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Last active December 14, 2020 19:16
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Powermail check if value is same in other fields, like for email double validation
namespace VENDOR\EXT\Domain\Powermail;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Model\Mail;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Validator\AbstractValidator;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Result;
class EmailValidator extends AbstractValidator
protected $configuration = [];
* @param Mail $mail
* @return bool
public function isValid($mail)
$result = new Result();
if ((int)$this->configuration['form'] === $mail->getForm()->getUid()) {
$answerValues = [];
$firstAnswerField = null;
$fields = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->configuration['emailFields'], true);
foreach ($mail->getAnswers() as $answer) {
if ($firstAnswerField === null) {
$firstAnswerField = $answer->getField();
if (in_array($answer->getField()->getMarker(), $fields, true)) {
$answerValues[] = $answer->getValue();
if (count($answerValues) > 1) {
$isSame = true;
foreach ($answerValues as $value) {
if ($value !== $answerValues[0]) {
$isSame = false;
if (!$isSame) {
$this->setErrorAndMessage($firstAnswerField, 'Email-Adresse ist nicht ident');
return $this->isValidState();
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
validators {
1 {
# Classname that should be called with method *Validator()
class = VENDOR\EXT\Domain\Powermail\EmailValidator
# optional: Add configuration for your PHP
config {
emailFields = e_mail,email2
form = 1
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