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Last active December 10, 2021 19:31
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public class EarlyBindingSample
public void RandomMethod()
var earlyBinding = new EarlyBindingSample();
/***Existing method***/
//This is early binding, the method is found during compile time
/***Non-Existing method***/
//Method 'NotExistingMethod' does't exist:
//Compiler Error CS1061:
// 'EarlyBindingSample' does not contain a definition for 'NotExistingMethod'
// and no accessible extension method 'NotExistingMethod'
// accepting a first argument of type 'EarlyBindingSample' could be found
// (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
public interface ILateBoundSample
void RandomMethod();
//Load an assembly
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath("path_to_your_assembly"));
//Locate all types that implement interface 'ILateBoundSample'
var types = assembly.GetTypes().Where(p => typeof(ILateBoundSample).IsAssignableFrom(p));
if (types.Any())
/***Existing method***/
//Create an instance of that class
var lateBoundSample = (ILateBoundSample)Activator.CreateInstance(types.First());
//Locate and call method RandomMethod();
/***Non-Existing method***/
//Method 'NotExistingMethod' does't exist
// Since 'lateBoundSample' is of type 'ILateBoundSample', compiler knows
//Compiler Error CS1061:
// 'ILateBoundSample' does not contain a definition for 'NotExistingMethod'
// and no accessible extension method 'NotExistingMethod'
// accepting a first argument of type 'ILateBoundSample' could be found
// (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
public class LateBindingSample
public void RandomMethod()
var lateBoundSample = new LateBindingSample();
/***Existing method***/
//Locate method 'NotExistingMethod' that doesn't exist
var method = lateBoundSample.GetType().GetMethod("RandomMethod");
//Call method without any parameteres (null)
var result = method.Invoke(lateBoundSample, null);
/***Non-Existing method***/
//Try to locate method 'RandomMethod'
var method = lateBoundSample.GetType().GetMethod("NotExistingMethod");
//Call method without any parameteres (null)
var result = method.Invoke(lateBoundSample, null);
// You 'll get a runtime error since 'method' is null:
// System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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