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Created October 9, 2021 19:30
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  • Save georgevreilly/1ed2d761b705d2b9808e35309d3e6a05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save georgevreilly/1ed2d761b705d2b9808e35309d3e6a05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
`pyenv install 3.10.0` fails with `Makefile:222: *** missing separator`
# Generated automatically from Makefile.pre by makesetup.
# Top-level Makefile for Python
# As distributed, this file is called; it is processed
# into the real Makefile by running the script ./configure, which
# replaces things like @spam@ with values appropriate for your system.
# This means that if you edit Makefile, your changes get lost the next
# time you run the configure script. Ideally, you can do:
# ./configure
# make
# make test
# make install
# If you have a previous version of Python installed that you don't
# want to overwrite, you can use "make altinstall" instead of "make
# install". Refer to the "Installing" section in the README file for
# additional details.
# See also the section "Build instructions" in the README file.
# === Variables set by makesetup ===
MODBUILT_NAMES= posix errno pwd _sre _codecs _weakref _functools _operator _collections _abc itertools atexit _signal _stat time _thread _locale _io faulthandler _tracemalloc _symtable xxsubtype
MODOBJS= Modules/posixmodule.o Modules/errnomodule.o Modules/pwdmodule.o Modules/_sre.o Modules/_codecsmodule.o Modules/_weakref.o Modules/_functoolsmodule.o Modules/_operator.o Modules/_collectionsmodule.o Modules/_abc.o Modules/itertoolsmodule.o Modules/atexitmodule.o Modules/signalmodule.o Modules/_stat.o Modules/timemodule.o Modules/_threadmodule.o Modules/_localemodule.o Modules/_iomodule.o Modules/iobase.o Modules/fileio.o Modules/bytesio.o Modules/bufferedio.o Modules/textio.o Modules/stringio.o Modules/faulthandler.o Modules/_tracemalloc.o Modules/symtablemodule.o Modules/xxsubtype.o
# === Variables set by configure
srcdir= .
abs_srcdir= /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933/Python-3.10.0
abs_builddir= /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933/Python-3.10.0
CC= clang
CXX= clang++
AR= ar
SOABI= cpython-310-darwin
LLVM_PROF_MERGER=/usr/bin/xcrun llvm-profdata merge -output=code.profclangd *.profclangr
# Shell used by make (some versions default to the login shell, which is bad)
SHELL= /bin/sh
# Use this to make a link between python$(VERSION) and python in $(BINDIR)
LN= ln
# Portable install script (configure doesn't always guess right)
INSTALL= /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c
# Shared libraries must be installed with executable mode on some systems;
# rather than figuring out exactly which, we always give them executable mode.
MKDIR_P= /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p
MAKESETUP= $(srcdir)/Modules/makesetup
# Compiler options
OPT= -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
BASECFLAGS= -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -Wunreachable-code
CONFIGURE_CFLAGS= -I/Applications/
# CFLAGS_NODIST is used for building the interpreter and stdlib C extensions.
# Use it when a compiler flag should _not_ be part of the distutils CFLAGS
# once Python is installed (Issue #21121).
CONFIGURE_CFLAGS_NODIST= -std=c99 -Wextra -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -fvisibility=hidden
# LDFLAGS_NODIST is used in the same manner as CFLAGS_NODIST.
# Use it when a linker flag should _not_ be part of the distutils LDFLAGS
# once Python is installed (bpo-35257)
CONFIGURE_CPPFLAGS= -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include -I/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/include
CONFIGURE_LDFLAGS= -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib -L/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib -L/Applications/
# Avoid assigning CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. so users can use them on the
# command line to append to these values without stomping the pre-set
# values.
# Both CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS need to contain the shell's value for to
# be able to build extension modules using the directories specified in the
# environment variables
# LINKFORSHARED are the flags passed to the $(CC) command that links
# the python executable -- this is only needed for a few systems
LINKFORSHARED= -Wl,-stack_size,1000000 -framework CoreFoundation
# Extra C flags added for building the interpreter object files.
# C flags used for building the interpreter object files
# Linker flags used for building the interpreter object files
# Strict or non-strict aliasing flags used to compile dtoa.c, see above
# Machine-dependent subdirectories
MACHDEP= darwin
# Multiarch directory (may be empty)
# Install prefix for architecture-independent files
prefix= /Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0
# Install prefix for architecture-dependent files
exec_prefix= ${prefix}
# Install prefix for data files
datarootdir= ${prefix}/share
# Expanded directories
BINDIR= ${exec_prefix}/bin
LIBDIR= /Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib
MANDIR= ${datarootdir}/man
INCLUDEDIR= ${prefix}/include
CONFINCLUDEDIR= $(exec_prefix)/include
# Variable used by ensurepip
# Detailed destination directories
# Symbols used for using shared libraries
LDSHARED= $(CC) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup $(PY_LDFLAGS)
BLDSHARED= $(CC) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup $(PY_CORE_LDFLAGS)
LDCXXSHARED= $(CXX) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
# List of exported symbols for AIX
# Executable suffix (.exe on Windows and Mac OS X)
# Short name and location for Mac OS X Python framework
# Deployment target selected during configure, to be checked
# by distutils. The export statement is needed to ensure that the
# deployment target is active during build.
# Option to install to strip binaries
# Flags to lipo to produce a 32-bit-only universal executable
# Flags to lipo to produce an intel-64-only universal executable
# Options to enable prebinding (for fast startup prior to Mac OS X 10.3)
# Environment to run shared python without installed libraries
# ensurepip options
ENSUREPIP= upgrade
# OpenSSL options for so sysconfig can pick up AC_SUBST() vars.
OPENSSL_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
# Default zoneinfo.TZPATH. Added here to expose it in sysconfig.get_config_var
# Modes for directories, executables and data files created by the
# install process. Default to user-only-writable for all file types.
# configure script arguments
CONFIG_ARGS= '--prefix=/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0' '--libdir=/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib' '--with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1' '--with-tcltk-libs=-L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib -ltcl8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1 -ltk8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1' '--with-tcltk-includes=-I/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include' 'CC=clang' 'CFLAGS=-I/Applications/ ' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib -L/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib -L/Applications/' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/readline/include -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include -I/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/include '
# Subdirectories with code
SRCDIRS= Parser Objects Python Modules Modules/_io Programs
# Other subdirectories
SUBDIRSTOO= Include Lib Misc
# Files and directories to be distributed
CONFIGFILES= configure acconfig.h
LIBS= -lintl -ldl -framework CoreFoundation
DYNLOADFILE= dynload_shlib.o
PYTHON= python$(EXE)
UPDATE_FILE=$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/
BUILD_GNU_TYPE= x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
HOST_GNU_TYPE= x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
# Tcl and Tk config info from --with-tcltk-includes and -libs options
TCLTK_INCLUDES= -I/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include
TCLTK_LIBS= -L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib -ltcl8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1 -ltk8.6.11_1
# The task to run while instrumented when building the profile-opt target.
# To speed up profile generation, we don't run the full unit test suite
# by default. The default is "-m test --pgo". To run more tests, use
# PROFILE_TASK="-m test --pgo-extended"
PROFILE_TASK= -m test --pgo --timeout=$(TESTTIMEOUT)
# report files for gcov / lcov coverage report
COVERAGE_INFO= $(abs_builddir)/
COVERAGE_REPORT_OPTIONS=--no-branch-coverage --title "CPython lcov report"
# === Definitions added by makesetup ===
# Modules
Modules/config.o \
Modules/getpath.o \
Modules/main.o \
IO_H= Modules/_io/_iomodule.h
Modules/_io/_iomodule.o \
Modules/_io/iobase.o \
Modules/_io/fileio.o \
Modules/_io/bufferedio.o \
Modules/_io/textio.o \
Modules/_io/bytesio.o \
# Parser
Parser/pegen.o \
Parser/parser.o \
Parser/string_parser.o \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_parser.h \
