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Created September 28, 2015 12:20
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'use strict';
* A module for adding new a routing system Angular 1.
angular.module('ngComponentRouter', [])
.directive('ngOutlet', ngOutletDirective)
.directive('ngOutlet', ngOutletFillContentDirective)
.directive('ngLink', ngLinkDirective);
* A module for inspecting controller constructors
.provider('$$directiveIntrospector', $$directiveIntrospectorProvider)
* decorates $compileProvider so that we have access to routing metadata
function compilerProviderDecorator($compileProvider, $$directiveIntrospectorProvider) {
var directive = $compileProvider.directive;
$compileProvider.directive = function (name, factory) {
$$directiveIntrospectorProvider.register(name, factory);
return directive.apply(this, arguments);
* private service that holds route mappings for each controller
function $$directiveIntrospectorProvider() {
var directiveBuffer = [];
var directiveFactoriesByName = {};
var onDirectiveRegistered = null;
return {
register: function (name, factory) {
if (angular.isArray(factory)) {
factory = factory[factory.length - 1];
directiveFactoriesByName[name] = factory;
if (onDirectiveRegistered) {
onDirectiveRegistered(name, factory);
} else {
directiveBuffer.push({name: name, factory: factory});
$get: function () {
var fn = function (newOnControllerRegistered) {
onDirectiveRegistered = newOnControllerRegistered;
while (directiveBuffer.length > 0) {
var directive = directiveBuffer.pop();
onDirectiveRegistered(, directive.factory);
fn.getTypeByName = function (name) {
return directiveFactoriesByName[name];
return fn;
* @name ngOutlet
* @description
* An ngOutlet is where resolved content goes.
* ## Use
* ```html
* <div ng-outlet="name"></div>
* ```
* The value for the `ngOutlet` attribute is optional.
function ngOutletDirective($animate, $q, $router) {
var rootRouter = $router;
return {
restrict: 'AE',
transclude: 'element',
terminal: true,
priority: 400,
require: ['?^^ngOutlet', 'ngOutlet'],
link: outletLink,
controller: function () {},
controllerAs: '$$ngOutlet'
function outletLink(scope, $element, attrs, ctrls, $transclude) {
var outletName = attrs.ngOutlet || 'default',
parentCtrl = ctrls[0],
myCtrl = ctrls[1],
router = (parentCtrl && parentCtrl.$$router) || rootRouter;
myCtrl.$$currentComponent = null;
var childRouter,
function cleanupLastView() {
if (previousLeaveAnimation) {
previousLeaveAnimation = null;
if (currentScope) {
currentScope = null;
if (currentElement) {
previousLeaveAnimation = $animate.leave(currentElement);
previousLeaveAnimation.then(function () {
previousLeaveAnimation = null;
currentElement = null;
reuse: function (instruction) {
var next = $q.when(true);
var previousInstruction = currentInstruction;
currentInstruction = instruction;
if (currentController && currentController.$onReuse) {
next = $q.when(currentController.$onReuse(currentInstruction, previousInstruction));
return next;
canReuse: function (nextInstruction) {
var result;
if (!currentInstruction ||
currentInstruction.componentType !== nextInstruction.componentType) {
result = false;
} else if (currentController && currentController.$canReuse) {
result = currentController.$canReuse(nextInstruction, currentInstruction);
} else {
result = nextInstruction === currentInstruction ||
angular.equals(nextInstruction.params, currentInstruction.params);
return $q.when(result);
canDeactivate: function (instruction) {
if (currentController && currentController.$canDeactivate) {
return $q.when(currentController.$canDeactivate(instruction, currentInstruction));
return $q.when(true);
deactivate: function (instruction) {
if (currentController && currentController.$onDeactivate) {
return $q.when(currentController.$onDeactivate(instruction, currentInstruction));
return $q.when();
activate: function (instruction) {
var previousInstruction = currentInstruction;
currentInstruction = instruction;
var componentName = myCtrl.$$componentName = instruction.componentType;
if (typeof componentName != 'string') {
throw new Error('Component is not a string for ' + instruction.urlPath);
myCtrl.$$routeParams = instruction.params;
myCtrl.$$template = '<div ' + dashCase(componentName) + '></div>';
myCtrl.$$router = router.childRouter(instruction.componentType);
var newScope = scope.$new();
var clone = $transclude(newScope, function (clone) {
$animate.enter(clone, null, currentElement || $element);
currentElement = clone;
currentScope = newScope;
// TODO: prefer the other directive retrieving the controller
// by debug mode
currentController = currentElement.children().eq(0).controller(componentName);
if (currentController && currentController.$onActivate) {
return currentController.$onActivate(instruction, previousInstruction);
return $q.when();
* This directive is responsible for compiling the contents of ng-outlet
function ngOutletFillContentDirective($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
priority: -400,
require: 'ngOutlet',
link: function (scope, $element, attrs, ctrl) {
var template = ctrl.$$template;
var link = $compile($element.contents());
// TODO: move to primary directive
var componentInstance = scope[ctrl.$$componentName];
if (componentInstance) {
ctrl.$$currentComponent = componentInstance;
componentInstance.$router = ctrl.$$router;
componentInstance.$routeParams = ctrl.$$routeParams;
* @name ngLink
* @description
* Lets you link to different parts of the app, and automatically generates hrefs.
* ## Use
* The directive uses a simple syntax: `ng-link="componentName({ param: paramValue })"`
* ## Example
* ```js
* angular.module('myApp', ['ngFuturisticRouter'])
* .controller('AppController', ['$router', function($router) {
* $router.config({ path: '/user/:id' component: 'user' });
* this.user = { name: 'Brian', id: 123 };
* });
* ```
* ```html
* <div ng-controller="AppController as app">
* <a ng-link="user({id:})">{{}}</a>
* </div>
* ```
function ngLinkDirective($router, $parse) {
var rootRouter = $router;
return {
require: '?^^ngOutlet',
restrict: 'A',
link: ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn
function ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn(scope, elt, attrs, ctrl) {
var router = (ctrl && ctrl.$$router) || rootRouter;
if (!router) {
var instruction = null;
var link = attrs.ngLink || '';
function getLink(params) {
instruction = router.generate(params);
return './' + angular.stringifyInstruction(instruction);
var routeParamsGetter = $parse(link);
// we can avoid adding a watcher if it's a literal
if (routeParamsGetter.constant) {
var params = routeParamsGetter();
elt.attr('href', getLink(params));
} else {
scope.$watch(function () {
return routeParamsGetter(scope);
}, function (params) {
elt.attr('href', getLink(params));
}, true);
elt.on('click', function (event) {
if (event.which !== 1 || !instruction) {
function dashCase(str) {
return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) {
return '-' + $1.toLowerCase();
value('$route', null). // can be overloaded with ngRouteShim
factory('$router', ['$q', '$location', '$$directiveIntrospector', '$browser', '$rootScope', '$injector', '$route', routerFactory]);
function routerFactory($q, $location, $$directiveIntrospector, $browser, $rootScope, $injector) {
// When this file is processed, the line below is replaced with
// the contents of `../lib/facades.es5`.
