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Created October 5, 2022 20:40
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Simulated Annealing
namespace SimulatedAnnealing;
public class Tests
[TestCase(new[] { 6, 1, 9, 14, 19, 11, 0, 12, 8, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7, 10, 16, 15, 17, 18, 13, },
new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }, 300000)]
public void CanSort(int[] source, int[] expected, int kMax)
var random = new Random(123);
ISolver sa = new SimulatedAnnealing(kMax, random);
var problem = new SortingProblemFamily(random);
var actual = sa.Solve(problem, source.ToList());
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", actual.solution));
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.solution);
[TestCase("1432219", 3, "1219", 32)]
[TestCase("10200", 1, "0200", 8)]
[TestCase("10", 2, "0", 3)]
public void CanRemoveKDigits(string num, int k, string expectedOutput, int kMax)
var random = new Random(123);
ISolver sa = new SimulatedAnnealing(kMax, random);
var problem = new RemoveKDigitsProblemFamily(random, num, k);
var actual = sa.Solve(problem,
new BitSet(Enumerable.Repeat(false, k).Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(true, num.Length - k)).ToList()));
var actualSolutionPhenotype = problem.DerivePhenotype(actual.solution);
Assert.That(actualSolutionPhenotype, Is.EqualTo(expectedOutput));
public interface IProblemFamily<TGenotype, TPhenotype>
TPhenotype DerivePhenotype(TGenotype genotype);
TGenotype Mutate(TGenotype genotype);
double EstimateError(TPhenotype phenotype);
public class SortingProblemFamily : IProblemFamily<List<int>, List<int>>
private Random _random;
public SortingProblemFamily(Random random)
_random = random;
public List<int> DerivePhenotype(List<int> genotype)
// don't need anything more than phenotype itself to estimate.
return genotype;
public List<int> Mutate(List<int> genotype)
var start = _random.Next(genotype.Count);
var len = _random.Next(2, Math.Max(2, genotype.Count / 10));
var result = new List<int>(genotype.Count);
Reverse(result, (l, a, b) => (l[a % l.Count], l[b % l.Count]) = (l[b % l.Count], l[a % l.Count]), start,
return result;
public double EstimateError(List<int> phenotype)
return UnsortedCost(phenotype);
static void Reverse<TArg>(TArg arg, Action<TArg, int, int> swap, int start, int len)
for (var i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
swap(arg, start + i, start + len - i - 1);
static double UnsortedCost(List<int> source)
double s = 0;
var len = source.Count;
var lenSquare = (double)len * len;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var x = source[i] - i;
s += x * x;
return s / lenSquare;
public interface ISolver
public (TGenotype solution, double quality) Solve<TGenotype, TPhenotype>(
IProblemFamily<TGenotype, TPhenotype> problemFamily,
TGenotype start);
public class SimulatedAnnealing : ISolver
private readonly int _kMax;
private readonly Random _random;
public SimulatedAnnealing(int kMax, Random random)
_kMax = kMax;
_random = random;
public (TGenotype solution, double quality) Solve<TGenotype, TPhenotype>(
IProblemFamily<TGenotype, TPhenotype> problemFamily,
TGenotype start)
var startPhenotype = problemFamily.DerivePhenotype(start);
var current = (solition: start, cost: problemFamily.EstimateError(startPhenotype));
var best = current;
for (var k = 0; k < _kMax; k++)
if (current.cost == 0)
TestContext.WriteLine($"Solution found at step: {k}");
var candidateSolution = problemFamily.Mutate(current.solition);
var candidatePhenotype = problemFamily.DerivePhenotype(candidateSolution);
var candidate = (solution: candidateSolution, cost: problemFamily.EstimateError(candidatePhenotype));
double t = 1 - (k + 1.0) / _kMax;
var costDiff = candidate.cost - current.cost;
var p = Math.Exp(-costDiff / t);
var r = _random.NextDouble();
if (candidate.cost <= current.cost
|| r < p)
current = candidate;
if (candidate.cost < best.cost)
best = candidate;
return best;
/// <summary>
/// RemoveKDigitsProblemFamily. This problem is intentionally formulated as stupid as possible.
/// </summary>
public class RemoveKDigitsProblemFamily : IProblemFamily<BitSet, string>
private readonly Random _random;
private readonly string _num;
private readonly int _k;
private double _actualNum;
public RemoveKDigitsProblemFamily(Random random, string num, int k)
_random = random;
_num = num;
_k = k;
_actualNum = double.Parse(num);
public string DerivePhenotype(BitSet genotype)
// Span<char> buffer = new char[_num.Length - _k];
// var p = 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < _num.Length; i++)
// {
// if (!genotype[i]) continue;
// buffer[p++] = _num[i];
// }
// var phenotype = new string(buffer);
var phenotypeChars = _num
.Select((ch, index) => (ch, index))
.Where(i => genotype[i.index])
.Select(i =>
var phenotype = new string(phenotypeChars);
if (phenotype == "")
return "0";
return phenotype;
public BitSet Mutate(BitSet genotype)
var (a, b) = (_random.Next(_num.Length), _random.Next(_num.Length));
var r = new BitSet(genotype);
(r[a], r[b]) = (r[b], r[a]); // swap bits
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Cost function should return error amount.
/// Values should be in range [0..1)
/// </summary>
public double EstimateError(string phenotype)
if (phenotype == "")
return 0;
return double.Parse(phenotype) / _actualNum;
public struct BitSet
private long _bits;
public bool this[int x]
get => (_bits & (1L << x)) != 0;
if (value)
_bits |= 1L << x;
_bits &= ~ (1L << x);
public BitSet(IEnumerable<bool> bits)
_bits = 0;
var count = 0;
using var ie = bits.GetEnumerator();
while (ie.MoveNext())
if (ie.Current)
_bits |= 1L << count;
public BitSet(BitSet source)
_bits = source._bits;
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