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golang testing bufio.Scanner and strconv.Atoi versus fmt.Scan
package main
// These benchmarks are used to compare how fast it is to read a set of space separated numbers from a string
// using different techniques.
// The primary motiviation for this came when writing some code for hackerrank and realizing that the parsing of numbers
// for large input sets was actually the bottleneck
// For stable results, it is recommended to increase the runtime allocated for benchmarking, such as
// go test -v -run none -bench . -benchtime 5s
// sample results on a 2011 iMac
// go test -v -run none -bench . -benchtime 5s
// BenchmarkScannerAtoi 30000000 261 ns/op
// BenchmarkFscan 5000000 1444 ns/op
import (
// numberList consists of a text list of random numbers and a total of the numbers
// this allows the scanning routines to validate they read all the numbers correctly
type numberList struct {
// text consists of space separated random ints of up to 31 bit
text string
// total of all the numbers in text field
total int64
var numbers = make(map[int]numberList)
var mu sync.Mutex
// genNumbers will return a numberList of suitable size (from cache if previously requested)
// to make sure the generated lists are of equal complexity for all tests
// and to avoid re-computing lists between benchmark functions
func genNumbers(n int) numberList {
defer mu.Unlock()
if val, exists := numbers[n]; exists {
return val
var buf bytes.Buffer
var total int64
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
tmp := int(rand.Int31())
total += int64(tmp)
buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(tmp) + " ")
tmp := int(rand.Int31())
total += int64(tmp)
nl := numberList{text: buf.String(), total: total}
numbers[n] = nl
return nl
// BenchmarkScannerAtoi will read a string of b.N numbers using a bufio.Scanner and strconv.Atoi
// we leave the NewScanner/Split overhead in place since this is not needed by Fscan
func BenchmarkScannerAtoi(b *testing.B) {
nl := genNumbers(b.N)
reader := strings.NewReader(nl.text)
s := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
var total int64
var val int
var err error
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if !s.Scan() {
b.Fatal("s.Scan returned false")
val, err = strconv.Atoi(s.Text())
if err != nil {
total += int64(val)
if total != {
b.Fatalf("total didn't match found=%d expected=%d\n", total,
// BenchmarkFscan will read a string of b.N numbers using fmt.Fscan
func BenchmarkFscan(b *testing.B) {
nl := genNumbers(b.N)
reader := strings.NewReader(nl.text)
var total int64
var val int
var err error
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err = fmt.Fscan(reader, &val)
if err != nil {
total += int64(val)
if total != {
b.Fatalf("total didn't match found=%d expected=%d\n", total,
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