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Playground for formal blockchain model

Simplistic blockchain spec (playground)

stack ghci --package free --package containers --package mtl --package transformers Dlg.hs
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Block
( Block (..)
, BlockStorage
, BlkFunc (..)
, BlkFuncState (..)
, HasBlock (..)
, BlockIntegrityVerifier (..)
, tryApplyFork
, getUniqueTx
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Foldable (find, foldr')
import Data.Map.Strict ((\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Util
-- Block storage
data Block blockRef tx = Block
{ blkPrev :: Maybe blockRef
, blkTxs :: OldestFirst [] tx
getUniqueTx :: forall alt blockRef tx . HasEx tx alt => Block blockRef tx -> Maybe alt
getUniqueTx (unOldestFirst . blkTxs -> txs) = toSingleVal $ catMaybes $ map getEx txs
toSingleVal (a:[]) = Just a
toSingleVal _ = Nothing
class HasBlock blockRef tx b where
getBlock :: b tx -> Block blockRef tx
instance HasBlock blockRef tx (Block blockRef) where
getBlock = id
newtype BlockWithUndo blockRef undo tx = BWU { unBWU :: (Block blockRef tx, undo) }
instance HasBlock blockRef tx (BlockWithUndo blockRef undo) where
getBlock = getBlock . fst . unBWU
type BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx = (blockRef ~> (bdata tx), blockRef)
type BlockContainerM blockRef bdata tx = Maybe (BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx)
type BlockContainer blockRef tx = BlockContainerM blockRef (Block blockRef) tx
type BlockStorage blockRef undo tx = BlockContainerM blockRef (BlockWithUndo blockRef undo) tx
newtype BlockIntegrityVerifier blockRef tx = BIV { unBIV :: Block blockRef tx -> Bool }
instance Monoid (BlockIntegrityVerifier blockRef tx) where
mempty = BIV $ const True
BIV f `mappend` BIV g = BIV $ \blk -> f blk && g blk
data BlkFunc blockRef tx = BF
{ bfBlockRef :: Block blockRef tx -> blockRef
, bfBlkVerify :: BlockIntegrityVerifier blockRef tx -- ^ Block integrity verifier
, bfIsBetterThan :: forall bdata1 bdata2 . (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata2, HasBlock blockRef tx bdata1)
=> BlockContainerD blockRef bdata1 tx
-> BlockContainerM blockRef bdata2 tx
-> Bool -- ^ Compare two chains with common ancestor
, bfMaxForkDepth :: Int
data BlkFuncState blockRef tx state undo = BFS
{ bfApplyTxs :: state -> OldestFirst [] tx -> Maybe (state, undo)
, bfApplyUndo :: state -> undo -> Maybe state
, bf :: BlkFunc blockRef tx
-- FIXME TODO actually it's valid to have `bfMaxForkDepth` forks, we might be terribly out of sync with network
-- | Validate block container integrity:
-- a. integrity of each block
-- b. sequencing by prevBlock
validateBlkContainer :: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata, Ord blockRef) => BlkFunc blockRef tx -> BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx-> Bool
validateBlkContainer (BF {..}) initContainer = doValidate initContainer
doValidate (blks, tip) =
case tip `M.lookup` blks of
Just (getBlock -> blk) ->
and [ unBIV bfBlkVerify blk
, bfBlockRef blk == tip
, maybe True (doValidate . (,) (tip `M.delete` blks)) (blkPrev blk)
_ -> False
blkTipData :: Ord blockRef => BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx -> bdata tx
blkTipData (blks, tip) = fromMaybe (error "Broken blk container") $ tip `M.lookup` blks
blkOrigin :: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata, Ord blockRef) => BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx -> Maybe blockRef
blkOrigin = blkPrev . getBlock . blkTipData . last . unNewestFirst . blkTails . Just
toBdataList :: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata, Ord blockRef) => BlockContainerM blockRef bdata tx -> NewestFirst [] (bdata tx)
toBdataList = fmap blkTipData . blkTails
blkTails :: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata, Ord blockRef) => BlockContainerM blockRef bdata tx -> NewestFirst [] (BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx)
blkTails Nothing = NewestFirst []
blkTails (Just blkC@(blks, tip)) =
let NewestFirst rest = blkTails nextContainer
Block {..} = getBlock $ blkTipData blkC
nextContainer = maybe Nothing ( Just . (,) (tip `M.delete` blks) ) blkPrev
in NewestFirst $ blkC : rest
blkHeads :: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata, Ord blockRef) => BlockContainerM blockRef bdata tx -> NewestFirst [] (blockRef, BlockContainerD blockRef bdata tx)
blkHeads initC@(Just (_, topTip)) = NewestFirst $ second (,topTip) <$> loopH mempty tails
loopH m (tipBC@(_, tip) : tailsRest) = (tip, m') : loopH m' tailsRest
m' = M.insert tip (blkTipData tipBC) m
loopH _ [] = []
NewestFirst tails = blkTails initC
blkHeads _ = NewestFirst []
-- | Finds LCA of two containers `cont1`, `cont2`
-- Returns `(lca, cont1', cont2')` such that:
-- * `blkOrigin cont1' == blkOrigin cont2' == lca`
-- * `cont1'` and `cont2'` are heads of `cont1`, `cont2` respectively.
:: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata1, HasBlock blockRef tx bdata2, Ord blockRef)
=> Int
-> BlockContainerD blockRef bdata1 tx
-> BlockContainerD blockRef bdata2 tx
-> Maybe (blockRef, BlockContainerM blockRef bdata1 tx, BlockContainerM blockRef bdata2 tx)
findLCA maxDepth cont1 cont2 = do
(lca, dropTail lca -> cont2) <- lcaM
(_, dropTail lca -> cont1) <- find ((==) lca . fst) refs1
assertOrigin lca cont1 $
assertOrigin lca cont2 $
return (lca, cont1, cont2)
assertOrigin origin = assert . maybe True ((== Just origin) . blkOrigin)
dropTail tailKey (m, tip)
| tip == tailKey = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (M.delete tailKey m, tip)
lcaM = find (flip S.member refs1Set . fst) refs2
NewestFirst (take maxDepth -> refs1) = blkHeads (Just cont1)
refs1Set = S.fromList (fst <$> refs1)
NewestFirst (take maxDepth -> refs2) = blkHeads (Just cont2)
data ForkVerResult blockRef bdata1 bdata2 tx
= ApplyFork
{ fvrToApply :: BlockContainerD blockRef bdata1 tx
, fvrToRollback :: BlockContainerM blockRef bdata2 tx
| RejectFork
-- | Competition between block sequences
-- Rules might be arbitrary:
-- - By Chain length
-- - By Difficulty
-- So we encode this check via `bfIsBetterThan`
-- Assumption is each block contains O(1) data assisting in fork comparison
-- Validation of this O(1) information is to be done via `bfBlkVerify`, `bfTxValidator`
:: (HasBlock blockRef tx bdata1, HasBlock blockRef tx bdata2, Ord blockRef)
=> BlkFunc blockRef tx
-> BlockContainerM blockRef bdata1 tx
-> BlockContainerM blockRef bdata2 tx
-> ForkVerResult blockRef bdata1 bdata2 tx
verifyFork _ Nothing _ = RejectFork
verifyFork bf@(BF {..}) (Just fork) cont
| not (validateBlkContainer bf fork) = RejectFork
| isNothing cont
&& isNothing (blkOrigin fork)
&& fork `bfIsBetterThan` cont
= ApplyFork fork Nothing
| Just cont_ <- cont
, Just lcaR@(lca, Just fork', cont') <- findLCA bfMaxForkDepth fork cont_
, fork' `bfIsBetterThan` cont'
= ApplyFork fork' cont'
| otherwise = RejectFork
:: (Monoid undo, Ord blockRef)
=> BlkFunc blockRef tx
-> BlockContainer blockRef tx
-> BlockStorage blockRef undo tx
-> Maybe (undo, OldestFirst [] (Block blockRef tx))
forkToChangeSet bf@(BF {..}) fork blkStorage =
case verifyFork bf fork blkStorage of
RejectFork -> Nothing
ApplyFork {..} ->
let (NewestFirst toRollback) = toBdataList fvrToRollback
(NewestFirst toApply) = toBdataList (Just fvrToApply)
undo = mconcat $ map (snd . unBWU) toRollback
in Just $ (undo,) $ OldestFirst (reverse toApply)
:: (Monoid undo, Ord blockRef)
=> BlkFuncState blockRef tx state undo
-> state
-> BlockStorage blockRef undo tx
-> Block blockRef tx
-> Maybe (state, BlockStorage blockRef undo tx)
applyBlock (BFS {..}) state blkStorage blk
| blkPrev blk == (snd <$> blkStorage) = do
(state', undo) <- bfApplyTxs state (blkTxs blk)
let storage = maybe mempty fst blkStorage
storage' = M.insert (bfBlockRef bf blk) (BWU (blk, undo)) storage
return (state', Just (storage', bfBlockRef bf blk))
| otherwise = Nothing
:: (Monoid undo, Ord blockRef)
=> BlkFuncState blockRef tx state undo
-> BlockContainer blockRef tx
-> BlockStorage blockRef undo tx
-> state
-> Maybe (state, BlockStorage blockRef undo tx)
tryApplyFork bfs@(BFS {..}) fork blkStorage state = do
(undo, OldestFirst blocks) <- forkToChangeSet bf fork blkStorage
state' <- bfApplyUndo state undo
foldM (uncurry $ applyBlock bfs) (state', blkStorage) blocks
-- How to express functionality which shall decide upon inclusion of fork into blockchain?
-- For block application we need diff of change a.k.a. undo
-- Can Storage be used to represent whole state?
-- Can Transaction with validator considering only inputs/outputs uniquely represent state change?
-- No.
-- 1) We need periodically do some recomputation w/o any actual transactions
-- ^ Block boundary is a transaction? Which inputs to use?
-- 2) Validator sometimes would require whole state traversal:
-- * leader computation
-- * update system stake snapshots
-- So we need to think how to restrict access of validator, while allowing it to read needed data.
-- Validator to state ids it needs after considering transaction in O(|tx size|)?
-- And via proofs express this set of ids to be bounded?
-- -------------------------
-- Also, what's the model of accounting? If Id ~> Value is utxo, we need to maintain accounts somehow. How?