$(srcdir)/Parser/pegen.h \
Parser/token.o \
PARSER_OBJS= $(POBJS) $(PEGEN_OBJS) Parser/myreadline.o Parser/tokenizer.o
# Python
Python/_warnings.o \
Python/Python-ast.o \
Python/asdl.o \
Python/ast.o \
Python/ast_opt.o \
Python/ast_unparse.o \
Python/bltinmodule.o \
Python/ceval.o \
Python/codecs.o \
Python/compile.o \
Python/context.o \
Python/dynamic_annotations.o \
Python/errors.o \
Python/frozenmain.o \
Python/future.o \
Python/getargs.o \
Python/getcompiler.o \
Python/getcopyright.o \
Python/getplatform.o \
Python/getversion.o \
Python/hamt.o \
Python/hashtable.o \
Python/import.o \
Python/importdl.o \
Python/initconfig.o \
Python/marshal.o \
Python/modsupport.o \
Python/mysnprintf.o \
Python/mystrtoul.o \
Python/pathconfig.o \
Python/preconfig.o \
Python/pyarena.o \
Python/pyctype.o \
Python/pyfpe.o \
Python/pyhash.o \
Python/pylifecycle.o \
Python/pymath.o \
Python/pystate.o \
Python/pythonrun.o \
Python/pytime.o \
Python/bootstrap_hash.o \
Python/structmember.o \
Python/symtable.o \
Python/sysmodule.o \
Python/thread.o \
Python/traceback.o \
Python/getopt.o \
Python/pystrcmp.o \
Python/pystrtod.o \
Python/pystrhex.o \
Python/dtoa.o \
Python/formatter_unicode.o \
Python/fileutils.o \
Python/suggestions.o \
# Objects
Objects/abstract.o \
Objects/accu.o \
Objects/boolobject.o \
Objects/bytes_methods.o \
Objects/bytearrayobject.o \
Objects/bytesobject.o \
Objects/call.o \
Objects/capsule.o \
Objects/cellobject.o \
Objects/classobject.o \
Objects/codeobject.o \
Objects/complexobject.o \
Objects/descrobject.o \
Objects/enumobject.o \
Objects/exceptions.o \
Objects/genericaliasobject.o \
Objects/genobject.o \
Objects/fileobject.o \
Objects/floatobject.o \
Objects/frameobject.o \
Objects/funcobject.o \
Objects/interpreteridobject.o \
Objects/iterobject.o \
Objects/listobject.o \
Objects/longobject.o \
Objects/dictobject.o \
Objects/odictobject.o \
Objects/memoryobject.o \
Objects/methodobject.o \
Objects/moduleobject.o \
Objects/namespaceobject.o \
Objects/object.o \
Objects/obmalloc.o \
Objects/picklebufobject.o \
Objects/rangeobject.o \
Objects/setobject.o \
Objects/sliceobject.o \
Objects/structseq.o \
Objects/tupleobject.o \
Objects/typeobject.o \
Objects/unicodeobject.o \
Objects/unicodectype.o \
Objects/unionobject.o \
# objects that get linked into the Python library
Modules/getbuildinfo.o \
# DTrace
# On some systems, object files that reference DTrace probes need to be modified
# in-place by dtrace(1).
Python/ceval.o Python/import.o Python/sysmodule.o Modules/gcmodule.o
# Rules
# Default target
all: build_all
build_all: check-clean-src $(BUILDPYTHON) oldsharedmods sharedmods gdbhooks \
Programs/_testembed python-config
# Check that the source is clean when building out of source.
@if test -n "$(VPATH)" -a -f "$(srcdir)/Programs/python.o"; then \
echo "Error: The source directory ($(srcdir)) is not clean" ; \
echo "Building Python out of the source tree (in $(abs_builddir)) requires a clean source tree ($(abs_srcdir))" ; \
echo "Try to run: make -C \"$(srcdir)\" clean" ; \
exit 1; \
# Profile generation build must start from a clean tree.
$(MAKE) clean
touch $@
# Compile with profile generation enabled.
profile-gen-stamp: profile-clean-stamp
@if [ $(LLVM_PROF_ERR) = yes ]; then \
echo "Error: Cannot perform PGO build because llvm-profdata was not found in PATH" ;\
echo "Please add it to PATH and run ./configure again" ;\
exit 1;\
@echo "Building with support for profile generation:"
$(MAKE) build_all_generate_profile
touch $@
# Run task with profile generation build to create profile information.
@echo "Running code to generate profile data (this can take a while):"
# First, we need to create a clean build with profile generation
# enabled.
$(MAKE) profile-gen-stamp
# Next, run the profile task to generate the profile information.
$(MAKE) run_profile_task
$(MAKE) build_all_merge_profile
# Remove profile generation binary since we are done with it.
$(MAKE) clean-retain-profile
# This is an expensive target to build and it does not have proper
# makefile dependency information. So, we create a "stamp" file
# to record its completion and avoid re-running it.
touch $@
@ # FIXME: can't run for a cross build
# Compile Python binary with profile guided optimization.
# To force re-running of the profile task, remove the profile-run-stamp file.
profile-opt: profile-run-stamp
@echo "Rebuilding with profile guided optimizations:"
-rm -f profile-clean-stamp
# Compile and run with gcov
.PHONY=coverage coverage-lcov coverage-report
@echo "Building with support for coverage checking:"
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) all CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -O0 -pg --coverage" LIBS="$(LIBS) --coverage"
@echo "Creating Coverage HTML report with LCOV:"
@lcov --capture --directory $(abs_builddir) \
--base-directory $(realpath $(abs_builddir)) \
--path $(realpath $(abs_srcdir)) \
--output-file $(COVERAGE_INFO)
@ # remove 3rd party modules, system headers and internal files with
@ # debug, test or dummy functions.
@lcov --remove $(COVERAGE_INFO) \
'*/Modules/_blake2/impl/*' \
'*/Modules/_ctypes/libffi*/*' \
'*/Modules/_decimal/libmpdec/*' \
'*/Modules/_sha3/kcp/*' \
'*/Modules/expat/*' \
'*/Modules/zlib/*' \
'*/Include/*' \
'*/Modules/xx*.c' \
'*/Python/pyfpe.c' \
'*/Python/pystrcmp.c' \
'/usr/include/*' \
'/usr/local/include/*' \
'/usr/lib/gcc/*' \
--output-file $(COVERAGE_INFO)
@genhtml $(COVERAGE_INFO) --output-directory $(COVERAGE_REPORT) \
@echo "lcov report at $(COVERAGE_REPORT)/index.html"
# Force regeneration of parser and importlib
coverage-report: regen-token regen-importlib
@ # build with coverage info
$(MAKE) coverage
@ # run tests, ignore failures
@ # build lcov report
$(MAKE) coverage-lcov
# Run "Argument Clinic" over all source files
clinic: check-clean-src $(srcdir)/Modules/_blake2/blake2s_impl.c
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/clinic/ --make --srcdir $(srcdir)
# Build the interpreter
$(BUILDPYTHON): Programs/python.o $(LIBRARY_DEPS)
platform: $(BUILDPYTHON) pybuilddir.txt
$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -c 'import sys ; from sysconfig import get_platform ; print("%s-%d.%d" % (get_platform(), *sys.version_info[:2]))' >platform
# Create build directory and generate the sysconfig build-time data there.
# pybuilddir.txt contains the name of the build dir and is used for
# sys.path fixup -- see Modules/getpath.c.
# Since this step runs before shared modules are built, try to avoid bootstrap
# problems by creating a dummy pybuilddir.txt just to allow interpreter
# initialization to succeed. It will be overwritten by generate-posix-vars
# or removed in case of failure.
pybuilddir.txt: $(BUILDPYTHON)
@echo "none" > ./pybuilddir.txt
$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -S -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars ;\
if test $$? -ne 0 ; then \
echo "generate-posix-vars failed" ; \
rm -f ./pybuilddir.txt ; \
exit 1 ; \
# This is shared by the math and cmath modules
Modules/_math.o: Modules/_math.c Modules/_math.h
$(CC) -c $(CCSHARED) $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
# blake2s is auto-generated from blake2b
$(srcdir)/Modules/_blake2/blake2s_impl.c: $(srcdir)/Modules/_blake2/blake2b_impl.c $(srcdir)/Modules/_blake2/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Modules/_blake2/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/clinic/ -f $@
# Build the shared modules
# Under GNU make, MAKEFLAGS are sorted and normalized; the 's' for
# -s, --silent or --quiet is always the first char.
# Under BSD make, MAKEFLAGS might be " -s -v x=y".
# Ignore macros passed by GNU make, passed after --
sharedmods: $(BUILDPYTHON) pybuilddir.txt Modules/_math.o
@case "`echo X $$MAKEFLAGS | sed 's/^X //;s/ -- .*//'`" in \
*\ -s*|s*) quiet="-q";; \
*) quiet="";; \
esac; \
$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) $(srcdir)/ $$quiet build"; \
$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) $(srcdir)/ $$quiet build
# Build static library
-rm -f $@
if test $(INSTSONAME) != $(LDLIBRARY); then \
$(LN) -f $(INSTSONAME) $@; \
else \
fi libpython$(LDVERSION).so
$(BLDSHARED) $(NO_AS_NEEDED) -o $@ -Wl,-h$@ $^
libpython$(LDVERSION).dylib: $(LIBRARY_OBJS)
$(CC) -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module $(PY_CORE_LDFLAGS) -undefined dynamic_lookup -Wl,-install_name,$(prefix)/lib/libpython$(LDVERSION).dylib -Wl,-compatibility_version,$(VERSION) -Wl,-current_version,$(VERSION) -o $@ $(LIBRARY_OBJS) $(DTRACE_OBJS) $(SHLIBS) $(LIBC) $(LIBM); \
libpython$(VERSION).sl: $(LIBRARY_OBJS)
# List of exported symbols for AIX
Modules/python.exp: $(LIBRARY)
$(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix $@ "$(EXPORTSFROM)" $?
# Copy up the gdb python hooks into a position where they can be automatically
# loaded by gdb during Lib/test/
# Distributors are likely to want to install this somewhere else e.g. relative
# to the stripped DWARF data for the shared library.
gdbhooks: $(BUILDPYTHON)
# This rule is here for OPENSTEP/Rhapsody/MacOSX. It builds a temporary
# minimal framework (not including the Lib directory and such) in the current
# directory.
$(CC) -o $(LDLIBRARY) $(PY_CORE_LDFLAGS) -dynamiclib \
-all_load $(LIBRARY) -Wl,-single_module \
-compatibility_version $(VERSION) \
-current_version $(VERSION) \
-framework CoreFoundation $(LIBS);
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) \
$(LN) -fsn $(VERSION) $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Versions/Current
$(LN) -fsn Versions/Current/Resources $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Resources
# This rule builds the Cygwin Python DLL and import library if configured
# for a shared core library; otherwise, this rule is a noop.
if test -n "$(DLLLIBRARY)"; then \
$(LDSHARED) -Wl,--out-implib=$@ -o $(DLLLIBRARY) $^ \
else true; \
oldsharedmods: $(SHAREDMODS)
Makefile Modules/config.c: Makefile.pre \
$(srcdir)/Modules/ \
$(srcdir)/Modules/Setup \
$(SHELL) $(MAKESETUP) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/ \
-s Modules \
Modules/Setup.local \
@mv config.c Modules
@echo "The Makefile was updated, you may need to re-run make."
Programs/_testembed: Programs/_testembed.o $(LIBRARY_DEPS)
# Importlib
Programs/_freeze_importlib.o: Programs/_freeze_importlib.c Makefile
Programs/_freeze_importlib: Programs/_freeze_importlib.o $(LIBRARY_OBJS_OMIT_FROZEN)
$(LINKCC) $(PY_CORE_LDFLAGS) -o $@ Programs/_freeze_importlib.o $(LIBRARY_OBJS_OMIT_FROZEN) $(LIBS) $(MODLIBS) $(SYSLIBS)
.PHONY: regen-importlib
regen-importlib: Programs/_freeze_importlib
# Regenerate Python/importlib_external.h
# from Lib/importlib/ using _freeze_importlib
./Programs/_freeze_importlib importlib._bootstrap_external \
$(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/importlib_external.h $(srcdir)/Python/
# Regenerate Python/importlib.h from Lib/importlib/
# using _freeze_importlib
./Programs/_freeze_importlib importlib._bootstrap \
$(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/importlib.h $(srcdir)/Python/
# Regenerate Python/importlib_zipimport.h from Lib/
# using _freeze_importlib
./Programs/_freeze_importlib zipimport \
$(srcdir)/Lib/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/importlib_zipimport.h $(srcdir)/Python/
regen-abidump: all
@$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/Doc/data/
abidw "libpython$(LDVERSION).so" --no-architecture --out-file $(srcdir)/Doc/data/python$(LDVERSION)
@$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Doc/data/python$(LDVERSION).abi $(srcdir)/Doc/data/python$(LDVERSION)
check-abidump: all
abidiff $(srcdir)/Doc/data/python$(LDVERSION).abi "libpython$(LDVERSION).so" --drop-private-types --no-architecture --no-added-syms
regen-limited-abi: all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ --generate-all $(srcdir)/Misc/stable_abi.txt
# Regenerate all generated files
regen-all: regen-opcode regen-opcode-targets regen-typeslots \
regen-token regen-ast regen-keyword regen-importlib clinic \
regen-pegen-metaparser regen-pegen regen-frozen
@echo "Note: make regen-stdlib-module-names and autoconf should be run manually"
# Special rules for object files
Modules/getbuildinfo.o: $(PARSER_OBJS) \
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Modules/getbuildinfo.c
Modules/getpath.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/getpath.c Makefile
-DPREFIX='"$(prefix)"' \
-DEXEC_PREFIX='"$(exec_prefix)"' \
-DVPATH='"$(VPATH)"' \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Modules/getpath.c
Programs/python.o: $(srcdir)/Programs/python.c
$(MAINCC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/Programs/python.c
Programs/_testembed.o: $(srcdir)/Programs/_testembed.c
$(MAINCC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/Programs/_testembed.c
Modules/_sre.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_sre.c $(srcdir)/Modules/sre.h $(srcdir)/Modules/sre_constants.h $(srcdir)/Modules/sre_lib.h
Modules/posixmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.c $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.h
Modules/grpmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/grpmodule.c $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.h
Modules/pwdmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/pwdmodule.c $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.h
Modules/signalmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/signalmodule.c $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.h
Python/dynload_shlib.o: $(srcdir)/Python/dynload_shlib.c Makefile
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) \
-DSOABI='"$(SOABI)"' \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/dynload_shlib.c
Python/dynload_hpux.o: $(srcdir)/Python/dynload_hpux.c Makefile
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/dynload_hpux.c
Python/sysmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Python/sysmodule.c Makefile $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.h
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/sysmodule.c
Python/initconfig.o: $(srcdir)/Python/initconfig.c
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/initconfig.c
$(IO_OBJS): $(IO_H)
.PHONY: regen-pegen-metaparser
@$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator/pegen
PYTHONPATH=$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator $(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) -m pegen -q python \
$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/metagrammar.gram \
-o $(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator/pegen/ \
.PHONY: regen-pegen
@$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/Parser
PYTHONPATH=$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator $(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) -m pegen -q c \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/python.gram \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
-o $(srcdir)/Parser/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Parser/parser.c $(srcdir)/Parser/
# Regenerate 3 files using using Parser/
# - Include/internal/pycore_ast.h
# - Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h
# - Python/Python-ast.c
$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/Include
$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/Python
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Parser/ \
$(srcdir)/Parser/Python.asdl \
-H $(srcdir)/Include/internal/ \
-I $(srcdir)/Include/internal/ \
-C $(srcdir)/Python/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h $(srcdir)/Include/internal/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h $(srcdir)/Include/internal/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/Python-ast.c $(srcdir)/Python/
.PHONY: regen-opcode
# Regenerate Include/opcode.h from Lib/
# using Tools/scripts/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ \
$(srcdir)/Lib/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Include/opcode.h $(srcdir)/Include/
