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Last active April 8, 2021 09:32
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User guidelines document

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Trial Manager v3

User guidelines

TrialManager v3 comes with an enhanced UI for faster trial management data. The new interface can now be used on the go with smart handheld devices, like smartphones or tablets. It works on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge.


  • Add trials
  • NEW: Search trials
  • NEW: Maintain trials
  • NEW: Delete trials

Start Page

1. Select your country

Please select the belonging country. Important: it has to be related to the AgroPortal Project, as the data will be displayed in this context.

Example: DE

2. Select your language

Please select the corresponding language.

Example: de

3. Choose action

Once the country and the language field have been filled, you can choose whether you want to:

  • Add a new trial
  • Search and edit existing trials

Add trial


If SPEAD Trial is existing, please enter the specific SPEAD Trial ID.

If not, please type in your credentials from First and Last name and add a three-digit numeric code. Important: Please note that the codes have to be unique!

Example: User "John Doe" could maintain "JD123" as an ID for the current trial.

Technical title

This title won't appear in the frontend but is meant to retrieve your maintained trials easily.

The value of this field should follow this predefined structure: [ PRODUCT_NAME(S) ] / [ PURPOSE ] / [ CROP ]

Please note that product's name(s), purpose, and crop have to be separated with slash "/"



This title is going to appear as a headline on the trial detail page.



The location field (free text)

Latitude / Longitude

The maintenance of the coordinates offers two possibilities:

  • Press the "locator" button in order to retrieve your coordinates automatically or
  • Enter the coordinates manually, if the trial location is different from your current position
Images, Plots, Targets

Note: You can only add trial images, plots, or targets after you clicked Add trial at the top of the page. If you want to remove any trial image, plot, or target from this trial, just click the trash icon on the left and confirm the deletion.

Add trial image

Upload image

After you uploaded an image, you can change the following properties on each image:

  • image date
  • purpose
  • plant level
  • leaf level

After you updated the image properties, click SAVE TRIAL IMAGE at the top of the page, as you can see in the image below.

Add plot

Fill in plot information on the form below, then click the Save plot button at the top of the page. A plot can contain:

  • plot number
  • yield
  • efficacy
  • competitor
  • comment
  • seed variety
  • key message core benefits

Note: You can only add treatments on a plot after you clicked Add plot at the top of the page. If you want to remove any plot from this trial, just click the trash icon on the left and confirm the deletion.

Add treatment (mini-plot)

Fill in treatment information on the form below, then click the Save treatment button at the top of the page. A treatment can have one of the following types:

  • BASF (for treatments using BASF products, please select the product name from the dropdown)
  • Competitor (for treatments using BASF products, please fill in the name of the Competitor product)
  • Untreated (no treatment)

Note: You can only add treatment images after you clicked Add treatment at the top of the page. If you want to remove any treatment from this plot, just click the trash icon on the left and confirm the deletion.

Add treatment image

Fill in treatment information on the form below, then click the Save treatment button at the top of the page. A treatment can have one of the following types:

  • BASF (for treatments using BASF products, please select the product name from the dropdown)
  • Competitor (for treatments using BASF products, please fill in the name of the Competitor product)
  • Untreated (no treatment)

Each treatment image can have one or more targets. After clicking the Add target button, you will be able to select a pest from Trial Targets (please refer to Add Targets section below to learn how to add more possible targets for each image). If you want to remove any target from this treatment image, just click the trash icon on the left and confirm the deletion.

Note: You can only add targets on a treatment image after you clicked Save treatment image at the top of the page.

Add targets

You can select as many pests as you want to add to the Targets list. If you want to remove any target from this trial, just click the trash icon on the left and confirm the deletion.

Trial Search

You can navigate to the trials page by clicking the 🔎 icon in the header. On this page, you can search all submitted trials for your country using different criteria.

Click any trial on the list to preview important information like the trial title or the number of plots, targets, treatments, images, etc. Use the Edit trial button to navigate to any one of it and update the data.

Note: You can search through any trials data point exclusively using the Filters button next to the search bar, as you can see in the image below.


If you need support in using the TrialManager app, please contact us by email at and describe your problem in detail. Thank you!

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