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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save gerardpaapu/9715126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Optimizer for the filtering subset of our query language

We have a filter, that we want to mechanically prepend conditions to, and we don't want the filter to just get bigger every time we do it. One approach is a function to reduce a filter down to its minimal form (while maintaining correctness).

this function optimize, reduces the ast by propagating constraints over variables to the other side of the && operator, i.e while evaluating the expression to the right of the && we can know that the expression to the left is necessarily true.

We also know that (in the absence of side-effects), A && B is equivalent to B && A, so we optimize it both ways and choose the shallowest result.


x != 6 && x == 6 // given that `x != 6`, reduce `x == 6` to false
x != 6 && false  // x && false -> false
false            // fully reduced
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (minimumBy)
type Var = String
type Values = Set Int
data Ast =
In Var Values
| And Ast Ast
| Not Ast
| Lit Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Constraint =
Prohibited Values
| Permitted Values
deriving (Show)
type Env = Map Var Constraint
empty = Map.empty
combineConstraints :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint
combineConstraints (Prohibited a) (Prohibited b) = Prohibited $ Set.union a b
combineConstraints (Permitted a) (Permitted b) = Permitted $ Set.intersection a b
combineConstraints (Permitted a) (Prohibited b) = Permitted $ Set.difference a b
combineConstraints (Prohibited a) (Permitted b) = Permitted $ Set.difference b a
permit :: String -> Values -> Env
permit k set = Map.singleton k rule
where rule = Permitted set
prohibit k set = Map.singleton k rule
where rule = Prohibited set
invert' :: Constraint -> Constraint
invert' (Permitted a) = Prohibited a
invert' (Prohibited a) = Permitted a
invert :: Env -> Env
invert = fmap invert'
merge :: Env -> Env -> Env
merge = Map.unionWith combineConstraints
extract :: Env -> Ast -> Env
extract env (Lit _) = env
extract env (Not x) = invert $ extract env x
extract env (In var set) = merge env $ permit var set
extract env (And left right) = let l = extract env left
r = extract env right
in merge l r
test' :: Maybe Constraint -> Values -> Maybe Bool
test' (Just (Prohibited a)) b =
if Set.isSubsetOf b a then Just False
else Nothing
test' (Just (Permitted a)) b =
if Set.isSubsetOf b a then Nothing
else Just False
test' con vals = Nothing
test :: Env -> Var -> Values -> Maybe Bool
test env var values = test' con values
where con = Map.lookup var env
minimize :: Env -> Ast -> [Ast]
minimize env (Lit t) = [Lit t]
minimize env (Not (Not ast)) = minimize env ast
minimize env (Not v) = do
ast <- minimize env v
case ast of
(Lit v) -> return $ Lit (not v)
_ -> return $ Not ast
minimize env (In v s) =
case proof of
Just x -> [Lit x]
Nothing -> [In v s]
where proof = test env v s
minimize env (And a b) =
minimizeAnd env a b ++ minimizeAnd env b a
minimizeAnd env a b = do
let env' = extract env a
left <- minimize env a
right <- minimize env' b
return (minimizeAnd' left right)
minimizeAnd' (Lit True) right = right
minimizeAnd' left (Lit True) = left
minimizeAnd' (Lit False) _ = Lit False
minimizeAnd' _ (Lit False) = Lit False
minimizeAnd' left right = And left right
depth (Lit _) = 1
depth (And l r) = 1 + depth l + depth r
depth (Not ast) = 1 + depth ast
depth (In _ _) = 3
deeper a b = depth a `compare` depth b
optimize ast = minimumBy deeper $ minimize empty ast
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