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Last active September 14, 2015 15:36
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Save georgf/1b0831a6b81b6c9fe240 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TelemetryArchive validation scratchpad
* This is to be used from a Firefox scratchpad:
* - enable chrome devtools: in about:config set "" to true
* - open scratchpad: Tools -> Web Developer -> Scratchpad
* - make it run as chrome: choose Environment -> Browser
* - click "Run"
* After scanning the local archives this should open a new tab which highlights
* potential issues in color:
* - v2/v4 comparisons
* - v4 subsession consistency
(function() {
const BUILDID_CUTOFF = 20150722000000;
const MS_IN_A_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
function getMainWindow() {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
function showTextInNewTab(str) {
let win = getMainWindow();
let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("data:text/plain," + encodeURIComponent(str));
win.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
function showHtmlInNewTab(str) {
let win = getMainWindow();
let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(str));
win.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
function mapToObject(m) {
let o = {};
for (let [k,v] of m) {
o[k] = m.get(k);
return o;
function lastElement(array) {
return array[array.length - 1];
function v2DefaultBrowserValueToV4(defaultValue) {
switch (defaultValue) {
case 1: return true;
case 0: return false;
default: return null;
function* extractDailyV2Measurement(dailyMap, measurement, name) {
let data = yield measurement.getValues();
for (let [day,value] of [...Iterator(data.days)]) {
day = day.toISOString();
if (!dailyMap.has(day)) {
dailyMap.set(day, {});
dailyMap.get(day)[name] = mapToObject(value);
function* getRawV2Data() {
const reporter = Cc[";1"].getService().wrappedJSObject.healthReporter;
yield reporter.onInit();
const payload = yield reporter.collectAndObtainJSONPayload(true);
return payload;
function getV2Extract(rawV2Data) {
const now = new Date();
const payload = rawV2Data;
const dailyMap = new Map();
for (let day of Object.keys( {
const data =[day];
let extract = {
isDefaultBrowser: null,
searchCounts: {},
totalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTimes: [],
abortedTotalTime: 0,
abortedTotalTimes: [],
let dayHasData = false;
const counts = data["org.mozilla.searches.counts"];
if (counts) {
for (let k of Object.keys(counts)) {
if (k != "_v") {
extract.searchCounts[k] = counts[k];
dayHasData = true;
const appinfo = data["org.mozilla.appInfo.appinfo"];
if (appinfo) {
extract.isDefaultBrowser = appinfo.isDefaultBrowser;
dayHasData = true;
const previous = data["org.mozilla.appSessions.previous"];
if (previous) {
const sum = (array) => array.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0);
extract.totalTime = sum(previous.cleanTotalTime || previous.abortedTotalTime);
extract.abortedTotalTimes = (previous.abortedTotalTime || []);
extract.abortedTotalTime = sum(extract.abortedTotalTimes);
extract.cleanTotalTimes = (previous.cleanTotalTime || []);
extract.cleanTotalTime = sum(extract.cleanTotalTimes);
dayHasData = true;
if (dayHasData) {
dailyMap.set(day + "T00:00:00Z", extract);
const twoDig = (n) => ((n > 9) ? "" : "0") + n;
const dateStr = `${now.getUTCFullYear()}-${twoDig(now.getUTCMonth()+1)}-${twoDig(now.getUTCDate())}T00:00:00Z`;
if (!dailyMap.has(dateStr)) {
dailyMap.set(dateStr, {
searchCounts: {},
totalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTimes: [],
abortedTotalTime: 0,
abortedTotalTimes: [],
const extract = dailyMap.get(dateStr);
const current =["org.mozilla.appSessions.current"];
extract.totalTime += current.totalTime;
extract.cleanTotalTime += current.totalTime;
return dailyMap;
function accumulateV2(dailyMap, cutoffTime) {
let r = {
searchCounts: {},
totalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTime: 0,
abortedTotalTime: 0,
for (let [day,v] of dailyMap) {
if ((new Date(day)).getTime() < cutoffTime) {
for (let k of Object.keys(v.searchCounts)) {
r.searchCounts[k] = (r.searchCounts[k] || 0) + v.searchCounts[k];
r.totalTime += v.totalTime;
r.cleanTotalTime += v.cleanTotalTime;
r.abortedTotalTime += v.abortedTotalTime;
return r;
function extractV4DataFromPing(p, isFromOldBuild = false) {
// Build up reduced and flat ping data to work on.
