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Save gerane/3aa40b68ba9825df226eb3ee4293ab75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enumerates WMI providers, the DLLs that back the provider, and the classes hosted by the provider.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
function Get-WmiNamespace {
Param (
$Namespace = 'ROOT',
$BoundParamsCopy = $PSBoundParameters
$null = $BoundParamsCopy.Remove('Namespace')
# Exclude locale specific namespaces
Get-WmiObject -Class __NAMESPACE -Namespace $Namespace -Filter 'NOT Name LIKE "ms_4%"' | ForEach-Object {
$FullyQualifiedNamespace = '{0}\{1}' -f $_.__NAMESPACE, $_.Name
if ($Recurse) {
Get-WmiNamespace -Namespace $FullyQualifiedNamespace @BoundParamsCopy
function Get-WmiProviderAssociation {
$UnhostedClasses = New-Object 'Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.ManagementClass]'
Get-WmiNamespace -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$Namespace = $_
$ClassProviderMapping = @{}
Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -List | % {
if ($_.Qualifiers['Provider']) {
$HostingProvider = $_.Qualifiers['Provider'].Value.ToLower()
if (-not $ClassProviderMapping.ContainsKey($HostingProvider)) {
$ClassProviderMapping[$HostingProvider] = New-Object 'Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.ManagementClass]'
} else {
Get-WmiObject -Namespace $_ -Class __Win32Provider | ForEach-Object {
$ProviderCLSID = $_.CLSID
$ClientCLSID = $_.ClientLoadableCLSID
$ProviderImage = (Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root/default -Class StdRegProv -Name GetStringValue -ArgumentList @([UInt32] 2147483648, "CLSID\$ProviderCLSID\InprocServer32", $null)).sValue
$ClientImage = (Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root/default -Class StdRegProv -Name GetStringValue -ArgumentList @([UInt32] 2147483648, "CLSID\$ClientCLSID\InprocServer32", $null)).sValue
$HostedClasses = $null
if ($ClassProviderMapping.ContainsKey($_.Name.ToLower())) {
$HostedClasses = $ClassProviderMapping[$_.Name.ToLower()]
$Properties = [Ordered] @{
Namespace = $Namespace
ProviderName = $_.Name
HostingModel = $_.HostingModel
ProviderImage = $ProviderImage
ClientImage = $ClientImage
HostedClasses = $HostedClasses
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties
# Add a catch-all entry for all classes for which there is no provider
if ($UnhostedClasses.Count -gt 0) {
# Create a "null" provider object
$Properties = [Ordered] @{
Namespace = $null
ProviderName = $null
HostingModel = $null
ProviderImage = $null
ClientImage = $null
HostedClasses = $UnhostedClasses
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties
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