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Created November 10, 2017 07:01
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stun: yet another ssh tunneling tool
# stun: ssh tunneling wrapper for convenient static port forwarding
# Author: Gerald Lai
# License: 0BSD
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(posix_default no_ignore_case pass_through bundling));
sub help {
print STDERR <<"EOT";
Usage: stun
[ --alias REMOTEHOSTNAME1[:HOSTIP1] ... ]
[ [user@]proxyhost ]
[ ssh options ... ]
Tunnels HOSTPORTs to REMOTEs via proxyhost using ssh static port forwarding.
Optionally, REMOTEHOSTNAME aliases may be defined for temporary entries in /etc/hosts.
This is useful to simulate VPN-like access for specific remote hosts.
HOSTIPs default to "" (specify "" for auto-detected IP address).
All other command options are passed to 'ssh' command as-is.
# Allow seamless access on localhost
stun -u https:12345 --alias myuser\
exit 255;
sub portmap {
my %port = (
ftp => 21,
ssh => 22,
telnet => 23,
http => 80,
sftp => 115,
https => 443,
local $_ = shift;
s{:([^:]+)}{ ":" . ($port{$1} || $1) }e;
return $_;
my $auto_ip;
sub auto_ip {
# stolen from Net::Address::IP::Local::connected_to()
# side-effect of making socket connection provides our IP address
return $auto_ip ||= IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "udp",
PeerAddr => "", #
PeerPort => 53, # DNS
my %OPT = (
usher => [ ],
alias => [ ],
GetOptions( \%OPT,
"help|h|?" => \&help,
my $ssh = "/usr/bin/ssh";
my $hosts_file = "/etc/hosts";
my @ushers = map {
my @parts = split /:/, $_;
my ($src, $tgt);
if (@parts == 1) {
$src = $tgt = $_;
} elsif (@parts == 2) {
$src = $parts[0];
$tgt = $parts[1];
} else {
if ($parts[0] =~ /\./) {
$src = join(":" => @parts[0, 1]);
$tgt = join(":" => @parts[2 .. $#parts]);
} else {
$src = $parts[0];
$tgt = join(":" => @parts[1 .. $#parts]);
$src = "$src" if $src !~ /[:.]/;
$tgt = "$tgt" if $tgt !~ /[:.]/;
( "-L", portmap($src) . ":" . portmap($tgt) );
} @{ $OPT{usher} };
my %hosts_alias;
my @aliases = map {
my ($alias, $to) = split /:/, $_;
$to = "" if !defined($to) || $to eq "localhost";
$to = auto_ip() if $to eq "";
my $ip_struct = (gethostbyname $to)[4];
if ($ip_struct) {
$to = inet_ntoa($ip_struct);
push @{ $hosts_alias{$to} }, $alias;
join(":" => $alias, $to);
} else {
print STDERR "Error: Invalid alias HOSTIP :$to\n";
} @{ $OPT{alias} };
help() if !@ushers && !@aliases && !@ARGV;
my $only_aliases = (@aliases && !@ushers && !@ARGV);
if ($ENV{STUN_PROXY} && !@ARGV) {
unshift @ARGV, $ENV{STUN_PROXY};
my $alias_entry;
sub clean_hosts {
my $contents = do {
open(my $HOSTS, "<", $hosts_file) or die <<"EOT";
Error: Cannot read from $hosts_file.
local $/;
$contents =~ s{\Q$alias_entry}{};
open(my $HOSTS, ">", $hosts_file) or die <<"EOT";
Error: Cannot erase alias entry from $hosts_file.
Please run as a user with sufficient write privilege.
print $HOSTS $contents;
close $HOSTS;
sub write_hosts {
open(my $HOSTS, ">>", $hosts_file) or die <<"EOT";
Error: Cannot write alias entry into $hosts_file.
Please run as a user with sufficient write privilege.
if (print $HOSTS $alias_entry) {
close $HOSTS;
local $@;
eval q{ END { clean_hosts() } };
if (@aliases) {
my $date = strftime "%FT%T%z", localtime;
my $entry = join("\n" =>
map "$_\t@{ $hosts_alias{$_} }",
sort keys %hosts_alias
$alias_entry = "\n" . <<"EOT" . "\n";
# auto-generated entry by stun (PID: $$) on $date
if (@aliases) {
printf STDERR "# Host aliases: [ %s ]\n", join(", " => @aliases);
if ($only_aliases) {
print STDERR "# ( Hit Ctrl-C to stop ) ...\n";
system($^X, qw(-e sleep));
exit 0;
} else {
my @ssh_cmd = ($ssh, @ARGV, @ushers, "-N");
print STDERR "# Tunneling: @ssh_cmd\n";
exit system(@ssh_cmd) >> 8;
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