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Last active June 23, 2017 18:17
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Test format of alternative continuation HttpHandler format to prevent need to warp sync results in async
// Unlike Suave bind format, the idea is that the handlers execute as pre-applied continuations, with the added benefit of
// allowing sync operations to be executed in a handler with no addional and wasteful async/task wrappers as the async/task
// of the subsequent succ/fail Continuation that is called can be returned, passed directly through, unlike bind
open System
open System.Text
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
/// a partially applied function such that it only needs HttpContext input to trigger
type Continuation = HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext>
// Signature of any HttpHandler Function, a function of three inputs, a partially applied success Fn, a partially applied fail Fn,
// and lastly, the HttpContext that is applied at runtime to execute
type HttpHandler = Continuation -> Continuation -> HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext>
/// Combines two HttpHandler functions into one....
/// the handler function inputs, success & fail continuation functions, are passed over the 'a' prefix function, and partially applied
/// to the suffix (latter) handler 'b', creating a Continuation function that is then partially applied as the success function of the
/// prefix 'a' handler, such that partially applied 'b' is run if succ fn in 'a' is called, and the original (ultimate & final)
/// succ fn will be passed down the pipeline to the last handler, having been initially sent in at front of function pipeline.
let compose (a : HttpHandler) (b : HttpHandler) =
fun (succ : Continuation) (fail : Continuation) (ctx:HttpContext) ->
let childCont = b succ fail
let parentCont = a childCont fail
parentCont ctx
let (>=>) = compose
/// ---------------------------
/// Default HttpHandlers
/// ---------------------------
/// Iterates through a list of HttpHandler functions, providing a fail function that points
/// to the next item in the list and if nothing successfull, calling fail function it recieved.
let rec choose (handlers : HttpHandler list) =
fun (succ: Continuation) (fail : Continuation) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
match handlers with
| [] -> fail ctx
| handler :: tail ->
let next = choose tail succ fail //if a branch fails, go to next handler in list
handler succ next ctx
// A sync handler that does not create any additinaly tasks but returns task of continuation executions
let route (path : string) : HttpHandler =
fun succ fail ctx -> // <<< clean simple format
if (getPath ctx).Equals path
then succ ctx
else fail ctx
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