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Last active September 15, 2015 09:46
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MFlow code example
data AppFlow
= Navigate SiteSection
| Shop ShopAction
| Admin AdminAction
| Authenticate String
data AdminAction
= CreateCategory ProductCategory
| AdminAction {- other actions, not implemented yet -} deriving (Show)
contentsOf :: SiteSection -> W AppFlow
contentsOf s =
htmlContents s ++>
case s of
Management -> Admin <$> adminControls -- append admin forms after page header (currently only one form)
_ -> noWidget
adminControls =
{- Having troubles to get rid of `do`s, could be used applicative operator I suppose -}
do r <- wform $
do pc <- ProductCategory <$> getString Nothing `hint` "название"
<*> getString Nothing `hint` "описание"
return pc
return (CreateCategory r)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All hiding (Tag, User, contents, div, id,
import qualified MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All as H
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
data AppFlow
= Navigate SiteSection
| Shop ShopAction
| Admin AdminAction
| Authenticate String
deriving (Show)
data SiteSection
= Home
| Products
| About
| Contacts
| Cart
| User
| Management
deriving (Show)
data ShopAction = ShopAction deriving (Show)
data AdminAction
= CreateCategory ProductCategory
| AdminAction deriving (Show)
data ProductCategory = ProductCategory
{ productCategoryName :: String
, productCategoryDesc :: String }
deriving (Show, Read)
data Product = Product
{ productCategory :: ProductCategory
, productTags :: [Tag]
, productName :: ProductName
, productDesc :: Description
, productPrice :: Price
, productStock :: Stock }
deriving (Show, Read)
type Tag = String
type ProductName = String
type Description = String
type Price = Double
type Stock = Int
main :: IO ()
main = runNavigation "store" . step $ storeWebApp
storeWebApp :: FlowM Html IO ()
storeWebApp =
do setTimeouts 120 (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)
-- останавливает процесс после двух минут простоя (120 секунд)
-- очищает данные сессии пользователя (корзину и прочее) через месяц
setFilesPath $
<> "Haskell/sites/mflow-fixture-store/src/Static/"
requires [CSSFile "style.css"]
userRegister "admin" "admin"
r <- layout . contentsOf $ Home
case r of
Navigate c -> layout . contentsOf $ c
--_ -> defPage
return ()
-- user <- getCurrentUser
-- when (user == "") adminSection
contentsOf :: SiteSection -> W AppFlow
contentsOf s =
htmlContents s ++>
case s of
Management -> Admin <$> adminControls
_ -> noWidget
htmlContents :: SiteSection -> Html
htmlContents Home = h1 "Главная"
htmlContents Products = h1 "Продукция"
htmlContents About = h1 "О компании"
htmlContents Contacts = h1 "Контакты"
htmlContents User = h1 "Мой профиль"
htmlContents Management = h1 "Управление"
adminControls =
do r <- wform $
do pc <- ProductCategory <$> getString Nothing `hint` "название"
<*> getString Nothing `hint` "описание"
return pc
return (CreateCategory r)
commonMenu :: W SiteSection
commonMenu = absLink Home "Главная"
<|> absLink Products "Продукция"
<|> absLink About "О компании"
<|> absLink Contacts "Контакты"
<|> absLink User "Мой профиль"
adminMenu :: W SiteSection
adminMenu = absLink Management "Управление"
authenticateWidget :: W AppFlow
authenticateWidget = wform $
do uname <- getCurrentUser
if uname /= anonymous
then pass uname
else loginForm
`wcallback` userForm `wcallback` userAction
where pass = ((private >> noCache >> noStore) >>) . return
userAction (Authenticate _) = invokeLogout
userAction n@(Navigate _) = return n
loginForm :: W String
loginForm =
do (nm, pwd) <- (,) <$> getString Nothing `hint` "логин"
<*> getPassword `hint` "пароль"
<** submitButton "Войти"
mr <- userValidate (nm, pwd)
case mr of
Nothing -> invokeLogin nm
Just msg -> notValid msg
userForm :: String -> W AppFlow
userForm n =
b << n ++> links
where links = Navigate <$> (adminLink n) <|> Authenticate <$> logoutLink
adminLink "admin" = absLink Management "Управление" <++ br
adminLink _ = noWidget
logoutLink = pageFlow "log out" $ submitButton "Выход"
invokeLogin :: String -> W String
invokeLogin n = do login n
return n
invokeLogout :: W AppFlow
invokeLogout = do logout
type F a = FlowM Html IO a
type W a = View Html IO a
-- layout :: View Html IO a -> W AppFlow
layout contents = do
r <- page $
<|> leftAside
<|> mainBlock contents
<|> rightAside
<|> layoutFooter
case r of
Navigate c -> presentContents c
presentContents c = layout (htmlContents c ++> noWidget)
topMenu :: W AppFlow
topMenu = nav' (Navigate <$> commonMenu)
where nav' x = (H.nav <<< x) `tagClass` "Top-Nav"
leftAside = p "LEFT" ++> noWidget
rightAside = authenticateWidget <++ rightAsideContent
mainBlock = id
rightAsideContent = p "RIGHT"
layoutFooter = p "FOOTER" ++> noWidget
tagClass :: W a -> String -> W a
tagClass v c = v <! [("class", c)]
hint v h = v <! [("placeholder", h)]
setOuterWrapper :: F ()
setOuterWrapper = setHeader $
docTypeHtml . (html ! lang "ru") . body
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