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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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# string declaration
my_str1 = 'simple text'
my_str2 = "simple text 2"
my_multiline_str = """Hey, this
is a multiline
string in python"""
my_unicode_str = "This is a unicode string containing some special characters like:éáő"
print(my_unicode_str) # unicode strings are marked with u"string value"
my_p2_unicode_str = u"This a python 2.x unicode string."
my_p2_unicode_str2 = unicode("This a python 2.x unicode string.")
my_utf8_str = my_p2_unicode_str.encode("utf-8")
my_ascii_str = my_p2_unicode_str.encode("ascii")
# concatenation and multiplication of strings
start_str1 = "The quick brown fox jumps..."
start_str2 = "over the lazy dog "
concatenated_string = start_str1 + start_str2
print(concatenated_string) # will print The quick brown fox jumps...over the lazy dog
list_str = str([1,2,3])
print(list_str) # will print - "[1, 2, 3]"
joined_str = "|".join(str(x) for x in [3,2,1])
print(joined_str) # will print - 3|2|1
duplicate_str = start_str1 * 2 + start_str2 * 2
print(duplicate_str) # will print The quick brown fox jumps...The quick brown fox jumps...over the lazy dog over the lazy dog
# string searching
str1 = "This is a sample string which I will use to showcase search methods of python"
print(str1.find("sample")) # will print 10
str1 = str1.replace("e", "3")
print(str1) # will print - This is a sampl3 string which I will us3 to showcas3 s3arch m3thods of python
# formatting numbers
s1 = "{0:d} is a number".format(133)
print(s1) # will print - 133 is a number
s2 = "{0:f} is a number".format(133.987)
print(s2) # will print - 133.987000 is a number
s3 = "{0:.2f} is a number".format(133.987)
print(s3) # will print - 133.99 is a number --> notice the rounding
# format with multiple parameters
s4 = "{0} are red, {1} are pink, {2} smell good, but...".format("roses", "violets", "flowers")
print(s4) # will print - roses are red, violets are pink, flowers smell good, but...
# named parameters and dictionary passing
full_name = "John Doe"
current_age = 34
s5 = "{name} is {age} years old.".format(name=full_name, age=current_age)
print(s5) # will print - John Doe is 34 years old.
vals = { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "age":33 }
s6 = "{first_name} {last_name} is {age} years old.".format(**vals)
print(s6) # will print - John Doe is 33 years old.
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