-- ^ This is precisely doing some (Id ~> Value) transition in addition to what's state in transaction.
-- Perhaps it can be expressed via appropriate transaction type? I.e. do a straightforward transition in-memory
-- This is easy, only thing we need to ensure is that each transaction shall be a O(|tx size|) change of state
-- But Block boundary tx can not always be processed in O(|tx size|)!
-- We may do more elaborate analysis per tx type and explicitly distinguish transactions for block boundaries for blocks `8k`, `10k` (or few other interesting blocks)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Dlg where
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, catchError, throwError)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Foldable (null, toList)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Pos (StakeConfiguration (..))
import State (StatePComputation, Tx (..), Validator (..),
invalidate, queryP, queryPOne, stateCompOneOfManyE,
import Util
data LightDlgCert stId signature =
{ ldcIssuer :: stId
, ldcSignature :: signature -- ^ Signature of delegate id by issuer
-- , ldcCounter :: Int
-- TODO define modifier for chain selection function (after counter)
newtype LightDlgToSign stId = LightDlgToSign stId
:: forall stId time signature id proof value .
( Eq stId
, Signable stId signature (LightDlgToSign stId)
, HasEx proof (LightDlgCert stId signature)
=> Proxy (stId, signature)
-> StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time
-> StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time
lightDelegationStakeConf _ (StakeConfiguration {..}) = StakeConfiguration scGetStake eligible'
getData = getEx @proof @(LightDlgCert stId signature)
eligible' time delegate proof =
case getData proof of
Just (LightDlgCert issuer sig) ->
bool invalidate (eligibleCheckDo issuer) $
issuer /= delegate && verify issuer (LightDlgToSign delegate) sig
_ -> eligibleCheckDo delegate
eligibleCheckDo st = scEligibleToForge time st proof
data HeavyDlgCert stId signature =
{ hdcIssuer :: stId
, hdcDelegate :: Maybe stId
-- , hdcCounter :: time
-- , hdcSignature :: signature -- ^ Signature of delegate id by issuer
newtype HeavyDlgToSign stId = HeavyDlgToSign (Maybe stId)
data HeavyDlgCertId = HeavyDlgIssuersId | HeavyDlgDelegateId
deriving Enum
data HeavyDlgTxId = HeavyDlgTxId
newtype HeavyDlgCertProof signature = HeavyDlgCertProof signature
-- Virtual state of delegation:
-- data DelegationState stId = DelegationState
-- { dsIssuers :: stId ~> Set stId
-- , dsDelegate :: stId ~> stId
-- }
:: forall ids stId time signature id proof value .
( Ord stId
, IdStorage ids HeavyDlgCertId
, Ord id
, HasAlt id stId
, HasEx value (Set stId)
=> Proxy (stId, signature, ids)
-> StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time
-> StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time
heavyDelegationStakeConf _ (StakeConfiguration {..}) = StakeConfiguration scGetStake eligible'
issuersId = getId (Proxy @ids) HeavyDlgIssuersId
eligible' time delegate proof =
queryPOne issuersId delegate >>= maybe (eligibleCheckDo delegate) (stateCompOneOfManyE . map eligibleCheckDo . S.toList)
eligibleCheckDo st = scEligibleToForge time st proof
:: forall ids txIds stId signature id proof value .
( HasEx proof (HeavyDlgCertProof signature)
, HasAlt id stId
, HasEx value (Set stId)
, HasEx value stId
, Ord id
, Ord stId
-- ^ Constraint is `Has` and not `HasEx`, proposing that there shall be other validator for same tx to actually process it
, IdStorage txIds HeavyDlgTxId
, IdStorage ids HeavyDlgCertId
, Signable stId signature (HeavyDlgToSign stId)
=> Proxy (stId, signature, ids, txIds)
-> Int
-> Validator id proof value
heavyDlgValidator _ maxDlgDepth =
Validator (S.singleton heavyDlgTxId) $ \Tx{..} ->
case getData txProof of
Just (HeavyDlgCertProof sig) ->
validateDo sig txBody
_ -> invalidate
getData = getEx @proof @(HeavyDlgCertProof signature)
heavyDlgTxId = getId (Proxy @txIds) HeavyDlgTxId
validateDo :: signature -> ChangeSet id value -> ExceptT () (StatePComputation id value) ()
validateDo sig body
| Just issuerCS <- issuerCS'
, Just delegateCS <- delegateCS'
, M.null $ M.delete issuersId $ M.delete delegateId $ byId
, Right (issuer, newDelegateM) <- checkDelegates sig delegateCS
, Right (oldDelegateM, stateCheckIds, stateCheckVals) <- checkIssuers issuer newDelegateM issuerCS
, maybe True (\oldDlg -> dpRemove delegateCS == S.singleton oldDlg) oldDelegateM
= validateStateDelegates issuer oldDelegateM <> validateStateIssuers stateCheckIds stateCheckVals
<> maybe mempty (validateNewTree maxDlgDepth issuer) newDelegateM
| otherwise
= invalidate
byId :: Int ~> ChangeSet' id value
byId = splitByPrefix body
issuerCS' = getEx $ fromMaybe mempty $ issuersId `M.lookup` byId
delegateCS' = getEx $ fromMaybe mempty $ delegateId `M.lookup` byId
issuersId = getId (Proxy @ids) HeavyDlgIssuersId
delegateId = getId (Proxy @ids) HeavyDlgDelegateId
guard e = bool (throwError ()) (pure ())
validateStateDelegates issuer oldDelegateM =
queryPOne delegateId issuer
>>= guard () . (==oldDelegateM) -- TODO throw meaningful error
validateStateIssuers ids vals =
queryP issuersId ids >>= guard () . ((==vals) . (∩ toDummyMap ids)) -- TODO throw meaningful error
validateNewTree 0 _ _ = invalidate
validateNewTree depthCounter issuer newDelegate =
queryPOne delegateId newDelegate >>= \case
Just prev -> if prev == issuer
then invalidate
else validateNewTree (depthCounter - 1) issuer prev
