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Created June 3, 2012 14:11
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A .mrjob.conf to run Pandas with EMR
aws_access_key_id: youraccountid
#aws_region: us-west-1 your region. us east by default
aws_secret_access_key: yoursecretkey
# probably this is a good idea
- s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/configurations/latest/memory-intensive
# we disable this since it is run before our shell script and installs mrjob for python 2.6
bootstrap_mrjob: False
- s3n://yourbucket/emr_resources/
- chmod 755;./
# specifying an ssh key pair allows us to ssh tunnel to the job tracker
# and fetch logs via ssh
ec2_key_pair: keyname
ec2_key_pair_file: /home/$USER/.ssh/keyname.pem
# use beefier instances in production
ec2_instance_type: m1.large
# master large because otherwise it is small and may end up being 32 bit
# which would need 32 bit builds.
ec2_master_instance_type : m1.large
# but only use one unless overridden
num_ec2_instances: 1
ec2_master_instance_bid_price: 0.15
ec2_core_instance_bid_price: 0.15
#ec2_task_instance_bid_price: 0.15
#adjust this
TZ: Europe/Berlin
s3_log_uri: s3://yourbucket/tmp/logs/
s3_scratch_uri: s3://yourbucket/tmp/
# put any folder of your choice here. it should exist
base_tmp_dir: /home/$USER/emr/output/local
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