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Created March 28, 2019 15:56
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Group merging algorithm from Jyl
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 2 17:07:42 2019
@author: jdjumalieva
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
#import igraph
import numpy as np
import collections
import gensim
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
import json
from ast import literal_eval
import re
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import ward, dendrogram
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import cophenet
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
import prep_for_clustering as prep
import scipy
from datasketch import MinHashLSHEnsemble, MinHash, MinHashLSH
import datetime
import networkx as nx
output_dir = '/Users/jdjumalieva/ESCoE/outputs'
def find_infrequent(df_col, threshold = 1):
Identify skills that were mentioned fewer than threshold.
Input is a column in a dataframe.
In current application is used on a corpus of one year of adverts.
count_model = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=prep.tokenize_asis,
lowercase = False,
X = count_model.fit_transform(df_col)
names = count_model.get_feature_names()
Xd = X.todense()
sums = np.sum(Xd, axis = 0)
not_common = np.where(sums <= threshold)[1].tolist()
not_common_skills = [names[elem] for elem in not_common]
return not_common_skills
def get_unique_sets(some_df, lower_thresh, upper_thresh, count_thresh):
Get unique combinations of skills across all job adverts in a dataframe.
Lower and upper thresholds stand for min and max allowable lenght of a skill set.
Count threshold is not used at the moment, but can be used to filter out
skill sets that occur fewer than specified number of times.
stringed = some_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(x))
stringed = stringed.sort_values()
unique_sets = pd.DataFrame(stringed.groupby(stringed).count())
unique_sets.columns = ['count']
unique_sets = unique_sets[unique_sets['count'] > count_thresh]
unique_sets = unique_sets.reset_index()
unique_sets['skill_list'] = unique_sets['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x:\
x.split(', '))
unique_sets['size'] = unique_sets['skill_list'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
unique_sets = unique_sets[(unique_sets['size'] >lower_thresh) & \
(unique_sets['size'] <= upper_thresh)]
return unique_sets
def get_skill_sets(some_set, skill_sets):
Convert groupings of skill set IDs produced by LSH back into groupings of
skill sets.
ix = some_set.split(' ')[1]
res = skill_sets[int(ix)]
return res
def union_find(data):
'''Create Disjoint Data Structure from list of lists'''
parents = {}
def find(i):
j = parents.get(i, i)
if j == i:
return i
k = find(j)
if k != j:
parents[i] = k
return k
for l in filter(None, data):
parents.update(dict.fromkeys(map(find, l), find(l[0])))
merged = {}
for k, v in parents.items():
merged.setdefault(find(v), []).append(k)
return list(merged.values())
def group_skill_sets_lsh(skill_sets, lsh_threshold = 0.8):
Identify candidates within skill sets that likely have a Jaccard similarity
above the specified threshold.
hash_objects = []
for i in range(len(skill_sets)):
m = MinHash(num_perm=200)
for ix, skill_set in enumerate(skill_sets):
for t in skill_set:
#Create LSH index
#Jaccard threshold has to be specified at initiation
lsh = MinHashLSH(threshold= lsh_threshold, num_perm=200)
for ix, (skill_set, hash_object) in enumerate(zip(skill_sets,hash_objects)):
skill_set_name = 'skill_set ' + str(ix)
lsh.insert(skill_set_name, hash_object) # s[ix]
#Query LSH for each unique skill set
#t1 =
candidates = []
for ix, skill_set in enumerate(skill_sets):
result = lsh.query(hash_objects[ix])
# print(result)
# print('***************')
return candidates
#Read in 66 highly transversal skills
transversal = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir,
encoding = 'utf-8')
transversal_skills = list(transversal['Skill'])
most_frequent = ['software engineering',
'software development']
#Identify communities of skills from raw online job adverts
rhodonite_sample = {}