function CONST() {
return (function(target) {
return target;
function CONST_EXPR(expr) {
return expr;
function isPresent (x) {
return !!x;
function isBlank (x) {
return !x;
function isString(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'string';
function isType (x) {
return typeof x === 'function';
function isStringMap(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null;
function isArray(obj) {
return Array.isArray(obj);
function getTypeNameForDebugging (fn) {
return || 'Root';
var PromiseWrapper = {
resolve: function (reason) {
return $q.when(reason);
reject: function (reason) {
return $q.reject(reason);
catchError: function (promise, fn) {
return promise.then(null, fn);
all: function (promises) {
return $q.all(promises);
var RegExpWrapper = {
create: function(regExpStr, flags) {
flags = flags ? flags.replace(/g/g, '') : '';
return new RegExp(regExpStr, flags + 'g');
firstMatch: function(regExp, input) {
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
return regExp.exec(input);
matcher: function (regExp, input) {
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
return { re: regExp, input: input };
var reflector = {
annotations: function (fn) {
//TODO: implement me
return fn.annotations || [];
var MapWrapper = {
create: function() {
return new Map();
get: function(m, k) {
return m.get(k);
set: function(m, k, v) {
return m.set(k, v);
contains: function (m, k) {
return m.has(k);
forEach: function (m, fn) {
return m.forEach(fn);
var StringMapWrapper = {
create: function () {
return {};
set: function (m, k, v) {
return m[k] = v;
get: function (m, k) {
return m.hasOwnProperty(k) ? m[k] : undefined;
contains: function (m, k) {
return m.hasOwnProperty(k);
keys: function(map) {
return Object.keys(map);
isEmpty: function(map) {
for (var prop in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
delete: function(map, key) {
delete map[key];
forEach: function (m, fn) {
for (var prop in m) {
if (m.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
fn(m[prop], prop);
equals: function (m1, m2) {
var k1 = Object.keys(m1);
var k2 = Object.keys(m2);
if (k1.length != k2.length) {
return false;
var key;
for (var i = 0; i < k1.length; i++) {
key = k1[i];
if (m1[key] !== m2[key]) {
return false;
return true;
merge: function(m1, m2) {
var m = {};
for (var attr in m1) {
if (m1.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
m[attr] = m1[attr];
for (var attr in m2) {
if (m2.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
m[attr] = m2[attr];
return m;
var List = Array;
var ListWrapper = {
create: function () {
return [];
push: function (l, v) {
return l.push(v);
forEach: function (l, fn) {
return l.forEach(fn);
first: function(array) {
if (!array)
return null;
return array[0];
map: function (l, fn) {
join: function (l, str) {
return l.join(str);
reduce: function(list, fn, init) {
return list.reduce(fn, init);
filter: function(array, pred) {
return array.filter(pred);
concat: function(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
slice: function(l) {
var from = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : 0;
var to = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : null;
return l.slice(from, to === null ? undefined : to);
maximum: function(list, predicate) {
if (list.length == 0) {
return null;
var solution = null;
var maxValue = -Infinity;
for (var index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
var candidate = list[index];
if (isBlank(candidate)) {
var candidateValue = predicate(candidate);
if (candidateValue > maxValue) {
solution = candidate;
maxValue = candidateValue;
return solution;
var StringWrapper = {
equals: function (s1, s2) {
return s1 === s2;
split: function(s, re) {
return s.split(re);
substring: function(s, start, end) {
return s.substr(start, end);
replaceAll: function(s, from, replace) {
return s.replace(from, replace);
startsWith: function(s, start) {
return s.substr(0, start.length) === start;
replaceAllMapped: function(s, from, cb) {
return s.replace(from, function(matches) {
// Remove offset & string from the result array
matches.splice(-2, 2);
// The callback receives match, p1, ..., pn
return cb.apply(null, matches);
contains: function(s, substr) {
return s.indexOf(substr) != -1;
//TODO: implement?
// I think it's too heavy to ask 1.x users to bring in Rx for the router...
function EventEmitter() {}
var BaseException = Error;
var ObservableWrapper = {
callNext: function(ob, val) {
subscribe: function(ob, fn) {
ob.fn = fn;
// TODO:
var $__router_47_location__ = {
Location: Location
function Location(){}
Location.prototype.subscribe = function () {
//TODO: implement
Location.prototype.path = function () {
return $location.path();
Location.prototype.go = function (url) {
return $location.path(url);
var exports = {Injectable: function () {}};
var require = function () {return exports;};
// When this file is processed, the line below is replaced with
// the contents of the compiled TypeScript classes.
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") return Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(o)) || o; }, target);
case 3: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key)), void 0; }, void 0);
case 4: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key, o)) || o; }, desc);
var RouteLifecycleHook = (function () {
function RouteLifecycleHook(name) { = name;
RouteLifecycleHook = __decorate([
], RouteLifecycleHook);
return RouteLifecycleHook;
exports.RouteLifecycleHook = RouteLifecycleHook;
var CanActivate = (function () {
function CanActivate(fn) {
this.fn = fn;
CanActivate = __decorate([
], CanActivate);
return CanActivate;
exports.CanActivate = CanActivate;
exports.canReuse = CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("canReuse"));
exports.canDeactivate = CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("canDeactivate"));
exports.onActivate = CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("onActivate"));
exports.onReuse = CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("onReuse"));
exports.onDeactivate = CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("onDeactivate"));
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
* This class represents a parsed URL
var Url = (function () {
function Url(path, child, auxiliary, params) {
if (child === void 0) { child = null; }
if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = CONST_EXPR([]); }
if (params === void 0) { params = null; }
this.path = path;
this.child = child;
this.auxiliary = auxiliary;
this.params = params;
Url.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString() + this._auxToString() + this._childString();
Url.prototype.segmentToString = function () { return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString(); };
Url.prototype._auxToString = function () {
return this.auxiliary.length > 0 ?
('(' + (sibling) { return sibling.toString(); }).join('//') + ')') :
Url.prototype._matrixParamsToString = function () {
if (isBlank(this.params)) {
return '';
return ';' + serializeParams(this.params).join(';');
Url.prototype._childString = function () { return isPresent(this.child) ? ('/' + this.child.toString()) : ''; };
return Url;
exports.Url = Url;
var RootUrl = (function (_super) {
__extends(RootUrl, _super);
function RootUrl(path, child, auxiliary, params) {
if (child === void 0) { child = null; }
if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = CONST_EXPR([]); }
if (params === void 0) { params = null; }, path, child, auxiliary, params);
RootUrl.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.path + this._auxToString() + this._childString() + this._queryParamsToString();
RootUrl.prototype.segmentToString = function () { return this.path + this._queryParamsToString(); };
RootUrl.prototype._queryParamsToString = function () {
if (isBlank(this.params)) {
return '';
return '?' + serializeParams(this.params).join('&');
return RootUrl;
exports.RootUrl = RootUrl;
function pathSegmentsToUrl(pathSegments) {
var url = new Url(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1]);
for (var i = pathSegments.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
url = new Url(pathSegments[i], url);
return url;
exports.pathSegmentsToUrl = pathSegmentsToUrl;
var SEGMENT_RE = RegExpWrapper.create('^[^\\/\\(\\)\\?;=&]+');
function matchUrlSegment(str) {
var match = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(SEGMENT_RE, str);
return isPresent(match) ? match[0] : null;
var UrlParser = (function () {
function UrlParser() {
UrlParser.prototype.peekStartsWith = function (str) { return StringWrapper.startsWith(this._remaining, str); };
UrlParser.prototype.capture = function (str) {
if (!StringWrapper.startsWith(this._remaining, str)) {
throw new BaseException("Expected \"" + str + "\".");
this._remaining = this._remaining.substring(str.length);
UrlParser.prototype.parse = function (url) {
this._remaining = url;
if (url == '' || url == '/') {
return new Url('');
return this.parseRoot();
// segment + (aux segments) + (query params)
UrlParser.prototype.parseRoot = function () {
if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) {
var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
var aux = [];
if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes();
if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
// TODO: should these params just be dropped?
