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Last active August 2, 2021 06:19
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fixed termux-send-sms script after removing the sms feature
set -e -u
# Frist install and give sms permission manually
show_usage () {
echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME -n number[,number2,number3,...] [text]"
echo "Send a SMS message to the specified recipient number(s). The text to send is either supplied as arguments or read from stdin if no arguments are given."
echo " -n number(s) recipient number(s) - separate multiple numbers by commas"
exit 0
while getopts :hn: option
case "$option" in
h) show_usage;;
?) echo "$SCRIPTNAME: illegal option -$OPTARG"; exit 1;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "$RECIPIENTS" ]; then
echo "$SCRIPTNAME: no recipient number given"; exit 1;
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
echo "$SCRIPTNAME: no msg given"
echo $RECIPIENTS | tr ',' '\n' | while read number;do
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/am startservice --user 0 -n -e contact "$number" -e msg "$*" > /dev/null
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for json return problem *work in progress... try2codesecure/ShellMS#23

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Oi Gerardo

Espero que vc esta muito bem.

Muito brigado pelo seu script

Esta ótimo y funciona perfeito desde Termux.

Mais agora estou usando seu script adentro do meu python script y nao funciona mais. Nao tira error. Vc sabe como poder melhorar o meu código para poder enviar messages de SMS desde um script de python? Aqui esta meu código. Acho do que um problema com "import subprocess". Muito brigado pela sua ayuda!

import subprocess
import csv
import time

print("The app is running")
file = open('/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Python/message.txt','r')
smsmessage =

with open('/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Python/numbers.txt') as csvfile:
csv_reader = csvfile.readlines()

counter = 0

num = "+525565391232"["termux-sms-send", "-n", num, smsmessage])
print("message sent to me")
for number in csv_reader:
counter += 1["termux-sms-send", "-n", number, smsmessage])
print("Sent Message " + smsmessage + " to " + number)
print (counter)
if (counter%10==0):
print (counter)["termux-sms-send", "-n", num, smsmessage])

print("Message sending complete")

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@mexicodespierto this script became useless because termux started to support calls and sms again if installed by f-droid. about your script, did you put the script in your PATH? and the subprocess needs a parameter to be able to capture the function's return. in my timezone it's already late, but tomorrow afternoon I'll send you a corrected version of your script.

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Sorry Gerardo. It's already working fine. Thx!

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Hi Gerardo

Looks like I can't put a link inside the message. Any idea how we can fix this? This is my message. Without the link I can send it but adding the link the message won't be sent.

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mexicodespierto commented Aug 2, 2021

I found out, that all messages with the word "Whatsapp" in it... won't get through. Crazy times. So I changed the whatsapp link to a tiny url link... Now I can send it. Thank you Gerardo. Who would have known... that they are blocking this word. Crazy, crazy... I still can't believe it.

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