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Created December 23, 2014 15:44
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acquisition & material management_va
adjudicatory boards (arb, brb, ecab)_u.s. dol
administration on aging_hhs
agency overall_hud
assistant general counsel for administration_doc
authority member, administrative law judges & solicitor_flra
board of veterans' appeals_va
bureau of ocean energy management, regulation and enforcement_doi
bureau of public debt_treasury
carlsbad field office_doe
consumer protection financial board_treasury
defense information service agency_dod
defense technology and research agency_dod
employment standards administration_u.s. dol
executive secretariat_u.s. dol
federal financial institutions council_ffiec
federal housing finance agency - office of the inspector general_fhfa
federal housing finance agency foia_fhfa
federal housing finance board_fhfb
federal student aid_ed
fhfa headquarters_fhfa
field office_hud
financial management service_treasury
foia office_ex-im bank
foia policy, office of executive secretariat and regulatory affairs_doi
foia/privacy act appeals office_doi
foia/privacy act office_pc
head quarters_ntsb
head quarters_sec
headquarters_ex-im bank
institute of education sciences - national assessment governing board_ed
institute of education scinces_ed
joint personnel recovery agency_dod
law department appeals only_usps
management directorate_dhs
minerals management service_doi
multiple offices assigned_ed
nasa headquarters_nasa
national cemetery administration_va
national drug intelligence center_doj
national nuclear security administration_doe
naval reactors laboratory field office_doe
nsf foundation_nsf
ocr district of columbia_ed
ocr region i - boston_ed
ocr region ii - new york_ed
ocr region iii - philadelphia_ed
ocr region iv - atlanta_ed
ocr region ix - san francisco_ed
ocr region v - chicago_ed
ocr region vi - dallas_ed
ocr region vii- kansas city_ed
ocr region viii - denver_ed
ocr region x - seattle_ed
ocr region xii - cleveland_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - atlanta_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - boston_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - chicago_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - cleveland_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - dallas_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - denver_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - district of columbia_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - kansas city_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - new york_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - philadelphia_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - san francisco_ed
ocr regional enforcement office - seattle_ed
office for civil rights (headquarters)_ed
office of administration_va
office of assistant secretary for health_hhs
office of communications and outreach_ed
office of congressional & legislative affairs_va
office of congressional and intergovernmental affairs_u.s. dol
office of construction & facilities management_va
office of disability employment policy_u.s. dol
office of dispute resolution_doj
office of diversity management & equal employment opportunity_va
office of elementary and secondary education_ed
office of english language acquisition_ed
office of federal housing enterprise oversight_ofheo
office of general counsel (international law division): (appeals and litigation only)_nasa
office of general counsel_cncs
office of general counsel_nsf
office of information & technology_va
office of innovation and improvement_ed
office of inspector general appeals only_usps
office of inspector general_ed
office of inspector general_hud
office of inspector general_lsc
office of inspector general_nsf
office of intergovermental and public liaison_doj
office of legal affairs_lsc
office of legal counsel/headquarters_eeoc
office of legal counsel_ondcp
office of legislation and congressional affairs_ed
office of management - regulatory information management services_ed
office of management and administrative programs_u.s. dol
office of management_ed
office of management_va
office of planning, evaluation, and policy development_ed
office of policy_dhs
office of postsecondary education_ed
office of public affairs_u.s. dol
office of public health and science_hhs
office of safe and drug-free schools_ed
office of small & disadvantaged business utilization_va
office of small business programs_u.s. dol
office of the assistant secretary for policy_u.s. dol
office of the chief financial officer - contracts & acquisitions mgmt_ed
office of the chief financial officer - financial systems services_ed
office of the chief financial officer_ed
office of the chief financial officer_u.s. dol
office of the chief information officer_doi
office of the chief information officer_ed
office of the clerk of the board_mspb
office of the deputy assistant secretary for intergovernmental affairs_va
office of the deputy secretary_ed
office of the federal detention trustee_doj
office of the general counsel_dhs
office of the general counsel_dnfsb
office of the general counsel_ed
office of the general manager_dnfsb
office of the inspector general_hud
office of the inspector general_usda
office of the secretary/office of the chief information officer/departmental management_usda
office of the secretary_ed
office of the secretary_u.s. dol
office of the secretary_va
office of the solicitor_u.s. dol
office of the under secretary_ed
office of thrift supervision_treasury
office of vocational and adult education_ed
officer of special education and rehabilitative services_ed
om - privacy, information, record management services_ed
pacific northwest site office_doe
policy and planning_va
postal service and postal inspection service_usps
postal service_usps
privacy office_dhs
public affairs_va
research and innovative technology administration_dot
savannah river office_doe
security & law enforcement_va
south eastern power administration_doe
special inspector general for iraq reconstruction_sigir
united states department of labor_u.s. dol
united states railroad retirement board_us rrb
united states visitor and immigrant status indicator technology_dhs
usps general counsel_usps
veterans affairs central office_va
veterans canteen service vaco_va
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