var child = null;
if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
child = this.parseSegment();
var queryParams = null;
if (this.peekStartsWith('?')) {
queryParams = this.parseQueryParams();
return new RootUrl(path, child, aux, queryParams);
// segment + (matrix params) + (aux segments)
UrlParser.prototype.parseSegment = function () {
if (this._remaining.length == 0) {
return null;
if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) {
var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
var matrixParams = null;
if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
matrixParams = this.parseMatrixParams();
var aux = [];
if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes();
var child = null;
if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
child = this.parseSegment();
return new Url(path, child, aux, matrixParams);
UrlParser.prototype.parseQueryParams = function () {
var params = {};
while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith('&')) {
return params;
UrlParser.prototype.parseMatrixParams = function () {
var params = {};
while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
return params;
UrlParser.prototype.parseParam = function (params) {
var key = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
if (isBlank(key)) {
var value = true;
if (this.peekStartsWith('=')) {
var valueMatch = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining);
if (isPresent(valueMatch)) {
value = valueMatch;
params[key] = value;
UrlParser.prototype.parseAuxiliaryRoutes = function () {
var routes = [];
while (!this.peekStartsWith(')') && this._remaining.length > 0) {
if (this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
return routes;
return UrlParser;
exports.UrlParser = UrlParser;
exports.parser = new UrlParser();
function serializeParams(paramMap) {
var params = [];
if (isPresent(paramMap)) {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(paramMap, function (value, key) {
if (value == true) {
else {
params.push(key + '=' + value);
return params;
exports.serializeParams = serializeParams;
var url_parser_1 = require('./url_parser');
var instruction_1 = require('./instruction');
var TouchMap = (function () {
function TouchMap(map) {
var _this = this; = {};
this.keys = {};
if (isPresent(map)) {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(map, function (value, key) {[key] = isPresent(value) ? value.toString() : null;
_this.keys[key] = true;
TouchMap.prototype.get = function (key) {
StringMapWrapper.delete(this.keys, key);
TouchMap.prototype.getUnused = function () {
var _this = this;
var unused = StringMapWrapper.create();
var keys = StringMapWrapper.keys(this.keys);
ListWrapper.forEach(keys, function (key) { unused[key] = StringMapWrapper.get(, key); });
return unused;
return TouchMap;
function normalizeString(obj) {
if (isBlank(obj)) {
return null;
else {
return obj.toString();
var ContinuationSegment = (function () {
function ContinuationSegment() { = '';
ContinuationSegment.prototype.generate = function (params) { return ''; };
ContinuationSegment.prototype.match = function (path) { return true; };
return ContinuationSegment;
var StaticSegment = (function () {
function StaticSegment(path) {
this.path = path; = '';
StaticSegment.prototype.match = function (path) { return path == this.path; };
StaticSegment.prototype.generate = function (params) { return this.path; };
return StaticSegment;
var DynamicSegment = (function () {
function DynamicSegment(name) { = name;
DynamicSegment.prototype.match = function (path) { return path.length > 0; };
DynamicSegment.prototype.generate = function (params) {
if (!StringMapWrapper.contains(, {
throw new BaseException("Route generator for '" + + "' was not included in parameters passed.");
return normalizeString(params.get(;
return DynamicSegment;
var StarSegment = (function () {
function StarSegment(name) { = name;
StarSegment.prototype.match = function (path) { return true; };
StarSegment.prototype.generate = function (params) { return normalizeString(params.get(; };
return StarSegment;
var paramMatcher = /^:([^\/]+)$/g;
var wildcardMatcher = /^\*([^\/]+)$/g;
function parsePathString(route) {
// normalize route as not starting with a "/". Recognition will
// also normalize.
if (StringWrapper.startsWith(route, "/")) {
route = StringWrapper.substring(route, 1);
var segments = splitBySlash(route);
var results = [];
var specificity = 0;
// The "specificity" of a path is used to determine which route is used when multiple routes match
// a URL.
// Static segments (like "/foo") are the most specific, followed by dynamic segments (like
// "/:id"). Star segments
// add no specificity. Segments at the start of the path are more specific than proceeding ones.
// The code below uses place values to combine the different types of segments into a single
// integer that we can
// sort later. Each static segment is worth hundreds of points of specificity (10000, 9900, ...,
// 200), and each
// dynamic segment is worth single points of specificity (100, 99, ... 2).
if (segments.length > 98) {
throw new BaseException("'" + route + "' has more than the maximum supported number of segments.");
var limit = segments.length - 1;
for (var i = 0; i <= limit; i++) {
var segment = segments[i], match;
if (isPresent(match = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(paramMatcher, segment))) {
results.push(new DynamicSegment(match[1]));
specificity += (100 - i);
else if (isPresent(match = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(wildcardMatcher, segment))) {
results.push(new StarSegment(match[1]));
else if (segment == '...') {
if (i < limit) {
// TODO (matsko): setup a proper error here `
throw new BaseException("Unexpected \"...\" before the end of the path for \"" + route + "\".");
results.push(new ContinuationSegment());
else {
results.push(new StaticSegment(segment));
specificity += 100 * (100 - i);
var result = StringMapWrapper.create();
StringMapWrapper.set(result, 'segments', results);
StringMapWrapper.set(result, 'specificity', specificity);
return result;
// this function is used to determine whether a route config path like `/foo/:id` collides with
// `/foo/:name`
function pathDslHash(segments) {
return (segment) {
if (segment instanceof StarSegment) {
return '*';
else if (segment instanceof ContinuationSegment) {
return '...';
else if (segment instanceof DynamicSegment) {
return ':';
else if (segment instanceof StaticSegment) {
return segment.path;
function splitBySlash(url) {
return url.split('/');
var RESERVED_CHARS = RegExpWrapper.create('//|\\(|\\)|;|\\?|=');
function assertPath(path) {
if (StringWrapper.contains(path, '#')) {
throw new BaseException("Path \"" + path + "\" should not include \"#\". Use \"HashLocationStrategy\" instead.");
var illegalCharacter = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(RESERVED_CHARS, path);
if (isPresent(illegalCharacter)) {
throw new BaseException("Path \"" + path + "\" contains \"" + illegalCharacter[0] + "\" which is not allowed in a route config.");
var PathMatch = (function () {
function PathMatch(instruction, remaining, remainingAux) {
this.instruction = instruction;
this.remaining = remaining;
this.remainingAux = remainingAux;
return PathMatch;
exports.PathMatch = PathMatch;
// represents something like '/foo/:bar'
var PathRecognizer = (function () {
// TODO: cache component instruction instances by params and by ParsedUrl instance
function PathRecognizer(path, handler) {
this.path = path;
this.handler = handler;
this.terminal = true;
this._cache = new Map();
var parsed = parsePathString(path);
this._segments = parsed['segments'];
this.specificity = parsed['specificity'];
this.hash = pathDslHash(this._segments);
var lastSegment = this._segments[this._segments.length - 1];
this.terminal = !(lastSegment instanceof ContinuationSegment);
PathRecognizer.prototype.recognize = function (beginningSegment) {
var nextSegment = beginningSegment;
var currentSegment;
var positionalParams = {};
var captured = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._segments.length; i += 1) {
var segment = this._segments[i];
currentSegment = nextSegment;
if (segment instanceof ContinuationSegment) {
if (isPresent(currentSegment)) {
// the star segment consumes all of the remaining URL, including matrix params
if (segment instanceof StarSegment) {
positionalParams[] = currentSegment.toString();
nextSegment = null;
if (segment instanceof DynamicSegment) {
positionalParams[] = currentSegment.path;
else if (!segment.match(currentSegment.path)) {
return null;
nextSegment = currentSegment.child;
else if (!segment.match('')) {
return null;
if (this.terminal && isPresent(nextSegment)) {
return null;
var urlPath = captured.join('/');
var auxiliary;
var instruction;
var urlParams;
var allParams;
if (isPresent(currentSegment)) {
// If this is the root component, read query params. Otherwise, read matrix params.
var paramsSegment = beginningSegment instanceof url_parser_1.RootUrl ? beginningSegment : currentSegment;
allParams = isPresent(paramsSegment.params) ?
