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Last active August 22, 2016 18:08
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Universal redux-saga server-side render
import R from 'ramda';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import { put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
const MAX_RENDERS = 10;
export function renderUntilDone(store, app) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let again = true;
let renderCount = 0;
let html;
const unsub = store.subscribe(onChange);
function onChange(first = false) {
const loading = store.getState().loading;
if (!first && loading && loading.length) {
again = true;
if (again) {
again = false;
// This may not work if onChange isn't called sync during render
if (!again) {
function render() {
if (renderCount > MAX_RENDERS) {
return reject(new Error(`Tried to render more than ${MAX_RENDERS} times.`));
const state = store.getState();
html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(app(state));
export function reducer(state = [], action) {
if (action.type !== LOADING) return state;
// no-dupes version
// const mod = action.finished ? R.without([]) : R.compose(R.uniq, R.append(;
const without = R.without([]);
const oneLess = R.compose(R.tail, R.filter(R.equals(;
const removeOne = R.converge(R.concat, [without, oneLess]);
const mod = action.finished ? removeOne : R.append(;
return mod(loading);
// Wrap your loading sagas with this function
export function *addLoading(type, func, ...args) {
const data = [type, func, ...args];
yield put({ type: LOADING, data });
try {
yield call(func, ...args);
} finally {
yield put({ type: LOADING, data, finished: true });
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