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Created October 21, 2017 22:22
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pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
* @title CDRCalculator
* @description helper functions used to calculate CDR for voters
* @notes When pure keyword is supported all functions are pure,
* when libraries are expanded this would be a good candidate.
* for now the additional complexity of linking doesn't outweigh the ease of
* an inheritance based approach
contract CDRCalculator {
uint constant ROD_PRECISION = 4;
uint constant CVPGR_PRECISION = 4;
* Used to get the ROD or return on decision based on the original and current values
* Thought of AS A PERCENT the rod value has 2 significant digits in it's "fractional part" ie %100.00 = 10000
* @param _currentValue The current value of the decision or proposal
* @param _startingValue The initial value of the decision or proposal
function returnOnDecision(int _currentValue, int _startingValue) public constant returns (int rod) {
rod = preciseDiv(_currentValue, _startingValue, ROD_PRECISION);
* Gets the compound vega period growth rate or CVPGR for a given rod and period
* @param _rod the return on decision
* @param _vegaPeriods the current number of vega periods that have passed for this proposal
function returnCVPGR(int _rod, uint _vegaPeriods) public constant returns (int cVPGR) {
// Aboluste value versions of signed values
uint absROD = _rod > 0 ? uint(_rod) : uint(-_rod);
uint absCVPGR;
// in order to get 6 significant digits we need to add 10^_vegaPeriods
// for each significantdigit we want
uint sigDigAdj = (10**(CVPGR_PRECISION*_vegaPeriods)) / (10**(ROD_PRECISION));
absCVPGR = rootFinder( _vegaPeriods, absROD * sigDigAdj ) - 10 ** CVPGR_PRECISION;
// This is only in the rare case that a proposal actually
// ends up having a negative value. Currently this should not happen
// as a basic allocation can only lose the allocated value
// and has no implicated liabilities as somthing like
// real-estate may.
// More work on the actual formula workings must be handled for this case.
cVPGR = int(absCVPGR);
if ( _rod < 0) {
cVPGR = int(-absCVPGR);
* Used to calculate a reward given a stake
* @param _stake The individuals stake in the proposal
* @param _cVPGR The current cVPGR for the proposal
function reward(int _stake, int _cVPGR) public constant returns (int rewardV) {
rewardV = (_stake / 10000) * _cVPGR;
* Calculates the token payout given the rewards as well as total rewards and the conversion rates
* @param _rewards The individual rewards
* @param _absTotalRewards The total rewards
* @param _tokenConversion The current rate of token conversion for this vega period
function tokens(int _rewards, uint _absTotalRewards, uint _tokenConversion) public constant returns (int tokenAdjustment) {
tokenAdjustment = _rewards * int(_tokenConversion / 10000) / int(_absTotalRewards / 10000);
* Basic precise division method
* @param _numerator the numerator
* @param _denominator the denominator
* @param _percision the minimum total precision for the returned quotient
* @notes Changes may need to be made depending on whether floor ceil or rounding are prefered
function preciseDiv(int _numerator, int _denominator, uint _precision) public constant returns(int quotient) {
int fPointLocation = int (10 ** (_precision));
int numerator = _numerator * fPointLocation;
quotient = ((numerator / _denominator));
* find the nth root of a ie 4th root of 81 is int3
* This formula always approximates DOWN, in order to round UP return x
* @param degree The degree for which nth root is calculated ie 2^degree for square root
* @param base the base number for which nth root is calculated ie base^2 for square root
function rootFinder(uint degree, uint base) internal constant returns (uint y) {
uint x = 1;
y = rootStep(degree,base,x);
do {
x = y;
y = rootStep(degree,base,x);
}while(y < x);
* Basic helper for the rootFinder function
* @param degree The degree for which nth root is calculated ie 2^degree for square root
* @param base the base number for which nth root is calculated ie base^2 for square root
* @param x the current guess to work off of
function rootStep(uint degree, uint base, uint x) internal constant returns (uint) {
return ((degree-1)*x + base/x**(degree-1))/degree;
* Calulator to update balance of depositor for a given proposal
* @param _balance The current balance of the voters tokens in the Deposited state
* @param _currentValue The current value of the decision or proposal
* @param _startingValue The starting value of the decision or proposal
* @param _stake The stake used to vote in the proposal
* @param _vegaPeriods The number of Vega Periods passed from the time the proposal was Approved or Denied
* @param _absTotalRewards The absolute value of all rewards in the given Vega Period
* @param _tokenConversion The current rate of token conversion for this vega period
function updateBalance(int _balance, int _currentValue, int _startingValue, int _stake, uint _vegaPeriods, uint _absTotalRewards, uint _tokenConversion) public constant returns (int) {
int rod = returnOnDecision(_currentValue, _startingValue);
int cvpgr = returnCVPGR(rod, _vegaPeriods);
int rwd = reward(_stake, cvpgr);
int num = tokens(rwd, _absTotalRewards, _tokenConversion);
int balance = _balance + num;
return balance;
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