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Last active March 29, 2022 14:00
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Ansible Playbook to install ipkg and unfsd on a buffalo linkstation
- name: checks NFS on my buffalo linkstation and installs ipkg and unfs3 if needed
hosts: buffalo
exports_src: files/etc/exports
exports_dest: /opt/etc/exports
# - name: check for ipkg
# stat:
# path: /opt/bin/ipkg
# register: ipkg_check
# debug:
# msg="{{ ipkg_check.stat }}"
- name: Check for ipkg
path: /opt/bin/ipkg
register: ipkg_check
- name: ipkg is installed
msg: "ipkg exists"
when: ipkg_check.stat.exists
- name: wget ipkg
#command: wget -O /tmp/lspro-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm.xsh
dest: /tmp/
mode: '0755'
register: wget_output
when: ipkg_check.stat.exists == False
- name: install ipkg
# command vs. script, script transfer from ansible host to client, since we got it directly, no need
# the bootstrap script never seems to exit cleanly via ssh, so we launch it in the background and then
# wait until the /opt/bin/ipkg file appears
command: /tmp/lspro-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm.xsh
register: ipkg_install
async: 120
poll: 0
when: (ipkg_check.stat.exists == False) and (wget_output.status_code == 200)
- name: wait for ipkg file
path: /opt/bin/ipkg
- name: check for ipkg data
path: /opt/lib/ipkg/lists/cross
register: ipkg_data
- name: ipkg update after installing
command: /opt/bin/ipkg update
when: ipkg_data.stat.exists == false
## verify both portmap and nfsd are there using stat -
- name: Check for portmap
path: /opt/sbin/portmap
register: portmap_check
## install if portmap_checks.stat.exists == False
##/opt/bin/ipkg install portmap
- name: Check for unfsd
path: /opt/sbin/unfsd
register: unfsd_check
- name: install if unfsd_checks.stat.exists == False
command: /opt/bin/ipkg install unfs3
register: unfs_install
when: unfsd_check.stat.exists == False
- name: Check for portmap
path: /opt/sbin/portmap
register: portmap_check
- name: install portmap if needed
command: /opt/bin/ipkg install portmap
register: portmap_install
when: portmap_check.stat.exists == False
# now that unfs3 and portmap is installed, check for exports and start
- name: Check for running portmap
# note - used failed_when rc == 2 so that we can get the 0 / 1 if the process is running
shell: "ps w|grep portmap|grep -v grep"
ignore_errors: yes
register: running_processes
failed_when: running_processes.rc == 2
- name: Found portmap
msg: "Found process for portmap "
when: running_processes.rc == 0
- name: portmap not found, start
shell: /opt/etc/init.d/S55portmap
register: portman_start
when: running_processes.rc == 1
- name: Check for running nfs
shell: "ps w|grep unfsd|grep -v grep"
ignore_errors: yes
register: running_processes
failed_when: running_processes.rc == 2
- name: Found nfs
msg: "Found process for nfsd "
when: running_processes.rc == 0
- name: nfs not found, start
shell: /opt/etc/init.d/S56unfsd
register: nfsd_start
when: running_processes.rc == 1
- name: Check for exports
path: /opt/etc/exports
register: register_name
- name: exports is there
msg: "exports exists"
when: register_name.stat.exists
- name: exports is not there
src: "{{ exports_src }}"
dest: "{{ exports_dest }}"
owner: root
mode: 0644
register: exports_copy
when: register_name.stat.exists == False
- name: restart nfs when exports changed
shell: /opt/etc/init.d/S56unfsd
register: nfsd_start
when: exports_copy.changed
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