.PHONY: regen-frozen
regen-frozen: Programs/_freeze_importlib
# Regenerate code for frozen module "__hello__".
./Programs/_freeze_importlib hello \
$(srcdir)/Tools/freeze/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_hello.h \
.PHONY: regen-token
# Regenerate Doc/library/ from Grammar/Tokens
# using Tools/scripts/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ rst \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
# Regenerate Include/token.h from Grammar/Tokens
# using Tools/scripts/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ h \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
# Regenerate Parser/token.c from Grammar/Tokens
# using Tools/scripts/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ c \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
# Regenerate Lib/ from Grammar/Tokens
# using Tools/scripts/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ py \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
.PHONY: regen-keyword
# Regenerate Lib/ from Grammar/python.gram and Grammar/Tokens
# using Tools/peg_generator/pegen
PYTHONPATH=$(srcdir)/Tools/peg_generator $(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) -m pegen.keywordgen \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/python.gram \
$(srcdir)/Grammar/Tokens \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Lib/ $(srcdir)/Lib/
.PHONY: regen-stdlib-module-names
regen-stdlib-module-names: build_all Programs/_testembed
# Regenerate Python/stdlib_module_names.h
# using Tools/scripts/
$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ \
> $(srcdir)/Python/
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/stdlib_module_names.h $(srcdir)/Python/
Python/compile.o Python/symtable.o Python/ast_unparse.o Python/ast.o Python/future.o: $(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h
Python/getplatform.o: $(srcdir)/Python/getplatform.c
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -DPLATFORM='"$(MACHDEP)"' -o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/getplatform.c
Python/importdl.o: $(srcdir)/Python/importdl.c
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -I$(DLINCLDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/Python/importdl.c
Objects/unicodectype.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/unicodectype.c \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/count.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/ctype.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/find.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/join.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/partition.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/split.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/stringdefs.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/asciilib.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/codecs.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/count.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/find.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/find_max_char.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/localeutil.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/partition.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/replace.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/split.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/ucs1lib.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/ucs2lib.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/ucs4lib.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/undef.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/unicode_format.h \
Objects/bytes_methods.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/bytes_methods.c $(BYTESTR_DEPS)
Objects/bytesobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/bytesobject.c $(BYTESTR_DEPS)
Objects/bytearrayobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/bytearrayobject.c $(BYTESTR_DEPS)
Objects/unicodeobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/unicodeobject.c $(UNICODE_DEPS)
Objects/odictobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/dict-common.h
Objects/dictobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/eq.h $(srcdir)/Objects/dict-common.h
Objects/setobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/eq.h
.PHONY: regen-opcode-targets
# Regenerate Python/opcode_targets.h from Lib/
# using Python/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Python/ \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/
Python/ceval.o: $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/ceval_gil.h \
Python/frozen.o: $(srcdir)/Python/importlib.h $(srcdir)/Python/importlib_external.h \
$(srcdir)/Python/importlib_zipimport.h $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_hello.h
# Generate DTrace probe macros, then rename them (PYTHON_ -> PyDTrace_) to
# follow our naming conventions. dtrace(1) uses the output filename to generate
# an include guard, so we can't use a pipeline to transform its output.
Include/pydtrace_probes.h: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d
$(MKDIR_P) Include
$(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -h -s $<
: sed in-place edit with POSIX-only tools
sed 's/PYTHON_/PyDTrace_/' $@ > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
Python/ceval.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.h
Python/import.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.h
Modules/gcmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.h
Python/pydtrace.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d $(DTRACE_DEPS)
$(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -G -s $< $(DTRACE_DEPS)
Objects/typeobject.o: Objects/
.PHONY: regen-typeslots
# Regenerate Objects/ from Include/typeslotsh
# using Objects/
$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Objects/ \
< $(srcdir)/Include/typeslots.h \
$(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Objects/ $(srcdir)/Objects/
# Header files
$(srcdir)/Include/Python.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/abstract.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/bltinmodule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/boolobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/bytearrayobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/bytesobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cellobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/ceval.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/classobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/code.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/codecs.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/compile.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/complexobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/context.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/descrobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/dictobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/dynamic_annotations.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/enumobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/errcode.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/eval.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/fileobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/fileutils.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/floatobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/frameobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/funcobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/genobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/import.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/interpreteridobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/intrcheck.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/iterobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/listobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/longintrepr.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/longobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/marshal.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/memoryobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/methodobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/modsupport.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/moduleobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/namespaceobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/object.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/objimpl.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/opcode.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/osdefs.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/osmodule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/patchlevel.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pycapsule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pyerrors.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pyframe.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pyhash.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pylifecycle.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pymacconfig.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pymacro.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pymath.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pymem.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pyport.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pystate.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pystrcmp.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pystrhex.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pystrtod.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pythonrun.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/pythread.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/rangeobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/setobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/sliceobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/structmember.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/structseq.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/sysmodule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/token.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/traceback.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/tracemalloc.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/tupleobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/unicodeobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/warnings.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/weakrefobject.h \
pyconfig.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/abstract.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/bytearrayobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/bytesobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/ceval.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/code.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/compile.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/dictobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/fileobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/fileutils.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/frameobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/import.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/initconfig.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/interpreteridobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/listobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/methodobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/object.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/objimpl.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/odictobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/picklebufobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pyctype.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pydebug.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pyerrors.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pyfpe.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pylifecycle.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pymem.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pystate.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pythonrun.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/pytime.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/sysmodule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/traceback.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/tupleobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/cpython/unicodeobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_abstract.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_accu.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_asdl.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_atomic.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_atomic_funcs.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_bitutils.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_bytes_methods.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_call.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_code.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_compile.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_condvar.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_context.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_dtoa.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_fileutils.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_format.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_getopt.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_gil.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_hamt.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_hashtable.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_import.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_initconfig.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_interp.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_list.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_long.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_moduleobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_object.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pathconfig.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pyarena.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pyerrors.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pyhash.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pylifecycle.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pymem.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_pystate.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_runtime.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_structseq.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_sysmodule.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_traceback.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_tuple.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_ucnhash.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_unionobject.h \
$(srcdir)/Include/internal/pycore_warnings.h \
TESTRUNNER= $(TESTPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/
.PHONY: test testall testuniversal buildbottest pythoninfo
# Remove "test_python_*" directories of previous failed test jobs.
# Pass TESTOPTS options because it can contain --tempdir option.
cleantest: build_all
# Run a basic set of regression tests.
# This excludes some tests that are particularly resource-intensive.
test: all platform
# Run the full test suite twice - once without .pyc files, and once with.
# In the past, we've had problems where bugs in the marshalling or
# elsewhere caused bytecode read from .pyc files to behave differently
# than bytecode generated directly from a .py source file. Sometimes
# the bytecode read from a .pyc file had the bug, sometimes the directly
# generated bytecode. This is sometimes a very shy bug needing a lot of
# sample data.
testall: all platform
-find $(srcdir)/Lib -name '*.py[co]' -print | xargs rm -f
$(TESTPYTHON) -E $(srcdir)/Lib/
-find $(srcdir)/Lib -name '*.py[co]' -print | xargs rm -f
# Run the test suite for both architectures in a Universal build on OSX.
# Must be run on an Intel box.
testuniversal: all platform
@if [ `arch` != 'i386' ]; then \
echo "This can only be used on OSX/i386" ;\
exit 1 ;\
$(RUNSHARED) /usr/libexec/oah/translate \
./$(BUILDPYTHON) -E -m test -j 0 -u all $(TESTOPTS)