StringMapWrapper.merge(paramsSegment.params, positionalParams) :
urlParams = url_parser_1.serializeParams(paramsSegment.params);
auxiliary = currentSegment.auxiliary;
else {
allParams = positionalParams;
auxiliary = [];
urlParams = [];
instruction = this._getInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, this, allParams);
return new PathMatch(instruction, nextSegment, auxiliary);
PathRecognizer.prototype.generate = function (params) {
var paramTokens = new TouchMap(params);
var path = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._segments.length; i++) {
var segment = this._segments[i];
if (!(segment instanceof ContinuationSegment)) {
var urlPath = path.join('/');
var nonPositionalParams = paramTokens.getUnused();
var urlParams = url_parser_1.serializeParams(nonPositionalParams);
return this._getInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, this, params);
PathRecognizer.prototype._getInstruction = function (urlPath, urlParams, _recognizer, params) {
var hashKey = urlPath + '?' + urlParams.join('?');
if (this._cache.has(hashKey)) {
return this._cache.get(hashKey);
var instruction = new instruction_1.ComponentInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, _recognizer, params);
this._cache.set(hashKey, instruction);
return instruction;
return PathRecognizer;
exports.PathRecognizer = PathRecognizer;
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") return Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(o)) || o; }, target);
case 3: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key)), void 0; }, void 0);
case 4: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key, o)) || o; }, desc);
var route_definition_1 = require('./route_definition');
exports.RouteDefinition = route_definition_1.RouteDefinition;
* The `RouteConfig` decorator defines routes for a given component.
* It takes an array of {@link RouteDefinition}s.
var RouteConfig = (function () {
function RouteConfig(configs) {
this.configs = configs;
RouteConfig = __decorate([
], RouteConfig);
return RouteConfig;
exports.RouteConfig = RouteConfig;
* `Route` is a type of {@link RouteDefinition} used to route a path to a component.
* It has the following properties:
* - `path` is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `component` a component type.
* - `as` is an optional `CamelCase` string representing the name of the route.
* - `data` is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given
* route. It is injectable via the {@link ROUTE_DATA} token.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';
* @RouteConfig([
* {path: '/home', component: HomeCmp, as: 'HomeCmp' }
* ])
* class MyApp {}
* ```
var Route = (function () {
function Route(_a) {
var path = _a.path, component = _a.component, as =, data =;
this.path = path;
this.component = component; = as;
this.loader = null;
this.redirectTo = null; = data;
Route = __decorate([
], Route);
return Route;
exports.Route = Route;
* `AuxRoute` is a type of {@link RouteDefinition} used to define an auxiliary route.
* It takes an object with the following properties:
* - `path` is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `component` a component type.
* - `as` is an optional `CamelCase` string representing the name of the route.
* - `data` is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given
* route. It is injectable via the {@link ROUTE_DATA} token.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {RouteConfig, AuxRoute} from 'angular2/router';
* @RouteConfig([
* new AuxRoute({path: '/home', component: HomeCmp})
* ])
* class MyApp {}
* ```
var AuxRoute = (function () {
function AuxRoute(_a) {
var path = _a.path, component = _a.component, as =; = null;
// added next two properties to work around
this.loader = null;
this.redirectTo = null;
this.path = path;
this.component = component; = as;
AuxRoute = __decorate([
], AuxRoute);
return AuxRoute;
exports.AuxRoute = AuxRoute;
* `AsyncRoute` is a type of {@link RouteDefinition} used to route a path to an asynchronously
* loaded component.
* It has the following properties:
* - `path` is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `loader` is a function that returns a promise that resolves to a component.
* - `as` is an optional `CamelCase` string representing the name of the route.
* - `data` is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given
* route. It is injectable via the {@link ROUTE_DATA} token.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';
* @RouteConfig([
* {path: '/home', loader: () => Promise.resolve(MyLoadedCmp), as: 'MyLoadedCmp'}
* ])
* class MyApp {}
* ```
var AsyncRoute = (function () {
function AsyncRoute(_a) {
var path = _a.path, loader = _a.loader, as =, data =;
this.path = path;
this.loader = loader; = as; = data;
AsyncRoute = __decorate([
], AsyncRoute);
return AsyncRoute;
exports.AsyncRoute = AsyncRoute;
* `Redirect` is a type of {@link RouteDefinition} used to route a path to an asynchronously loaded
* component.
* It has the following properties:
* - `path` is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `redirectTo` is a string representing the new URL to be matched against.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';
* @RouteConfig([
* {path: '/', redirectTo: '/home'},
* {path: '/home', component: HomeCmp}
* ])
* class MyApp {}
* ```
var Redirect = (function () {
function Redirect(_a) {
var path = _a.path, redirectTo = _a.redirectTo; = null;
// added next property to work around
this.loader = null; = null;
this.path = path;
this.redirectTo = redirectTo;
Redirect = __decorate([
], Redirect);
return Redirect;
exports.Redirect = Redirect;
var AsyncRouteHandler = (function () {
function AsyncRouteHandler(_loader, data) {
this._loader = _loader; = data;
this._resolvedComponent = null;
AsyncRouteHandler.prototype.resolveComponentType = function () {
var _this = this;
if (isPresent(this._resolvedComponent)) {
return this._resolvedComponent;
return this._resolvedComponent = this._loader().then(function (componentType) {
_this.componentType = componentType;
return componentType;
return AsyncRouteHandler;
exports.AsyncRouteHandler = AsyncRouteHandler;
var SyncRouteHandler = (function () {
function SyncRouteHandler(componentType, data) {
this.componentType = componentType; = data;
this._resolvedComponent = null;
this._resolvedComponent = PromiseWrapper.resolve(componentType);
SyncRouteHandler.prototype.resolveComponentType = function () { return this._resolvedComponent; };
return SyncRouteHandler;
exports.SyncRouteHandler = SyncRouteHandler;
var path_recognizer_1 = require('./path_recognizer');
var route_config_impl_1 = require('./route_config_impl');
var async_route_handler_1 = require('./async_route_handler');
var sync_route_handler_1 = require('./sync_route_handler');
var url_parser_1 = require('./url_parser');
* `RouteRecognizer` is responsible for recognizing routes for a single component.
* It is consumed by `RouteRegistry`, which knows how to recognize an entire hierarchy of
* components.
var RouteRecognizer = (function () {
function RouteRecognizer() {
this.names = new Map();
this.auxRoutes = new Map();
// TODO: optimize this into a trie
this.matchers = [];
// TODO: optimize this into a trie
this.redirects = [];
RouteRecognizer.prototype.config = function (config) {
var handler;
if (isPresent( &&[0].toUpperCase() !=[0]) {
var suggestedAlias =[0].toUpperCase() +;
throw new BaseException("Route '" + config.path + "' with alias '" + + "' does not begin with an uppercase letter. Route aliases should be CamelCase like '" + suggestedAlias + "'.");
if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AuxRoute) {
handler = new sync_route_handler_1.SyncRouteHandler(config.component,;
var path = StringWrapper.startsWith(config.path, '/') ? config.path.substring(1) : config.path;
var recognizer = new path_recognizer_1.PathRecognizer(config.path, handler);
this.auxRoutes.set(path, recognizer);
return recognizer.terminal;
if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Redirect) {
this.redirects.push(new Redirector(config.path, config.redirectTo));
return true;
if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) {
handler = new sync_route_handler_1.SyncRouteHandler(config.component,;
else if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AsyncRoute) {
handler = new async_route_handler_1.AsyncRouteHandler(config.loader,;
var recognizer = new path_recognizer_1.PathRecognizer(config.path, handler);
this.matchers.forEach(function (matcher) {
if (recognizer.hash == matcher.hash) {
throw new BaseException("Configuration '" + config.path + "' conflicts with existing route '" + matcher.path + "'");
if (isPresent( {
this.names.set(, recognizer);
return recognizer.terminal;
* Given a URL, returns a list of `RouteMatch`es, which are partial recognitions for some route.