filelist = os.listdir(os.path.join(output_dir, 'BG_by_year'))
sorted_filelist = sorted(filelist, key = lambda x: x[:4])
#Specify skill clusters in software engineering branch
soft_eng_clusters = ['software development', 'web development', 'data engineering',
'servers and middleware', 'app development']
#rhodonite_ads_soft_eng = {}
rhodonite_communities_soft_eng = {}
for file in sorted_filelist:
year = file[:4]
print('Starting to process ', year)
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'BG_by_year', file),
index_col = 0)
sftwr_df = df[df['category'].isin(soft_eng_clusters)] #646,739
sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x: eval(x))
#Filter out infrequent and transversal skills
infrequent_skills = find_infrequent(sftwr_df['clean_skills'],
threshold = 3)
sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x:\
[elem.rstrip() for elem in x if elem not in transversal_skills +\
infrequent_skills +\
sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x:\
# rhodonite_ads_soft_eng[year] = [elem for elem in list(sftwr_df['clean_skills'])\
# if len(elem) >0]
#Find disjoint sets of skills (using LSH with Jaccard similarity at 0.8)
unique_sets = get_unique_sets(sftwr_df, 4, 20, 0) #175,462
skill_sets = [set(elem) for elem in unique_sets['skill_list'].values]
#Simplied iteration from 0.9 to 0.55 Jaccard similarity
jaccard_range = [0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75, 0.7, 0.65, 0.6, 0.55]
set_asides_processed = []
for jr in jaccard_range:
print('Jaccard Similarity ', jr)
# Get initial groupings of skill sets at a given jaccard similarity threshold
candidates = group_skill_sets_lsh(skill_sets, lsh_threshold = jr)
# Identify sets that occur in many groupings of skill sets
# These are filtered out to prevent creating extremely large groupings
# at a disjoint set stage
flat_candidates = (item for sublist in candidates for item in sublist)
skill_set_count = collections.Counter(flat_candidates)
sorted_set_count = sorted(skill_set_count.items(), key = lambda x: x[1],
reverse = True)
# Calculate thresholds for removing highly common skill sets
outliers = np.percentile(list(skill_set_count.values()), 95) + 1
potential_outliers = [k for k,v in sorted_set_count if v >= outliers]
# Separate groupings of highly common skill sets from others
# These are dealt with separately
to_join = []
set_aside = []
outlier_set = set(potential_outliers)
for ix, c in enumerate(candidates):
# print(ix)
set_c = set(c)
if len(set_c.intersection(outlier_set)) > 0:
# Find disjoint sets among groupings in to_join list
disjoint_candidates = union_find(to_join)
disjoint_skill_sets = [[get_skill_sets(skill_set, skill_sets) for skill_set\
in disjoint_candidate] for disjoint_candidate in\
disjoint_candidates if len(disjoint_candidate) <100]
communities = [set.union(*disjoint_sets) for disjoint_sets in \
disjoint_skill_sets if len(disjoint_sets) < 50]
# Deal with skill sets that were set aside
set_aside_tups = map(tuple, set_aside)
set_aside_tup_counts = collections.Counter(set_aside_tups)
set_aside_skill_sets = []
for k in set_aside_tup_counts.keys():
set_aside_skill_sets.append([get_skill_sets(skill_set, skill_sets) for \
skill_set in k])
set_aside_communities = [set.union(*set_aside_sets) for set_aside_sets in \
set_aside_candidates = group_skill_sets_lsh(set_aside_communities, \
lsh_threshold = 0.55)
disjoint_set_asides = union_find(set_aside_candidates)
disjoint_set_asides_skills = [[get_skill_sets(skill_set, set_aside_communities) for skill_set\
in disjoint_candidate] for disjoint_candidate in\
disjoint_set_asides if len(disjoint_candidate) <100]
set_aside_communities2 =[set.union(*set_aside_sets) for set_aside_sets in \
print(len(communities), len(disjoint_set_asides), len(set_aside_communities2))
skill_sets = communities
for set_aside in set_asides_processed:
all_communities = [elem for elem in communities if len(elem) < 50]
rhodonite_communities_soft_eng[year] = all_communities
print(year, len(sftwr_df), len(communities))
#with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rhodonite_6y_ads_soft_eng.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(rhodonite_ads_soft_eng, f)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rhodonite_6y_comms_soft_eng.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(rhodonite_communities_soft_eng, f)
