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Last active February 10, 2023 18:01
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This is why we can't have nice things
# Get all pages that are nested under the root
# Check if it has a layout (avoids data source object)
# Set flag to true. Show everything if no filter is set.
# Get page filters. If a section has filters, set taxonomy flag to false. At least one field must match selected filters. Set to true #if we find a matching field.
# If the field parsing remains true after checking each field, add the item to an array.
# The array takes the item, and the date field parsed to that the date is a single number, year/month/day.
# After all field and array parsing is done, sort the array by date.
# Loop through the array and render the items.
releases = sc_parameter "NumberOfReleases"
numberOfReleases = string.to_int(releases)
flag = 0
height = sc_parameter "Height"
numHeight = string.to_int(height)
classParameters = "class=\"press-release-container height-override small-card-height-" + height + "\""
# Press Release Detail
resultsTemplateId = '{A5BA4FAC-8B46-469C-9E34-4CB5F17FF27E}'
PressReleasePages = sc_follow i_item "Path To Press Release Pages"
Query = 'query:' + PressReleasePages.path + "//*[@@templateid='" + resultsTemplateId + "']"
itemDivisions = sc_field i_item "Divisions" | string.split '|'
itemIndustries = sc_field i_item "Industries" | string.split '|'
itemBrands = sc_field i_item "Selling Brands" | string.split '|'
itemEcosystems = sc_field i_item "Solutions" | string.split '|'
filters = itemIndustries.size + itemDivisions.size + itemBrands.size + itemEcosystems.size;
taxFlag = false
renderOrderArray = []
{{if (o_pagemode.is_experience_editor_editing)}}
<div {{classParameters}}>
{{for i_child in PressReleasePages.children}}
{{if flag < numberOfReleases}}
<div class="press-release">
<a href="#"><h2>Test Title, preview or visit published page to view data</h2></a>
<p>26 April 2001</p>
{{flag = flag + 1}}
{{for i_child in (sc_query i_page Query) }}
{{languageVersionAvailable = sc_item_languages i_child | string.split ',' | array.contains i_page.language}}
{{if !languageVersionAvailable
{{if i_child.has_layout && filters > 0}}
{{taxFlag = true}}
{{childDivisions = sc_field i_child "Divisions" | string.split '|'}}
{{if (itemDivisions.size > 0)}}
{{taxFlag = false}}
{{for division in itemDivisions}}
{{if (childDivisions | array.contains division)}}
{{ taxFlag = true}}
{{if !taxFlag
{{childIndustries = sc_field i_child "Industries" | string.split '|'}}
{{if (itemIndustries.size > 0)}}
{{taxFlag = false}}
{{for industry in itemIndustries}}
{{if (childIndustries | array.contains industry)}}
{{ taxFlag = true}}
{{if !taxFlag
{{childBrands = sc_field i_child "Selling Brands" | string.split '|'}}
{{if (itemBrands.size > 0)}}
{{taxFlag = false}}
{{for brands in itemBrands}}
{{if (childBrands | array.contains brands)}}
{{ taxFlag = true}}
{{if !taxFlag
{{childEcosystems = sc_field i_child "Solutions" | string.split '|'}}
{{if (itemEcosystems.size > 0)}}
{{taxFlag = false}}
{{for ecosystem in itemEcosystems}}
{{if (childEcosystems | array.contains ecosystem)}}
{{ taxFlag = true}}
{{if !taxFlag
{{if taxFlag}}
{{date.format = '%F%k%M'}}
{{itemDate = sc_field i_child 'Publication Date' | date.parse | string.remove '-' }}
{{renderOrderArray = renderOrderArray | array.add {item: i_child, date: itemDate } }}
{{if i_child.has_layout}}
{{date.format = '%F%k%M'}}
{{itemDate = sc_field i_child 'Publication Date' | date.parse | string.remove '-' }}
{{renderOrderArray = renderOrderArray | array.add {item: i_child, date: itemDate } }}
{{ end }}
{{renderOrderArray = renderOrderArray | array.sort "date" | array.reverse}}
<div {{classParameters}}>
{{date.format = date.default_format}}
{{flag = 0}}
{{for item in renderOrderArray}}
{{childItem = item.item}}
{{if flag < numberOfReleases}}
<div class="press-release">
<a href="{{sc_link childItem}}"><h2>{{sc_field childItem "Title"}}</h2></a>
<p>{{sc_field childItem 'Publication Date'|date.parse}}</p>
{{flag = flag + 1}}
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