RouteRecognizer.prototype.recognize = function (urlParse) {
var solutions = [];
urlParse = this._redirect(urlParse);
this.matchers.forEach(function (pathRecognizer) {
var pathMatch = pathRecognizer.recognize(urlParse);
if (isPresent(pathMatch)) {
return solutions;
RouteRecognizer.prototype._redirect = function (urlParse) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.redirects.length; i += 1) {
var redirector = this.redirects[i];
var redirectedUrl = redirector.redirect(urlParse);
if (isPresent(redirectedUrl)) {
return redirectedUrl;
return urlParse;
RouteRecognizer.prototype.recognizeAuxiliary = function (urlParse) {
var pathRecognizer = this.auxRoutes.get(urlParse.path);
if (isBlank(pathRecognizer)) {
return null;
return pathRecognizer.recognize(urlParse);
RouteRecognizer.prototype.hasRoute = function (name) { return this.names.has(name); };
RouteRecognizer.prototype.generate = function (name, params) {
var pathRecognizer = this.names.get(name);
if (isBlank(pathRecognizer)) {
return null;
return pathRecognizer.generate(params);
return RouteRecognizer;
exports.RouteRecognizer = RouteRecognizer;
var Redirector = (function () {
function Redirector(path, redirectTo) {
this.segments = [];
this.toSegments = [];
if (StringWrapper.startsWith(path, '/')) {
path = path.substring(1);
this.segments = path.split('/');
if (StringWrapper.startsWith(redirectTo, '/')) {
redirectTo = redirectTo.substring(1);
this.toSegments = redirectTo.split('/');
* Returns `null` or a `ParsedUrl` representing the new path to match
Redirector.prototype.redirect = function (urlParse) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i += 1) {
if (isBlank(urlParse)) {
return null;
var segment = this.segments[i];
if (segment != urlParse.path) {
return null;
urlParse = urlParse.child;
for (var i = this.toSegments.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var segment = this.toSegments[i];
urlParse = new url_parser_1.Url(segment, urlParse);
return urlParse;
return Redirector;
exports.Redirector = Redirector;
* `RouteParams` is an immutable map of parameters for the given route
* based on the url matcher and optional parameters for that route.
* You can inject `RouteParams` into the constructor of a component to use it.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {bootstrap, Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
* import {Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, routerBindings, RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';
* @Component({...})
* @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})
* @RouteConfig([
* {path: '/user/:id', component: UserCmp, as: 'UserCmp'},
* ])
* class AppCmp {}
* @Component({...})
* @View({ template: 'user: {{id}}' })
* class UserCmp {
* string: id;
* constructor(params: RouteParams) {
* = params.get('id');
* }
* }
* bootstrap(AppCmp, routerBindings(AppCmp));
* ```
var RouteParams = (function () {
function RouteParams(params) {
this.params = params;
RouteParams.prototype.get = function (param) { return normalizeBlank(StringMapWrapper.get(this.params, param)); };
return RouteParams;
exports.RouteParams = RouteParams;
* `Instruction` is a tree of {@link ComponentInstruction}s with all the information needed
* to transition each component in the app to a given route, including all auxiliary routes.
* `Instruction`s can be created using {@link Router#generate}, and can be used to
* perform route changes with {@link Router#navigateByInstruction}.
* ## Example
* ```
* import {bootstrap, Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
* import {Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, routerBindings, RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';
* @Component({...})
* @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})
* @RouteConfig([
* {...},
* ])
* class AppCmp {
* constructor(router: Router) {
* var instruction = router.generate(['/MyRoute']);
* router.navigateByInstruction(instruction);
* }
* }
* bootstrap(AppCmp, routerBindings(AppCmp));
* ```
var Instruction = (function () {
function Instruction(component, child, auxInstruction) {
this.component = component;
this.child = child;
this.auxInstruction = auxInstruction;
* Returns a new instruction that shares the state of the existing instruction, but with
* the given child {@link Instruction} replacing the existing child.
Instruction.prototype.replaceChild = function (child) {
return new Instruction(this.component, child, this.auxInstruction);
return Instruction;
exports.Instruction = Instruction;
* Represents a partially completed instruction during recognition that only has the
* primary (non-aux) route instructions matched.
* `PrimaryInstruction` is an internal class used by `RouteRecognizer` while it's
* figuring out where to navigate.
var PrimaryInstruction = (function () {
function PrimaryInstruction(component, child, auxUrls) {
this.component = component;
this.child = child;
this.auxUrls = auxUrls;
return PrimaryInstruction;
exports.PrimaryInstruction = PrimaryInstruction;
function stringifyInstruction(instruction) {
var params = instruction.component.urlParams.length > 0 ?
('?' + instruction.component.urlParams.join('&')) :
return instruction.component.urlPath + stringifyAux(instruction) +
stringifyPrimary(instruction.child) + params;
exports.stringifyInstruction = stringifyInstruction;
function stringifyPrimary(instruction) {
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return '';
var params = instruction.component.urlParams.length > 0 ?
(';' + instruction.component.urlParams.join(';')) :
return '/' + instruction.component.urlPath + params + stringifyAux(instruction) +
function stringifyAux(instruction) {
var routes = [];
StringMapWrapper.forEach(instruction.auxInstruction, function (auxInstruction, _) {
if (routes.length > 0) {
return '(' + routes.join('//') + ')';
return '';
* A `ComponentInstruction` represents the route state for a single component. An `Instruction` is
* composed of a tree of these `ComponentInstruction`s.
* `ComponentInstructions` is a public API. Instances of `ComponentInstruction` are passed
* to route lifecycle hooks, like {@link CanActivate}.
* `ComponentInstruction`s are [](hash consed). You should
* never construct one yourself with "new." Instead, rely on {@link Router/PathRecognizer} to
* construct `ComponentInstruction`s.
* You should not modify this object. It should be treated as immutable.
var ComponentInstruction = (function () {
* @private
function ComponentInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, _recognizer, params) {
if (params === void 0) { params = null; }
this.urlPath = urlPath;
this.urlParams = urlParams;
this._recognizer = _recognizer;
this.params = params;
this.reuse = false;
Object.defineProperty(ComponentInstruction.prototype, "componentType", {
* Returns the component type of the represented route, or `null` if this instruction
* hasn't been resolved.
get: function () { return this._recognizer.handler.componentType; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Returns a promise that will resolve to component type of the represented route.
* If this instruction references an {@link AsyncRoute}, the `loader` function of that route
* will run.
ComponentInstruction.prototype.resolveComponentType = function () { return this._recognizer.handler.resolveComponentType(); };
Object.defineProperty(ComponentInstruction.prototype, "specificity", {
* Returns the specificity of the route associated with this `Instruction`.
get: function () { return this._recognizer.specificity; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(ComponentInstruction.prototype, "terminal", {
* Returns `true` if the component type of this instruction has no child {@link RouteConfig},
* or `false` if it does.
get: function () { return this._recognizer.terminal; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Returns the route data of the given route that was specified in the {@link RouteDefinition},
* or `null` if no route data was specified.