const info =;
const simpleMeasurements = p.payload.simpleMeasurements;
let data = {
clientId: p.clientId,
reason: info.reason,
creationDate: p.creationDate,
buildId: p.application.buildId,
version: p.application.version,
sessionId: info.sessionId,
subsessionId: info.subsessionId,
previousSessionId: info.previousSessionId,
previousSubsessionId: info.previousSubsessionId,
profileSubsessionCounter: info.profileSubsessionCounter,
subsessionCounter: info.subsessionCounter,
sessionLength: info.sessionLength,
subsessionLength: info.subsessionLength,
isFromOldBuild: isFromOldBuild,
totalTime: simpleMeasurements.totalTime,
searchCounts: {},
isDefaultBrowser: p.environment.settings.isDefaultBrowser,
// Extract search counts.
const h = p.payload.keyedHistograms["SEARCH_COUNTS"];
for (let k of Object.keys(h)) {
data.searchCounts[k] = h[k].sum;
return data;
function* getV4Extract() {
// Retrieve a list of the archived main pings.
let pings = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingList();
pings = pings.filter(p => p.type == "main");
// Load and extract data from the archived pings.
let data = [];
let foundNewerBuild = false;
for (let archived of pings) {
let p;
try {
p = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(;
} catch (e) {
// data.push({id:, timestampCreated: archived.timestampCreated, fileNotFound: true, isBroken: true});
// Skip all leading pings from build ids that are too old.
const isFromOldBuild = (parseInt(p.application.buildId, 10) < BUILDID_CUTOFF);
if (!foundNewerBuild && isFromOldBuild) {
foundNewerBuild = true;
data.push(extractV4DataFromPing(p, isFromOldBuild));
// Push the current data on the list, otherwise we are missing
// the measurements from the last subsession on.
let current = TelemetryController.getCurrentPingData(true);
let previous = null;
for (let current of data) {
const finalReasons = new Set(["shutdown", "aborted-session", "gather-subsession-payload"]);
current.isFinalFragment = finalReasons.has(current.reason);
// Check for consistency issues etc.
if (previous) {
const c = current;
const p = previous;
p.isLastFragment = (p.sessionId != c.sessionId);
c.channelSwitching = ( !=;
c.brokenSessionChain = p.isFinalFragment && (c.previousSessionId != p.sessionId);
c.brokenSubsessionChain = (c.previousSubsessionId != p.subsessionId);
c.brokenProfileSubsessionCounter = (c.profileSubsessionCounter != (p.profileSubsessionCounter + 1));
c.brokenSubsessionCounter = (p.isFinalFragment ?
(c.subsessionCounter != 1) :
(c.subsessionCounter != (p.subsessionCounter + 1)));
c.isBroken = !c.isFromOldBuild && !p.isFromOldBuild &&
!c.channelSwitching &&
(c.brokenSessionChain ||
c.brokenSubsessionChain ||
c.brokenProfileSubsessionCounter ||
previous = current;
data[data.length-1].isLastFragment = true;
return data;
function accumulateV4(extracts, cutoffTime) {
let r = {
searchCounts: {},
totalTime: 0,
cleanTotalTime: 0,
abortedTotalTime: 0,
subsessionLength: 0,
sessionLength: 0,
for (let v of extracts) {
if ((new Date(v.creationDate)).getTime() < cutoffTime) {
for (let k of Object.keys(v.searchCounts)) {
r.searchCounts[k] = (r.searchCounts[k] || 0) + v.searchCounts[k];
r.subsessionLength += v.subsessionLength;
if (v.isLastFragment) {
r.totalTime += v.totalTime;
if (v.reason == "aborted-session") {
r.abortedTotalTime += v.totalTime;
} else {
r.cleanTotalTime += v.totalTime;
r.sessionLength += v.sessionLength || 0;
return r;
function validateV2V4BrowserDefault(v2, v4, cutoffTime) {
let sawBreakage = false;
for (let [day,v2Data] of v2) {
v2Data.brokenDefaultBrowser = false;
const v2Time = (new Date(day)).getTime();
if (v2Time < cutoffTime) {
// Skip this entry if v2 didn't have any useful data.
if (v2Data.isDefaultBrowser == null) {
// Check for matching default entries in v4 from the same day +/- one day.
