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Created June 30, 2021 07:29
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"project": {
"name": "Trial Manager - external",
"description": "Gestioneaza datele procese si datele asociate lor, precum imagini, data plantarii, terenuri, plante, tratamente, produse, daunatori si multe altele.",
"info": ""
"nav": {
"home": "acasa",
"search": "cauta proces",
"all": "toate procesele"
"actions": {
"loading": "se incarca ...",
"add": "adauga",
"delete": "sterge",
"edit": "modifica",
"save": "salveaza",
"duplicate": "creeaza o copie",
"download": "descarca",
"change": "schimba",
"upload": "incarca",
"confirm-question": "esti sigur?"
"entity": {
"trial": "proces",
"plot": "teren",
"image": "imagine",
"assessment": "evaluare",
"treatment": "tratament",
"target": "tinta",
"product": "produs",
"pest": "daunator"
"form": {
"trial-id-label": "Trial ID",
"trial-id-info": "Trebuie sa fie unic",
"trial-id-tooltip": "Daca SPEAD Trial exista, te rugam sa folosesti SPEAD Trial ID; daca nu, foloseste username-ul ta si adauga un cod random de 3 cifre la final. Codurile trebuie sa fie unice!",
"technical-title-label": "Titlu tehnic",
"technical-title-tooltip": "This title won't appear in the frontend but is meant to retrieve your maintained trials easily. The value of this field should follow this predefined structure: [ PRODUCT_NAME(S) ] / [ PURPOSE ] / [ CROP ]. Please note that product's name(s), purpose, and crop have to be separated with slash /",
"plot-number-info": "Trebuie sa fie unic"
"home": {
"country-preselection": "Alege tara ...",
"lang-preselection": "Alege limba ...",
"country-label": "Alege tara din FS",
"country-lang-label": "Alege tara si limba din FS",
"country-tooltip": "Tara si limba aleasa trebuie sa corespunda proiectului FIRST SPIRIT pentru tara ta.",
"add-trial-btn": "Adauga proces",
"edit-trial-btn": "Modifica procese",
"user-guidelines-pdf": "manual de utilizare"
"search": {
"all-trials": "Toate procesele",
"search-trials": "Cauta procese",
"add-trial": "+ Proces nou",
"search-by": "Cauta dupa ",
"filters": "Filtre",
"days-ago": "zile in urma",
"no-results-all": "Nu sunt procese create pentru aceasta limba.",
"no-results-search": "Nu am gasit niciun proces pentru aceasta cautare."
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