ComponentInstruction.prototype.routeData = function () { return; };
return ComponentInstruction;
exports.ComponentInstruction = ComponentInstruction;
var route_config_decorator_1 = require('./route_config_decorator');
* Given a JS Object that represents... returns a corresponding Route, AsyncRoute, or Redirect
function normalizeRouteConfig(config) {
if (config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.Route || config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.Redirect || config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute ||
config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.AuxRoute) {
return config;
if ((!config.component) == (!config.redirectTo)) {
throw new BaseException("Route config should contain exactly one \"component\", \"loader\", or \"redirectTo\" property.");
if (config.component) {
if (typeof config.component == 'object') {
var componentDefinitionObject = config.component;
if (componentDefinitionObject.type == 'constructor') {
return new route_config_decorator_1.Route({
path: config.path,
component: componentDefinitionObject.constructor,
else if (componentDefinitionObject.type == 'loader') {
return new route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute({ path: config.path, loader: componentDefinitionObject.loader, as: });
else {
throw new BaseException("Invalid component type \"" + componentDefinitionObject.type + "\". Valid types are \"constructor\" and \"loader\".");
return new route_config_decorator_1.Route(config);
if (config.redirectTo) {
return new route_config_decorator_1.Redirect({ path: config.path, redirectTo: config.redirectTo });
return config;
exports.normalizeRouteConfig = normalizeRouteConfig;
function assertComponentExists(component, path) {
if (!isType(component)) {
throw new BaseException("Component for route \"" + path + "\" is not defined, or is not a class.");
exports.assertComponentExists = assertComponentExists;
var lifecycle_annotations_impl_1 = require('./lifecycle_annotations_impl');
function hasLifecycleHook(e, type) {
if (!(type instanceof Type))
return false;
return in type.prototype;
exports.hasLifecycleHook = hasLifecycleHook;
function getCanActivateHook(type) {
var annotations = reflector.annotations(type);
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i += 1) {
var annotation = annotations[i];
if (annotation instanceof lifecycle_annotations_impl_1.CanActivate) {
return annotation.fn;
return null;
exports.getCanActivateHook = getCanActivateHook;
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") return Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(o)) || o; }, target);
case 3: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key)), void 0; }, void 0);
case 4: return decorators.reduceRight(function(o, d) { return (d && d(target, key, o)) || o; }, desc);
var route_recognizer_1 = require('./route_recognizer');
var instruction_1 = require('./instruction');
var route_config_impl_1 = require('./route_config_impl');
var di_1 = require('angular2/src/core/di');
var route_config_nomalizer_1 = require('./route_config_nomalizer');
var url_parser_1 = require('./url_parser');
var _resolveToNull = PromiseWrapper.resolve(null);
* The RouteRegistry holds route configurations for each component in an Angular app.
* It is responsible for creating Instructions from URLs, and generating URLs based on route and
* parameters.
var RouteRegistry = (function () {
function RouteRegistry() {
this._rules = new Map();
* Given a component and a configuration object, add the route to this registry
RouteRegistry.prototype.config = function (parentComponent, config) {
config = route_config_nomalizer_1.normalizeRouteConfig(config);
// this is here because Dart type guard reasons
if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) {
route_config_nomalizer_1.assertComponentExists(config.component, config.path);
else if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AuxRoute) {
route_config_nomalizer_1.assertComponentExists(config.component, config.path);
var recognizer = this._rules.get(parentComponent);
if (isBlank(recognizer)) {
recognizer = new route_recognizer_1.RouteRecognizer();
this._rules.set(parentComponent, recognizer);
var terminal = recognizer.config(config);
if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) {
if (terminal) {
assertTerminalComponent(config.component, config.path);
else {
* Reads the annotations of a component and configures the registry based on them
RouteRegistry.prototype.configFromComponent = function (component) {
var _this = this;
if (!isType(component)) {
// Don't read the annotations from a type more than once –
// this prevents an infinite loop if a component routes recursively.
if (this._rules.has(component)) {
var annotations = reflector.annotations(component);
if (isPresent(annotations)) {
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
var annotation = annotations[i];
if (annotation instanceof route_config_impl_1.RouteConfig) {
ListWrapper.forEach(annotation.configs, function (config) { return _this.config(component, config); });
* Given a URL and a parent component, return the most specific instruction for navigating
* the application into the state specified by the url
RouteRegistry.prototype.recognize = function (url, parentComponent) {
var parsedUrl = url_parser_1.parser.parse(url);
return this._recognize(parsedUrl, parentComponent);
RouteRegistry.prototype._recognize = function (parsedUrl, parentComponent) {
var _this = this;
return this._recognizePrimaryRoute(parsedUrl, parentComponent)
.then(function (instruction) {
return _this._completeAuxiliaryRouteMatches(instruction, parentComponent);
RouteRegistry.prototype._recognizePrimaryRoute = function (parsedUrl, parentComponent) {
var _this = this;
var componentRecognizer = this._rules.get(parentComponent);
if (isBlank(componentRecognizer)) {
return _resolveToNull;
// Matches some beginning part of the given URL
var possibleMatches = componentRecognizer.recognize(parsedUrl);
var matchPromises =, function (candidate) { return _this._completePrimaryRouteMatch(candidate); });
return PromiseWrapper.all(matchPromises).then(mostSpecific);
RouteRegistry.prototype._completePrimaryRouteMatch = function (partialMatch) {
var _this = this;
var instruction = partialMatch.instruction;
return instruction.resolveComponentType().then(function (componentType) {
if (instruction.terminal) {
return new instruction_1.PrimaryInstruction(instruction, null, partialMatch.remainingAux);
return _this._recognizePrimaryRoute(partialMatch.remaining, componentType)
.then(function (childInstruction) {
if (isBlank(childInstruction)) {
return null;
else {
return new instruction_1.PrimaryInstruction(instruction, childInstruction, partialMatch.remainingAux);
RouteRegistry.prototype._completeAuxiliaryRouteMatches = function (instruction, parentComponent) {
var _this = this;
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return _resolveToNull;
var componentRecognizer = this._rules.get(parentComponent);
var auxInstructions = {};
var promises = (auxSegment) {
var match = componentRecognizer.recognizeAuxiliary(auxSegment);
if (isBlank(match)) {
return _resolveToNull;
return _this._completePrimaryRouteMatch(match).then(function (auxInstruction) {
if (isPresent(auxInstruction)) {
return _this._completeAuxiliaryRouteMatches(auxInstruction, parentComponent)
.then(function (finishedAuxRoute) {
auxInstructions[auxSegment.path] = finishedAuxRoute;
return PromiseWrapper.all(promises).then(function (_) {
if (isBlank(instruction.child)) {
return new instruction_1.Instruction(instruction.component, null, auxInstructions);
return _this._completeAuxiliaryRouteMatches(instruction.child, instruction.component.componentType)
.then(function (completeChild) {
return new instruction_1.Instruction(instruction.component, completeChild, auxInstructions);
* Given a normalized list with component names and params like: `['user', {id: 3 }]`
* generates a url with a leading slash relative to the provided `parentComponent`.
