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Created January 17, 2016 04:37
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Save gerane/3183353ba4713de06c66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script exports drivers that have been updated by Windows Update
This script exports drivers that have been updated by Windows Update
.PARAMETER DeleteNonUpdated
Switch to specify whether you want to delete the Drivers that were exported and were not Updated by Windows Update.
Useful when troubleshooting.
Get-UpdatedDrivers.ps1 -DeleteNonUpdated
I was having issues with Windows Update breaking MDT Task Sequences after booting into WinPE. Windows Update would
update the NIC drivers and temporarily disable the NIC which killed the Task Sequence. Even if I used the same version
number from the PC vendor, Windows Update was still updating the driver. If I used the exact driver Windows Update was
pushing it finally supressed the update.
Param (
Import-Module -Name 'Dism'
# Decalre Variables
$FolderName = (Get-WmiObject Win32_computersystem).model
$DriverDir = Join-Path -path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $FolderName
$UpdatedDir = Join-Path -Path $DriverDir -ChildPath 'UpdatedDrivers'
$DriverInfoFile = Join-Path -Path $UpdatedDir -ChildPath 'DriverInfo.txt'
# Create Directories
if (!(Test-Path -Path $DriverDir)) { New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot -Name $FolderName -ItemType Directory}
if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatedDir)) { New-Item -Path $DriverDir -Name 'UpdatedDrivers' -ItemType Directory }
# Gather Driver Update Events
$DriverList = @()
$Events = Get-winevent Microsoft-Windows-DeviceSetupManager/Admin | where-object { $_.Message -like '*driver update*' }
$Events | Out-File -FilePath $DriverInfoFile -Force
foreach ($Event in $Events)
# Gather Driver Inf Name from Events
$Record = Get-winevent Microsoft-Windows-DeviceSetupManager/Admin | Where-Object { $_.recordid -eq ($Event.recordid + 1) }
$DriverInf = ($Record.Message | Select-String -Pattern '\S*\.inf').Matches.Value
# Get Driver Directory Name from the original driver path.
$DriverDetails = Get-WindowsDriver -Online -Driver $DriverInf
$DriverDirName = (Get-Item $DriverDetails.originalfilename) | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Leaf | Select-Object -Unique
# Collect Driver Directory Names that have been Updated
if ($DriverList -notcontains $DriverDirName) { $DriverList += $DriverDirName }
$Record | Format-List | Out-File -FilePath $DriverInfoFile -Append -NoClobber -Force
$DriverDetails | Out-File -FilePath $DriverInfoFile -Append -NoClobber -Force
# Export Windows Drivers
Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination $DriverDir -LogPath "$UpdatedDir\ExportLog.txt"
# Copy Updated Driver to Updated Driver Folder
foreach ($DriverName in $DriverList)
$DriverFolder = Join-Path -Path $DriverDir -ChildPath $DriverName
Copy-Item -Path $DriverFolder -Destination $UpdatedDir -Container -Recurse -Force
# Remove Unused Drivers if needed
if ($DeleteNonUpdated.IsPresent) { Get-ChildItem -Path $DriverDir -Exclude 'UpdatedDrivers' | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse }
throw $Error[0]
End {}
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