// v2 & v4 don't match exactly, so we want to need to look
// for matches a bit more loosely.
// Also, v2 records this daily, v4 with every ping and hence potentially multiple
// times a day. The best criteria here thus is "for each v2 entry, check that v4
// also saw that value in a certain timeframe".
v2Data.brokenDefaultBrowser = !v4.some((ping) => {
const v4Time = (new Date(ping.creationDate)).getTime();
if ((v4Time < (v2Time - MS_IN_A_DAY)) || (v4Time > (v2Time + MS_IN_A_DAY))) {
return false;
return (ping.isDefaultBrowser === v2DefaultBrowserValueToV4(v2Data.isDefaultBrowser));
sawBreakage = sawBreakage || v2Data.brokenDefaultBrowser;
return sawBreakage;
function getV2V4Matchup(v2Extract, v4Extract, cutoffTime) {
// Lets preprocess the v4 data into a session-oriented format first.
let v4Data = new Map();
const sessions = v4Extract.filter(p => p.isLastFragment);
for (let p of sessions) {
let startTimeUtc =;
if (p.reason != "gather-subsession-payload") {
// We only insert the "current" session data on todays date, everything else
// gets attributed to the session start date.
startTimeUtc = (new Date(p.creationDate)).getTime() - (p.totalTime * 1000);
const startDate = new Date(startTimeUtc);
const twoDig = (n) => ((n > 9) ? "" : "0") + n;
const startDayUtc = `${startDate.getUTCFullYear()}-` +
`${twoDig(startDate.getUTCMonth() + 1)}-` +
`${twoDig(startDate.getUTCDate())}` +
if (!v4Data.has(startDayUtc)) {
v4Data.set(startDayUtc, []);
let entry = {
startTime: startTimeUtc,
sessionId: p.sessionId,
totalTime: p.totalTime,
aborted: p.reason == "aborted-session",
searchCounts: p.searchCounts,
sessionLength: p.sessionLength,
subsessionLength: v4Extract.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + ((curr.sessionId == p.sessionId) ? curr.subsessionLength : 0), 0),
// This fixes undefined sessionLength entries when the profile channel-switched to a build that
// didn't have sessionLength yet (pre bug 1188416).
if (entry.sessionLength === undefined) {
entry.sessionLength = entry.subsessionLength;
// Filter out the v2 data points that have session starts.
const v2Days = [for (v of v2Extract) if (v[1].totalTime > 0) v[0]];
// Get the set of days we have either v2 or v4 sessions for.
const days = [...(new Set([...v4Data.keys(), ...v2Days])).keys()];
// Build per-day session & match data.
const data = new Map(); // day -> details
const matchedSessionIds = new Set();
let missingInV2Count = 0;
let missingInV4Count = 0;
for (let day of days) {
if ((cutoffTime > 0) && (new Date(day).getTime() < cutoffTime)) {
let v2 = v2Extract.get(day);
let v4 = v4Data.get(day) || [];
let sessions = [];
// Add v2 sessions and try to match them with the v4 data.
if (v2) {
let cleanTimes = [for (t of v2.cleanTotalTimes) {time: t, aborted: false}];
let abortedTimes = [for (t of v2.abortedTotalTimes) {time: t, aborted: true}];
for (let t of [...cleanTimes, ...abortedTimes]) {
// We match up sessions via time with a delta D we'd expect for
// totalTime matches for different collection times etc.
const D = 5;
let match = v4.find((p) => (p.aborted == t.aborted) &&
(p.aborted ||
(p.totalTime >= (t.time - D)) &&
(p.totalTime <= (t.time + D))) &&
if (match) {
} else {
startTime: match ? match.startTime : 0,
totalTimeV2: t.time,
totalTimeV4: match ? match.totalTime : null,
aborted: t.aborted,
broken: !match,
sessionId: match ? match.sessionId : null,
sessionLength: match ? match.sessionLength : null,
subsessionLength: match ? match.subsessionLength : null,
// Add unmatched v4 sessions.
