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Created May 9, 2016 18:51
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Function ParseMarkdown
$MarkdownPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Resources\"
$Object = [ordered]@{}
$Sections = @($Object)
switch -regex -file $MarkdownPath
'^# .*' # Section
$Name = ($Matches[0] -replace '^# ','').Trim()
$Section = [ordered]@{}
$Count = $Sections.Count
$Sections[$Count - 1][$Name] = $Section
'^## .*' # Topic
$Topic = ($Matches[0] -replace '^## ','').Trim()
if (!$Section[$Topic]) { $Section[$Topic] = [ordered]@{} }
'^\* \[.*' # Entry
$Entry = ($Matches[0] -replace '^\* ','').Trim()
$Parse = $Entry -match '^.*\[(.*)\].*\((.*)\)$'
$Description = $Matches[1]
$uri = $Matches[2]
$Section[$Topic] += @{ $Description = $uri }
Return $Object
Import-Module Pester
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.')
. "$here\$sut"
$Markdown = ParseMarkdown
Function Test-ResourceLinks ($InputObject)
Describe 'Testing Resources' {
foreach ($Section in $InputObject.Keys)
foreach ($Topic in $InputObject.$Section.Keys)
Context "Testing URLs in [$($Section) - $($Topic)]" {
foreach ($Entry in $InputObject.$Section.$Topic.Keys)
$Description = $Entry
$Uri = $InputObject.$Section.$Topic.$Description
It "[$($Description)] should have a working Url" {
Write-Verbose -Message "Testing Uri [$($Uri)]"
$Results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -UseBasicParsing
$Results.StatusCode | Should Be '200'
Test-ResourceLinks -InputObject $Markdown
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