_ -> validate
checkDelegates :: signature -> ChangeSet' stId stId -> Either () (stId, Maybe stId)
checkDelegates sig (ChangeSet {..})
| M.null dpAdd
, [ issuer ] <- S.toList dpRemove
, verify issuer (HeavyDlgToSign (Nothing :: Maybe stId)) sig
= Right (issuer, Nothing)
| [(issuer, newDelegate)] <- M.toList dpAdd
, newDelegate /= issuer
, S.null dpRemove || S.singleton issuer == dpRemove
, verify issuer (HeavyDlgToSign $ Just newDelegate) sig
= Right (issuer, Just newDelegate)
| otherwise = Left ()
-- Issuer validation cases:
-- Ia. Delegation certificate, no previous delegation existed, new delegate had no issuers
-- Ib. Delegation certificate, no previous delegation existed, new delegate had issuers
-- Ic. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had single issuer, new delegate had no issuers
-- Ie. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had single issuer, new delegate had issuers
-- Id. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had > 1 issuers, new delegate had no issuers
-- If. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had > 1 issuers, new delegate had issuers
-- IIa. Revoke certificate, delegate had > 1 issuers on his behalf
-- IIb. Revoke certificate, delegate had single issuer on his behalf
checkIssuers :: stId -> Maybe stId -> ChangeSet' stId (Set stId) -> Either () (Maybe stId, Set stId, stId ~> Set stId)
checkIssuers issuer (Just newDelegate) (ChangeSet issuersAdd issuersRemove)
-- Ia. Delegation certificate, no previous delegation existed, new delegate had no issuers
-- dpRemove = [], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, [ issuer ] ) ]
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate ] -> []
| S.null issuersRemove
, M.singleton newDelegate (S.singleton issuer) == issuersAdd
= Right (Nothing, S.singleton newDelegate, mempty)
-- Ib. Delegation certificate, no previous delegation existed, new delegate had issuers
-- dpRemove = [ newDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV ) ]
-- (issuer ∈ newDelegateV, (newDelegateV \ { issuer }) non-empty)
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate ] -> [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV \ { issuer }) ]
| checkSize1 issuersRemove
, newDelegate `S.member` issuersRemove
, Just newDelegateV <- newDelegate `M.lookup` issuersAdd
, checkSize1 issuersAdd
, issuer `S.member` newDelegateV
, checkSizeMore1 newDelegateV
= Right (Nothing, S.singleton newDelegate, M.singleton newDelegate $ S.delete issuer newDelegateV)
-- Ic. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had single issuer, new delegate had no issuers
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, [ issuer ] ) ]
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ] -> [ (oldDelegate, { issuer } ) ]
| [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList issuersRemove
, oldDelegate /= newDelegate
, M.singleton newDelegate (S.singleton issuer) == issuersAdd
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.fromList [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ], M.singleton oldDelegate $ S.singleton issuer)
-- Ie. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had single issuer, new delegate had issuers
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate, newDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV ) ]
-- (issuer ∈ newDelegateV, (newDelegateV \ { issuer }) non-empty)
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ] -> [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV \ { issuer }), (oldDelegate, { issuer } ) ]
| newDelegate `S.member` issuersRemove
, [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList (newDelegate `S.delete` issuersRemove)
, oldDelegate /= newDelegate
, Just newDelegateV <- newDelegate `M.lookup` issuersAdd
, checkSize1 issuersAdd
, issuer `S.member` newDelegateV
, checkSizeMore1 newDelegateV
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.fromList [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ], M.fromList [ (oldDelegate, S.singleton issuer), (newDelegate, S.delete issuer newDelegateV) ] )
-- Id. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had > 1 issuers, new delegate had no issuers
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, [ issuer ] ), (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV) ]
-- (issuer ∉ oldDelegateV, oldDelegateV non-empty)
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ] -> [ (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV ∪ { issuer } ) ]
| [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList issuersRemove
, oldDelegate /= newDelegate
, M.singleton newDelegate (S.singleton issuer) == oldDelegate `M.delete` issuersAdd
, Just oldDelegateV <- oldDelegate `M.lookup` issuersAdd
, not (issuer `S.member` oldDelegateV)
, not (S.null oldDelegateV)
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.fromList [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ], M.singleton oldDelegate (S.insert issuer oldDelegateV))
-- If. Delegation certificate, previous delegation existed, previous delegate had > 1 issuers, new delegate had issuers
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate, newDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV ), (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV) ]
-- (issuer ∈ newDelegateV, (newDelegateV \ { issuer }) non-empty, issuer ∉ oldDelegateV, oldDelegateV non-empty)