const unmatchedV4Sessions = v4.filter(p => !matchedSessionIds.has(p.sessionId));
missingInV2Count += unmatchedV4Sessions.length;
for (let p of unmatchedV4Sessions) {
startTime: p.startTime,
totalTimeV2: null,
totalTimeV4: p.totalTime,
aborted: p.aborted,
broken: true,
sessionId: p.sessionId,
sessionLength: p.sessionLength,
subsessionLength: p.subsessionLength,
// Add the session matchups to the daily map.
data.set(day, sessions);
const values = [].concat(...[]);
return {
missingInV2Count: missingInV2Count,
missingInV4Count: missingInV4Count,
sessions: data,
totalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.totalTimeV2 || 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.totalTimeV4 || 0), 0),
matchedTotalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (!c.broken ? (c.totalTimeV2 || 0) : 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (!c.broken ? (c.totalTimeV4 || 0) : 0), 0),
cleanTotalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (!c.aborted ? (c.totalTimeV2 || 0) : 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (!c.aborted ? (c.totalTimeV4 || 0) : 0), 0),
matchedCleanTotalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((!c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.totalTimeV2 || 0) : 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((!c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.totalTimeV4 || 0) : 0), 0),
abortedTotalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.aborted ? (c.totalTimeV2 || 0) : 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.aborted ? (c.totalTimeV4 || 0) : 0), 0),
matchedAbortedTotalTimes: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.totalTimeV2 || 0) : 0), 0),
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.totalTimeV4 || 0) : 0), 0),
sessionLength: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.sessionLength || 0), 0),
matchedCleanSessionLength: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((!c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.sessionLength || 0) : 0), 0),
subsessionLength: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + (c.subsessionLength || 0), 0),
matchedCleanSubsessionLength: [
values.reduce((p, c) => p + ((!c.aborted && !c.broken) ? (c.subsessionLength || 0) : 0), 0),
function renderV4Extract(extract) {
// Fields to print in the order we want them listed.
const printFields = [
"pingId", "clientId", "reason", "channel", "buildId",
"sessionLength", "subsessionLength", "totalTime",
"sessionId", "previousSessionId", "subsessionId", "previousSubsessionId",
"profileSubsessionCounter", "subsessionCounter",
"fileNotFound", "channelSwitching",
"brokenSessionChain", "brokenSubsessionChain", "brokenProfileSubsessionCounter", "brokenSubsessionCounter",
// Print an html table from the data.
let text = "";
text += "<table>";
text += "<tr>" + [for (f of printFields) `<th>${f}</th>`].join("") + "</tr>";
for (let d of extract) {
text += `<tr ${d.isBroken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}>`;
text += [for (f of printFields) `<td title="${f}">${d[f] != undefined ? d[f] : "-"}</td>`].join("");
text += "</tr>";
text += "</table>";
return text;
function renderV2Extract(data) {
let text = "";
text += "<table>";
text += `<tr><th>day</th><th>default</th><th>totalTime</th><th>cleanTotalTimes</th><th>abortedTotalTimes</th><th>brokenDefaultBrowser</th></tr>`;
for (let [day, value] of data) {
const broken = value.brokenDefaultBrowser;
text += `<tr ${broken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}>` +
`<td>${day}</td><td>${value.isDefaultBrowser}</td><td>${value.totalTime}</td>` +
`<td>${value.cleanTotalTime} = ${JSON.stringify(value.cleanTotalTimes)}</td>` +
`<td>${value.abortedTotalTime} = ${JSON.stringify(value.abortedTotalTimes)}</td>` +
`<td>${value.brokenDefaultBrowser}</td>` +
text += "</table>";
return text;
function renderV2V4Comparison(countsMap, v2, v4, cutoffTime, defaults) {
const delta = (a,b) => Math.abs(a - b);
const noInfinity = (number) => (number == Infinity) ? "-" : number;
let text = "";
// Some basic information.