#2012 387144
#2013 416886
#2014 321041
#2015 539573
#2016 609833
#2017 646739
##Test with one year
#test_file = sorted_filelist[-1:][0]
#year = test_file[:4]
#df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'BG_by_year', test_file),
# index_col = 0) #8,907,937
#sftwr_df = df[df['category'].isin(soft_eng_clusters)] #646,739
#sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x: eval(x))
#infrequent_skills = find_infrequent(sftwr_df['clean_skills'], threshold = 3)
#sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x:\
#[elem.rstrip() for elem in x if elem not in transversal_skills + \
# infrequent_skills + \
# most_frequent
# ])
#sftwr_df['clean_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x:\
# sorted(x))
#sftwr_df['size'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
#sftwr_df = sftwr_df[sftwr_df['size'] >1]
##sftwr_df['num_skills'] = sftwr_df['clean_skills'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
#unique_sets = get_unique_sets(sftwr_df, 4, 20, 0) #175,462
#skill_sets = [set(elem) for elem in unique_sets['skill_list'].values]
##Simplied iteration from 0.9 to 0.55 Jaccard similarity
#jaccard_range = [0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75, 0.7, 0.65, 0.6, 0.55]
#set_asides_processed = []
#for jr in jaccard_range:
# print('Jaccard Similarity ', jr)
## Get initial groupings of skill sets at a given jaccard similarity threshold
# candidates = group_skill_sets_lsh(skill_sets, lsh_threshold = jr)
## Identify sets that occur in many groupings of skill sets
## These are filtered out to prevent creating extremely large groupings
## at a disjoint set stage
# flat_candidates = (item for sublist in candidates for item in sublist)
# skill_set_count = collections.Counter(flat_candidates)
# sorted_set_count = sorted(skill_set_count.items(), key = lambda x: x[1],
# reverse = True)
## Calculate thresholds for removing highly common skill sets
# outliers = np.percentile(list(skill_set_count.values()), 95) + 1
# potential_outliers = [k for k,v in sorted_set_count if v >= outliers]
## Separate groupings of highly common skill sets from others
## These are dealt with separately
# to_join = []
# set_aside = []
# outlier_set = set(potential_outliers)
# for ix, c in enumerate(candidates):
## print(ix)
# set_c = set(c)
# if len(set_c.intersection(outlier_set)) > 0:
# set_aside.append(c)
# else:
# to_join.append(c)
## Find disjoint sets among groupings in to_join list
# disjoint_candidates = union_find(to_join)
# disjoint_skill_sets = [[get_skill_sets(skill_set, skill_sets) for skill_set\
# in disjoint_candidate] for disjoint_candidate in\
# disjoint_candidates if len(disjoint_candidate) <100]
# communities = [set.union(*disjoint_sets) for disjoint_sets in \
# disjoint_skill_sets if len(disjoint_sets) < 50]
## Deal with skill sets that were set aside
# set_aside_tups = map(tuple, set_aside)
# set_aside_tup_counts = collections.Counter(set_aside_tups)
# set_aside_skill_sets = []
# for k in set_aside_tup_counts.keys():
# set_aside_skill_sets.append([get_skill_sets(skill_set, skill_sets) for \
# skill_set in k])
# set_aside_communities = [set.union(*set_aside_sets) for set_aside_sets in \
# set_aside_skill_sets]
# set_aside_candidates = group_skill_sets_lsh(set_aside_communities, \
# lsh_threshold = 0.55)
# disjoint_set_asides = union_find(set_aside_candidates)
# disjoint_set_asides_skills = [[get_skill_sets(skill_set, set_aside_communities) for skill_set\
# in disjoint_candidate] for disjoint_candidate in\
# disjoint_set_asides if len(disjoint_candidate) <100]
# set_aside_communities2 =[set.union(*set_aside_sets) for set_aside_sets in \
# disjoint_set_asides_skills]
# set_asides_processed.append(set_aside_communities2)
# print(len(communities), len(disjoint_set_asides), len(set_aside_communities2))
# skill_sets = communities
#for set_aside in set_asides_processed:
# communities.append(set_aside)
#all_communities = [elem for elem in communities if len(elem) < 50]
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