-- Check in state: [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ] -> [ (newDelegate, newDelegateV \ { issuer }), (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV ∪ { issuer } ) ]
| newDelegate `S.member` issuersRemove
, [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList (newDelegate `S.delete` issuersRemove)
, oldDelegate /= newDelegate
, Just newDelegateV <- newDelegate `M.lookup` issuersAdd
, Just oldDelegateV <- oldDelegate `M.lookup` issuersAdd
, checkSize2 issuersAdd
, issuer `S.member` newDelegateV
, checkSizeMore1 newDelegateV
, not (issuer `S.member` oldDelegateV)
, not (S.null oldDelegateV)
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.fromList [ newDelegate, oldDelegate ], M.fromList [ (oldDelegate, S.insert issuer oldDelegateV), (newDelegate, S.delete issuer newDelegateV) ] )
| otherwise = Left ()
checkSize1 s
| _:[] <- toList s = True
| otherwise = False
checkSize2 s
| _:_:[] <- toList s = True
| otherwise = False
checkSizeMore1 s
| _:_:_ <- toList s = True
| otherwise = False
-- II. Revoke certificate check
checkIssuers issuer _ (ChangeSet issuersAdd issuersRemove)
| [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList issuersRemove
, [ (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV) ] <- M.toList issuersAdd
, not (S.null oldDelegateV)
, not (S.member issuer oldDelegateV)
-- IIa. Revoke certificate, delegate had > 1 issuers on his behalf
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate ], dpAdd = [ (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV' ) ]
-- (issuer ∉ oldDelegateV', oldDelegateV' non-empty)
-- Check in state: [ oldDelegate ] -> [ (oldDelegate, oldDelegateV' ∪ { issuer } ) ]
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.singleton oldDelegate, M.singleton oldDelegate $ S.insert issuer oldDelegateV)
| [ oldDelegate ] <- S.toList issuersRemove
, M.null issuersAdd
-- IIb. Revoke certificate, delegate had single issuer on his behalf
-- dpRemove = [ oldDelegate ], dpAdd = []
-- Check in state: [ oldDelegate ] -> [ (oldDelegate, { issuer } ) ]
= Right (Just oldDelegate, S.singleton oldDelegate, M.singleton oldDelegate $ S.singleton issuer)
| otherwise = Left ()
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Pos where
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Block (Block, BlockIntegrityVerifier (..), getUniqueTx)
import State (StatePComputation, Tx (..), Validator (..),
invalidate, validate)
import Util
data StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time = StakeConfiguration
{ scGetStake :: stId -> StatePComputation id value (Ratio Int)
, scEligibleToForge :: time -> stId -> proof -> ExceptT () (StatePComputation id value) ()
newtype BlkSignature stId signature = BlkSignature (stId, signature)
:: forall stId time signature blockRef tx .
( HasEx tx (BlkSignature stId signature)
, Signable stId signature (Block blockRef tx)
=> Proxy (stId, signature)
-> BlockIntegrityVerifier blockRef tx
stakeBlkVerifier _ = BIV $ \blk ->
case getUniqueTx @(BlkSignature stId signature) blk of
Just (BlkSignature (stId, signature)) -> verify stId blk signature
_ -> False
:: forall stId time signature id proof value .
( Has proof (Maybe (BlkSignature stId signature))
-- ^ Constraint is `Has` and not `HasEx`, proposing that there shall be other validator for same tx to actually process it
-- , IdStorage txIds BlkSigTxId
=> Proxy (stId, signature)
-> StakeConfiguration id proof value stId time
-> time
-> Validator id proof value
stakeValidator _ (scEligibleToForge -> eligible) time =
Validator mempty $ \Tx {..} -> -- TODO extend validator to filter by txId without marking txId as checked (instead of `mempty`)
case getData txProof of
Just (BlkSignature (stId, _)) ->
eligible time stId txProof
_ -> validate
getData = get @proof @(Maybe (BlkSignature stId signature))
-- blkSigTxId = getId (Proxy @txIds) BlkSigTxId
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module State
( ReqIter (..)
, StateComputation
, StatePComputation
, Validator (..)
, StateP
, Tx (..)
, Undo
, validate
, validateIff
, invalidate
, query
, queryP
, queryPOne
, stateCompOneOf
, stateCompOneOfMany
, stateCompOneOfManyE
, inputsExist
, propsPass
, applyTx
, applyTxs
, applyUndo
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Free (Free (..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Free as F
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Map.Strict ((\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust,
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Util
-- Basic storage: model
type StateP id value = Prefixed id ~> value -- Portion of state
type Undo id value = ChangeSet id value
data Tx id proof value = Tx
{ txType :: Int
, txProof :: proof
, txBody :: ChangeSet id value
-- Emulation of dependent type
-- Assumption: `txType` allows one to identify concrete types for `id`, `proof`, `value`
-- Validators try to do conversion from abstract type to particular types
-- Validator is associated with set of `txType`s
-- There shall be at least one validator for each `txType`
instance (Ord id1, HasEx id id1, HasEx value value1, HasEx proof proof1)
=> HasEx (Tx id proof value) (Tx id1 proof1 value1) where
getEx (Tx {..}) = Tx txType <$> getEx txProof <*> getEx txBody
newtype ReqIter req resp res = ReqIter (req, resp -> res)
deriving (Functor, Monoid)
-- | State computation which allows you to query for part of bigger state
-- and build computation considering returned result.
