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Created June 16, 2014 17:07
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data Bt a = Et | Ct a (Bt a) (Bt a)
instance Show a => Show (Bt a) where
show t = showTree 3 1 t
showTree :: (Show a) => Int -> Int -> Bt a -> String
showTree dx dy Et = ""
showTree dx dy (Ct root Et Et) = show root
showTree dx dy (Ct root left right) = centerRoot ++ "\n" ++ emptyLines dy ++ unlines subtreeLines
rootStr = show root
rootLen = length rootStr
dist = max rootLen dx
leftTreeLines = lines $ showTree dx dy left
rightTreeLines = lines $ showTree dx dy right
leftW = maxLineWidth leftTreeLines
rightW = maxLineWidth rightTreeLines
totalW = leftW + dist + rightW
centerRoot = whitespace distL ++ rootStr ++ whitespace distR
distL = (totalW - rootLen) `div` 2
distR = totalW - distL - rootLen
subtreeLines = zipWithPad (whitespace (leftW + dist)) "" (++) (map (++ whitespace dist) leftTreeLines) rightTreeLines
emptyLines :: Int -> String
emptyLines dy = replicate dy '\n'
maxLineWidth :: [String] -> Int
maxLineWidth = foldr max 0 . map length
whitespace :: Int -> String
whitespace dx = replicate dx ' '
zipWithPad :: a -> b -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithPad _ _ _ [] [] = []
zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f [] (b:bs) = f pad1 b : zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f [] bs
zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f (a:as) [] = f a pad2 : zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f as []
zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b : zipWithPad pad1 pad2 f as bs
main = do
putStrLn $ showTree 3 1 $ Ct 0 (
Ct 111 (Ct 3 Et Et) (Ct 33 Et Et)
) (
Ct 2 (Ct 4 Et Et) (Ct 5 (Ct 6 Et Et) (Ct 7 Et Et))
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 5 2 $ Ct 0 (
Ct 111 (Ct 3 Et Et) (Ct 33 Et Et)
) (
Ct 2 (Ct 4 Et Et) (Ct 5 (Ct 6 Et Et) (Ct 7 Et Et))
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 10 3 $ Ct 0 (
Ct 111 (Ct 3 Et Et) (Ct 33 Et Et)
) (
Ct 2 (Ct 4 Et Et) (Ct 5 (Ct 6 Et Et) (Ct 7 Et Et))
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 3 1 $ Ct 1 Et (Ct 3 Et Et)
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 3 1 $ Ct 0 (
Ct 1 (Ct 3 Et Et) (Ct 4 Et Et)
) (
Ct 2 (Ct 5 Et Et) (Ct 6 Et Et)
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 3 1 $ Ct 2 (Ct 4 Et Et) (Ct 5 (Ct 6 Et Et) Et)
putStrLn "------------------------------"
putStrLn $ showTree 3 1 $ Ct 1 (Ct 3 Et Et) (Ct 4 Et Et)
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