# Like testall, but with only one pass and without multiple processes.
# Run an optional script to include information about the build environment.
buildbottest: build_all platform
-@if which pybuildbot.identify >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
pybuildbot.identify "CC='$(CC)'" "CXX='$(CXX)'"; \
$(TESTRUNNER) -j 1 -u all -W --slowest --fail-env-changed --timeout=$(TESTTIMEOUT) $(TESTOPTS)
pythoninfo: build_all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) -m test.pythoninfo
QUICKTESTOPTS= $(TESTOPTS) -x test_subprocess test_io test_lib2to3 \
test_multibytecodec test_urllib2_localnet test_itertools \
test_multiprocessing_fork test_multiprocessing_spawn \
test_multiprocessing_forkserver \
test_mailbox test_socket test_poll \
test_select test_zipfile test_concurrent_futures
quicktest: all platform
# SSL tests
.PHONY: multisslcompile multissltest
multisslcompile: build_all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) Tools/ssl/ --steps=modules
multissltest: build_all
install: commoninstall bininstall maninstall
if test "x$(ENSUREPIP)" != "xno" ; then \
case $(ENSUREPIP) in \
upgrade) ensurepip="--upgrade" ;; \
install|*) ensurepip="" ;; \
esac; \
$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m ensurepip \
$$ensurepip --root=$(DESTDIR)/ ; \
altinstall: commoninstall
if test "x$(ENSUREPIP)" != "xno" ; then \
case $(ENSUREPIP) in \
upgrade) ensurepip="--altinstall --upgrade" ;; \
install|*) ensurepip="--altinstall" ;; \
esac; \
$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m ensurepip \
$$ensurepip --root=$(DESTDIR)/ ; \
commoninstall: check-clean-src \
altbininstall libinstall inclinstall libainstall \
sharedinstall oldsharedinstall altmaninstall \
# Install shared libraries enabled by Setup
oldsharedinstall: $(DESTSHARED) $(SHAREDMODS)
@for i in X $(SHAREDMODS); do \
if test $$i != X; then \
echo $(INSTALL_SHARED) $$i $(DESTSHARED)/`basename $$i`; \
$(INSTALL_SHARED) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/`basename $$i`; \
fi; \
@for i in $(DESTDIRS); \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
# Install the interpreter with $(VERSION) affixed
# This goes into $(exec_prefix)
altbininstall: $(BUILDPYTHON)
@for i in $(BINDIR) $(LIBDIR); \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
if test "$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)" = "no-framework" ; then \
else \
-if test "$(VERSION)" != "$(LDVERSION)"; then \
if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)$(EXE) -o -h $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)$(EXE); \
then rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)$(EXE); \
fi; \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) python$(LDVERSION)$(EXE) python$(VERSION)$(EXE)); \
@if test "$(PY_ENABLE_SHARED)" = 1 -o "$(STATIC_LIBPYTHON)" = 1; then \
if test -f $(LDLIBRARY) && test "$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)" = "no-framework" ; then \
if test -n "$(DLLLIBRARY)" ; then \
else \
if test $(LDLIBRARY) != $(INSTSONAME); then \
fi \
fi; \
if test -n "$(PY3LIBRARY)"; then \
fi; \
else true; \
fi; \
if test "x$(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE); \
lipo $(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS) \
-output $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE) \
if test "x$(LIPO_INTEL64_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)python$(VERSION)-intel64$(EXE); \
lipo $(LIPO_INTEL64_FLAGS) \
-output $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)-intel64$(EXE) \
bininstall: altbininstall
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); then \
echo "Creating directory $(LIBPC)"; \
-if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3$(EXE) -o -h $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3$(EXE); \
then rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3$(EXE); \
else true; \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(VERSION)$(EXE) python3$(EXE))
-if test "$(VERSION)" != "$(LDVERSION)"; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(VERSION)-config; \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(LDVERSION)-config python$(VERSION)-config); \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python-$(LDVERSION).pc; \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python-$(VERSION).pc python-$(LDVERSION).pc); \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python-$(LDVERSION)-embed.pc; \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python-$(VERSION)-embed.pc python-$(LDVERSION)-embed.pc); \
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3-config
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(VERSION)-config python3-config)
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python3.pc
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python-$(VERSION).pc python3.pc)
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python3-embed.pc
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python-$(VERSION)-embed.pc python3-embed.pc)
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/idle3
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s idle$(VERSION) idle3)
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/pydoc3
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s pydoc$(VERSION) pydoc3)
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/2to3
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s 2to3-$(VERSION) 2to3)
if test "x$(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3-32$(EXE); \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE) python3-32$(EXE)) \
if test "x$(LIPO_INTEL64_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python3-intel64$(EXE); \
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s python$(VERSION)-intel64$(EXE) python3-intel64$(EXE)) \
# Install the versioned manual page
@for i in $(MANDIR) $(MANDIR)/man1; \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/Misc/ \
# Install the unversioned manual page
maninstall: altmaninstall
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/python3.1
(cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1; $(LN) -s python$(VERSION).1 python3.1)
# Install the library
XMLLIBSUBDIRS= xml xml/dom xml/etree xml/parsers xml/sax
LIBSUBDIRS= asyncio \
collections \
concurrent concurrent/futures \
csv \
ctypes ctypes/macholib \
curses \
dbm \
distutils distutils/command \
email email/mime \
encodings \
ensurepip ensurepip/_bundled \
html \
http \
idlelib idlelib/Icons \
importlib importlib/metadata \
json \
lib2to3 lib2to3/fixes lib2to3/pgen2 \
logging \
multiprocessing multiprocessing/dummy \
pydoc_data \
site-packages \
sqlite3 \
tkinter \
turtledemo \
unittest \
urllib \
venv venv/scripts venv/scripts/common venv/scripts/posix \
wsgiref \
xmlrpc \
TESTSUBDIRS= ctypes/test \
distutils/tests \
idlelib/idle_test \
lib2to3/tests \
lib2to3/tests/data \
lib2to3/tests/data/fixers \
lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/myfixes \
sqlite3/test \
test test/audiodata \
test/capath test/cjkencodings \
test/data test/decimaltestdata \
test/dtracedata test/eintrdata \
test/encoded_modules test/imghdrdata \
test/libregrtest test/sndhdrdata \
test/subprocessdata test/support \
test/test_asyncio \
test/test_email test/test_email/data \
test/test_import \
test/test_import/data \
test/test_import/data/circular_imports \
test/test_import/data/circular_imports/subpkg \
test/test_import/data/package \
test/test_import/data/package2 \
test/test_import/data/unwritable \
test/test_importlib \
test/test_importlib/builtin \
test/test_importlib/data \
test/test_importlib/data01 \
test/test_importlib/data01/subdirectory \
test/test_importlib/data02 \
test/test_importlib/data02/one \
test/test_importlib/data02/two \
test/test_importlib/data03 \
test/test_importlib/data03/namespace \
test/test_importlib/data03/namespace/portion1 \
test/test_importlib/data03/namespace/portion2 \
test/test_importlib/extension \
test/test_importlib/frozen \
test/test_importlib/import_ \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/both_portions \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/both_portions/foo \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/module_and_namespace_package \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/module_and_namespace_package/a_test \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/not_a_namespace_pkg \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/not_a_namespace_pkg/foo \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/portion1 \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/portion1/foo \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/portion2 \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/portion2/foo \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project1 \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent/child \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project2 \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent/child \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project3 \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project3/parent \
test/test_importlib/namespace_pkgs/project3/parent/child \
test/test_importlib/namespacedata01 \
test/test_importlib/partial \
test/test_importlib/source \
test/test_importlib/zipdata01 \
test/test_importlib/zipdata02 \
test/test_json \
test/test_peg_generator \
test/test_tools \
test/test_warnings test/test_warnings/data \
test/test_zoneinfo test/test_zoneinfo/data \
test/tracedmodules \
test/xmltestdata test/xmltestdata/c14n-20 \
test/ziptestdata \
tkinter/test tkinter/test/test_tkinter \
tkinter/test/test_ttk \
unittest/test unittest/test/testmock
libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/xxmodule.c
@for i in $(SCRIPTDIR) $(LIBDEST); \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
@if test "$(TEST_MODULES)" = yes; then \
else \
subdirs="$(LIBSUBDIRS)"; \
fi; \
for d in $$subdirs; \
do \
a=$(srcdir)/Lib/$$d; \
if test ! -d $$a; then continue; else true; fi; \
b=$(LIBDEST)/$$d; \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$b; then \
echo "Creating directory $$b"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$b; \
else true; \
fi; \
@for i in $(srcdir)/Lib/*.py; \
do \
if test -x $$i; then \
echo $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $$i $(LIBDEST); \
else \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(LIBDEST); \
fi; \
@if test "$(TEST_MODULES)" = yes; then \
else \
subdirs="$(LIBSUBDIRS)"; \
fi; \
for d in $$subdirs; \
do \
a=$(srcdir)/Lib/$$d; \
if test ! -d $$a; then continue; else true; fi; \
if test `ls $$a | wc -l` -lt 1; then continue; fi; \
b=$(LIBDEST)/$$d; \
for i in $$a/*; \
do \
case $$i in \
*CVS) ;; \
*.py[co]) ;; \
*.orig) ;; \
*~) ;; \
*) \
if test -d $$i; then continue; fi; \
if test -x $$i; then \
echo $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $$i $$b; \
else \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $$b; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$$b; \
fi;; \
esac; \
done; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) `cat pybuilddir.txt`/_sysconfigdata_$(ABIFLAGS)_$(MACHDEP)_$(MULTIARCH).py \
if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/distutils/tests; then \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/Modules/xxmodule.c \
$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/distutils/tests ; \
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST) -f \
-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST) -f \
-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST) -f \
-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
-x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
-x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
-j0 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
-x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
$(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
# bpo-21536: Misc/ is generated in the build directory
# from $(srcdir)Misc/
python-config: $(srcdir)/Misc/ Misc/
@ # Substitution happens here, as the completely-expanded BINDIR
@ # is not available in configure
sed -e "s,@EXENAME@,$(BINDIR)/python$(LDVERSION)$(EXE)," < $(srcdir)/Misc/ >
@ # Replace makefile compat. variable references with shell script compat. ones; $(VAR) -> ${VAR}
LC_ALL=C sed -e 's,\$$(\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\)),\$$\{\1\},g' < Misc/ >python-config
@ # On Darwin, always use the python version of the script, the shell
@ # version doesn't use the compiler customizations that are provided
@ # in python (
@if test `uname -s` = Darwin; then \
cp python-config; \
# Install the include files
@for i in $(INCLDIRSTOMAKE); \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
@if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/cpython; then \
echo "Creating directory $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/cpython"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/cpython; \
else true; \
@if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/internal; then \
echo "Creating directory $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/internal"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/internal; \
else true; \
@for i in $(srcdir)/Include/*.h; \
do \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(INCLUDEPY); \
@for i in $(srcdir)/Include/cpython/*.h; \
do \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(INCLUDEPY)/cpython; \
@for i in $(srcdir)/Include/internal/*.h; \
do \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(INCLUDEPY)/internal; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEPY)/internal; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) pyconfig.h $(DESTDIR)$(CONFINCLUDEPY)/pyconfig.h
# Install the library and miscellaneous stuff needed for extending/embedding
# This goes into $(exec_prefix)
LIBPL= $(prefix)/lib/python3.10/config-$(VERSION)$(ABIFLAGS)-darwin
# pkgconfig directory
LIBPC= $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig
libainstall: all python-config
@for i in $(LIBDIR) $(LIBPL) $(LIBPC) $(BINDIR); \
do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
@if test "$(STATIC_LIBPYTHON)" = 1; then \
if test -d $(LIBRARY); then :; else \
if test "$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)" = no-framework; then \
if test "$(SHLIB_SUFFIX)" = .dll; then \
else \
fi; \
else \
echo Skip install of $(LIBRARY) - use make frameworkinstall; \
fi; \
fi; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) Programs/python.o $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/python.o; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) Modules/config.c $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/config.c
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/Modules/ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/
$(INSTALL_DATA) Makefile $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/Makefile
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/Modules/Setup $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/Setup
$(INSTALL_DATA) Modules/Setup.local $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/Setup.local
$(INSTALL_DATA) Misc/python.pc $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python-$(VERSION).pc
$(INSTALL_DATA) Misc/python-embed.pc $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python-$(VERSION)-embed.pc
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/Modules/makesetup $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/makesetup
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/install-sh $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/install-sh
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) python-config $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/python$(LDVERSION)-config
@if [ -s Modules/python.exp -a \
"`echo $(MACHDEP) | sed 's/^\(...\).*/\1/'`" = "aix" ]; then \
echo; echo "Installing support files for building shared extension modules on AIX:"; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) Modules/python.exp \
