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Last active January 28, 2021 17:16
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ggplot2 functionality for mapping to hexagon size and colour aesthetics
#' by Robin Edwards, 2013 (, @geotheory)
#' This has been adapted from the ggplot bin_hex.R script that underpins geom_hex, etc
#' (see
#' These functions implement aesthetic mapping to hexagon size (area), in addition to the existing
#' colour-mapping functionality. The key change is the addition of a new fourth variable (var4)
#' to hex_bin(), which complements the inbuilt hexagon binning functionality. The ''
#' argument enables the default mappings of binned data to colour and var4 to size to be interchanged.
#' The hmin/hmax arguments [0,1] set area mapping constraints (hmax can exceed 1).
#' xlim/xlat enable hexagon tesselation to be constrained independently of data range.
#' There may be some bugs in the implementation. A legend for hexagon size has not been implemented.
#' Bin data into hexagons (2d).
#' @param x a numeric vector of x positions
#' @param y a numeric vector of y positions
#' @param weight \code{NULL} or a numeric vector providing weights for each
#' observation
#' @param height height of each hexagon, if \code{NULL} computed from ybins
#' @param width width of each hexagon, if \code{NULL} computed from ybins
#' @param xbins number of horizontal bins, if \code{width} unspecified
#' @param ybins number of vertical bins, if \code{height} unspecified
#' @param na.rm If \code{TRUE} missing values will be silently removed,
#' otherwise they will be removed with a warning.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{hex_pos}} for algorithm that finds hexagon center
#' closest to each point and \code{\link{hex_coord}} that generates
#' coordinates of each hexagon.
#' @return A data frame with columns \code{x}, \code{y} and \code{freq},
#' and attributes \code{width} and \code{height}.
#' @S3method plot bin_hex
#' @examples
#' plot(hex_bin(runif(1e4), runif(1e4)))
#' plot(hex_bin(rnorm(1e4), rnorm(1e4)))
#' data(baseball, package = "plyr")
#' bin <- hex_bin(baseball$g, baseball$ab)
hex_bin <- function(x, y, weight = NULL, var4 = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,
xbins = 20, ybins = 20, = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,
hmin = 0, hmax = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) {
if(hmax > 1) warning("hmax > 1 is likely to result in some hexagon overplotting")
cleaned <- clean_xy(x, y, weight, var4, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(cleaned$x)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(cleaned$y)
if (is.null(width)) width <- diff(xlim) / xbins
if (is.null(height)) height <- diff(ylim) / ybins
height <- height * sqrt(3)
pos <- hex_pos(cleaned$x, cleaned$y, width, height)
cleaned$x <- pos[,1]; cleaned$y <- pos[,2]
# bin values by hexagon
binned <- count(cleaned, c("x", "y"), "weight")
var4_sum <- aggregate(cleaned$var4, by=list(cleaned$x, cleaned$y), FUN=mean)
names(var4_sum) = c('x','y','var4')
# cols must match order of binned
binned$var4 <- var4_sum$var4[match(paste(binned$x, binned$y), paste(var4_sum$x, var4_sum$y))]
# swap size/frequency variables to map respectively to colour/size
names(binned) <- c('x','y','col','size')
if( binned <- transform(binned, size=col, col=size)
# 'freq' field now definitely maps to hex area
if(!is.null(var4) & min(binned$size)<0) warning("size vector cannot include negative values")
# scale size variable and min-max parameters from hexagon area to side
binned$size = hex_side(binned$size)
hmax_a = hex_side(hmax)/hex_side(1)
hmin_a = hex_side(hmin)/hex_side(1)
hrange = hmax_a - hmin_a
# normalise and rescale to custom min-max parameters
binned$size <- binned$size * hrange / max(binned$size) + hmin_a
width = width,
height = height,
class = c("bin_hex", "data.frame")
clean_xy <- function(x, y, weight=NULL, var4=NULL, na.rm=TRUE, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL) {