-- Note, response might contain more records than were requested in `req`
-- (because of monoidal gluing of many computations)
type StateComputation req resp = Free (ReqIter req resp)
query :: req -> StateComputation req resp resp
query req = Free $ ReqIter (req, pure)
:: (req1 -> req2)
-> (resp2 -> resp1)
-> StateComputation req1 resp1 a
-> StateComputation req2 resp2 a
hoistStateComp f g =
F.hoistFree $ \(ReqIter (req1, f1)) ->
let req2 = f req1
f2 = \resp2 -> f1 (g resp2)
in ReqIter (req2, f2)
-- hoistStateCompWithIds
-- :: Int ~>
type StatePComputation id value = StateComputation (PFilter id) (StateP id value)
-- TODO Not Exist shall be different error from getEx Left ()
:: forall id id' value value' .
(Ord id, Ord id', HasAlt id id', HasEx value value')
=> Int -> id' -> ExceptT () (StatePComputation id value) (Maybe value')
queryPOne prefix id' = M.lookup id' <$> queryP prefix (S.singleton id')
:: forall id id' value value' .
(Ord id, Ord id', HasAlt id id', HasEx value value')
=> Int -> Set id' -> ExceptT () (StatePComputation id value) (id' ~> value')
queryP prefix ids' = ExceptT $
maybe (Left ()) (Right . fKeys) . getEx <$> query idFilter
idConv :: id' -> Prefixed id
idConv = (,) prefix . mkAlt
fKeys :: (Int, id') ~> value' -> id' ~> value'
fKeys m = M.fromList $ first snd <$> M.toList m
idFilter :: PFilter id
idFilter = PFilter (S.fromList $ map idConv $ S.toList ids') mempty
-- | Tx validator: set of txTypes and validation function
-- Validator with empty set of txTypes is assumed to be tx type agnostic
data Validator id proof value = Validator (Set Int) (Tx id proof value -> ExceptT () (StatePComputation id value) ())
-- TODO use these types instead:
-- data TxValidationType res = ValidatesTx res | ConsidersTx res | IgnoresTx
-- newtype Validator id proof value = Validator (Tx id proof value -> TxValidationType (ExceptT () (StateComputation id value) ()))
instance Ord id => Monoid (Validator id proof value) where
mempty = Validator mempty mempty
mappend (Validator ids1 f1) (Validator ids2 f2) =
Validator (ids1 <> ids2) $ \tx -> f (txType tx `S.member` ids1) (txType tx `S.member` ids2) tx
f False False = mempty
f True False = f1
f False True = f2
f _ _ = \tx -> f1 tx <> f2 tx
stateCompOneOfManyE :: Monoid req => [ExceptT e (StateComputation req resp) a] -> ExceptT e (StateComputation req resp) a
stateCompOneOfManyE = ExceptT . stateCompOneOfMany . map runExceptT
stateCompOneOfMany :: Monoid req => [StateComputation req resp (Either e a)] -> StateComputation req resp (Either e a)
stateCompOneOfMany = foldr1 stateCompOneOf
stateCompOneOf :: Monoid req => StateComputation req resp (Either e a) -> StateComputation req resp (Either e a) -> StateComputation req resp (Either e a)
stateCompOneOf (Pure l@(Left _)) r = r
stateCompOneOf r (Pure l@(Left _)) = r
stateCompOneOf (Pure x) _ = Pure x
stateCompOneOf _ (Pure y) = Pure y
stateCompOneOf (Free (ReqIter (req1, cont1))) (Free (ReqIter (req2, cont2))) = Free $ ReqIter (req1 <> req2, \resp -> cont1 resp `stateCompOneOf` cont2 resp)
-- | Short-circuit Monoid instance for validator base
instance (Monoid a, Monoid req) => Monoid (ExceptT e (StateComputation req resp) a) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend (ExceptT a) (ExceptT b) = ExceptT $ a <> b
-- | Short-circuit Monoid instance for validator base
instance (Monoid a, Monoid req) => Monoid (StateComputation req resp (Either e a)) where
mempty = Pure $ Right mempty
mappend l@(Pure (Left _)) _ = l
mappend _ l@(Pure (Left _)) = l
mappend (Pure (Right x)) (Pure (Right y)) = Pure $ Right $ x <> y
mappend (Pure (Right x)) (Free (ReqIter (yReq, yF))) =
Free $ ReqIter $ (yReq, \resp -> fmap (x <>) <$> yF resp)
mappend (Free (ReqIter (xReq, xF))) (Pure (Right y)) =
Free $ ReqIter $ (xReq, \resp -> fmap (<> y) <$> xF resp)
mappend (Free xR) (Free yR) = Free $ xR <> yR
validate :: Monoid a => ExceptT () (Free f) a
validate = ExceptT $ Pure $ Right mempty
validateIff :: Monoid a => Bool -> ExceptT () (Free f) a
validateIff = bool invalidate validate
invalidate :: ExceptT () (Free f) a
invalidate = ExceptT $ Pure $ Left ()
-- Example validators
inputsExist :: Ord id => Validator id proof value
inputsExist = Validator mempty $ \(dpRemove . txBody -> inRefs) -> do
