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Created September 24, 2022 14:13
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Quick test wrapping a js function that can have undefined args
when not defined(js):
{.error: "only works with the js backend".}
proc undefined*(T: typedesc): T =
asm "`result` = undefined;"
# defines a javascript function that could exist in a js lib
asm """
function canTakeUndefineds (a, b, c) {
const result = ``received a: ${a}, b: ${b}, c: ${c}``
return result
proc canTakeUndefineds(a: int, b=undefined(cstring), c=undefined(int)): cstring {.importc.}
assert canTakeUndefineds(3) == "received a: 3, b: undefined, c: undefined"
assert canTakeUndefineds(3, "hello world") == "received a: 3, b: hello world, c: undefined"
assert canTakeUndefineds(3, c=45) == "received a: 3, b: undefined, c: 45"
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