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Created May 23, 2017 22:17
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declare module 'react-table' {
import * as React from "react";
interface SortMethod {
id: string;
desc: boolean
export type ColumnAccessor<T> = (o: T) => any
export type CellRenderer<T> = (row: Row<T>) => React.ReactElement<any>
export interface Row<T> {
index: number
value: any
original: T
column: Column<T>
export interface Column<T> {
width?: number
Header?: string
Cell?: CellRenderer<T>
id?: string
minWidth?: number,
className?: string
accessor?: ColumnAccessor<T> | keyof T
sortMethod?: (a: any, b: any) => number
interface TableProps {
defaultSorted?: SortMethod[]
className?: string
data: any
columns: Column[]
defaultPageSize?: number
showPagination?: boolean
class ReactTable extends React.Component<TableProps, any> {
export default ReactTable;
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