ins <- lift $ query $ idsPFilter inRefs
validateIff $ all (flip M.member ins) inRefs
propsPass :: Ord id => Validator id proof (proof -> Bool, value)
propsPass = Validator mempty $ \tx -> do
let inRefs = dpRemove $ txBody tx
proof = txProof tx
ins <- lift $ query $ idsPFilter inRefs
validateIff $ all (($ proof) . fst) ins
combinedValidator :: Ord id => Validator id proof (proof -> Bool, value)
combinedValidator = inputsExist <> propsPass
-- Basic storage: implementation with in-memory state
simpleStateAccessor :: (Monoid id, Ord id) => StateP id value -> ReqIter (PFilter id) (StateP id value) res -> res
simpleStateAccessor state (ReqIter (query, cont)) = cont $ query `applyFilterToMap` state
-- | Applies txs to state
applyUndo :: (Monoid id, Ord id)
=> StateP id value
-> Undo id value
-> Maybe (StateP id value)
applyUndo state undo = fst <$> undo `applyDiff` state
-- | Applies txs to state
applyTx :: (Monoid id, Ord id)
=> Validator id proof value
-> StateP id value
-> Tx id proof value
-> Maybe (StateP id value, Undo id value)
applyTx (Validator txTypes txValidator) state tx
| txType tx `S.member` txTypes
= case F.iter (simpleStateAccessor state) $ runExceptT $ txValidator tx of
Right () -> txBody tx `applyDiff` state
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
-- TODO rewrite applyTxs as StateComputation with (Maybe (StateP id value, Undo id value)) return value
-- This will allow to implement applyTxs :: [[Tx]] -> [Undo]
-- Which would be a badass
-- | Applies txs to state
applyTxs :: (Monoid id, Ord id)
=> Validator id proof value
-> StateP id value
-> OldestFirst [] (Tx id proof value)
-> Maybe (StateP id value, Undo id value)
applyTxs txValidator initState = flip foldM (initState, mempty) $
\(state, undoAccum) tx -> do
(state', undo) <- applyTx txValidator state tx
return (state', undoAccum <> undo)
-- TODO Implementation with real db is planned to be much more effective
-- Idea is that validation may be fused (thus be executed for whole bunch of
-- operations in just few steps, depending on max depth of Free).
-- And then whole pack of txs applied as single atomic change.
-- Note, to correctly fuse validation you need to modify response of subsequent
-- query with transactions preceeding current tx in pack.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Util where
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Foldable (find, foldr')
import Data.Map.Strict ((\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
type (~>) a b = M.Map a b
infixr 8 ~>
(∩) :: Ord k => k ~> a -> k ~> b -> k ~> a
(∩) = M.intersection
infixr 8 ∩
(∪) :: Ord k => k ~> a -> k ~> a -> k ~> a
(∪) = M.union
type Prefixed id = (Int, id)
data PFilter id = PFilter
{ includeIds :: Set (Prefixed id)
, includePrefixes :: Set Int
idsPFilter :: Set (Prefixed id) -> PFilter id
idsPFilter = flip PFilter mempty
-- TODO PFilter AND/OR algebra
instance Ord id => Monoid (PFilter id) where
mempty = PFilter mempty mempty
(PFilter ids1 prefixes1)
`mappend` (PFilter ids2 prefixes2)
= PFilter (ids1 <> ids2) (prefixes1 <> prefixes2)
newtype OldestFirst b a = OldestFirst { unOldestFirst :: b a }
deriving instance Foldable b => Foldable (OldestFirst b)
deriving instance Functor b => Functor (OldestFirst b)
newtype NewestFirst b a = NewestFirst { unNewestFirst :: b a }
deriving instance Foldable b => Foldable (NewestFirst b)
deriving instance Functor b => Functor (NewestFirst b)
toDummyMap :: Set a -> (a ~> ())
toDummyMap = M.fromSet (const ())
filterWithPrefix :: (Ord id, Monoid id) => Int -> Prefixed id ~> v -> Prefixed id ~> v
filterWithPrefix prefix m = maybe gtPl (\v -> M.insert (prefix, mempty) v gtPl) eqP
(_, eqP, gtP) = (prefix, mempty) `M.splitLookup` m
(gtPl, _, _) = (succ prefix, mempty) `M.splitLookup` gtP
applyFilterToMap :: (Ord id, Monoid id) => PFilter id -> Prefixed id ~> v -> Prefixed id ~> v
applyFilterToMap (PFilter ids prefixes) m = foldr' M.union mempty maps
maps = (m ∩ toDummyMap ids)
: map (flip filterWithPrefix m) (S.toList prefixes)
data ChangeSetBase id v = ChangeSet
{ dpAdd :: id ~> v
, dpRemove :: Set id
type ChangeSet id = ChangeSetBase (Prefixed id)
type ChangeSet' id = ChangeSetBase id