RouteRegistry.prototype.generate = function (linkParams, parentComponent) {
var segments = [];
var componentCursor = parentComponent;
var lastInstructionIsTerminal = false;
for (var i = 0; i < linkParams.length; i += 1) {
var segment = linkParams[i];
if (isBlank(componentCursor)) {
throw new BaseException("Could not find route named \"" + segment + "\".");
if (!isString(segment)) {
throw new BaseException("Unexpected segment \"" + segment + "\" in link DSL. Expected a string.");
else if (segment == '' || segment == '.' || segment == '..') {
throw new BaseException("\"" + segment + "/\" is only allowed at the beginning of a link DSL.");
var params = {};
if (i + 1 < linkParams.length) {
var nextSegment = linkParams[i + 1];
if (isStringMap(nextSegment)) {
params = nextSegment;
i += 1;
var componentRecognizer = this._rules.get(componentCursor);
if (isBlank(componentRecognizer)) {
throw new BaseException("Component \"" + getTypeNameForDebugging(componentCursor) + "\" has no route config.");
var response = componentRecognizer.generate(segment, params);
if (isBlank(response)) {
throw new BaseException("Component \"" + getTypeNameForDebugging(componentCursor) + "\" has no route named \"" + segment + "\".");
componentCursor = response.componentType;
lastInstructionIsTerminal = response.terminal;
var instruction = null;
if (!lastInstructionIsTerminal) {
instruction = this._generateRedirects(componentCursor);
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
var lastInstruction = instruction;
while (isPresent(lastInstruction.child)) {
lastInstruction = lastInstruction.child;
lastInstructionIsTerminal = lastInstruction.component.terminal;
if (isPresent(componentCursor) && !lastInstructionIsTerminal) {
throw new BaseException("Link \"" + ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" does not resolve to a terminal or async instruction.");
while (segments.length > 0) {
instruction = new instruction_1.Instruction(segments.pop(), instruction, {});
return instruction;
// if the child includes a redirect like : "/" -> "/something",
// we want to honor that redirection when creating the link
RouteRegistry.prototype._generateRedirects = function (componentCursor) {
if (isBlank(componentCursor)) {
return null;
var componentRecognizer = this._rules.get(componentCursor);
if (isBlank(componentRecognizer)) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < componentRecognizer.redirects.length; i += 1) {
var redirect = componentRecognizer.redirects[i];
// we only handle redirecting from an empty segment
if (redirect.segments.length == 1 && redirect.segments[0] == '') {
var toSegments = url_parser_1.pathSegmentsToUrl(redirect.toSegments);
var matches = componentRecognizer.recognize(toSegments);
var primaryInstruction = ListWrapper.maximum(matches, function (match) { return match.instruction.specificity; });
if (isPresent(primaryInstruction)) {
var child = this._generateRedirects(primaryInstruction.instruction.componentType);
return new instruction_1.Instruction(primaryInstruction.instruction, child, {});
return null;
return null;
RouteRegistry = __decorate([
], RouteRegistry);
return RouteRegistry;
exports.RouteRegistry = RouteRegistry;
* Given a list of instructions, returns the most specific instruction
function mostSpecific(instructions) {
return ListWrapper.maximum(instructions, function (instruction) { return instruction.component.specificity; });
function assertTerminalComponent(component, path) {
if (!isType(component)) {
var annotations = reflector.annotations(component);
if (isPresent(annotations)) {
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
var annotation = annotations[i];
if (annotation instanceof route_config_impl_1.RouteConfig) {
throw new BaseException("Child routes are not allowed for \"" + path + "\". Use \"...\" on the parent's route path.");
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var instruction_1 = require('./instruction');
var route_lifecycle_reflector_1 = require('./route_lifecycle_reflector');
var _resolveToTrue = PromiseWrapper.resolve(true);
var _resolveToFalse = PromiseWrapper.resolve(false);
* The `Router` is responsible for mapping URLs to components.
* You can see the state of the router by inspecting the read-only field `router.navigating`.
* This may be useful for showing a spinner, for instance.
* ## Concepts
* Routers and component instances have a 1:1 correspondence.
* The router holds reference to a number of {@link RouterOutlet}.
* An outlet is a placeholder that the router dynamically fills in depending on the current URL.
* When the router navigates from a URL, it must first recognize it and serialize it into an
* `Instruction`.
* The router uses the `RouteRegistry` to get an `Instruction`.
var Router = (function () {
function Router(registry, parent, hostComponent) {
this.registry = registry;
this.parent = parent;
this.hostComponent = hostComponent;
this.navigating = false;
this._currentInstruction = null;
this._currentNavigation = _resolveToTrue;
this._outlet = null;
this._auxRouters = new Map();
this._subject = new EventEmitter();
* Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable
* component.
Router.prototype.childRouter = function (hostComponent) {
return this._childRouter = new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent);
* Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable
* component.
Router.prototype.auxRouter = function (hostComponent) { return new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent); };
* Register an outlet to notified of primary route changes.
* You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
Router.prototype.registerPrimaryOutlet = function (outlet) {
if (isPresent( {
throw new BaseException("registerAuxOutlet expects to be called with an unnamed outlet.");
this._outlet = outlet;
if (isPresent(this._currentInstruction)) {
return this.commit(this._currentInstruction, false);
return _resolveToTrue;
* Register an outlet to notified of auxiliary route changes.
* You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
Router.prototype.registerAuxOutlet = function (outlet) {
var outletName =;
if (isBlank(outletName)) {
throw new BaseException("registerAuxOutlet expects to be called with an outlet with a name.");
// TODO...
// what is the host of an aux route???
var router = this.auxRouter(this.hostComponent);
this._auxRouters.set(outletName, router);
router._outlet = outlet;
var auxInstruction;
if (isPresent(this._currentInstruction) &&
isPresent(auxInstruction = this._currentInstruction.auxInstruction[outletName])) {
return router.commit(auxInstruction);
return _resolveToTrue;
* Given an instruction, returns `true` if the instruction is currently active,
* otherwise `false`.
Router.prototype.isRouteActive = function (instruction) {
var router = this;
while (isPresent(router.parent) && isPresent(instruction.child)) {
router = router.parent;
instruction = instruction.child;
return isPresent(this._currentInstruction) &&
this._currentInstruction.component == instruction.component;
* Dynamically update the routing configuration and trigger a navigation.
* # Usage
* ```
* router.config([
* { 'path': '/', 'component': IndexComp },
* { 'path': '/user/:id', 'component': UserComp },
* ]);
* ```
Router.prototype.config = function (definitions) {
var _this = this;
definitions.forEach(function (routeDefinition) { _this.registry.config(_this.hostComponent, routeDefinition); });
return this.renavigate();
* Navigate based on the provided Route Link DSL. It's preferred to navigate with this method
* over `navigateByUrl`.
* # Usage
* This method takes an array representing the Route Link DSL:
* ```
* ['./MyCmp', {param: 3}]
* ```
* See the {@link RouterLink} directive for more.
Router.prototype.navigate = function (linkParams) {
var instruction = this.generate(linkParams);
return this.navigateByInstruction(instruction, false);
* Navigate to a URL. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is complete.
* It's preferred to navigate with `navigate` instead of this method, since URLs are more brittle.
* If the given URL begins with a `/`, router will navigate absolutely.
* If the given URL does not begin with `/`, the router will navigate relative to this component.
Router.prototype.navigateByUrl = function (url, _skipLocationChange) {
var _this = this;
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then(function (_) {
_this.lastNavigationAttempt = url;
return _this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(_this.recognize(url).then(function (instruction) {
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return false;
return _this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange);
* Navigate via the provided instruction. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is
* complete.