$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/python.exp; \
echo; echo "$(LIBPL)/python.exp"; \
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix \
$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/makexp_aix; \
echo "$(LIBPL)/makexp_aix"; \
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) Modules/ld_so_aix \
$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/ld_so_aix; \
echo "$(LIBPL)/ld_so_aix"; \
echo; echo "See Misc/README.AIX for details."; \
else true; \
# Install the dynamically loadable modules
# This goes into $(exec_prefix)
sharedinstall: sharedmods
$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) $(srcdir)/ install \
--prefix=$(prefix) \
--install-scripts=$(BINDIR) \
--install-platlib=$(DESTSHARED) \
-rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/__pycache__
# Here are a couple of targets for MacOSX again, to install a full
# framework-based Python. frameworkinstall installs everything, the
# subtargets install specific parts. Much of the actual work is offloaded to
# the Makefile in Mac
# This target is here for backward compatibility, previous versions of Python
# hadn't integrated framework installation in the normal install process.
frameworkinstall: install
# On install, we re-make the framework
# structure in the install location, /Library/Frameworks/ or the argument to
# --enable-framework. If --enable-framework has been specified then we have
# automatically set prefix to the location deep down in the framework, so we
# only have to cater for the structural bits of the framework.
frameworkinstallframework: frameworkinstallstructure install frameworkinstallmaclib
frameworkinstallstructure: $(LDLIBRARY)
@if test "$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)" = no-framework; then \
echo Not configured with --enable-framework; \
exit 1; \
else true; \
@for i in $(prefix)/Resources/English.lproj $(prefix)/lib; do\
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$$i; then \
echo "Creating directory $(DESTDIR)$$i"; \
$(INSTALL) -d -m $(DIRMODE) $(DESTDIR)$$i; \
else true; \
fi; \
$(LN) -fsn include/python$(LDVERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Headers
sed 's/%VERSION%/'"`$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) -c 'import platform; print(platform.python_version())'`"'/g' < $(RESSRCDIR)/Info.plist > $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Resources/Info.plist
$(LN) -fsn Versions/Current/Headers $(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKINSTALLDIR)/Headers
$(LN) -fsn Versions/Current/Resources $(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONFRAMEWORKINSTALLDIR)/Resources
# This installs Mac/Lib into the framework
# Install a number of symlinks to keep software that expects a normal unix
# install (which includes python-config) happy.
$(LN) -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/libpython$(LDVERSION).a"
$(LN) -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/libpython$(LDVERSION).dylib"
$(LN) -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/libpython$(VERSION).a"
$(LN) -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBPL)/libpython$(VERSION).dylib"
$(LN) -fs "../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/libpython$(LDVERSION).dylib"
$(LN) -fs "../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/libpython$(VERSION).dylib"
# This installs the IDE, the Launcher and other apps into /Applications
cd Mac && $(MAKE) installapps DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)"
# Build the bootstrap executable that will spawn the interpreter inside
# an app bundle within the framework. This allows the interpreter to
# run OS X GUI APIs.
cd Mac && $(MAKE) pythonw
# This installs the python* and other bin symlinks in $prefix/bin or in
# a bin directory relative to the framework root
cd Mac && $(MAKE) installunixtools DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)"
cd Mac && $(MAKE) altinstallunixtools DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)"
# This installs the Tools into the applications directory.
# It is not part of a normal frameworkinstall
cd Mac && $(MAKE) installextras DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)"
# Build the toplevel Makefile
Makefile.pre: $(srcdir)/ config.status
CONFIG_FILES=Makefile.pre CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) config.status
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.pre Makefile
# Run the configure script.
config.status: $(srcdir)/configure
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_ARGS)
.PRECIOUS: config.status $(BUILDPYTHON) Makefile Makefile.pre
# Some make's put the object file in the current directory
$(CC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
# bpo-30104: dtoa.c uses union to cast double to unsigned long[2]. clang 4.0
# with -O2 or higher and strict aliasing miscompiles the ratio() function
# causing rounding issues. Compile dtoa.c using -fno-strict-aliasing on clang.
Python/dtoa.o: Python/dtoa.c
# Run reindent on the library
./$(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ -r $(srcdir)/Lib
# Rerun configure with the same options as it was run last time,
# provided the config.status script exists
$(SHELL) config.status --recheck
$(SHELL) config.status
# Regenerate configure and
.PHONY: autoconf
# Regenerate the configure script from using autoconf
(cd $(srcdir); autoconf -Wall)
# Regenerate from using autoheader
(cd $(srcdir); autoheader -Wall)
# Create a tags file for vi
ctags -w $(srcdir)/Include/*.h $(srcdir)/Include/cpython/*.h $(srcdir)/Include/internal/*.h
for i in $(SRCDIRS); do ctags -f tags -w -a $(srcdir)/$$i/*.[ch]; done
ctags -f tags -w -a $(srcdir)/Modules/_ctypes/*.[ch]
find $(srcdir)/Lib -type f -name "*.py" -not -name "test_*.py" -not -path "*/test/*" -not -path "*/tests/*" -not -path "*/*_test/*" | ctags -f tags -w -a -L -
LC_ALL=C sort -o tags tags
# Create a tags file for GNU Emacs
cd $(srcdir); \
etags Include/*.h Include/cpython/*.h Include/internal/*.h; \
for i in $(SRCDIRS); do etags -a $$i/*.[ch]; done
etags -a $(srcdir)/Modules/_ctypes/*.[ch]
find $(srcdir)/Lib -type f -name "*.py" -not -name "test_*.py" -not -path "*/test/*" -not -path "*/tests/*" -not -path "*/*_test/*" | etags - -a
# Sanitation targets -- clean leaves libraries, executables and tags
# files, which clobber removes as well
-find $(srcdir) -depth -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} ';'
-find $(srcdir) -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} ';'
-rm -rf OUT
-rm -f *.TXT
-rm -f *.txt
-rm -f gb-18030-2000.xml
-rm -rf Doc/build
-rm -rf Doc/tools/sphinx Doc/tools/pygments Doc/tools/docutils
# like the 'clean' target but retain the profile guided optimization (PGO)
# data. The PGO data is only valid if source code remains unchanged.
clean-retain-profile: pycremoval
find . -name '*.[oa]' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find . -name '*.s[ol]' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find . -name '*.so.[0-9]*.[0-9]*' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find . -name '*.lst' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find build -name 'fficonfig.h' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
find build -name '*.py' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
find build -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
-rm -f pybuilddir.txt
-rm -f Lib/lib2to3/*Grammar*.pickle
-rm -f Programs/_testembed Programs/_freeze_importlib
-find build -type f -a ! -name '*.gc??' -exec rm -f {} ';'
-rm -f Include/pydtrace_probes.h
-rm -f profile-gen-stamp
find . -name '*.gc??' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find . -name '*.profclang?' -exec rm -f {} ';'
find . -name '*.dyn' -exec rm -f {} ';'
rm -f profile-run-stamp
clean: clean-retain-profile
@if test build_all = profile-opt; then \
rm -f profile-gen-stamp profile-clean-stamp; \
$(MAKE) profile-removal; \
clobber: clean
tags TAGS \
config.cache config.log pyconfig.h Modules/config.c
-rm -rf build platform
-rm -f python-config
# Make things extra clean, before making a distribution:
# remove all generated files, even Makefile[.pre]
# Keep configure and Python-ast.[ch], it's possible they can't be generated
distclean: clobber
for file in $(srcdir)/Lib/test/data/* ; do \
if test "$$file" != "$(srcdir)/Lib/test/data/README"; then rm "$$file"; fi; \
-rm -f core Makefile Makefile.pre config.status Modules/Setup.local \
Modules/ld_so_aix Modules/python.exp Misc/python.pc \
Misc/python-embed.pc Misc/
-rm -f python*
# Issue #28258: set LC_ALL to avoid issues with Estonian locale.
# Expansion is performed here by shell (spawned by make) itself before
# arguments are passed to find. So LC_ALL=C must be set as a separate
# command.
LC_ALL=C; find $(srcdir)/[a-zA-Z]* '(' -name '*.fdc' -o -name '*~' \
-o -name '[@,#]*' -o -name '*.old' \
-o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' \
-o -name '*.bak' ')' \
-exec rm -f {} ';'