# If !na.rm, remove missing values with a warning.
# Otherwise just remove them
missing <- !is.finite(x) | !is.finite(y)
nmissing <- sum(missing)
if (na.rm && nmissing > 0) {
warning("Removing ", nmissing, " missing values")
# Check weights, and throw out missing values and zero-weight observations
if (is.null(weight)) {
weight <-, length(x))
} else {
weight[] <- 0
# Check sizes, and throw out missing values and zero-weight observations
if (is.null(var4)) {
var4 <-, length(x))
} else {
var4[] <- 0
ok <- !missing & weight > 0 & var4 > 0
if (all(ok)) { data.frame(x = x, y = y, weight = weight, var4 = var4)
} else {
x <- x[ok]
y <- y[ok]
var4 <- var4[ok]
weight <- weight[ok]
out <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, weight = weight, var4 = var4)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(out$x); if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(out$y)
out[out$x >= min(xlim) & out$x <= max(xlim) & out$y >= min(ylim) & out$y <= max(ylim),]
plot.bin_hex <- function(x, ...) {
if (!require("scales")) {
message("Scales package required for plotting 2d densities")
if(all(x$col == x$col[1])) { # no variation in colour variable
col <- rep("black", nrow(x))
} else col <- cscale(x$col, seq_gradient_pal(low = "grey70", high = "red"))
hexes <- hex_coord(x=x$x, y=x$y, width=attr(x, "width"), height=attr(x, "height"),
size=x$size, ...)
plot(hexes[,1], hexes[,2], type = "n", ...)
polygon(hexes, col = col, border = NA)
# Binning algorithms are available for various lattices in dimensions 2-8
# (Conway and Sloane 1982). The following subroutine is a fast FORTRAN
# implementation of hexagonal binning. The key observation is that hexagon
# centers fall on two staggered lattices whose cells are rectangles. Presuming
# the long side of the rectangle is in the y direction, dividing the y
# coordinates by square root (3) [SQRT(3)] makes the cells square. Thus the
# algorithm uses two lattices with square cells. The first lattice has points
# at the integers with [0, 0] as the lower left value. The second lattice is
# shifted so that the lower left value is at [.5 , .5]. The x and y vectors
# are scaled into [0, SIZE] and [0, SIZE / SQRT(3)], respectively. SIZE
# determines the portions of the lattices that are used. For each data point,
# binning consists of finding one candidate lattice point from each lattice
# and then selecting the nearest of the two candidates.
#' Find centre of closest hexagon.
#' @param x numeric x position
#' @param y numeric y position
#' @param width of hexagon
#' @param height of hexagon
#' @return matrix giving position of closest hexagon center
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(1e4)
#' y <- runif(1e4)
#' res <- hex_pos(x, y, 0.5, 0.5)
#' plot(x, y, type = "n")
#' segments(x, y, res[, 1], res[, 2], col = "grey80")
#' points(unique(res), pch = 20, cex = 2)
hex_pos <- function(x, y, width, height) {
height <- height / sqrt(3)
minx <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
miny <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE)
# Scale to [0, nrows/ncols]
sx <- (x - minx) / width
sy <- (y - miny) / height
# Find closest center: [0, 0] or [0.5, 0.5]?
fx <- round(sx)
fy <- round(sy)
dist_0 <- 3 * (sx - fx)^2 + (sy - fy)^2
dist_1 <- 3 * (sx - fx + 0.5)^2 + (sy - fy + 0.5)^2
dist_2 <- 3 * (sx - fx + 0.5)^2 + (sy - fy - 0.5)^2
dist_3 <- 3 * (sx - fx - 0.5)^2 + (sy - fy + 0.5)^2
dist_4 <- 3 * (sx - fx - 0.5)^2 + (sy - fy - 0.5)^2
dist_smallest <- pmin(dist_0, dist_1, dist_2, dist_3, dist_4)
x_offset <- rep(0, length(x))
x_offset[dist_smallest == dist_1] <- +0.5
x_offset[dist_smallest == dist_2] <- +0.5
x_offset[dist_smallest == dist_3] <- -0.5
x_offset[dist_smallest == dist_4] <- -0.5
y_offset <- rep(0, length(y))
y_offset[dist_smallest == dist_1] <- +0.5
y_offset[dist_smallest == dist_2] <- -0.5
y_offset[dist_smallest == dist_3] <- +0.5
y_offset[dist_smallest == dist_4] <- -0.5
# Transform back to original coordinates
cbind(x = (fx - x_offset) * width + minx, y = (fy - y_offset) * height + miny)
#' Generate hexagon coordinates.
#' Long axis is horizontal. Edges clock-wise from far-left, separated by
#' row of missing values.
#' @param x horizontal position of center
#' @param y vertical position of center
#' @param width hex width
#' @param height hex height
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A two column matrix with 7 times as many rows as input.
