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Last active August 1, 2021 06:31
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  • Save geospiza-fortis/3122d62852c2023f79a79bdd74cd1561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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from constraint import Problem, MinSumConstraint
from functools import partial
from random import randint
from math import ceil
def solve_naive(lower, upper, hp):
avg = (upper + lower) / 2
return hp / avg
def _valid_min_hits(hp, *hits):
"""Each variable represents a hit on a monster, which can be within a range.
We assert that the value is valid if we cannot drop one of the values and
still maintain our original constraint."""
acc = 0
for i, hit in enumerate(hits):
acc += hit
if acc >= hp and i < len(hits) - 1:
# the monster would have already been dead by this point
return False
return True
# return the number of solutions that are possible
def _solve_exact_k(lower, upper, hp, k):
problem = Problem()
vars = [f"hit_{i}" for i in range(k)]
for var in vars:
problem.addVariable(var, list(range(lower, upper + 1)))
problem.addConstraint(partial(_valid_min_hits, hp), vars)
return problem.getSolutions()
def get_num_solutions(att_lower, att_upper, hp, bound_lower, bound_upper):
# solution at index 0 is always 0
res = [0] * bound_lower
for i in range(bound_lower, bound_upper + 1):
res_k = _solve_exact_k(att_lower, att_upper, hp, i)
return res
def solve_exact(lower, upper, hp):
min_hits = ceil(hp / upper)
max_hits = ceil(hp / lower)
# be aware, this will be very slow if the minimum number of hits to kill is large...
problem = Problem()
s = get_num_solutions(lower, upper, hp, min_hits, max_hits)
# inclusive range
r = upper - lower + 1
# possible ways is based on the size of the range...
return sum([i * s_i / (r ** i) for i, s_i in enumerate(s)])
def solve_approx(lower, upper, hp, samples=1000):
min_hits = ceil(hp / upper)
max_hits = ceil(hp / lower)
# this may be slow if range of hits is wide
weights = [0] * min_hits
for k in range(min_hits, max_hits + 1):
valid = 0
for _ in range(samples):
# sample uniformly from the range
hits = [randint(lower, upper) for _ in range(k)]
# check if this is valid
valid += 1 if sum(hits) >= hp and _valid_min_hits(hp, *hits) else 0
weights += [valid / samples]
return sum([i * w_i for i, w_i in enumerate(weights)]) / sum(weights)
def debug_exact(*args):
print("exact", *args, "=>", solve_naive(*args), solve_exact(*args))
def debug_approx(*args):
print("approx", *args, "=>", solve_naive(*args), solve_approx(*args))
debug_exact(40, 60, 150)
debug_approx(40, 60, 150)
debug_exact(40, 80, 150)
debug_approx(40, 80, 150)
# debug_exact(40, 120, 150)
debug_approx(1500, 3000, 15000)
debug_approx(1500, 5000, 15000)
debug_approx(1500, 8000, 15000)
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geospiza-fortis commented Mar 11, 2021

[0, 0, 0, 4796, 93765]
exact 40 60 150 => 3.0 3.48212935968038
[0, 0, 0, 0.517, 0.476]
approx 40 60 150 => 3.0 3.479355488418933
[0, 0, 66, 61255, 203360]
exact 40 80 150 => 2.5 3.03270411050333
[0, 0, 0.048, 0.889, 0.078]
approx 40 80 150 => 2.5 3.0295566502463047
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.094, 0.671, 0.248, 0.008, 0.0]
approx 1500 3000 15000 => 6.666666666666667 7.166503428011754
[0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.176, 0.533, 0.284, 0.039, 0.003, 0.0, 0.0]
approx 1500 5000 15000 => 4.615384615384615 5.188405797101449
[0, 0, 0.015, 0.404, 0.41, 0.124, 0.019, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
approx 1500 8000 15000 => 3.1578947368421053 3.7201646090534983

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