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Last active November 10, 2015 08:18
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Expandable Widget for

An expandable widget base type for


Add data-expsizex and data-expsizey to the widget <li> tag:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1" data-expsizex="2" data-expsizey="2">

When the mouse cursor moves over the widget, it expands to the size specified in these attributes. Also, the onExpand() method of the widget class gets called. When the mouse leaves the widget, its size gets back to the original, and the onReduce() method gets called.


A bit stupid, but working example may be:

class MyWidgetClass extends Dashing.ExpandingWidget
  onData: (data) ->
    @exp_color = data.exp_color
    @color = data.color
    $(@node).css("background-color", data.color)

  onExpand: ->
    $(@node).css("background-color", @exp_color)

  onReduce: ->
    $(@node).css("background-color", @color)

This accepts color and exp_color in the incoming data, and assigns the normal background color immediately. When the widget is expanded, exp_color is set as the background.

class Dashing.ExpandingWidget extends Dashing.Widget
@::on 'ready', ->
@g = $('.gridster ul:first').gridster().data('gridster')
dset = $(@node).parent()[0].dataset
if dset.expsizex or dset.expsizey
@orig_data = {
"row": dset.row,
"col": dset.col,
"height": dset.sizey,
"width": dset.sizex,
"exp_height": dset.expsizey,
"exp_width": dset.expsizex,
$(@node).parent().on 'mouseenter', null, this, (event) ->'expand')
$(@node).parent().on 'mouseleave', null, this, (event) ->'reduce')
@::on 'expand', ->
widget_li = $(@node).parent()
@g.resize_widget(widget_li, @orig_data.exp_width, @orig_data.exp_height)
widget_li[0].dataset.row = @orig_data.row
widget_li[0].dataset.col = @orig_data.col
@::on 'reduce', ->
widget_li = $(@node).parent()
@g.resize_widget(widget_li, @orig_data.width, @orig_data.height)
widget_li[0].dataset.row = @orig_data.row
widget_li[0].dataset.col = @orig_data.col
onExpand: =>
# Widgets should override this to run stuff when the widget is expanded
onReduce: =>
# Widgets should override this to run stuff when the widget is reduced
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