# Check that all symbols exported by libpython start with "Py" or "_Py"
smelly: all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) Tools/scripts/
# Find files with funny names
-type d \
-o -name '*.[chs]' \
-o -name '*.py' \
-o -name '*.pyw' \
-o -name '*.dat' \
-o -name '*.el' \
-o -name '*.fd' \
-o -name '*.in' \
-o -name '*.gif' \
-o -name '*.txt' \
-o -name '*.xml' \
-o -name '*.xbm' \
-o -name '*.xpm' \
-o -name '*.uue' \
-o -name '*.decTest' \
-o -name '*.tmCommand' \
-o -name '*.tmSnippet' \
-o -name 'Setup' \
-o -name 'Setup.*' \
-o -name README \
-o -name NEWS \
-o -name HISTORY \
-o -name Makefile \
-o -name ChangeLog \
-o -name .hgignore \
-o -name MANIFEST \
-o -print
# Perform some verification checks on any modified files.
patchcheck: all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/
check-limited-abi: all
$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/ --all $(srcdir)/Misc/stable_abi.txt
# Dependencies
Python/thread.o: $(srcdir)/Python/thread_nt.h $(srcdir)/Python/thread_pthread.h $(srcdir)/Python/condvar.h
# Declare targets that aren't real files
.PHONY: all build_all sharedmods check-clean-src oldsharedmods test quicktest
.PHONY: install altinstall oldsharedinstall bininstall altbininstall
.PHONY: maninstall libinstall inclinstall libainstall sharedinstall
.PHONY: frameworkinstall frameworkinstallframework frameworkinstallstructure
.PHONY: frameworkinstallmaclib frameworkinstallapps frameworkinstallunixtools
.PHONY: frameworkaltinstallunixtools recheck clean clobber distclean
.PHONY: smelly funny patchcheck touch altmaninstall commoninstall
.PHONY: clean-retain-profile profile-removal run_profile_task
.PHONY: build_all_generate_profile build_all_merge_profile
.PHONY: gdbhooks
# Local Variables:
# mode: makefile
# End:
# Rules appended by makesetup
Modules/posixmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -c $(srcdir)/Modules/posixmodule.c -o Modules/posixmodule.o
Modules/posix$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/posixmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/posixmodule.o -o Modules/posix$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/errnomodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/errnomodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/errnomodule.c -o Modules/errnomodule.o
Modules/errno$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/errnomodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/errnomodule.o -o Modules/errno$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/pwdmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/pwdmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/pwdmodule.c -o Modules/pwdmodule.o
Modules/pwd$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/pwdmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/pwdmodule.o -o Modules/pwd$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_sre.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_sre.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_sre.c -o Modules/_sre.o
Modules/_sre$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_sre.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_sre.o -o Modules/_sre$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_codecsmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_codecsmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_codecsmodule.c -o Modules/_codecsmodule.o
Modules/_codecs$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_codecsmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_codecsmodule.o -o Modules/_codecs$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_weakref.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_weakref.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_weakref.c -o Modules/_weakref.o
Modules/_weakref$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_weakref.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_weakref.o -o Modules/_weakref$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_functoolsmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_functoolsmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_functoolsmodule.c -o Modules/_functoolsmodule.o
Modules/_functools$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_functoolsmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_functoolsmodule.o -o Modules/_functools$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_operator.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_operator.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_operator.c -o Modules/_operator.o
Modules/_operator$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_operator.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_operator.o -o Modules/_operator$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_collectionsmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_collectionsmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_collectionsmodule.c -o Modules/_collectionsmodule.o
Modules/_collections$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_collectionsmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_collectionsmodule.o -o Modules/_collections$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_abc.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_abc.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_abc.c -o Modules/_abc.o
Modules/_abc$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_abc.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_abc.o -o Modules/_abc$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/itertoolsmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c -o Modules/itertoolsmodule.o
Modules/itertools$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/itertoolsmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/itertoolsmodule.o -o Modules/itertools$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/atexitmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/atexitmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/atexitmodule.c -o Modules/atexitmodule.o
Modules/atexit$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/atexitmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/atexitmodule.o -o Modules/atexit$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/signalmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/signalmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -c $(srcdir)/Modules/signalmodule.c -o Modules/signalmodule.o
Modules/_signal$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/signalmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/signalmodule.o -o Modules/_signal$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_stat.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_stat.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_stat.c -o Modules/_stat.o
Modules/_stat$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_stat.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_stat.o -o Modules/_stat$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/timemodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/timemodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -c $(srcdir)/Modules/timemodule.c -o Modules/timemodule.o
Modules/time$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/timemodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/timemodule.o -o Modules/time$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_threadmodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_threadmodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_threadmodule.c -o Modules/_threadmodule.o
Modules/_thread$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_threadmodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_threadmodule.o -o Modules/_thread$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_localemodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_localemodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_localemodule.c -o Modules/_localemodule.o
Modules/_locale$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_localemodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_localemodule.o -o Modules/_locale$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_iomodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/_iomodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/_iomodule.c -o Modules/_iomodule.o
Modules/iobase.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/iobase.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/iobase.c -o Modules/iobase.o
Modules/fileio.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/fileio.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/fileio.c -o Modules/fileio.o
Modules/bytesio.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/bytesio.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/bytesio.c -o Modules/bytesio.o
Modules/bufferedio.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/bufferedio.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/bufferedio.c -o Modules/bufferedio.o
Modules/textio.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/textio.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/textio.c -o Modules/textio.o
Modules/stringio.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/stringio.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -DPy_BUILD_CORE_BUILTIN -I$(srcdir)/Include/internal -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_io -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_io/stringio.c -o Modules/stringio.o
Modules/_io$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_iomodule.o Modules/iobase.o Modules/fileio.o Modules/bytesio.o Modules/bufferedio.o Modules/textio.o Modules/stringio.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_iomodule.o Modules/iobase.o Modules/fileio.o Modules/bytesio.o Modules/bufferedio.o Modules/textio.o Modules/stringio.o -o Modules/_io$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/faulthandler.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/faulthandler.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/faulthandler.c -o Modules/faulthandler.o
Modules/faulthandler$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/faulthandler.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/faulthandler.o -o Modules/faulthandler$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/_tracemalloc.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/_tracemalloc.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/_tracemalloc.c -o Modules/_tracemalloc.o
Modules/_tracemalloc$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/_tracemalloc.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/_tracemalloc.o -o Modules/_tracemalloc$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/symtablemodule.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/symtablemodule.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/symtablemodule.c -o Modules/symtablemodule.o
Modules/_symtable$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/symtablemodule.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/symtablemodule.o -o Modules/_symtable$(EXT_SUFFIX)
Modules/xxsubtype.o: $(srcdir)/Modules/xxsubtype.c; $(CC) $(PY_BUILTIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/Modules/xxsubtype.c -o Modules/xxsubtype.o
Modules/xxsubtype$(EXT_SUFFIX): Modules/xxsubtype.o; $(BLDSHARED) Modules/xxsubtype.o -o Modules/xxsubtype$(EXT_SUFFIX)
/var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933 ~/src/bitfont
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:338): http(): local method=get
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:339): http(): '[' -n ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:340): http(): shift 1
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:342): http(): detect_http_client
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:349): detect_http_client():local client
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:350): detect_http_client():for client in aria2c curl wget
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:351): detect_http_client():type aria2c
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:350): detect_http_client():for client in aria2c curl wget
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:351): detect_http_client():type curl
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:352): detect_http_client():echo curl
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:353): detect_http_client():return
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:342): http(): PYTHON_BUILD_HTTP_CLIENT=curl
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:343): http(): '[' -n curl ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:345): http(): http_get_curl Python-3.10.0.tar.xz
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:378): http_get_curl(): curl -q -o Python-3.10.0.tar.xz -sSLf
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:300): verify_checksum(): local checksum_command
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:301): verify_checksum(): local filename=Python-3.10.0.tar.xz
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:302): verify_checksum(): echo 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:302): verify_checksum(): tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:302): verify_checksum(): local expected_checksum=5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:305): verify_checksum(): '[' -e Python-3.10.0.tar.xz ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:307): verify_checksum(): case "${#expected_checksum}" in
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:310): verify_checksum(): checksum_command=compute_sha2
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:321): verify_checksum(): has_checksum_support compute_sha2
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:290): has_checksum_support()local checksum_command=compute_sha2
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:291): has_checksum_support()local has_checksum_var=HAS_CHECKSUM_SUPPORT_compute_sha2
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:293): has_checksum_support()'[' -z defined ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:296): has_checksum_support()return 0
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:324): verify_checksum(): tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:324): verify_checksum(): compute_sha2
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:258): compute_sha2(): local output
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:259): compute_sha2(): type shasum
+++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:260): compute_sha2(): shasum -a 256 -b
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:260): compute_sha2(): output='5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002 *-'
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:261): compute_sha2(): echo 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:324): verify_checksum(): echo 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:324): verify_checksum(): local computed_checksum=5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:325): verify_checksum(): '[' -n 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002 ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:327): verify_checksum(): '[' 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002 '!=' 5a99f8e7a6a11a7b98b4e75e0d1303d3832cada5534068f69c7b6222a7b1b002 ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:434): fetch_tarball(): tar xJf Python-3.10.0.tar.xz
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:435): fetch_tarball(): '[' '!' -d Python-3.10.0 ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:440): fetch_tarball(): '[' -z '' ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:441): fetch_tarball(): rm -f Python-3.10.0.tar.xz
/var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933/Python-3.10.0 /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933 ~/src/bitfont
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:783): build_package_standard'[' defined ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:784): build_package_standardexport 'CFLAGS=-I/Applications/ '
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:784): build_package_standardCFLAGS='-I/Applications/ '
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:786): build_package_standard'[' -z '' ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:786): build_package_standardis_mac -ge 1010
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:111): is_mac(): uname -s
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:111): is_mac(): '[' Darwin = Darwin ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:112): is_mac(): '[' 2 -eq 0 ']'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:112): is_mac(): osx_version
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:126): osx_version(): local -a ver
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:127): osx_version(): IFS=.
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:127): osx_version(): ver=(`sw_vers -productVersion`)
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:127): osx_version(): sw_vers -productVersion
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:128): osx_version(): IFS='
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:129): osx_version(): echo 1106
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:112): is_mac(): '[' 1106 -ge 1010 ']'
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:787): build_package_standardexport CC=clang
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:787): build_package_standardCC=clang
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:789): build_package_standard./configure --prefix=/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0 --libdir=/Users/georgevreilly/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1 '--with-tcltk-libs=-L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib -ltcl8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1 -ltk8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1' --with-tcltk-includes=-I/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include
checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
checking for python3.10... no
checking for python3... python3
checking for --enable-universalsdk... no
checking for --with-universal-archs... no
checking MACHDEP... "darwin"
checking for gcc... clang
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether clang accepts -g... yes
checking for clang option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... clang -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/local/bin/gsed
checking for --with-cxx-main=<compiler>... no
checking for clang++... no
By default, distutils will build C++ extension modules with "clang++".
If this is not intended, then set CXX on the configure command line.
checking for the platform triplet based on compiler characteristics... darwin
checking for -Wl,--no-as-needed... no
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking for the Android API level... not Android
checking for --with-suffix...
checking for case-insensitive build directory... yes
checking LIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION)$(ABIFLAGS).a
checking LINKCC... $(PURIFY) $(MAINCC)
checking EXPORTSYMS...
