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Last active July 16, 2019 14:32
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Category-indexed monads
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, RebindableSyntax, RecordWildCards #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
class CatMonad (m :: forall (x :: k) (y :: k). c x y -> Type -> Type) where
type Id m :: c x x
type Cat m (f :: c x y) (g :: c y z) :: c x z
xpure :: a -> m (Id m) a
xbind :: m f a -> (a -> m g b) -> m (Cat m f g) b
data CatMonadKit (m :: forall (x :: k) (y :: k). c x y -> Type -> Type) = CatMonadKit
{ pure, return :: forall a. a -> m (Id m) a
, (>>=) :: forall f g a b. m f a -> (a -> m g b) -> m (Cat m f g) b
, (>>) :: forall f g a b. m f a -> m g b -> m (Cat m f g) b
catMonad :: forall (m :: forall (x :: k) (y :: k). c x y -> Type -> Type). (CatMonad m) => CatMonadKit m
catMonad = CatMonadKit
{ pure = xpure
, return = xpure
, (>>=) = xbind
, (>>) = \m n -> xbind m (const n)
-- Example #1: Indexed writer for an arbitrary Category.
-- There can be edges between any two objects.
data CatEdge x y = CE
newtype IWriter cat i j (q :: CatEdge i j) a = IWriter { runIWriter :: (a, cat i j) }
instance Category cat => CatMonad (IWriter cat) where
type Id (IWriter cat) = CE
type Cat (IWriter cat) _ _ = CE
xpure a = IWriter (a, id)
xbind (IWriter (a, f)) k =
let IWriter (b, g) = k a in
IWriter (b, f >>> g)
itell :: (Category cat) => cat i j -> IWriter cat i j CE ()
itell f = IWriter ((), f)
ilisten :: (Category cat) => IWriter cat i j CE a -> IWriter cat i j CE (a, cat i j)
ilisten w = IWriter $
let (x, f) = runIWriter w
in ((x, f), f)
ipass :: (Category cat) => IWriter cat i j CE (a, cat i j -> cat i j) -> IWriter cat i j CE a
ipass w = IWriter $
let ((x, censor), f) = runIWriter w
in (x, censor f)
helloWriter :: IWriter (->) Double Bool CE String
helloWriter = do
itell round
itell even
return True
itell not
return "foo"
-- doesn't quite work yet :/
-- CatMonadKit{..} = catMonad @_ @_ @(IWriter (->))
-- Note: these MUST be defined non-pointfree, otherwise their type
-- is not generalized enough.
pure x = xpure @_ @_ @(IWriter (->)) x
m >>= n = xbind @_ @_ @(IWriter (->)) m n
return x = pure x
m >> n = m >>= const n
-- Example #2: Counter. Index category is the (Nat, 0, +) monoid: a
-- single object, and one morphism per natural number.
data NatEdge (x :: ()) (y :: ()) where
NE :: Nat -> NatEdge '() '()
type family NatPlus (n :: NatEdge x y) (m :: NatEdge y z) :: NatEdge x z where
NatPlus (NE n) (NE m) = NE (n + m)
newtype Counter (i :: ()) (j :: ()) (q :: NatEdge i j) a = Counter { runCounter :: a }
instance CatMonad Counter where
type Id Counter = NE 0
type Cat Counter f g = NatPlus f g
xpure = Counter
xbind act k = Counter $ runCounter $ k $ runCounter act
tick :: Counter '() '() (NE 1) ()
tick = Counter ()
-- > :t hello
-- hello :: Counter '() '() ('E 3) Integer
helloCounter = do
x <- pure 4
y <- pure 5
pure $ x + y
-- CatMonadKit{..} = catMonad @_ @_ @Counter
pure x = xpure @_ @_ @Counter x
m >>= n = xbind @_ @_ @Counter m n
return x = pure x
m >> n = m >>= const n
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