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Created January 3, 2013 10:11
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Kivy composite list item example with EditableLabel
# EditableLabel is from tito's post on the wiki:
# Used in the kivy/examples/widgets/lists/ (See notes at bottom about
# how it was modified for selection.):
from kivy.adapters.dictadapter import DictAdapter
from kivy.uix.listview import ListItemButton, ListItemLabel, \
CompositeListItem, ListView
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from fixtures import integers_dict
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from import BooleanProperty, ObjectProperty
class EditableLabel(ListItemLabel):
edit = BooleanProperty(False)
textinput = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and not self.edit:
self.edit = True
return super(EditableLabel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
def on_edit(self, instance, value):
if not value:
if self.textinput:
self.textinput = t = TextInput(
text=self.text, size_hint=(None, None),
font_size=self.font_size, font_name=self.font_name,
pos=self.pos, size=self.size, multiline=False)
self.bind(pos=t.setter('pos'), size=t.setter('size'))
t.bind(on_text_validate=self.on_text_validate, focus=self.on_text_focus)
def on_text_validate(self, instance):
self.text = instance.text
self.edit = False
def on_text_focus(self, instance, focus):
if focus is False:
self.text = instance.text
self.edit = False
class MainView(GridLayout):
'''Uses :class:`CompositeListItem` for list item views comprised by two
:class:`ListItemButton`s and one :class:`ListItemLabel`. Illustrates how
to construct the fairly involved args_converter used with
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['cols'] = 2
kwargs['size_hint'] = (1.0, 1.0)
super(MainView, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# This is quite an involved args_converter, so we should go through the
# details. A CompositeListItem instance is made with the args
# returned by this converter. The first three, text, size_hint_y,
# height are arguments for CompositeListItem. The cls_dicts list contains
# argument sets for each of the member widgets for this composite:
# ListItemButton and ListItemLabel.
args_converter = \
lambda row_index, rec: \
{'text': rec['text'],
'size_hint_y': None,
'height': 25,
'cls_dicts': [{'cls': ListItemButton,
'kwargs': {'text': rec['text']}},
{'cls': EditableLabel,
'kwargs': {'text': "Middle-{0}".format(rec['text']),
'is_representing_cls': True}},
{'cls': ListItemButton,
'kwargs': {'text': rec['text']}}]}
item_strings = ["{0}".format(index) for index in xrange(100)]
dict_adapter = DictAdapter(sorted_keys=item_strings,
# Use the adapter in our ListView:
list_view = ListView(adapter=dict_adapter)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
# Selection can be tricky, and easy to get "out of sync," if that is the proper phrasing.
# In the example above, EditableLabel is given calls to whenever self.edit
# is set to True, and self.deselect() whenever self.edit is set to False. This was after
# the experimenting, and finding out that if you call select() "manually," but don't call
# deselect() at the appropriate times, the single selection operations of the listview
# get broken. The rule might be, "If you alter selection, learn about and work with the
# built-in selection operations".
# ListItemLabel class
# def select(self, *args):
# self.bold = True
# if type(self.parent) is CompositeListItem:
# self.parent.select_from_child(self, *args)
# def deselect(self, *args):
# self.bold = False
# if type(self.parent) is CompositeListItem:
# self.parent.deselect_from_child(self, *args)
# So, our added calls to in EditableLabel(ListItemLabel) will call the
# parent CompositeListItem's select_ and deselect_from_child() methods:
# CompositeListItem class
# def select_from_child(self, child, *args):
# for c in self.children:
# if c is not child:
# c.select_from_composite(*args)
# def deselect_from_child(self, child, *args):
# for c in self.children:
# if c is not child:
# c.deselect_from_composite(*args)
# And, those, in turn, will essentially do a "sibling selection/deselection" when
# a label is edited, which is done via calls back down to the select_ and
# deselect_from_composite() methods of children. Those only set bold for labels
# and selected color for buttons. Override them for different visual effects.
# You could do the same sort of thing for a label that you do not want to be
# editable, but want to behave as a button would for some reason.
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yoelk commented Jan 21, 2015

Hello geojeff,
thanks for the great example!
Would you mind answering a couple of questions regarding the code?

  1. When I run it on my computer (Mac), I see that when I edit the labels, the bottom part of the label is cut, so during editing I can only see the top 80% of the letters. Did you observe a similar behaviour?
  2. Is it possible to do this by using kvlang?
  3. Are you aware of similar examples for adding other widgets to list items? e.g. spinners?

Thanks a lot and good day,

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