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Last active March 13, 2025 12:45
List of emojis for GitHub commit messages
Emoji Purpose MD Markup Prefix
πŸ“„ Generic message :page_facing_up:
πŸ“ Improve the format / structure of the code / files :triangular_ruler: [IMPROVE]:
⚑ Improve performance :zap: [IMPROVE]:
πŸš€ Improve something (anything) :rocket: [IMPROVE]:
πŸ“ Write docs :memo: [PROD]:
πŸ’‘ New idea :bulb:
πŸŽ‰ New feature :tada: [FEATURE]:
βž– Remove a feature :heavy_minus_sign: [FEATURE]:
πŸ”° Tested it out! :beginner: [TEST]:
πŸ”– Add new code / file(s) :bookmark: [FILE]:
πŸ”₯ Remove code / file(s) :fire: [FILE]:
✏️ Rename / move a file(s) / folder(s) :pencil2: [FILE]:
❓ Ask a question :question: [HELP]:
🚧 Work in progress :construction: [NEED]:
πŸ“š Storybook :book: [STORY]:
πŸ†• Critical changes :new: [IMPROVE]:
πŸ”œ When something is to be released / deployed :soon:
πŸ”š When something is to be disabled, not be available / end support of it :end:
πŸ” When dealing with security :closed_lock_with_key:
πŸ’ͺ Fix bug :muscle:
πŸ“’ Add logging :loudspeaker: [PROD]:
πŸ”‡ Reuce logging :mute: [PROD]:
🌍 Deploy :earth_africa: [PROD]:
πŸ€– Dependabot update yarn.lock and package.json files, with yarn dependabot (git pull; yarn) :robot: [DEPENDABOT]:
πŸ“¦ Add / update a new dependency :package: [PACKAGE]:
πŸ‘ Remove a dependency :open_hands: [PACKAGE]:
‴️ Upgrade dependency :arrow_heading_up: [PACKAGE]:
‡️ Downgrade dependenciy :arrow_heading_down: [PACKAGE]:
⚠️ Warning (Draw attention to sth) :warning: [WARNING]:
βœ… Add tests (TDD) ::white_check_mark:: [TEST]:
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