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Created October 18, 2017 17:52
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namespace CRUDSample
open System.IO
open NPoco
open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
type LunchSpot() =
member val ID = 0 with get, set
member val Name = "" with get, set
member val Latitude = 0.0 with get, set
member val Longitude = 0.0 with get, set
member val Cuisine = "" with get, set
member val VegetarianOptions = false with get, set
member val VeganOptions = false with get, set
module LunchAccess =
let private connString = "Filename=" + Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Sample.db")
let private getLunchFetchingQuery filter =
let cuisinePart, hasCuisine =
match filter.Cuisine with
| Some c -> (sprintf "Cuisine = \"%s\"" c, true)
| None -> ("", false)
let vegetarianPart, hasVegetarianPart =
match filter.VegetarianOptions with
| Some v -> (sprintf "VegetarianOptions = \"%d\"" (if v then 1 else 0), true) // Sqlite uses ints 0 and 1 for bools.
| None -> ("", false)
let veganPart, hasVeganPart =
match filter.VeganOptions with
| Some v -> (sprintf "VeganOptions = \"%d\"" (if v then 1 else 0), true) // Sqlite uses ints 0 and 1 for bools.
| None -> ("", false)
if hasCuisine || hasVegetarianPart || hasVeganPart then
"where " + cuisinePart +
(if hasCuisine && hasVegetarianPart then " and " + vegetarianPart else vegetarianPart) +
(if (hasCuisine || hasVegetarianPart) && hasVeganPart then " and " + veganPart else veganPart)
|> Some
let getLunches (filter: LunchFilter) =
use db = new Database(connString)
match getLunchFetchingQuery filter with
| Some query -> db.Fetch<LunchSpot>(query)
| None -> db.Fetch<LunchSpot>()
let createLunch (lunchSpot: LunchSpot) =
let db = new Database(connString)
let updateLunch (lunchSpot: LunchSpot) =
use db = new Database(connString)
let deleteLunch (lunchSpot: LunchSpot) =
use db = new Database(connString)
let webApp =
choose [
route "home" >=> text "You're Home!!"
route "/lunchspot" >=> choose [
GET >=> (fun next ctx ->
let filter = ctx.BindQueryString<LunchFilter>()
let lunchSpots = LunchAccess.getLunches filter
json lunchSpots next ctx
POST >=> (fun next ctx -> task {
let! lunch = ctx.BindJson<LunchSpot>()
LunchAccess.createLunch lunch
return! text (sprintf "Added %s to the lunch spots." lunch.Name) next ctx
PUT >=> (fun next ctx -> task {
let! lunch = ctx.BindJson<LunchSpot>()
LunchAccess.updateLunch lunch
return! text (sprintf "updated %s in lunch spots." lunch.Name) next ctx
DELETE >=> (fun next ctx -> task {
let! lunch = ctx.BindJson<LunchSpot>()
LunchAccess.deleteLunch lunch
return! text (sprintf "dleted %s from lunch spots." lunch.Name) next ctx
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