splitByPrefix :: forall id v . Ord id => ChangeSet id v -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v
splitByPrefix initCS = flip (M.foldrWithKey g) (dpAdd initCS) $ foldr' f mempty (dpRemove initCS)
f :: Prefixed id -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v
f (p, i) m = modifyPrefix p m $ \cs -> cs { dpRemove = S.insert i $ dpRemove cs }
g :: Prefixed id -> v -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v
g (p, i) v m = modifyPrefix p m $ \cs -> cs { dpAdd = M.insert i v $ dpAdd cs }
modifyPrefix :: Int -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v -> (ChangeSet' id v -> ChangeSet' id v) -> Int ~> ChangeSet' id v
modifyPrefix p m f = if M.member p m
then M.adjust f p m
else M.insert p (f mempty) m
dpIsEmpty :: ChangeSet id v -> Bool
dpIsEmpty (ChangeSet {..}) = M.null dpAdd && S.null dpRemove
-- TODO in future ChangeSet necessarily will need to be refined to allow for no-context
-- construction of txs modifying some value (not deleting and adding)
-- ChangeSet = { dpAdd , dpModify :: Prefixed id ~> (Maybe v -> Maybe v), dpRemove },
-- dpAdd ∩ dpRemove = mempty, dpRemove ∩ dpModify = mempty, dpAdd ∩ dpModify = mempty
instance Ord id => Monoid (ChangeSetBase id v) where
mempty = ChangeSet mempty mempty
(ChangeSet { dpAdd = a1, dpRemove = r1 })
`mappend` (ChangeSet { dpAdd = a2, dpRemove = r2 })
= ChangeSet { .. }
dpAdd = (a1 \\ toDummyMap r2) <> a2
dpRemove = (r1 S.\\ M.keysSet a2) <> r2
applyDiff :: (Monoid id, Ord id) => ChangeSet id v -> Prefixed id ~> v -> Maybe (Prefixed id ~> v, ChangeSet id v)
applyDiff (ChangeSet {..}) m
| M.keysSet forRemove == dpRemove
, M.null (m' ∩ dpAdd)
= Just (m' ∪ dpAdd, undo)
| otherwise = Nothing
forRemove = m ∩ toDummyMap dpRemove
m' = m \\ forRemove
undo = ChangeSet { dpAdd = forRemove, dpRemove = M.keysSet m }
data VerificationRes
= VerSuccess
| VerFailure ()
deriving (Eq)
isVerSuccess :: VerificationRes -> Bool
isVerSuccess VerSuccess = True
isVerSuccess _ = False
isVerFailure :: VerificationRes -> Bool
isVerFailure (VerFailure _) = True
isVerFailure _ = False
boolToVer :: Bool -> VerificationRes
boolToVer = bool (VerFailure ()) VerSuccess
instance Monoid VerificationRes where
mempty = VerSuccess
VerSuccess `mappend` a = a
a `mappend` VerSuccess = a
VerFailure xs `mappend` VerFailure ys = VerFailure $ xs `mappend` ys
-- | HasAlt laws:
-- * getEx . mkAlt = Just
-- * fmap mkAlt . getEx = Just
class HasEx b a => HasAlt b a where
mkAlt :: a -> b
instance (HasEx a a', HasEx b b') => HasEx (a, b) (a', b') where
getEx (a, b) = (,) <$> getEx a <*> getEx b
instance (HasAlt a a', HasAlt b b') => HasAlt (a, b) (a', b') where
mkAlt (a', b') = (mkAlt a', mkAlt b')
class Signable stId signature a | signature -> stId where
sign :: stId -> a -> signature
verify :: stId -> a -> signature -> Bool
-- | HasEx class
-- Extracts `a` from `b` only if `a` contains no more data but extracted
-- (i.e. original `b` can be recreated with only `a`)
class HasEx b a where
getEx :: b -> Maybe a
instance HasEx Int Int where
getEx = Just
instance (Ord id1, HasEx id id1) => HasEx (Set id) (Set id1) where
getEx vals
| isJust (find isNothing valsM)
= Nothing -- TODO after we have more sensitive errors,
-- have one error for "unexpected entry {..} in set"
| otherwise
= Just $ S.fromList $ catMaybes valsM
valsM = getEx <$> S.toList vals
instance (Ord id1, HasEx id id1, HasEx value value1) => HasEx (id ~> value) (id1 ~> value1) where
getEx vals
| isJust (find isNothing valsM)
= Nothing -- TODO after we have more sensitive errors,
-- have one error for "id returned unexpected value" and one for "unexpected id"
| otherwise
= Just $ M.fromList $ catMaybes valsM
fPair :: Applicative f => (f a, f b) -> f (a, b)
fPair (fa, fb) = (,) <$> fa <*> fb
valsM = fPair . bimap getEx getEx <$> M.toList vals
instance forall id value id1 value1 . (Ord id1, HasEx id id1, HasEx value value1) => HasEx (ChangeSetBase id value) (ChangeSetBase id1 value1) where
getEx (ChangeSet {..}) = ChangeSet <$> getEx dpAdd <*> getEx dpRemove
class (HasAlt b a, Enum b) => IdStorage b a
getId :: forall ids i . IdStorage ids i => Proxy ids -> i -> Int
getId _ i = fromEnum (mkAlt i :: ids)
class Has b a where
get :: b -> a
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