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Last active November 15, 2017 16:14
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flat assembler Windows (PE) CLI HelloWorld
format pe CONSOLE 4.0
entry start
include ''
stdin = -10
stdout = -11
stderr = -12
section '.data' data readable writeable
message db 'Hello, World!',10
stdinHandle dd ?
stdoutHandle dd ?
section '.code' code readable executable
invoke GetStdHandle,stdin
mov [stdinHandle],eax
invoke GetStdHandle, stdout
mov [stdoutHandle],eax
; Probably the same as `_setmode(_fileno(handle) _o_binary);` in C.
invoke SetConsoleMode,stdinHandle,0
invoke SetConsoleMode,stdoutHandle,0
invoke WriteConsoleA,[stdoutHandle],message,14,NULL,NULL
invoke ExitProcess,0
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'
import kernel32,\
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