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Created February 16, 2015 18:39
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.12)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
$base-size: 16px;
$line-height: 24px;
// 1. Assignment Operator
$main-color: lightgray;
// 2. Arithmetic Operators
//h2 {
//font-size: 5px + 2em; // error incompatible units
//font-size: 5px + 2; // 7px
//font-size: 5px * 2px; // invalid CSS
//font-size: 16px / 24px // Outputs pure CSS
//font-size: (16px / 24px) // Uses parentheses, does division
//font-size: #{$base-size} / #{$line-height}; // Uses interpolation, outputs pure CSS
//font-size: $base-size / $line-height // Uses variables, does division
//opacity: random(4) / 5; // Uses a function, does division
//padding-right: 2px / 4px + 3px // Uses an arithmetic expression, does division
//width: 3px * 5 + 5px; // 20px
//width: 3 * (5px + 5px); // 30px
//width: 3px + (6px / 2) * 3; // 12px
// 3. Equality Operators
//@mixin font-fl($font){
// &:after {
// @if(type-of($font) == string) {
// content: 'My font is: #{$font}.';
// } @else {
// content: 'Sorry, the argument #{$font} is a #{type-of($font)}.';
// }
// }
//$list: "tomato", "lime", "lightblue";
//@mixin fg-color($property) {
// @each $item in $list {
// $color-length: str-length($item);
// @if( $color-length % 2 != 0 ) {
// #{$property}: unquote($item);
// }
// }
//@include font-fl(sans-serif);
//@include fg-color(color);
//@if(20px == 20) {
// color: red;
// 4. Comparison Operators
//$padding: 50px;
//h2 {
// @if($padding <= 20px) {
// padding: $padding;
// } @else {
// padding: $padding / 2;
// }
// 5. Logical Operators
//$list-map: (success: lightgreen, alert: tomato, info: lightblue);
//@mixin button-state($btn-state) {
//@if (length($list-map) > 2 or length($list-map) < 5) {
// background-color: map-get($list-map, $btn-state);
//@if (length($list-map) > 2 or not (length($list-map) == 3)) {
// background-color: map-get($list-map, $btn-state);
//@if (length($list-map) > 2 or not (length($list-map) == 3)) {
// background-color: map-get($list-map, $btn-state);
//.btn {
// @include button-state(success);
// 6. String Operations
//@mixin string-concat {
// &:after {
// content: "My favorite language is " + Sass;
// font: Arial + " sans-serif";
// }
//h2 {
// @include string-concat;
//@mixin string-concat ($language) {
// &:after {
//content: "My favorite language is #{$language}";
// second way without using interpolation
//content: "My favorite language is " + $language;
// }
//h2 {
//@include string-concat(Sass);
// 7. Color Operations
//h2 {
// color: #468499 + #204479;
//h2 {
//color: rgba(70, 132, 153, 1) + rgba(32, 68, 121, 1);
// error alpha channels must be equal
//color: rgba(70, 132, 153, .9) + rgba(32, 68, 121, .7);
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