checking for GNU ld... no
checking for --enable-shared... no
checking for --enable-profiling... no
checking LDLIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION)$(ABIFLAGS).a
checking for ar... ar
checking for readelf... no
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p
checking for --with-pydebug... no
checking for --with-trace-refs... no
checking for --with-assertions... no
checking for --enable-optimizations... no
checking PROFILE_TASK... -m test --pgo --timeout=$(TESTTIMEOUT)
checking for --with-lto... no
checking for llvm-profdata... no
configure: llvm-profdata found via xcrun: /usr/bin/xcrun llvm-profdata
checking for -Wextra... yes
checking whether clang accepts and needs -fno-strict-aliasing... no
checking if we can turn off clang unused result warning... yes
checking if we can turn off clang unused parameter warning... yes
checking if we can turn off clang missing field initializers warning... yes
checking if we can turn on clang mixed sign comparison warning... yes
checking if we can turn on clang unreachable code warning... yes
checking if we can turn on clang strict-prototypes warning... yes
checking if we can make implicit function declaration an error in clang... yes
checking if we can use visibility in clang... yes
checking which MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to use... 11.6
checking if specified universal architectures work... yes
checking whether pthreads are available without options... yes
checking whether clang++ also accepts flags for thread support... no
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking asm/types.h usability... no
checking asm/types.h presence... no
checking for asm/types.h... no
checking crypt.h usability... no
checking crypt.h presence... no
checking for crypt.h... no
checking conio.h usability... no
checking conio.h presence... no
checking for conio.h... no
checking direct.h usability... no
checking direct.h presence... no
checking for direct.h... no
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking errno.h usability... yes
checking errno.h presence... yes
checking for errno.h... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking grp.h usability... yes
checking grp.h presence... yes
checking for grp.h... yes
checking ieeefp.h usability... no
checking ieeefp.h presence... no
checking for ieeefp.h... no
checking io.h usability... no
checking io.h presence... no
checking for io.h... no
checking langinfo.h usability... yes
checking langinfo.h presence... yes
checking for langinfo.h... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking process.h usability... no
checking process.h presence... no
checking for process.h... no
checking pthread.h usability... yes
checking pthread.h presence... yes
checking for pthread.h... yes
checking sched.h usability... yes
checking sched.h presence... yes
checking for sched.h... yes
checking shadow.h usability... no
checking shadow.h presence... no
checking for shadow.h... no
checking signal.h usability... yes
checking signal.h presence... yes
checking for signal.h... yes
checking stropts.h usability... no
checking stropts.h presence... no
checking for stropts.h... no
checking termios.h usability... yes
checking termios.h presence... yes
checking for termios.h... yes
checking utime.h usability... yes
checking utime.h presence... yes
checking for utime.h... yes
checking poll.h usability... yes
checking poll.h presence... yes
checking for poll.h... yes
checking sys/devpoll.h usability... no
checking sys/devpoll.h presence... no
checking for sys/devpoll.h... no
checking sys/epoll.h usability... no
checking sys/epoll.h presence... no
checking for sys/epoll.h... no
checking sys/poll.h usability... yes
checking sys/poll.h presence... yes
checking for sys/poll.h... yes
checking sys/audioio.h usability... no
checking sys/audioio.h presence... no
checking for sys/audioio.h... no
checking sys/xattr.h usability... yes
checking sys/xattr.h presence... yes
checking for sys/xattr.h... yes
checking sys/bsdtty.h usability... no
checking sys/bsdtty.h presence... no
checking for sys/bsdtty.h... no
checking sys/event.h usability... yes
checking sys/event.h presence... yes
checking for sys/event.h... yes
checking sys/file.h usability... yes
checking sys/file.h presence... yes
checking for sys/file.h... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h usability... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes
checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes
checking sys/kern_control.h usability... yes
checking sys/kern_control.h presence... yes
checking for sys/kern_control.h... yes
checking sys/loadavg.h usability... no
checking sys/loadavg.h presence... no
checking for sys/loadavg.h... no
checking sys/lock.h usability... yes
checking sys/lock.h presence... yes
checking for sys/lock.h... yes
checking sys/mkdev.h usability... no
checking sys/mkdev.h presence... no
checking for sys/mkdev.h... no
checking sys/modem.h usability... no
checking sys/modem.h presence... no
checking for sys/modem.h... no
checking sys/param.h usability... yes
checking sys/param.h presence... yes
checking for sys/param.h... yes
checking sys/random.h usability... yes
checking sys/random.h presence... yes
checking for sys/random.h... yes
checking sys/select.h usability... yes
checking sys/select.h presence... yes
checking for sys/select.h... yes
checking sys/sendfile.h usability... no
checking sys/sendfile.h presence... no
checking for sys/sendfile.h... no
checking sys/socket.h usability... yes
checking sys/socket.h presence... yes
checking for sys/socket.h... yes
checking sys/statvfs.h usability... yes
checking sys/statvfs.h presence... yes
checking for sys/statvfs.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/syscall.h usability... yes
checking sys/syscall.h presence... yes
checking for sys/syscall.h... yes
checking sys/sys_domain.h usability... yes
checking sys/sys_domain.h presence... yes
checking for sys/sys_domain.h... yes
checking sys/termio.h usability... no
checking sys/termio.h presence... no
checking for sys/termio.h... no
checking sys/time.h usability... yes
checking sys/time.h presence... yes
checking for sys/time.h... yes
checking sys/times.h usability... yes
checking sys/times.h presence... yes
checking for sys/times.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/uio.h usability... yes
checking sys/uio.h presence... yes
checking for sys/uio.h... yes
checking sys/un.h usability... yes
checking sys/un.h presence... yes
checking for sys/un.h... yes
checking sys/utsname.h usability... yes
checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes
checking for sys/utsname.h... yes
checking sys/wait.h usability... yes
checking sys/wait.h presence... yes
checking for sys/wait.h... yes
checking pty.h usability... no
checking pty.h presence... no
checking for pty.h... no
checking libutil.h usability... no
checking libutil.h presence... no
checking for libutil.h... no
checking sys/resource.h usability... yes
checking sys/resource.h presence... yes
checking for sys/resource.h... yes
checking netpacket/packet.h usability... no
checking netpacket/packet.h presence... no
checking for netpacket/packet.h... no
checking sysexits.h usability... yes
checking sysexits.h presence... yes
checking for sysexits.h... yes
checking bluetooth.h usability... no
checking bluetooth.h presence... no
checking for bluetooth.h... no
checking linux/tipc.h usability... no
checking linux/tipc.h presence... no
checking for linux/tipc.h... no
checking linux/random.h usability... no
checking linux/random.h presence... no
checking for linux/random.h... no
checking spawn.h usability... yes
checking spawn.h presence... yes
checking for spawn.h... yes
checking util.h usability... yes
checking util.h presence... yes
checking for util.h... yes
checking alloca.h usability... yes
checking alloca.h presence... yes
checking for alloca.h... yes
checking endian.h usability... no
checking endian.h presence... no
checking for endian.h... no
checking sys/endian.h usability... no
checking sys/endian.h presence... no
checking for sys/endian.h... no
checking sys/sysmacros.h usability... no
checking sys/sysmacros.h presence... no
checking for sys/sysmacros.h... no
checking linux/memfd.h usability... no
checking linux/memfd.h presence... no
checking for linux/memfd.h... no
checking linux/wait.h usability... no
checking linux/wait.h presence... no
checking for linux/wait.h... no
checking sys/memfd.h usability... no
checking sys/memfd.h presence... no
checking for sys/memfd.h... no
checking sys/mman.h usability... yes
checking sys/mman.h presence... yes
checking for sys/mman.h... yes
checking sys/eventfd.h usability... no
checking sys/eventfd.h presence... no
checking for sys/eventfd.h... no
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes
checking for library containing opendir... none required
checking whether sys/types.h defines makedev... yes
checking bluetooth/bluetooth.h usability... no
checking bluetooth/bluetooth.h presence... no
checking for bluetooth/bluetooth.h... no
checking for net/if.h... yes
checking for linux/netlink.h... no
checking for linux/qrtr.h... no
checking for linux/vm_sockets.h... no
checking for linux/can.h... no
checking for linux/can/bcm.h... no
checking for linux/can/j1939.h... no
checking for linux/can/raw.h... no
checking for clock_t in time.h... yes
checking for makedev... yes
checking for le64toh... no
checking for mode_t... yes
checking for off_t... yes
checking for pid_t... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes
checking for ssize_t... yes
checking for __uint128_t... yes
checking size of int... 4
checking size of long... 8
checking alignment of long... 8
checking size of long long... 8
checking size of void *... 8
checking size of short... 2
checking size of float... 4
checking size of double... 8
checking size of fpos_t... 8
checking size of size_t... 8
checking alignment of size_t... 8
checking size of pid_t... 4
checking size of uintptr_t... 8
checking for long double... yes
checking size of long double... 16
checking size of _Bool... 1
checking size of off_t... 8
checking whether to enable large file support... no
checking size of time_t... 8
checking for pthread_t... yes
checking size of pthread_t... 8
checking size of pthread_key_t... 8
checking whether pthread_key_t is compatible with int... no
checking for --enable-framework... no
checking for dyld... always on for Darwin
checking the extension of shared libraries... .so
checking LDSHARED... $(CC) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
checking CCSHARED...
checking LINKFORSHARED... -Wl,-stack_size,1000000 -framework CoreFoundation
checking SHLIBS... $(LIBS)
checking for sendfile in -lsendfile... no
checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes
checking for shl_load in -ldld... no
checking uuid/uuid.h usability... yes
checking uuid/uuid.h presence... yes
checking for uuid/uuid.h... yes
checking uuid.h usability... no
checking uuid.h presence... no
checking for uuid.h... no
checking for uuid_generate_time_safe... no
checking for uuid_create... no
checking for uuid_enc_be... no
checking for library containing sem_init... none required
checking for textdomain in -lintl... yes
checking aligned memory access is required... no
checking for --with-hash-algorithm... default
checking for --with-tzpath... "/usr/share/zoneinfo:/usr/lib/zoneinfo:/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo:/etc/zoneinfo"
checking for --with-address-sanitizer... no
checking for --with-memory-sanitizer... no
checking for --with-undefined-behavior-sanitizer... no
checking for t_open in -lnsl... no
checking for socket in -lsocket... no
checking for --with-libs... no
./configure: line 10530: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG: command not found
checking for --with-system-expat... no
checking for --with-system-ffi... no
checking for --with-system-libmpdec... no
checking for --with-decimal-contextvar... yes
checking for --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions... no
checking for --with-tcltk-includes... -I/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include
checking for --with-tcltk-libs... -L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib -ltcl8.6.11_1
8.6.11_1 -ltk8.6.11_1
checking for --with-dbmliborder...
