClass(self):
#rsExampleKey = 'rootStateExample'
#rsExample = self[rsExampleKey]
rsExample = self.rootStateExample # [PORT] in kivy will try direct ref
initialState = self.initialState
statesAreConcurrent = self.statesAreConcurrent
stateCount = 0
key, value, valueIsFunc, attrs = {}
if hasattr(rsExample, '__call__') and rsExample.statePlugin:
rsExample = rsExample(this)
if not isinstance(rsExample, State) and rsExample.isClass:
self._logStatechartCreationError("Invalid root state example")
return None
if statesAreConcurrent and initialState is not None: # [PORT] initialState was checked with SC.empty, which checks for null, undefined, and empty string, so ok prolly
self._logStatechartCreationError("Can not assign an initial state when states are concurrent")
elif statesAreConcurrent:
attrs.substatesAreConcurrent = True
elif isinstance(initialState, T_STRING):
attrs.initialSubstate = initialState
self._logStatechartCreationError("Must either define initial state or assign states as concurrent")
return None
for key in self:
if key is rsExampleKey:
value = self[key]
valueIsFunc = hasattr(value, '__call__')
if valueIsFunc and value.statePlugin:
value = value.apply(this)
if isinstance(value, State) and value.isClass and self[key] is not self.__init__:
attrs[key] = value
stateCount += 1
if stateCount is 0:
self._logStatechartCreationError("Must define one or more states")
return None
return rsExample.extend(attrs)
""" @private """
def _logStatechartCreationError(self, msg):
Logger.debug("Unable to create statechart for {0}: {1}.".format(self, msg))
Used to log a statechart trace message
def statechartLogTrace(self, msg):"{0}: {1}".format(self.statechartLogPrefix, msg))
Used to log a statechart error message
def statechartLogError(self, msg):
Logger.debug("ERROR {0}: {1}".format(self.statechartLogPrefix, msg))
Used to log a statechart warning message
def statechartLogWarning(self, msg):
if self.suppressStatechartWarnings:
return"WARN {0}: {1}".format(self.statechartLogPrefix, msg))
""" @property """
def _statechartLogPrefix(self):
className = _object_className(self.constructor)
name =, prefix;
if is None:
prefix = "{0}<{1}>".format(className, guidFor(self))
prefix = "{0}<{1}, {2}>".format(className, name, guidFor(self))
return prefix
""" @private @property """
def _allowStatechartTracing(self):
return self[self.statechartTraceKey]
""" @private """
def _statechartTraceDidChange(self):
pass # [PORT] notify needed here in kivy?
Returns an object containing current detailed information about
the statechart. This is primarily used for diagnostic/debugging
Detailed information includes:
- current states
- state transtion information
- event handling information
@returns {Hash}
def _details(self):
details = { 'initialized': self.statechartIsInitialized }
details['name'] = self['name']
if not self.statechartIsInitialized:
return details
details['current-states'] = []
for state in self.currentStates:
stateTransition = { active: self.gotoStateActive, suspended: self.gotoStateSuspended }
if self._gotoStateActions:
stateTransition['transition-sequence'] = []
for action in self.gotoStateActions:
actionName = "enter" if action.action is ENTER_STATE else "exit"
actionName = "{0} {1}".format(actionName, action.state.fullPath)
actionName = "enter" if self._currentGotoStateAction.action is ENTER_STATE else "exit"
actionName = "{0} {1}".format(actionName, self._currentGotoStateAction.state.fullPath)
stateTransition['current-transition'] = actionName
details['state-transition'] = stateTransition
if self._stateHandleEventInfo:
info = self._stateHandleEventInfo
details['handling-event'] = {
state: info.state.fullPath,
event: info.event,
handler: info.handler
details['handling-event'] = False
return details
Returns a formatted string of detailed information about this statechart. Useful
for diagnostic/debugging purposes.
@returns {String}
@see #details
def toStringWithDetails(self):
str = ""
header = self.toString()
details = self.details
str += header + "\n"
str += self._hashToString(details, 2)
return str;
""" @private """
def _hashToString(self, hashToConvert, indent):
hashAsString = ''
for key in hashToConvert:
value = hashToConvert[key]
if isinstance(value, Array):
hashAsString += self._arrayToString(key, value, indent) + "\n";
elif isinstance(value, Object):
hashAsString += "{0}{1}:\n".format(' ' * indent, key)
hashAsString += self._hashToString(value, indent + 2)
hashAsString += "{0}{1}: {2}\n".format(' ' * indent, key, value)
return hashAsString
""" @private """
def _arrayToString(self, key, array, indent):
if len(array) is 0:
return "{0}{1}: []".format(' ' * indent, key)
arrayAsString = "{0}{1}: [\n".format(' ' * indent, key)
for item, idx in array:
arrayAsString += "{0}{1}\n".format(' ' * indent + 2, item)
arrayAsString += ' ' * indent + "]"
return arrayAsString
class StatechartMixin(StatechartManager, StatechartDelegate): # [PORT] also sublassed here was DelegateSupport, from SC
The default name given to a statechart's root state
Constants used during the state transition process
A Startchart class.
class Statechart(StatechartManager):
def __init__(self):
autoInitStatechart = False
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