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Created September 12, 2018 17:08
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Generate 'B0' message from received 'B1' data
# Name:
# Purpose: Generate 'B0' message from received 'B1' data.
# Author: gerardovf
# Created: 05/09/2018
from optparse import OptionParser
import pycurl
from sys import exit
from optparse import OptionParser
#from io import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
# Output:
# Example: AAB035051412DE05C802D5017223A0012332232323323232322332323232322323323223233223322323323232323223323232232323233455
# 0xAA: sync start
# 0xB0: command
# 0x35: len command (dec 53)
# 0x05: bucket count
# 0x14: repeats
# buckets 0-4
# data
# 0x55: sync end
def getInputStr():
#auxStr = '18:30:23 MQT: /sonoff/bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 05 02FD 0E48 14CF 05E6 503C 000000030102010103010103010101010101010104 55"}}'
auxStr = input("Enter B1 line: ")
iPos = auxStr.find('"}}')
if (iPos > 0):
# Strip 'extra' info
#auxStr = auxStr.lower()
myfind = '"Data":"'
iPos1 = auxStr.find(myfind)
if iPos > 0:
auxStr = auxStr[iPos1+len(myfind):iPos]
auxStr = ""
auxStr = ""
return auxStr
def sendCommand(szOutFinal, mydevice):
#buffer = StringIO()
buffer = BytesIO()
url = str("http://{}/ax?c2=191&c1=RfRaw%20".format(mydevice))
url += szOutFinal
print("Sending command to bridge")
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
body = buffer.getvalue()
def main(szInpStr, repVal):
#print("%s" % szInpStr)
if (options.verbose):
print("Repeat: %d" % repVal)
listOfElem = szInpStr.split()
iNbrOfBuckets = int(listOfElem[2])
#print("%d" % iNbrOfBuckets)
# Start packing
szOutAux = "AAB0xx"
szOutAux += listOfElem[2]
strHex = "%0.2X" % repVal
szOutAux += strHex
for i in range(0, iNbrOfBuckets):
strHex = listOfElem[i + 3]
#iValue = int(strHex, 16)
#print("Bucket %d: %s (%d)" % (i, strHex, iValue))
szOutAux += strHex
strHex = listOfElem[iNbrOfBuckets + 3]
szOutAux += strHex
szDataStr = strHex
szOutAux += listOfElem[iNbrOfBuckets + 4]
iLength = int(len(szOutAux) / 2)
iLength -= 4
strHex = "%0.2X" % iLength
szOutFinal = szOutAux.replace('xx', strHex)
if (options.device):
sendCommand(szOutFinal, options.device)
iLength = len(szDataStr)
strFirst = szDataStr[0]
strLast = szDataStr[iLength -1]
strMiddle = szDataStr[1:-1]
iLength = len(strMiddle)
strMiddleNew = ""
for i in range(0, int(iLength/2)):
pos = i * 2
strHex = strMiddle[pos:pos+2]
strMiddleNew += strHex
strMiddleNew += " "
print("Sync: %s%s Data: %s" % (strLast,strFirst,strMiddleNew))
listOfElem1 = strMiddleNew.split()
iNbrOfNibbles = len(listOfElem1)
strFinalBits = " "
for i in range(0, iNbrOfNibbles):
strHex = listOfElem1[i]
if (strHex=="12"):
strFinalBits += "0"
strFinalBits += " "
elif (strHex=="21"):
strFinalBits += "1"
strFinalBits += " "
print("Sync %s" % strFinalBits)
listOfElem2 = strFinalBits.split()
iNbrOfBits = len(listOfElem2)
strFinalDatas = ""
for i in range(0, int(iNbrOfBits/4)):
strHex = listOfElem2[i*4]
strHex += listOfElem2[i*4+1]
strHex += listOfElem2[i*4+2]
strHex += listOfElem2[i*4+3]
iValue = int(strHex, 2)
strFinalDatas += str(iValue)
#print("%s (%d-%s)" % (strHex, iValue, str(iValue)))
print("Hex: %s" % strFinalDatas)
sync_high = listOfElem[3 + 3]
sync_low = listOfElem[3]
bit_high_time = listOfElem[2 + 3]
iValue2 = float(int(listOfElem[2 + 3], 16))
iValue1 = float(int(listOfElem[1 + 3], 16))
iValue = (iValue2 / (iValue2 + iValue1)) * 100
bit_high_duty = hex(int(iValue))
bit_low_time = listOfElem[1 + 3]
iValue = (iValue1 / (iValue2 + iValue1)) * 100
bit_low_duty = hex(int(iValue))
syncBitCount = 0
bit_count_sync_bit_count = hex(iNbrOfBits + syncBitCount)
szOutAux = "7F "
szOutAux += sync_high
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += sync_low
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += bit_high_time
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += bit_high_duty
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += bit_low_time
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += bit_low_duty
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += bit_count_sync_bit_count
szOutAux += " "
szOutAux += strFinalDatas
szOutAux = szOutAux.replace("0x", "")
szOutAux1 = szOutAux.replace(" ", "")
iLength = int(len(szOutAux1) / 2)
strHex = "%0.2X" % iLength
print("\nThe data for command 0xA8 will be:")
print("SYNC_HIGH: bucket 3: %s" % sync_high)
print("SYNC_LOW: bucket 0: %s" % sync_low)
print("BIT_HIGH_TIME: bucket 2: %s" % bit_high_time)
print("BIT_HIGH_DUTY: (100%% / (bucket 2 + bucket 1)) * bucket 2: %s (%d%%)" % (bit_high_duty, iValue))
print("BIT_LOW_TIME: bucket 1: %s" % bit_low_time)
print("BIT_LOW_DUTY: (100%% / (bucket 2 + bucket 1)) * bucket 1: %s (%d%%)" % (bit_low_duty, iValue))
print("BIT_COUNT + SYNC_BIT_COUNT: %s (%d, SYNC_BIT_COUNT = %d)" % (bit_count_sync_bit_count,iNbrOfBits,syncBitCount))
print("Data: %s" % strFinalDatas)
print("Protocol is 0x7F (unknown), Len xx is counting bytes: '%s' == 0x%s" % (szOutAux, strHex))
szOutFinal = "\n'AA A8 "
szOutFinal += strHex
szOutFinal += " "
szOutFinal += szOutAux
szOutFinal += " 55"
szOutFinal += "'\n"
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 0.2")
parser.add_option("-e", "--dev", action="store", type="string",
dest="device", help="device to send RfRaw B0 command")
parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store",
dest="repeat", default=20, help="number of times to repeat")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
dest="debug", default=False, help="show debug info")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
dest="verbose", default=False, help="show more detailed info")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# In program command line put two values (received Raw between '"' and desired repeats)
# Example: "AA B1 05 12DE 05C8 02D5 0172 23A0 0123322323233232323223323232323223233232232332233223233232323232233232322323232334 55" 20
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(args) < 1:
#parser.error("incorrect number of arguments. Use -h or --help")
strInput = getInputStr()
if (len(strInput) > 0):
main(strInput, options.repeat)
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