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(1000)
#' y <- runif(1000)
#' res <- unique(hex_pos(x, y, 0.5, 0.5))
#' hexes <- hex_coord(res[, 1], res[, 2], 0.6, 0.5)
#' hexes <- hex_coord(res[, 1], res[, 2], rnorm(1000,.5,.3), rnorm(1000,.5,.3))
#' plot(hexes, type = "n")
#' polygon(hexes)
#' points(res)
hex_coord <- function(x, y, width, height, size = 1) {
dx <- size * width / 6
dy <- size * height / 2 / sqrt(3)
hex_x <- rbind(x - 2 * dx, x - dx, x + dx, x + 2 * dx, x + dx, x - dx, NA)
hex_y <- rbind(y, y + dy, y + dy, y, y - dy, y - dy, NA)
cbind(as.vector(hex_x), as.vector(hex_y))
hex_coord_df <- function(x, y, width, height, size = 1) {
# like hex_coord but returns a dataframe of vertices grouped by an id variable
dx <- size * width / 6
dy <- size * height / 2 / sqrt(3)
hex_x <- rbind(x - 2 * dx, x - dx, x + dx, x + 2 * dx, x + dx, x - dx)
hex_y <- rbind(y, y + dy, y + dy, y, y - dy, y - dy)
id <- rep(1:length(x), each=6)
data.frame(cbind(x=as.vector(hex_x), y=as.vector(hex_y), id))
## Functions for calculating hexagon geometries
# hexagon side from area
hex_side = function(area) sqrt(2 * area / (sqrt(3)*3))
# hexagon area from side (not used)
hex_area = function(side) side^2 * sqrt(3) * 3/2
# quick function for gg-plotting with 1 line (limited functionality)
qplothex = function(x, y, var4 = NULL, = FALSE, ...){
bin = hex_bin(x=x, y=y, var4=var4,, ...)
hexes = hex_coord_df(x=bin$x, y=bin$y, width=attr(bin, "width"), height=attr(bin, "height"), size=bin$size)
hexes$col = rep(bin$col, each=6)
ggplot(hexes, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_polygon(aes(fill=col, group=id))
# normal distributions example
df = data.frame(x=c(rnorm(6000,0,2), rnorm(3000,3,1)), y=c(rnorm(6000,0,2), rnorm(3000,3,1)))
df$sizex = df$x - min(df$x); df$sizey = df$y - min(df$y)
ggplot(df, aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_hex() # existing ggplot function
# plotting with plot.bin_hex(), with bin counts mapping to colour (geom_hex equivalent)
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y))
# bin counts map to area
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y,
# using a 4th variable (var4) to map to area
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizey))
# 4th variable mapped to colour and frequency to area
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizey,
# using 'weight' argument to map uniformly distributed raster-type data
plot(hex_bin(rep(1:100,100), rep(1:100,each=100)))
plot(hex_bin(rep(1:100,100), rep(1:100,each=100), weight=rep(1:100,100)))
plot(hex_bin(rep(1:100,100), rep(1:100,each=100), weight=rep(1:100,100), var4=rep(1:100,each=100)))
# setting minimum and maximum area parameters
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y,, hmin=.2))
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y,, hmax=2))
# mapping frequency to colour / 4th variable to size
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizex,
bin = hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizex,
hexes = hex_coord_df(x=bin$x, y=bin$y, width=attr(bin,"width"), height=attr(bin,"height"), size=bin$size)
hexes$col = rep(bin$col, each=6)
ggplot(hexes, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_polygon(aes(fill=col, group=id))
# mapping frequency to size / 4th variable to colour
plot(hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizex,
bin = hex_bin(df$x, df$y, var4=df$sizex,
hexes = hex_coord_df(x=bin$x, y=bin$y, width=attr(bin,"width"), height=attr(bin,"height"), size=bin$size)
hexes$rightness = rep(bin$col, each=6)
ggplot(hexes, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_polygon(aes(fill=rightness, group=id))
# Economics dataset example
ggplot(economics, aes(x=uempmed, y=unemploy, col=pop)) + geom_point()
plot(hex_bin(x=economics$uempmed, y=economics$unemploy, var4=economics$pop))
plot(hex_bin(x=economics$uempmed, y=economics$unemploy, var4=economics$pop,
bin = hex_bin(economics$uempmed, economics$unemploy, var4=economics$pop,
hexes = hex_coord_df(x=bin$x, y=bin$y, width=attr(bin, "width"), height=attr(bin, "height"), size=bin$size)
hexes$population = rep(bin$col, each=6)
names(hexes)[1:2] = c('uempmed','unemploy')
ggplot(hexes, aes(x=uempmed, y=unemploy)) + geom_polygon(aes(fill=population, group=id))
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