text += "<table>";
text += `<tr><td>cutoff date for inspections</td>` +
`<td>${new Date(cutoffTime)} ${(cutoffTime == 0) ? "<i>(all v2 & v4 data is recent)</i>" : ""}</td></tr>`;
const currentBroken = (defaults.current.v2 != defaults.current.v4);
text += `<tr><td ${currentBroken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}>current browser defaults</td>` +
`<td>v2: ${defaults.current.v2}, v4: ${defaults.current.v4}</td></tr>`;
text += `<tr><td ${defaults.historicallyBroken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}>` +
`History of browser defaults broken</td><td>${defaults.historicallyBroken}` +
text += "</div>";
// Build comparison table.
text += "<table>";
text += "<tr><th>what</th><th>v2</th><th>v4</th><th>v4 in % of v2</tr>";
for (let [k, v] of countsMap) {
const prop = v[1] / v[0];
const broken = (delta(prop, 1.0) > 0.01);
text += `<tr ${broken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}><td>${k}</td>`;
text += `<td>${v[0]}</td><td>${v[1]}</td>`;
text += `<td>${noInfinity(Math.round(prop * 1000) / 10)}%`;
text += "</tr>";
text += "</table>";
return text;
function renderV2V4Matchup(matchup) {
const delta = (a,b) => Math.abs(a - b);
const noInfinity = (number) => (number == Infinity) ? "-" : number;
let text = "<table>" +
`<tr><td>v2 sessions not matched in v4</td><td>${matchup.missingInV4Count}</td></tr>` +
`<tr><td>v4 sessions not matched in v2</td><td>${matchup.missingInV2Count}</td></tr>` +
text += "<table>" +
`<tr><th>what</th><th>v2</th><th>v4</th><th>v4 in % of v2</th></tr>`;
fields = [
["matchedCleanTotalTimes", "matchedCleanTotalTimes", 0.01],
["matchedTotalTimes", "matchedTotalTimes", 1.0],
["matchedAbortedTotalTimes", "matchedAbortedTotalTimes", 5.0],
["matchedTotalTimes", "matchedCleanSessionLength", 5.0],
["matchedTotalTimes", "matchedCleanSubsessionLength", 5.0],
["totalTimes", "totalTimes", 1.0],
["cleanTotalTimes", "cleanTotalTimes", 1.0],
["abortedTotalTimes", "abortedTotalTimes", 5.0],
["totalTimes", "sessionLength", 5.0],
["totalTimes", "subsessionLength", 5.0],
for (let [fieldV2, fieldV4, tolerance] of fields) {
const valV2 = matchup[fieldV2][0];
const valV4 = matchup[fieldV4][1];
const prop = valV4 / valV2;
const broken = (delta(prop, 1.0) > tolerance);
text += `<tr ${broken ? ' class="broken"' : ''}>` +
`<td>${fieldV2}${(fieldV2 != fieldV4) ? ' vs. ' + fieldV4 : ''}</td>` +
`<td>${valV2}</td>` +
`<td>${valV4}</td>` +
`<td>${noInfinity(Math.round(prop * 1000) / 10)}%` +
text += "</table>";
text += "<table>";
text += `<tr><th>day/field</th><th>v2 totalTime</th><th>v4 totalTime</th><th>aborted</th><th>v4 session id</th><th>sessionLength</th><th>subsessionLength</th></tr>`;
for (let [day, values] of matchup.sessions) {
text += `<tr class='grey'><td>${day}</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>`;
for (let v of values) {
text += `<tr ${v.broken ? 'class="broken"' : ''}>` +
`<td>${v.startTime > 0 ? new Date(v.startTime) : 'no v4 start time'}</td>` +
`<td>${v.totalTimeV2 !== null ? v.totalTimeV2 : '-'}</td>` +
`<td>${v.totalTimeV4 !== null ? v.totalTimeV4 : '-'}</td>` +
`<td>${v.aborted}</td>` +
`<td>${v.sessionId || '-'}</td>` +
`<td>${v.sessionLength}</td>` +
`<td>${v.subsessionLength}</td>` +
text += "</table>";
return text;
Task.spawn(function*() {
try {
let v4Extract = yield* getV4Extract();
if (v4Extract.length == 0) {
alert("No v4 data to compare yet.");
const rawV2Data = yield* getRawV2Data();
let v2Extract = getV2Extract(rawV2Data);
if (v2Extract.size == 0) {
alert("No v2 data to compare yet.");
// Build a v2/v4 comparison for the best matching historic data we can find.
