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Created June 19, 2024 11:28
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So you want to run an operator

So you want to deploy an Operator

You might be exploring a tool and find a section to "Run this as an operator in your Kubernetes cluster". That sounds swell, you run one magic command, some make install and now you can define some config to just make things work.

On paper that sounds good, but there are few unspoken considerations.


Maintenance - once operator is deployed, supporting RBAC components and CRD definitions need to be kept up to date. You will also need to monitor and manage the operator, so the usual list of metrics, logs, resource usage, etc.

Setup - Operators comprise of both cluster scopred resources and namespaced. Things like "Deployment", "Service", "ServiceAccount" are namespaced, where "ClusterRole", "ClusterRoleBinding" and "CustomResourceDefinition" are cluster scoped. First step is to separate the two because cluster scoped resources should live in "kube-system" where CI agent has permission to apply this scope. It also means @system needs to review changes for that scope - this is important and will be explained later on "why".

Audit - Before deploying we need to review what kind of permissions the operator requests and what kind of actions it will perform once deployed. Discussed in detail in the next section, this needs to be done on every upgrade.


APIServer - This is a core Kubernetes component that sits in front of ETCD and exposes an API to Kubernetes resources. All Operators will want to talk to APIServer, at the very least to watch for it's own CRD instances. Often they will also want to rw Deployments, Pods ro Secrets. Here an operator can be a bad resident by calling APIServer too aggressively, DOSing it and bringing down the cluster. Examples: kubernetes-sigs/external-dns#484, kyverno/kyverno#6977

ETCD - database that keeps Kubernetes cluster state. Its very good at certain things, but very bad at others. It does not respond well to large objects, large number of objects, or large overall size. And they consider 8GB to be the upper limit. More: Some operators treat ETCD as tmpfs for their needs that can have negative and sometimes problematic consequences, example: kyverno/kyverno#5830

Metrics cardinality - Some operators like Airflow operate creating large number of short-lived containers to perform tasks. This is not a problem for Kubernetes itself, but presents a big problem for our Prometheus + Thanos monitoring stack. There are a number of common metrics that we export for all Pods, things like cpu, memory, disk, etc. - this allows us to debug issues without having every team expose these type of metrics themselves. By spinning up and down large number of Pods, we grow cardinality of these metrics, which is problematic for Prometheus:

Secrets [permissions] - this is a big one, but is encountered surprisingly often. A lot of operators will request a default permission to read all Secrets in the cluster. Example k6:, that is quite an opening. Lesser in magnitude but its not great that someone can delete my Deployments:

How to deploy

  1. You will need to unpick Helm charts / install scripts and PR cluster scoped resources to kube-system/<operator>. This is for you to understand what the operator does, and for us to review permissions and have our CICD agent apply these resources.

  2. Ideally your operator can run "namespace scoped": . Then only CRD definition needs to live in kube-system perhaps with ClusterRole, and everything else can live inside your namespace, importantly including RoleBinding. Using a RoleBinding on ClusterRole means that permissions granted are only for the namespace where RoleBinding lives.

  3. All namespace scoped components then get deployed inside your namespace.

This is an example of Keda Operator manifests that are broken up by scope and exposed as a Kustomize base:

Cluster scoped base is then referenced from kube-system: where extra resources are bindings: . These are kept out of the base as they specify the namespace where the operator is deployed.

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