checking if PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM is supported... yes
checking for pthread_sigmask... yes
checking for pthread_getcpuclockid... no
checking if --enable-ipv6 is specified... yes
checking if RFC2553 API is available... yes
checking ipv6 stack type... kame
using libc
checking for CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES... no
checking for CAN_RAW_JOIN_FILTERS... no
checking for --with-doc-strings... yes
checking for --with-pymalloc... yes
checking for --with-c-locale-coercion... yes
checking for --with-valgrind... no
checking for --with-dtrace... no
checking for dlopen... yes
checking DYNLOADFILE... dynload_shlib.o
checking MACHDEP_OBJS... none
checking for alarm... yes
checking for accept4... no
checking for setitimer... yes
checking for getitimer... yes
checking for bind_textdomain_codeset... yes
checking for chown... yes
checking for clock... yes
checking for confstr... yes
checking for close_range... no
checking for copy_file_range... no
checking for ctermid... yes
checking for dup3... no
checking for execv... yes
checking for explicit_bzero... no
checking for explicit_memset... no
checking for faccessat... yes
checking for fchmod... yes
checking for fchmodat... yes
checking for fchown... yes
checking for fchownat... yes
checking for fdwalk... no
checking for fexecve... no
checking for fdopendir... yes
checking for fork... yes
checking for fpathconf... yes
checking for fstatat... yes
checking for ftime... yes
checking for ftruncate... yes
checking for futimesat... no
checking for futimens... yes
checking for futimes... yes
checking for gai_strerror... yes
checking for getentropy... yes
checking for getgrgid_r... yes
checking for getgrnam_r... yes
checking for getgrouplist... yes
checking for getgroups... yes
checking for getlogin... yes
checking for getloadavg... yes
checking for getpeername... yes
checking for getpgid... yes
checking for getpid... yes
checking for getpriority... yes
checking for getresuid... no
checking for getresgid... no
checking for getpwent... yes
checking for getpwnam_r... yes
checking for getpwuid_r... yes
checking for getspnam... no
checking for getspent... no
checking for getsid... yes
checking for getwd... yes
checking for if_nameindex... yes
checking for initgroups... yes
checking for kill... yes
checking for killpg... yes
checking for lchown... yes
checking for lockf... yes
checking for linkat... yes
checking for lstat... yes
checking for lutimes... yes
checking for mmap... yes
checking for memrchr... no
checking for mbrtowc... yes
checking for mkdirat... yes
checking for mkfifo... yes
checking for madvise... yes
checking for mkfifoat... no
checking for mknod... yes
checking for mknodat... no
checking for mktime... yes
checking for mremap... no
checking for nice... yes
checking for openat... yes
checking for pathconf... yes
checking for pause... yes
checking for pipe2... no
checking for plock... no
checking for poll... yes
checking for posix_fallocate... no
checking for posix_fadvise... no
checking for posix_spawn... yes
checking for posix_spawnp... yes
checking for pread... yes
checking for preadv... yes
checking for preadv2... no
checking for pthread_condattr_setclock... no
checking for pthread_init... no
checking for pthread_kill... yes
checking for pwrite... yes
checking for pwritev... yes
checking for pwritev2... no
checking for readlink... yes
checking for readlinkat... yes
checking for readv... yes
checking for realpath... yes
checking for renameat... yes
checking for sem_open... yes
checking for sem_timedwait... no
checking for sem_getvalue... yes
checking for sem_unlink... yes
checking for sendfile... yes
checking for setegid... yes
checking for seteuid... yes
checking for setgid... yes
checking for sethostname... yes
checking for setlocale... yes
checking for setregid... yes
checking for setreuid... yes
checking for setresuid... no
checking for setresgid... no
checking for setsid... yes
checking for setpgid... yes
checking for setpgrp... yes
checking for setpriority... yes
checking for setuid... yes
checking for setvbuf... yes
checking for sched_get_priority_max... yes
checking for sched_setaffinity... no
checking for sched_setscheduler... no
checking for sched_setparam... no
checking for sched_rr_get_interval... no
checking for sigaction... yes
checking for sigaltstack... yes
checking for sigfillset... yes
checking for siginterrupt... yes
checking for sigpending... yes
checking for sigrelse... yes
checking for sigtimedwait... no
checking for sigwait... yes
checking for sigwaitinfo... no
checking for snprintf... yes
checking for splice... no
checking for strftime... yes
checking for strlcpy... yes
checking for strsignal... yes
checking for symlinkat... yes
checking for sync... yes
checking for sysconf... yes
checking for tcgetpgrp... yes
checking for tcsetpgrp... yes
checking for tempnam... yes
checking for timegm... yes
checking for times... yes
checking for tmpfile... yes
checking for tmpnam... yes
checking for tmpnam_r... no
checking for truncate... yes
checking for uname... yes
checking for unlinkat... yes
checking for utimensat... yes
checking for utimes... yes
checking for vfork... yes
checking for waitid... yes
checking for waitpid... yes
checking for wait3... yes
checking for wait4... yes
checking for wcscoll... yes
checking for wcsftime... yes
checking for wcsxfrm... yes
checking for wmemcmp... yes
checking for writev... yes
checking for _getpty... no
checking for rtpSpawn... no
checking for lchmod... yes
checking whether dirfd is declared... yes
checking for chroot... yes
checking for link... yes
checking for symlink... yes
checking for fchdir... yes
checking for fsync... yes
checking for fdatasync... no
checking for epoll... no
checking for epoll_create1... no
checking for kqueue... yes
checking for prlimit... no
checking for _dyld_shared_cache_contains_path... yes
checking for memfd_create... no
checking for eventfd... no
checking for ctermid_r... yes
checking for flock declaration... yes
checking for flock... yes
checking for getpagesize... yes
checking for broken unsetenv... no
checking for true... true
checking for inet_aton in -lc... yes
checking for chflags... yes
checking for lchflags... yes
checking for inflateCopy in -lz... yes
checking for hstrerror... yes
checking for inet_aton... yes
checking for inet_pton... yes
checking for setgroups... yes
checking for openpty... yes
checking for forkpty... yes
checking for fseek64... no
checking for fseeko... yes
checking for fstatvfs... yes
checking for ftell64... no
checking for ftello... yes
checking for statvfs... yes
checking for dup2... yes
checking for getpgrp... yes
checking for setpgrp... (cached) yes
checking for library containing crypt... none required
checking for library containing crypt_r... no
checking for crypt_r... no
checking for clock_gettime... yes
checking for clock_getres... yes
checking for clock_settime... yes
checking for major... yes
checking for getaddrinfo... yes
checking getaddrinfo bug... no
checking for getnameinfo... yes
checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h
checking for struct tm.tm_zone... yes
checking for struct stat.st_rdev... yes
checking for struct stat.st_blksize... yes
checking for struct stat.st_flags... yes
checking for struct stat.st_gen... yes
checking for struct stat.st_birthtime... yes
checking for struct stat.st_blocks... yes
checking for struct passwd.pw_gecos... yes
checking for struct passwd.pw_passwd... yes
checking for siginfo_t.si_band... yes
checking for time.h that defines altzone... no
checking whether sys/select.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking for addrinfo... yes
checking for sockaddr_storage... yes
checking for sockaddr_alg... no
checking whether char is unsigned... no
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for working signed char... yes
checking for prototypes... yes
checking for variable length prototypes and stdarg.h... yes
checking for socketpair... yes
checking if sockaddr has sa_len member... yes
checking for gethostbyname_r... no
checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking for __fpu_control... no
checking for __fpu_control in -lieee... no
checking for --with-libm=STRING... default LIBM=""
checking for --with-libc=STRING... default LIBC=""
checking for x64 gcc inline assembler... yes
checking whether float word ordering is bigendian... no
checking whether we can use gcc inline assembler to get and set x87 control word... yes
checking whether we can use gcc inline assembler to get and set mc68881 fpcr... no
checking for x87-style double rounding... no
checking for acosh... yes
checking for asinh... yes
checking for atanh... yes
checking for copysign... yes
checking for erf... yes
checking for erfc... yes
checking for expm1... yes
checking for finite... yes
checking for gamma... yes
checking for hypot... yes
checking for lgamma... yes
checking for log1p... yes
checking for log2... yes
checking for round... yes
checking for tgamma... yes
checking whether isinf is declared... yes
checking whether isnan is declared... yes
checking whether isfinite is declared... yes
checking whether POSIX semaphores are enabled... yes
checking for broken sem_getvalue... yes
checking whether RTLD_LAZY is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_NOW is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_GLOBAL is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_LOCAL is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_NODELETE is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_NOLOAD is declared... yes
checking whether RTLD_DEEPBIND is declared... no
checking whether RTLD_MEMBER is declared... no
checking digit size for Python's longs... no value specified
checking wchar.h usability... yes
checking wchar.h presence... yes
checking for wchar.h... yes
checking size of wchar_t... 4
checking for UCS-4 tcl... no
checking whether wchar_t is signed... yes
checking whether wchar_t is usable... no
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking ABIFLAGS...
checking SOABI... cpython-310-darwin
checking for --with-platlibdir... no
checking for --with-wheel-pkg-dir... no
checking whether right shift extends the sign bit... yes
checking for getc_unlocked() and friends... yes
checking how to link readline libs... -lreadline
checking whether rl_completion_append_character is declared... yes
checking whether rl_completion_suppress_append is declared... yes
checking for rl_pre_input_hook in -lreadline... yes
checking for rl_completion_display_matches_hook in -lreadline... yes
checking for rl_resize_terminal in -lreadline... yes
checking for rl_completion_matches in -lreadline... yes
checking whether rl_catch_signals is declared... yes
checking for append_history in -lreadline... yes
checking for broken nice()... no
checking for broken poll()... no
checking for working tzset()... yes
checking for tv_nsec in struct stat... no
checking for tv_nsec2 in struct stat... yes
checking curses.h usability... yes
checking curses.h presence... yes
checking for curses.h... yes
checking ncurses.h usability... yes
checking ncurses.h presence... yes
checking for ncurses.h... yes
checking for term.h... yes
checking whether mvwdelch is an expression... yes
checking whether WINDOW has _flags... yes
checking for is_pad... no
checking for is_term_resized... yes
checking for resize_term... yes
checking for resizeterm... yes
checking for immedok... yes
checking for syncok... yes
checking for wchgat... yes
checking for filter... yes
checking for has_key... yes
checking for typeahead... yes
checking for use_env... yes
configure: checking for device files
checking for /dev/ptmx... yes
checking for /dev/ptc... no
checking for %zd printf() format support... yes
checking for socklen_t... yes
checking for broken mbstowcs... no
checking for --with-computed-gotos... no value specified
checking whether clang supports computed gotos... yes
checking for build directories... done
checking for -O2... yes
checking for glibc _FORTIFY_SOURCE/memmove bug... no
checking for stdatomic.h... yes
checking for builtin __atomic_load_n and __atomic_store_n functions... yes
checking for ensurepip... upgrade
checking if the dirent structure of a d_type field... yes
checking for the Linux getrandom() syscall... no
checking for the getrandom() function... no
checking for library containing shm_open... none required
checking for sys/mman.h... (cached) yes
checking for shm_open... yes
checking for shm_unlink... yes
checking for openssl/ssl.h in /usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1... yes
checking whether compiling and linking against OpenSSL works... yes
checking for --with-openssl-rpath...
checking for --with-ssl-default-suites... python
checking for --with-builtin-hashlib-hashes... md5,sha1,sha256,sha512,sha3,blake2
checking for --with-experimental-isolated-subinterpreters... no
checking for --with-static-libpython... yes
checking for --disable-test-modules... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile.pre
config.status: creating Misc/python.pc
config.status: creating Misc/python-embed.pc
config.status: creating Misc/
config.status: creating Modules/ld_so_aix
config.status: creating pyconfig.h
creating Modules/Setup.local
creating Makefile
If you want a release build with all stable optimizations active (PGO, etc),
please run ./configure --enable-optimizations
++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:793): build_package_standardmake -j 4
Makefile:222: *** missing separator. Stop.
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:756): build_package_standarbuild_failed
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:133): build_failed(): echo
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:134): build_failed(): colorize 1 'BUILD FAILED'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:91): colorize(): '[' -t 1 ']'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:91): colorize(): printf '\e[%sm%s\e[m' 1 'BUILD FAILED'
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:135): build_failed(): os_information
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:97): os_information(): type -p lsb_release
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:99): os_information(): type -p sw_vers
+++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:100): os_information(): sw_vers -productVersion
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:100): os_information(): echo 'OS X 11.6'
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:135): build_failed(): version
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:1924): version(): local git_revision
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:1926): version(): GIT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/../../../.git
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:1926): version(): git remote -v
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:1926): version(): grep -q /pyenv
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:1930): version(): echo 'python-build 20180424'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:135): build_failed(): echo ' (OS X 11.6 using python-build 20180424)'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:136): build_failed(): echo
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:138): build_failed(): rmdir /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:139): build_failed(): echo 'Inspect or clean up the working tree at /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:142): build_failed(): file_is_not_empty /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:153): file_is_not_empty(): local filename=/var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log
++++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:154): file_is_not_empty():wc -l /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:154): file_is_not_empty(): local 'line_count= 858 /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:156): file_is_not_empty(): '[' -n ' 858 /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log' ']'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:157): file_is_not_empty(): words=($line_count)
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:158): file_is_not_empty(): '[' 858 -gt 0 ']'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:143): build_failed(): colorize 33 'Results logged to /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:91): colorize(): '[' -t 1 ']'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:91): colorize(): printf '\e[%sm%s\e[m' 33 'Results logged to /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:144): build_failed(): printf '\n\n'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:145): build_failed(): echo 'Last 10 log lines:'
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:146): build_failed(): tail -n 10 /var/folders/2t/tx6brjtj21vfs98xcmfq1jvr0000gn/T/python-build.20211009122302.96933.log
+++(/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.1.0/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build:149): build_failed(): exit 1
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