// If all v2 & v4 data is relatively recent, we use all available local data from both.
// If the v4 data has older pings or v2s or v4s history starts more than 1 day apart,
// we slice the data off at a roughly matching point.
const haveOldV4Pings = v4Extract.some((p) => (parseInt(p.buildId, 10) < BUILDID_CUTOFF) ||
(parseInt(p.version, 10) < 42));
const oldestV2 = TelemetryUtils.truncateToDays(new Date(lastElement([...v2Extract.keys()]))).getTime();
const oldestV4 = TelemetryUtils.truncateToDays(new Date(v4Extract[0].creationDate)).getTime();
let cutoffTime = Math.max(oldestV2, oldestV4);
if (Math.abs(oldestV2 - oldestV4) <= (MS_IN_A_DAY)) {
cutoffTime = 0;
const v2Accumulated = accumulateV2(v2Extract, cutoffTime);
const v4Accumulated = accumulateV4(v4Extract, cutoffTime);
const searchKeys = new Set([...Object.keys(v2Accumulated.searchCounts), ...Object.keys(v4Accumulated.searchCounts)]);
const counts = new Map([for (k of searchKeys) [
"search: " + k ,
[(v2Accumulated.searchCounts[k] || 0), (v4Accumulated.searchCounts[k] || 0)]
// Extract the current default browser.
const lastV4 = lastElement(v4Extract);
const lastV2 = v2Extract.values().next().value;
let defaults = {
current: {
v4: lastV4.isDefaultBrowser,
v2: v2DefaultBrowserValueToV4(lastV2.isDefaultBrowser),
historicallyBroken: validateV2V4BrowserDefault(v2Extract, v4Extract, cutoffTime),
// v2/v4 session matchup.
const v2v4Matchup = getV2V4Matchup(v2Extract, v4Extract, cutoffTime);
// Show the v2 & v4 data and data comparisons in a new tab.
let text = "<style type='text/css'>" +
"table { border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: 10px; }" +
"th, td { border: solid 1px; }" +
"tr.broken { background-color: yellow; }" +
"div { margin-bottom: 10px; }" +
".grey { background-color: #E3E3E3; }" +
text += "<h2 name='v2v4matchup'>v2/v4 matchup</h2>";
text += renderV2V4Comparison(counts, v2Accumulated, v4Accumulated, cutoffTime, defaults);
text += renderV2V4Matchup(v2v4Matchup);
text += "<h2 name='v4'>v4 extract</h2>";
text += renderV4Extract(v4Extract);
text += "<h2 name='v2'>v2 extract</h2>";
text += renderV2Extract(v2Extract);
// Enable this for some additional data dumping.
if (true) {
v2v4Matchup.sessions = mapToObject(v2v4Matchup.sessions);
text += "<h2>dumps</h2>" + "<pre>" +
"Accumulated v2 data:\n" +
JSON.stringify(v2Accumulated, null, 2) +
"\n\n" +
"Accumulated v4 data:\n" +
JSON.stringify(v4Accumulated, null, 2) +
"\n\n" +
"Accumulation comparison for cutoffTime " + new Date(cutoffTime) + "\n" +
"Oldest v2 date: " + new Date(oldestV2) + "\n" +
"Oldest v4 date: " + new Date(oldestV4) + "\n" +
JSON.stringify(mapToObject(counts), null, 2) +
"\n\n" +
"Historic v2 data:\n" +
JSON.stringify(mapToObject(v2Extract), null, 2) +
"\n\n" +
"v2/v4 matchup data:\n" +
JSON.stringify(v2v4Matchup, null, 2) +
text += "<h2>Raw v2 data</h2>" +
"<pre>" + JSON.stringify(rawV2Data, null, 2) + "</pre>";
text += "<h2>Raw v4 data</h2>" +
"<pre>" + JSON.stringify(v4Extract, null, 2) + "</pre>";
} catch (e) {
alert(e + "\n" + e.stack);
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