Router.prototype.navigateByInstruction = function (instruction, _skipLocationChange) {
var _this = this;
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
if (isBlank(instruction)) {
return _resolveToFalse;
return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then(function (_) {
return _this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(_this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange));
Router.prototype._navigate = function (instruction, _skipLocationChange) {
var _this = this;
return this._settleInstruction(instruction)
.then(function (_) { return _this._canReuse(instruction); })
.then(function (_) { return _this._canActivate(instruction); })
.then(function (result) {
if (!result) {
return false;
return _this._canDeactivate(instruction)
.then(function (result) {
if (result) {
return _this.commit(instruction, _skipLocationChange)
.then(function (_) {
return true;
// TODO(btford): it'd be nice to remove this method as part of cleaning up the traversal logic
// Since refactoring `Router.generate` to return an instruction rather than a string, it's not
// guaranteed that the `componentType`s for the terminal async routes have been loaded by the time
// we begin navigation. The method below simply traverses instructions and resolves any components
// for which `componentType` is not present
Router.prototype._settleInstruction = function (instruction) {
var _this = this;
var unsettledInstructions = [];
if (isBlank(instruction.component.componentType)) {
unsettledInstructions.push(instruction.component.resolveComponentType().then(function (type) { _this.registry.configFromComponent(type); }));
if (isPresent(instruction.child)) {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(instruction.auxInstruction, function (instruction, _) {
return PromiseWrapper.all(unsettledInstructions);
Router.prototype._emitNavigationFinish = function (url) { ObservableWrapper.callNext(this._subject, url); };
Router.prototype._afterPromiseFinishNavigating = function (promise) {
var _this = this;
return PromiseWrapper.catchError(promise.then(function (_) { return _this._finishNavigating(); }), function (err) {
throw err;
* Recursively set reuse flags
Router.prototype._canReuse = function (instruction) {
var _this = this;
if (isBlank(this._outlet)) {
return _resolveToFalse;
return this._outlet.canReuse(instruction.component)
.then(function (result) {
instruction.component.reuse = result;
if (result && isPresent(_this._childRouter) && isPresent(instruction.child)) {
return _this._childRouter._canReuse(instruction.child);
Router.prototype._canActivate = function (nextInstruction) {
return canActivateOne(nextInstruction, this._currentInstruction);
Router.prototype._canDeactivate = function (instruction) {
var _this = this;
if (isBlank(this._outlet)) {
return _resolveToTrue;
var next;
var childInstruction = null;
var reuse = false;
var componentInstruction = null;
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
childInstruction = instruction.child;
componentInstruction = instruction.component;
reuse = instruction.component.reuse;
if (reuse) {
next = _resolveToTrue;
else {
next = this._outlet.canDeactivate(componentInstruction);
// TODO: aux route lifecycle hooks
return next.then(function (result) {
if (result == false) {
return false;
if (isPresent(_this._childRouter)) {
return _this._childRouter._canDeactivate(childInstruction);
return true;
* Updates this router and all descendant routers according to the given instruction
Router.prototype.commit = function (instruction, _skipLocationChange) {
var _this = this;
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
this._currentInstruction = instruction;
var next = _resolveToTrue;
if (isPresent(this._outlet)) {
var componentInstruction = instruction.component;
if (componentInstruction.reuse) {
next = this._outlet.reuse(componentInstruction);
else {
next =
this.deactivate(instruction).then(function (_) { return _this._outlet.activate(componentInstruction); });
if (isPresent(instruction.child)) {
next = next.then(function (_) {
if (isPresent(_this._childRouter)) {
return _this._childRouter.commit(instruction.child);
var promises = [];
MapWrapper.forEach(this._auxRouters, function (router, name) {
return next.then(function (_) { return PromiseWrapper.all(promises); });
Router.prototype._startNavigating = function () { this.navigating = true; };
Router.prototype._finishNavigating = function () { this.navigating = false; };
* Subscribe to URL updates from the router
Router.prototype.subscribe = function (onNext) {
return ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this._subject, onNext);
* Removes the contents of this router's outlet and all descendant outlets
Router.prototype.deactivate = function (instruction) {
var _this = this;
var childInstruction = null;
var componentInstruction = null;
if (isPresent(instruction)) {
childInstruction = instruction.child;
componentInstruction = instruction.component;
var next = _resolveToTrue;
if (isPresent(this._childRouter)) {
next = this._childRouter.deactivate(childInstruction);
if (isPresent(this._outlet)) {
next = next.then(function (_) { return _this._outlet.deactivate(componentInstruction); });
// TODO: handle aux routes
return next;
* Given a URL, returns an instruction representing the component graph
Router.prototype.recognize = function (url) {
return this.registry.recognize(url, this.hostComponent);
* Navigates to either the last URL successfully navigated to, or the last URL requested if the
* router has yet to successfully navigate.
Router.prototype.renavigate = function () {
if (isBlank(this.lastNavigationAttempt)) {
return this._currentNavigation;
return this.navigateByUrl(this.lastNavigationAttempt);
* Generate a URL from a component name and optional map of parameters. The URL is relative to the
* app's base href.
Router.prototype.generate = function (linkParams) {
var normalizedLinkParams = splitAndFlattenLinkParams(linkParams);
var first = ListWrapper.first(normalizedLinkParams);
var rest = ListWrapper.slice(normalizedLinkParams, 1);
var router = this;
// The first segment should be either '.' (generate from parent) or '' (generate from root).
// When we normalize above, we strip all the slashes, './' becomes '.' and '/' becomes ''.
if (first == '') {
while (isPresent(router.parent)) {
router = router.parent;
else if (first == '..') {
router = router.parent;
while (ListWrapper.first(rest) == '..') {
rest = ListWrapper.slice(rest, 1);
router = router.parent;
if (isBlank(router)) {
throw new BaseException("Link \"" + ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" has too many \"../\" segments.");
else if (first != '.') {
throw new BaseException("Link \"" + ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" must start with \"/\", \"./\", or \"../\"");
if (rest[rest.length - 1] == '') {
if (rest.length < 1) {
var msg = "Link \"" + ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" must include a route name.";
throw new BaseException(msg);
// TODO: structural cloning and whatnot
var url = [];
var parent = router.parent;
while (isPresent(parent)) {
parent = parent.parent;
var nextInstruction = this.registry.generate(rest, router.hostComponent);
while (url.length > 0) {
nextInstruction = url.pop().replaceChild(nextInstruction);
return nextInstruction;
return Router;
exports.Router = Router;
var RootRouter = (function (_super) {
__extends(RootRouter, _super);
function RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent) {
var _this = this;, registry, null, primaryComponent);
this._location = location;
this._location.subscribe(function (change) {
return _this.navigateByUrl(change['url'], isPresent(change['pop']));
RootRouter.prototype.commit = function (instruction, _skipLocationChange) {
var _this = this;
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
var emitUrl = instruction_1.stringifyInstruction(instruction);
if (emitUrl.length > 0) {
emitUrl = '/' + emitUrl;
var promise =, instruction);
if (!_skipLocationChange) {
promise = promise.then(function (_) { _this._location.go(emitUrl); });
return promise;
return RootRouter;
exports.RootRouter = RootRouter;
var ChildRouter = (function (_super) {
__extends(ChildRouter, _super);
function ChildRouter(parent, hostComponent) {, parent.registry, parent, hostComponent);
this.parent = parent;
ChildRouter.prototype.navigateByUrl = function (url, _skipLocationChange) {
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
// Delegate navigation to the root router
return this.parent.navigateByUrl(url, _skipLocationChange);
ChildRouter.prototype.navigateByInstruction = function (instruction, _skipLocationChange) {
if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; }
// Delegate navigation to the root router
return this.parent.navigateByInstruction(instruction, _skipLocationChange);
return ChildRouter;
* Given: ['/a/b', {c: 2}]
* Returns: ['', 'a', 'b', {c: 2}]
var SLASH = new RegExp('/');
function splitAndFlattenLinkParams(linkParams) {
return ListWrapper.reduce(linkParams, function (accumulation, item) {
if (isString(item)) {
return accumulation.concat(StringWrapper.split(item, SLASH));
return accumulation;
}, []);
function canActivateOne(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) {
var next = _resolveToTrue;
if (isPresent(nextInstruction.child)) {
next = canActivateOne(nextInstruction.child, isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.child : null);
return next.then(function (result) {
if (result == false) {
return false;
if (nextInstruction.component.reuse) {
return true;
var hook = route_lifecycle_reflector_1.getCanActivateHook(nextInstruction.component.componentType);
if (isPresent(hook)) {
return hook(nextInstruction.component, isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.component : null);
return true;
//TODO: this is a hack to replace the exiting implementation at run-time
exports.getCanActivateHook = function (directiveName) {
var factory = $$directiveIntrospector.getTypeByName(directiveName);
return factory && factory.$canActivate && function (next, prev) {
return $injector.invoke(factory.$canActivate, null, {
$nextInstruction: next,
$prevInstruction: prev
// This hack removes assertions about the type of the "component"
// property in a route config
exports.assertComponentExists = function () {};
angular.stringifyInstruction = exports.stringifyInstruction;
var RouteRegistry = exports.RouteRegistry;
var RootRouter = exports.RootRouter;
var registry = new RouteRegistry();
var location = new Location();
$$directiveIntrospector(function (name, factory) {
if (angular.isArray(factory.$routeConfig)) {
factory.$routeConfig.forEach(function (config) {
registry.config(name, config);
// Because Angular 1 has no notion of a root component, we use an object with unique identity
// to represent this.
var ROOT_COMPONENT_OBJECT = new Object();
var router = new RootRouter(registry, location, ROOT_COMPONENT_OBJECT);
$rootScope.$watch(function () { return $location.path(); }, function (path) {
if (router.lastNavigationAttempt !== path) {
router.subscribe(function () {
$rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess', {});
return router;
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