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! ED2IN . !
! !
! This is the file that contains the variables that define how ED is to be run. There !
! is some brief information about the variables here. !
!----- Simulation title (64 characters). -----------------------------------------------!
for( file in list.files("./R", full.names = TRUE)) {
doc <- scan( what=character(), sep="\n", file, blank.lines.skip = FALSE))
returns <- which(!grepl("returnItem", doc) & grepl("@return", doc))
if(length(returns) > 0){
doc[returns] <- gsub("##' @return", paste("##' @export\n##' @return"), doc[returns])
doc <- paste(doc, collapse="\n")
cat(doc, file = file)
x y z
38.9615287780762 -123.557899475098 7.92597160529917
39.2415008544922 -123.639297485352 19.6720448989566
39.5216293334961 -123.721496582031 19.7777469954035
39.801929473877 -123.804496765137 12.2321845061341
40.362979888916 -123.972900390625 15.0005842788282
40.6437187194824 -124.058403015137 1.44349232163177
38.7436981201172 -123.118499755859 1.9388409251228
39.0238494873047 -123.19750213623 0.89116102273125
39.3041801452637 -123.277297973633 1.96057371795476
structure(list(name = "foo", attributes = NULL, children = structure(list(
a = structure(list(name = "a", attributes = NULL, children = structure(list(
text = structure(list(name = "text", attributes = NULL,
children = structure(list(), .Names = character(0)),
namespace = "", namespaceDefinitions = structure(list(), class = "XMLNamespaceDefinitions"),
value = "1"), .Names = c("name", "attributes", "children",
"namespace", "namespaceDefinitions", "value"), class = c("XMLTextNode",
"XMLNode", "RXMLAbstractNode", "XMLAbstractNode", "oldClass",
"EntitiesEscaped"))), .Names = "text"), namespace = "",
namespaceDefinitions = structure(list(), class = "XMLNamespaceDefinitions")), .Names = c("name",